Angel book 1 guardian, p.1
Angel Book 1 - Guardian, page 1

Book 1
‘The Guardian’
Katrina Kahler
Copyright 2015 by KC Global Enterprises
Have you ever had the feeling that someone is watching you, but you can’t see anyone? The hairs on your arms stand to attention. After gulping down a quick breath you stop breathing so you can listen, but all you can hear is your heartbeat thumping. You turn and glance behind, your eyes darting everywhere, but nothing is there.
I had this feeling on my way home from work tonight. My body tensed, it told me something was amiss. Did I listen to these warning signs? Well, I did, for a moment I stopped walking and listened, then dismissed it, a watery smile forced into place, I was just being a coward.
The train station is just around the corner from my home. A short alleyway leads to the station. During the day I love to walk along it, there are no houses, just beautiful trees and gardens where I love to watch the butterflies dance.
My boss at the café, kept me behind, she wanted to talk about my roster and I missed my usual train. Knowing that I wouldn’t make it home before dark, my friend Emma offered me a lift home. But I told her no, the train is fine. Emma’s house is in the opposite direction, it would have been out of her way to drop me home.
As I entered the alleyway I found it difficult to see. The clouds had closed in and were blocking out the moon, so I stopped and pulled out my phone as a light. It was then that I felt a flitter on the back of my neck. Had a bird flown past me or maybe a butterfly or a grasshopper? Strange for that to happen at night. I stopped and looked around but nothing was there. I continued on, humming softly to myself. Then I felt it again, more noticeable this time. A bat, it had to be a bat! I faltered, my breath caught in my throat. There was nothing there, just me and a bat!
Tentatively, I took a few more steps and felt air blowing on my back. My heart was beating out of control. Wildly, I swung around and once again, I was met with nothing. Nothing but my overactive imagination. I sighed and shook my head and continued walking.
It was then that the eerie sound of footsteps cut through the silence. I could barely see the figure dressed in dark clothes approaching me from behind a large, old oak tree on the side of the road. I didn’t know what to do. At first I froze. I felt rooted to the spot and then as if I had been jolted awake, I started to run as fast as my legs would carry me. I looked back and was horrified to see three dark shapes chasing after me.
Looking back was a huge mistake. My feet tangled, I tripped and fell flat on my face. My phone flew from my hand. I was trapped. They had surrounded me, three men dressed in dark clothes. I could see the whites of their teeth smirking at me. A primal scream escaped from the depths of my being and one of them roughly slapped his large, calloused hand over my mouth, pushing the back of my head into the jagged stones of the road. Cries for help were extinguished. They still hadn’t spoken, but I knew they intended to hurt me. They were tall, dressed in black with hoodies over their heads. They smelled of hate and I could sense their evil intentions oppressing me.
One of them was tipping out my bag. He grabbed my wallet and started going through it, pulling out the notes and cards. The one with his hand over my mouth, to stifle my screams sat on me. I desperately tried to wriggle free and hit him. It was then that I knew I was in terrible danger. He put his other hand around my throat and slowly squeezed. I couldn’t breathe. My lungs were screaming for air and my throat was being crushed. He was squeezing the life out of me. Finally he spoke in a low and eerily calm voice, “Yell, or hit me again, and you’re dead!”
My heart was beating so wildly I thought it would explode and then he took his hand off my throat. I gasped, trying to suck in air. Hot tears flowed down my cheeks. I knew I was in deep danger. And then the third guy started to undo my jeans. Oh My God! They were going to rape me! My throat was still rasping for breath when he roughly shoved his hand over my mouth again. My still silent screams for help went unanswered as my jeans were pulled off.
I squeezed my eyes shut and my body shuddered at what was about to happen. It was then that I felt and heard a flutter of wings. His hand came off my mouth and he fell backwards away from me. I lay there blubbering, speechless and incoherent. And then I noticed that the men were running away. They were screaming too. Blackness descended and I plunged into nothingness.
