Love in plain sight, p.1
Love in Plain Sight, page 1

To James. I love you.
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Discussion Questions
About the Author
Acclaim for Kathleen Fuller
Other Books by Kathleen Fuller
“C’mon, Katharine. I said I was sorry.”
Katharine Miller leaned against the bathroom door and closed her eyes. How many times had Simeon said those exact same words? More than she could count. More than she wanted to think about.
“Katharine. Please let me come in.”
A shiver traveled through her, and again, like several times before, his sudden gentle tone chopped at her resolve.
“I shouldn’t have lost mei temper,” he continued, his deep voice barely muffled by the oak door between them.
No, he shouldn’t have.
“I promise I’ll do better. Let me prove it to you.”
His last plea almost had her opening the door, but she held firm. He’d made these promises before, and for a while he kept them, becoming the nice, caring man she had fallen for when he asked her out on a date after a Sunday singing less than four months ago.
“Katharine . . . can you forgive me?”
A thump sounded against the door, as if he was leaning against it. She closed her eyes and stayed as still as possible. Normally when he asked for forgiveness, she gave it. Her Amish faith required it. But this time, she couldn’t respond. When he pounded his fist against the other side of the door, she flinched, knowing she had to answer before he became incensed again. “I—I’ll be right out.”
“Make it quick,” he said, sounding less remorseful and more demanding. “I don’t want to be late for supper at the Schroeders’ like we were last time.”
Even though it hurt to do so, she pressed her lips together. Their tardiness to his best friend’s monthly Saturday afternoon barbecue had been due to another one of their fights. She couldn’t remember what started that argument, and he had hit her on the shoulder on the way to Galen and Elsie’s house. But this was the first time he’d slapped her across the face.
“I’ll be waiting outside,” he finally said, his tone now edged with frustration. “Be out in five minutes.”
He didn’t have to add anything else to that order. When she heard him walk away, she hurried to the bathroom mirror and nearly cried at the sight of blood on the corner of her mouth. Quickly she pulled herself together. Her tears would anger him further, and he was plenty mad as it was, despite his attempts at making her believe he was apologetic. She washed her face, then carefully patted her skin dry. Her complexion, always prone to breakouts, was now constantly covered with acne. One more thing for Simeon to complain about.
She stared at her reflection, her lips trembling, and this time she couldn’t steady her emotions. “I can’t do this anymore,” she whispered, fighting to keep her composure. But she didn’t have a choice. In their small district in Hulett, Wyoming, potential spouses were scarce, and when Simeon had showed interest in her, she hadn’t only been surprised, she’d been beyond grateful. Even though she was twenty-one and not an old maid by any means, her constant battles with her weight and complexion made her assume she’d never marry—and more than anything, she wanted to get married and have a family. But she had to be realistic. There were far prettier single women in Hulett. Why would any man want her?
But Simeon, a handsome, muscular blacksmith who’d had all the women’s attention at one time or another, inexplicably pursued her. After their first date, he wanted to spend every minute with her, showering her with compliments and devotion. What woman wouldn’t be thankful to have a man like him? And when he asked her to marry him two months after they started dating, she thought God had answered her prayer.
But the closer they came to their wedding date, the more he had changed. Now he was barely a remnant of the man she’d fallen in love with . . . and was set to marry in less than a month.
Oh no. She was doing exactly what she shouldn’t be right now—wasting time. She hung the towel back on the hook and rushed out of the bathroom. Her parents were out with friends this afternoon, leaving her and Simeon alone in the house. If her mother and father had been there, they wouldn’t have gotten into a fight. He was always on his best behavior when anyone else was around. But when they were alone . . .
She ran out of the house and jumped into the buggy, not an easy feat since she had gained more than forty pounds this year on top of the thirty she already needed to lose. The buggy’s cover did little to mask the heat of the hot desert sun, and she immediately broke out in a sweat.
Simeon gave her look of disgust. “You need to geh on a diet,” he said, lightly tapping the horse’s back with the reins.
So much for being sorry. It wasn’t lost on her that he often treated his horse better than he treated her. “I am on a diet.”
“Then why do you keep getting fatter?” He glared at her, his thick black brows becoming a single line over his deep-set, dark brown eyes that used to make her swoon every time she looked into them. Now all she felt was fear.
“I-I don’t know,” she mumbled. But she did know. Each morning she promised to stick to her diet, and by the end of the day, she failed. This past month she had given up entirely, the urge to eat becoming more overwhelming the closer they came to their wedding day. There was no reason to talk to him about it, or about anything else important to her. He wouldn’t understand, or even try to.
