This is war alls fair du.., p.1
This Is War: All's Fair Duet (Evermore University Book 1), page 1

3. RYA
7. RYA
8. RYA
11. RYA
12. RYA
14. RYA
15. RYA
19. RYA
22. RYA
24. RYA
27. RYA
29. RYA
Also by Leila James
About the Author
Copyright © 2024 by LEILA JAMES
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Created with Vellum
Editing: Krista Dapkey
Photography: Michelle Lancaster
Cover Design: Lori Jackson
Model: Dylan Bampton
“If U Think I’m Pretty” Artemas
“Angel” Toby Mai
“All I Wanted Was U - Sped Up” Ex Habit, Omido
“Wish It On You” Voilà, AViVA
“Risk” Gracie Abrams
“Burned” Britton
“Rush” Dutch Melrose, Benny Mayne
“One One” Travie’s Nightmare
“Caught It” Voilà, Chrissy Costanza, Against the Current
“Pretty Please” Dutch Melrose, Benny Mayne
“On Your Knees” Ex Habit
“Another One” Toby Mai
“Match Made in Hell” Dutch Melrose, Benny Mayne
“Steal My Skin” Jade LeMac
“Letdown” Letdown
“I Won’t Beg for You” Chri$tian Gate$
“7 Minutes in Hell” Chrissy Constanza, Voilà
This Is War is the first book in the All’s Fair Duet, centering around two men and one woman. It’ll eventually be MMF.
WARNING: This duet contains dark elements, graphic content, and situations that some readers may be particularly sensitive to. If you have triggers or are remotely unsure, please check out the Content Warnings on my website, available through the link below.
A mistake is about to be made. I feel it on a cellular level. But looking into my best friend’s pleading eyes, the soft shade of green is so damn mesmerizing, I know there will be no denying Rya. She bites the corner of her pink-stained bottom lip. Here comes the verbal portion of her attack.
She leans in, gently grasping my hand as she whispers, “Please, Logan? Hazel wants to go, and you know she needs a buddy at these parties. I’m more comfortable when you’re with us.” She shrugs, giving me a hopeful smile, her cheeks rosy from the cold. “You are so good at the whole party scene. It’s easy for you. Everyone loves you. And if I don’t go with her …”
I eye her bubbly roommate talking animatedly to some guy a stone’s throw down the path that runs in front of Greek Row. Blowing out a hard breath, I finish her sentence. “Yeah. She’ll find trouble. Again. Like she did the entirety of first semester at every party the two of you attended.” I suppose it’s better to be there to intercept any potential problems before they happen, rather than coming to the rescue after the fact.
It’s not that I have any issue with Hazel, I like her. While she’s probably not the best influence on Rya, she is the one who has brought my friend out of her shell, if only the tiniest bit. So, she’s not an awful person … she just has no concept of when she’s heading for imminent disaster.
I glance over at the Tri-Beta frat house and the dark gray stones that make up the facade. The place creeps me out. It’s as if anyone who dares enter is swallowed up as soon as they push through the front door. It’s mostly the same all over campus, though. Evermore University definitely isn’t the most welcoming. The grounds are well kept, but the buildings are old, vines and moss and who knows what else crawling over them. In my mind, it’s a rather dreary, ominous atmosphere for an institution of higher learning, but I’ve never heard anyone else say anything about it, so maybe it’s just me.
Releasing a steady exhale into the crisp mid-January air, I contemplate what’ll happen if I don’t go to the party with these two. It’ll be the same old song. I know damn well Rya will end up dealing with the consequences of her friend’s poor choices, whether it be hooking up with the wrong guy or having way too much to drink. Ever since we became friends at the beginning of our senior year of high school, I’ve protected Rya from people like this.
Bottom line, if she wants to go to this welcome-back-to-campus party, there’s no way in hell I’m not going, too. I draw in a breath and nod. “Yeah. I’ll go with you.”
“You’re sure?” She winces as she studies my face, looking for any sign I’m not into it. We know each other too well for me to attempt hiding anything from her. She scrunches up her nose in that cute way she has while digging her hands deeper into her pockets. “It’ll be fun. I promise. We’ll have a good time. I’ll make sure of it.” Her eyes sparkle, catching the light from a lamp along the walkway.
I rake a hand through my tousled hair. “Rya, I’m not going to say no to you.” Never have. Not once. And I never will. I plaster an easygoing smile on my face as I pull her to me for a quick hug. “Go pry Hazel away from the guy that’s been drooling all over her for the last five minutes.”
With a rush of happiness, she grins up at me. “Thanks, Logan. I’ll just be one sec.” She begins to walk away, then spins around. “Where’s Levi tonight, anyway?”
I snort. Who the hell knows where my roommate is. “Could already be inside the party for all I know. He didn’t say where he was going, just took off earlier like his pants were on fire. Probably looking to get laid. The man has been on a mission. I’ve lost track of the body count he’s racking up.”