“Can you hear me?” It was the sound of a soft female voice. I opened my eyes and a nurse was standing over me. I looked around. Lots of bright lights and white sheets. “You’re okay Ella, you’ve bumped your head in a fall, you’re safe, we’re looking after you,” Words of encouragement that I was so relieved to hear.
Then Mom appeared, “What happened Ella? We found you in the alleyway, out cold, your bag contents were scattered everywhere.”
“Mom, did they rape me?” I had to know.
“What are you talking about Ella?” she replied with deep concern etched on her face.
“There were three of them. Before I blacked out…they pulled my jeans off.”
“Ella, your jeans were on. Were there men chasing you? What happened?”
Mom quietly asked the doctor if I had been sexually assaulted and he replied, “No, but she does have a nasty cut on her head and her hands are scratched and bruised from her fall.”
“I think a bird attacked them, it must have been an owl or a bat,” I yelled. They all looked at me in sympathy.
The doctor put his hand on my shoulder, sincerely looking into my eyes, “Head traumas can cause the brain to imagine stories to explain your accident, Ella.”
I tightly clinched my eyes shut. None of it made sense. If it was a dream, well it certainly was a realistic one! I went back to sleep, feeling a deep sense of confusion, but knowing I was safe.
The next morning I was released from the hospital with a warning to take it easy and to carry a torch in future so I don’t trip in the dark. I gave the doctor a strained smile and thanked him for his help.
As soon as I arrived home, I checked my bag. My wallet was still there and the money and cards were in it. But how could that be?
My throat was sore, but the doctors had explained that I had strained it in the fall. As the day wore on…bruises started to appear. Fingerprints. I knew it! It was real! I had been attacked in the alleyway. I just had no idea what had saved me.
I first noticed her when I took her older brother, Tommy, to the light. Tommy had struggled for years with a terrible cancer that ate his body until he could fight no more. I sat with him for the last two weeks of his human life. Holding his hand and telling him that it was going to be alright. I assured him that when the time came, I would take him home.
Humans struggle with death of the physical body. I think it is because they are unsure of what will happen next. Some don’t, and that’s because they know. Tommy knew. He was so calm. His only real regret was the sadness that he was aware he would leave behind. He loved his family and they dearly loved him.
Tommy’s little brother, Jack, could sense me. He would walk towards me and stand there and smile. I would send him love and I could see his body relax and his aura soar.
Just before Tommy passed, Jack told his parents that the angel was waiting to take Tommy to Heaven. His Dad looked shocked and in a breaking voice told him not to be ridiculous, then he walked out of the room and burst into silent tears. His Mom assured Jack that indeed Tommy would go to Heaven and that he would be loved and cared for. His sister, Ella, walked over and gave Jack a huge hug and then she lay on the bed with Tommy, cuddled him and kissed his forehead. She showed him pure love and that was when I could see right into her heart. There was nothing bad in this 17 year-old girl. She had no agenda, there was no falseness or nastiness in her core; she was pure and loving. The way she gently pulled her fingers through Tommy’s hair and rubbed his weary and aching legs was beautiful.
As an angel I see all types of people. I’m not supposed to judge them, they are all on their own journey. But Ella was different. She was fascinating, beautiful; so warm and caring.
I watched her heart break as her brother took his last breath and his spirit left his body. She said a silent prayer that only she, Tommy and I could hear. Ella asked for Tommy to be loved as much as she loved him, for the rest of time. As Tommy and I went towards the light, he stopped, went back and hugged Jack, Ella and his parents. I told Tommy that he could visit his family whenever he wanted. He liked that idea and told them that he was free now and that he felt wonderful. With a radiant smile on his face he asked them not to be sad. The good spirits always ask for this. I wish the humans could hear, it would help them so much. Tommy also asked me to watch over his family. I promised, and took him to the light.
And that is how I met Ella, the most beautiful soul I have ever come across.
The night she was attacked I tried to warn her. She could feel me, but being a human she didn’t realize it was a warning, she thought she was being paranoid. Angels are not supposed to interfere in human life. But I had promised Tommy and I couldn’t stand by and watch three dark and dirty souls invade Ella. They didn’t know what had knocked them away from her. But it was obvious from their terror that they knew it was a force not to be challenged.
Sometimes girls are so needy. My girlfriend, Ella called me this morning. She had an accident yesterday and wanted me to come and spend time with her. I do love her, let’s face it, she is hot! But I am a busy
I first met Ella in our final term at school, she couldn’t help but fall for me. James and I had a bet on who could date her first. James is smooth, he describes himself as a “girl whisperer”. He thought he’d win and to be honest so did I. That’s why I went all out. I bought her flowers, carried her books, went to Ella’s house and studied with her and I even charmed her good old Mom. She had no choice but to say yes to a date.
Our first date was to the movies and I chose a “girly” romantic comedy. I didn’t watch the movie, I just worked on making Ella feel good. I snuggled against her and gently held her hand. Then we went for a walk and had coffee. She told me all about her life. I realized she is actually pretty interesting. She is really caring and kind. Ella is really different to all the other girls I have dated.
My last girlfriend was Tiffany, she was a cheerleader for my football team. Long, long legs, a super hot body, beautiful long blonde hair and big green eyes. Even now, I feel steamy just thinking about her. She wasn’t as smart or as nice as Ella. Tiff liked to hang out with the “cool” group. Appearance was everything! I can remember her losing one of her fake nails, it was like the world was going to end! After a month she dropped me. A new player had joined the football team, every girl wanted him, including Tiff.
As I was saying, I’m not the type of guy who wants to sit around and talk all day. I like action. And today my friends and I are going mountain biking down a new track one of the guys has found. I lied to Ella and told her I was too busy with schoolwork. Girls believe the most incredibly lame excuses.
I told her I would come around tonight and see her. She didn’t seem very happy, but she isn’t going to control my life. She’s my girlfriend, not my mother!
Mom and Dad tucked me into bed. I felt like a little kid again, but I needed their gentle touch. Last night shattered me. I’m still totally confused and I feel scared.
I phoned Taylor and asked if he could come around and spend the day with me. He’s busy, his English assignment is due tomorrow. That is something I love about Taylor, he is really committed to his studies. Often he stays at home on the weekends, studying. He told me that his parents have paid a lot for his education so far and he wants to be the best he can be, just for them.
Taylor and I have been dating for 2 months now. He’s my first boyfriend and I love him. He swept me off my feet…he’s so romantic. I’ll never forget the first time he held my hand. I think I stopped breathing! Tingles raced up my arm and I felt so warm, soft and excited. On the next date he kissed me on the lips. At first I was shocked. I didn’t expect it to be like this. His tongue pushed between my lips. I didn’t know what to do, so I just went along. I have to say I didn’t really enjoy that first kiss.
Taylor wants more, but I’m not ready yet. He is so sweet, he totally understands and respects my wishes.
Nothing is on TV, so I figure I may as well relax and try to catch up on some sleep.
Nightmares invade my dreams. Flashes of the attack hit me like short sharp lightning strikes. In the darkness I can see eyes shining in the distance, the smell of stale sweat, the sting and pain of being pushed into the road and a flitter of wings. I quickly sit up and look around. Only a dream. But not really, I know this happened. I’m scared. Mom and Dad race in, they have heard my screams. Holding me in their arms I feel safe again, and drift off once more.
Yesterday, I finished my final exam for high school. What a relief! For the past month I’ve done nothing but study and finish assignments. Things with Taylor are going well, but we haven’t seen each other much lately, so today we went to the Fun Park together. I warned him that I love scary rides and that he had to come on every one of them with me!