Rolling her eyes, Rya laughs and shakes her head, making her long, loose curls bounce around her shoulders. “Cool. Well, maybe we’ll see him later.” She pivots, hurrying toward Hazel.
My eyes flick over Rya’s lithe dancer’s body appreciatively. Even the puffy coat she’s wearing can’t conceal the fact she’s in amazing shape, and the artfully ripped skinny jeans mold to her legs like they were painted on. Back in the dorm, I’d seen the rest of her outfit, so I know what’s hiding under the coat. The slim-fitting long-sleeved shirt leaves a tantalizing sliver of skin on display at her midriff. She’s rather delicate and completely graceful but can get feisty when the situation merits it. Pretty much every guy’s wet dream. It’s tough being her best friend sometimes, constantly aware of the way she’s watched by hungry eyes.
“Hey, Hazel.” I lift a hand in greeting as the girls join me, breaking into my thoughts.
She gives me a cheeky smile. “Hey yourself, Logan. Ready to get a little crazy tonight? Do a little dancing? Maybe a little drinking?” She reaches out, giving me a slight shove. “You know you want to. Besides, everyone loves it when you actually show up.”
My brow raises. True enough, I suppose, but I’d still rather not wake up with my mouth dry and my head pounding and have to rehydrate so I don’t die during my morning workout. But fuck it. I could use a drink after dealing with my stepfather over break.
“It’d do you good to cut loose for a little bit before your season kicks off.” Rya’s smile is bright, and it doesn’t take me more than a second or two of convincing from her to put me in an agreeable mood.
“Sounds good. Let’s go.” I gesture toward the dark doorway awaiting us. What’s going on in there that almost all the lights are off? Through the windows, it’s obvious that the place is very dimly illuminated. Kinda like when they held the Halloween party a few months ago. The one where I had to rescue Rya from some dickhead who had backed her into a corner. People take some fucked-up liberties and do shit they normally wouldn’t dream of when they’re disguised in costume. At least that’s how Rya put it to me while pleading with me not to kick the guy’s ass.
I don’t have more time to think about it, though, because Rya and Hazel have disappeared through the dark doorway. Following, I jet up the stairs.
“Name, please.” I’m jerked to a halt by some frat dude grabbing my arm before I can venture more than a foot into the house. He’s grinning at me, kinda full of himself as he waits for me to answer, his thumbs poised over his phone, like he’s making a list of everyone entering the frat. Weird. And it’s quiet inside. Even weirder.
My brows fur
“Ah. I’ve heard of you.” He nods. “The new pitcher, right?”
“Uh, yeah.” If my status on the baseball team gets me in the door, whatever. I frown, then jut my chin at his phone. “What’re you taking names for?”
He gives me a sly smile. “You’ll see. You can join the party. Drop your phone in the basket at the first door on the right. Head downstairs.”
This is unusual. I have no clue what’s happening, but we’ll find out. Rya waits for me at the doorway. “Hazel already went downstairs. Why do you think they’re not having the party up here?”
“No fucking idea. We can always go if it’s lame.” With that in mind, I leave my phone in the basket as requested and take her hand before we venture down the steps together.
The stairwell opens to a large room. Up ahead of us, Hazel wanders through the small crowd, looking around with a frown on her face. When we reach her, she shrugs. “I think this is a dry party or something. There aren’t any drinks anywhere.”
“Not a single red Solo cup either,” Rya murmurs as she completes a full turn, taking in the scene. People are mostly standing around talking. A few dance to the music thrumming through the speaker system. But the girls are right. No liquor or beer in sight. How fucking strange is that? And there aren’t many people down here at all, even though it’s half past ten.
I’m about to suggest to the girls that we head back to the dorm when the volume of the music lowers and a booming voice sounds. I turn swiftly, finding a guy standing on a chair in the middle of the room.
“I’m Trip Bentley, the president of this fraternity. I’m pleased to say we’ve got something special in store for the first ladies and gents who have graced Tri-Beta with their presence tonight. The twenty-four people in this room are about to undergo a surprise social experiment.” He flashes a wicked grin as he looks around the room at the shock and confusion gracing more than one face. “Are. You. Ready?”
What the fuck? I groan, not at all sure I’m up for this … and even less sure Rya is by the leery frown on her face.
One guy laughs, a loud “Oh, shit” rumbling from his throat.
Another dude punches his hand into the air. “Fuck, yes.”
“OMG, I’m scared,” squeaks a blonde over in the corner.
Hazel shoots me a mildly excited grin while Rya grasps my arm, practically gluing herself to my side.
“You may have noticed when you came in that we were keeping a tally of men and women who entered and taking names of each guy who came down here. We’re going to pair you up first, then we’ll explain the rest.”
There’s a low rumble from the smallish crowd as to whether we have to do this or if we’re allowed to join the party getting started above our heads instead.
“We don’t get to choose who we do this … this thing with?” one girl shouts, a wild look in her eyes.