He looked gorgeous when he arrived to pick me up. He was smiling his beautiful smile and wearing the T-Shirt I gave him for his birthday. He was so funny the way he walked up our garden pathway modeling his new clothes, pretending he was on a catwalk. Little did he realize that Mom and Dad were watching him as well! He spotted them and gave a bedazzling smile. “Hi, Mr. Hudson and Mrs. Hudson, don’t you just love this shirt Ella gave me? Your daughter is one of a kind, I’m so lucky that she likes me.”
“She is lucky to have you too, Taylor,” smiled Mom. Dad didn’t say anything, he still doesn’t trust any boy around his “princess”.
We said our farewells and jumped into Taylor’s car. He has a VW convertible, it is an older one, but it’s so cool! Taylor beeped the horn and slowly drove off. Once we were around the corner, he turned the music up and went a lot faster.
We arrived at the Fun Park and Taylor opened the door for me. The day was sunny and warm, exams were over and I was with the most wonderful boy in the world. He makes me feel so happy and special. And then I blurted out, “Taylor, when I am around you, my heart feels full.”
He turned to look at me in a quizzical way, his head tilted to the side and his eyebrows raised. But he said nothing. I could feel the heat rising through my body as a bright red blush crept across my face. Why did I say that? I felt so embarrassed and stupid. I looked down, unable to meet his eyes any longer. Taylor reached out and put his finger under my chin and lifted my face. Then a slow smile emerged and his dark eyes softened. “Ella, you have no idea how good those words make me feel,” and he kissed me on the forehead. My body relaxed, I let out a sigh of relief and gave him a hug.
He took my hand and we walked through the entrance. I could feel tension rising in Taylor’s hand, but I didn’t understand why.
I love fast and dangerous rides. Taylor doesn’t. He didn’t say anything about his fear. So I chose a spinning one to start off with. The speed and force of the ride pins you against the wall. Taylor was looking quite serious as we stepped on, but I was too excited to really take any notice. As soon as it took off he started screaming. It was a loud and piercing scream. At first I thought he was joking, then I saw his face, his eyes were bulging.
Finally the ride stopped and we walked off. Well, I walked off and Taylor stumbled off. He could barely stand up. His face was ashen white and he wasn’t talking. Then he struggled over to a bin and threw-up. I grabbed some water and sat next to him on the ground. Poor Taylor, it took him half an hour to recover. I felt so bad. He admitted that he never went on fast or spinning rides because his body always reacted like this. I felt so guilty. He only went on the ride for me.
I suggested we go into the house of mirrors, something a little less thrilling, but perfect for Taylor. He loved it and we had heaps of fun, especially with the ones that make you look wider and distorted. It was then that I thought I saw a beautiful man behind me. He was really tall and had the most gorgeous face and blonde hair. His eyes were shining and very intense. I turned, but nothing was there. Strange, it must have been a reflection from another mirror. I looked around, but there were no other people near us. Then Taylor jumped out from behind a mirror and scared me, he is such a clown.
We stopped for pizza on the way home. I had just chomped into a piece of pepperoni pizza when Taylor put his arm around my shoulders, looked into my eyes and said, “I love you Ella.”
I was so shocked, I almost choked on the food I was eating. It became caught in my throat and I started coughing. Chunks of pizza were flying out of my mouth all over Taylor. I couldn’t breathe. He hit me on the back and a huge piece landed on the table.
This was the first time Taylor had expressed his feelings and I had ruined it. I burst into tears and Taylor just stood there looking at me. Then he began laughing, he could see the funny side. Watching him laugh started me laughing too. We couldn’t stop. Everyone in the restaurant was watching us. Tears were steaming from our eyes. Covered in pizza, we quickly cleaned up our mess and ran out to the car.
When we jumped in, I asked Taylor if he really meant what he had said. He told me yes, and I told him that I loved him too. We laughed all the way home. It was the most romantic and funniest date ever, certainly never to be repeated!
Ella seems to have found a great boyfriend in Taylor. He is polite and really focused on his schoolwork, and he is very fond of my daughter. I’m so happy for her. She was devastated when Tommy died. I still am, and so is my husband. But at least it looks like Ella is having fun again.