Trip shakes his head, grinning widely. “Nope, the closest you get to choosing is selecting a name from the bucket. It’s a random selection process.” He pauses, eyeing us as a group. “And there’s no leaving, either.” He winks. “Yeah, I heard your grumbling, but you must play our game if you want to stay.”
Ah, fuck. I dip my head close to Rya’s ear and whisper, “Why do I get the feeling that means we’re the entertainment for the evening?”
She shrugs, mouthing “Sorry” to me, but I shake my head, letting her know it’s okay. It’s not her fault some of these frats enjoy hazing their partygoers and not just their pledges.
“Okay, ladies, you’ll take a single piece of paper from the bucket and find your partner for the challenge.” Another Tri-Beta brother moves around the room, allowing the girls to draw a name. Some seem excited, and others, not so much. The problem is, we have no idea what this so-called social experiment entails. And it seems we’re stuck here unless we want to argue before being blacklisted. Because that’s how it works. No one disagrees with the antics of the frats on campus. It’d be social suicide.
The guy with the bucket stops in front of Hazel, and she reaches in to retrieve a name. She’s almost giddy as she opens it. But then, her nose wrinkles. She glances over at me, a twist to her lips. “I’ve got you, Logan.” She turns her head, her eyes meeting Trip’s. “Hey, can we trade?”
Before he can answer, a guy I know from our dorm mutters from beside us, “Damn, Logan,” shaking his head and laughing with mirth. “What’d you do to her, lover boy?”
Hazel rolls her eyes. “I just thought Rya might like to be with Logan.”
As she says it, it occurs to me that depending on what’s about to happen that could be more awkward than anything else. But … she’s right. Rya would probably prefer it.
Trip shakes his head. “’Fraid not, little lady. That’s what random selection means. You get who you get.” His gaze flicks to me. “Logan’s a cool guy. You’ll be fine. Some of the rest of you? Maybe not so much.” He snickers, then gestures that the bucket boy should finish distributing names. Pretty soon, it’s just Rya left, and I look around to see which guy isn’t paired up, but I can’t figure it out.
“I’m nervous,” she mumbles as she reaches for the final piece of paper, fishing it out of the bucket. She looks at it, her brows drawing together, then shrugs like she must not know the name. Wetting her lips, she calls out, “Jaxon Ledger.”
Some catcalls go up at the same time my hackles rise. You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. I heave out a breath, scanning the room, but before I can locate him, he’s tapped Rya’s shoulder and draws her away from me. I don’t hear what he says to her or get the chance to say a goddamn word to warn her before Trip begins bellowing out more instructions. My mind descends into a state of chaos.
Whatever we’re doing here tonight … she’s doing it with my fucking stepbrother.
The look on Logan’s face will be imprinted on my mind for the foreseeable future. It’s fuckin’ funny the way he’d been looking around the room to find out who his girl was to be paired up with, all while I was standing behind him, waiting for the bomb to drop. Did my buddy Trip owe me a favor? Sure as fuck did. And this is the perfect opportunity to cash in on it.
Logan stares boldly at me, his jaw tightening like he’s grinding his teeth. He’s pissed? Good. Me too. Always. I’m catching a touch-her-and-die vibe that makes me want to put my hands all over her tight little body. I let my gaze roam from head to toe while he watches. She looks so fucking innocent. So sweet. Might not be anymore, once I get through with her. I haven’t quite decided on my full course of action, but savage, deplorable ideas of how to handle this are forming in my head.
The hate I feel for my stepbrother is like a sickness, and the two of us in the same room will lead to certain disaster. Ever since my dad married his mom two years ago, the guy has been fucking up my entire life. He’s the bane of my existence. I can’t fucking stand him. And the fact that we’re about to be thrown together way more often has me on edge in a way that’s going to turn me into a motherfucking monster. He’s the reason for every disappointment I’ve had.
Then, I’d clawed my way free of him by coming to Evermore University, made it into a place I could thrive … and he couldn’t just stay the fuck away. Couldn’t pick another goddamn school, had to follow me here and get in my face again. We managed to steer clear of each other for an entire semester, but shit’s changed in the last few weeks. Circumstances at home have worsened, and Dad’s no fucking help at all. So, Logan will pay for it. He’ll pay for all of it. And this is where it starts.
I glance down at the girl standing beside me. She can’t control the trembling of her body. She radiates anxiety as we wait to find out what Trip and his Tri-Beta brothers have planned. As it is, it’ll be an interesting night, keeping my hatred for my stepbrother to myself while coaxing his girl to forget he ever existed.
When a dozen guys thunder down the stairs, each going to a different pair of us, I chuckle internally. I have a feeling this is going to be good. Exactly the sort of thing that’ll drive Logan fucking crazy. A Tri-Beta stops in front of us. Rya tilts her head to look up at me, eyes wild as the frat bro zip-ties our wrists together, my left to her right. It’s not tight or anything, but I test the bond, and there’s no way even her small hand is escaping. She’s fuckin’ stuck with me. I love it. Rya has a slightly different reaction, which is totally understandable.