He turned the corner and guided his buggy down the Schroeders’ road. Her stomach turned, and she stared at her lap, sweat dripping down the sides of her face as they continued on the short drive. She glanced at his profile, remembering when his chiseled jaw and full mouth made her heart race. How could a man with such a beautiful outside be so horrible inside?
At least she would have a reprieve at the Schroeders’, not only because they would be around other people but because Galen’s wife, Elsie, was one of Katharine’s friends. One of the few she had left since Simeon monopolized all of her time outside of her job making baskets and her chores at home.
When they arrived at the Schroeders’, Simeon parked the buggy and turned to Katharine. “Not a word about what happened today. Do you understand?”
She nodded. “Ya.”
His eyes switched from hard to endearing, almost loving. He cupped her cheek with his palm, and she fought not to pull away. “I love you, Katharine. That’s why I get so angry. I care about you so much, and I just want what’s best for you. But when you get rebellious, I have to intervene. That’s mei God-given duty. We both know that.”
Her fingernails pressed into her palm. Earlier today his idea of her being rebellious was not being ready when he came to pick her up. Last week she was late for their date because she had helped her mother bake apple pies to take to a store to sell. Whenever she didn’t do or say exactly what he wanted, she was “rebelling.”
“Do you forgive me?”
She paused, feeling his fingers tighten slightly on her cheek. “Ya,” she finally managed to say. “I forgive you.”
He removed his hand. She didn’t miss him wiping his palm on his pants before getting out of the buggy. The way he could switch his emotions on and off confused her. Lord, am I wrong when I don’t do everything he says and I don’t perfectly follow his schedule? I don’t want to rebel or disappoint you. But I’m miserable, Lord. And I’m sorry, but lately I haven’t felt anything for Simeon. I thought I loved him, and he loved me. But now I’m not sure of anything.
She hurried out of the buggy, then turned around and grabbed the basket that held an extra apple pie she and her mother had baked to bring to the Schroeders’. It was one of the first baskets she’d made when she started weaving them four years ago. Since then she had developed a good business selling them out of her and her parents’ home, and she had a large nest egg built up, one that Simeon knew about. She wished she’d never told him about the money.
By the time she headed for the house, Simeon was already talking to Galen, who was standing in front of a black gas grill. The lid was open, and large puffs of smoke floated in the air. As she passed by the two men and headed for the house, Simeon’s eyes narrowed at her for a split second before he grinned and turned to talk to Galen again.
Was this how their marriage would be for the rest of their lives? Him running hot and cold, physically abusing her and pleading for forgiveness afterward? And what abou
She schooled her features and walked into Elsie’s kitchen. Her friend was at the counter preparing a large salad. She barely glanced at Katharine and smiled, her cheeks plump and cute during her eighth month of pregnancy. “Hi,” she said, turning her focus back to the carrot she was chopping.
“Hi, Elsie. I brought apple pie. Where should I put it?”
“There is fine.” She gestured to the table, which wasn’t set for the meal. Although it was hot outside, the Schroeders had a shaded patio, and there was a pleasant breeze in the air. As long as it wasn’t raining or snowing, they usually ate outside for lunch since the winters in Wyoming were long and everyone took advantage of nice weather whenever they could.
Katharine took the pie out of the basket and set it next to a bowl of homemade potato chips, keeping the plastic wrap on until they were ready for dessert. Then she walked over to Elsie. “Can I help you with anything?”
“I’m almost done here.” She scraped the small pieces of chopped carrot on top of a bed of lettuce, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, and red onion. As she picked up the tongs to toss the salad, she looked at Katharine and continued talking. “I’ve got a pitcher of lemonade on the counter—” Her eyes widened and she dropped the tongs. “Katharine, you’re bleeding!”
Katharine touched the corner of her mouth and felt the blood. Oh no. She went to the table and grabbed a napkin from the holder and pressed it against the wound. “It’s nix,” she said. Elsie’s shock had disappeared, now replaced with concern.
Elsie waddled over to her. “Let me see.”
Reluctantly she removed the napkin, wincing at Elsie’s livid expression. “Did Simeon do that to you?”
Katharine started to shake her head. It had become a habit to make excuses for the marks he left behind—the pinched bruise on her upper arm that her mother had noticed last month because it was too hot to wear a long-sleeved dress. The dent in her shin when he had kicked her “accidentally” because she was walking too slow on their tour of the property he bought where he planned to build their house. At least last month, when he punched her shoulder, he hadn’t left a mark. This time he’d left one she couldn’t cover up.
Elsie folded her lips inward. “Never mind, you don’t have to tell me. I know he did. Katharine, why do you stay with him?”
She fought back tears again and glanced out the back kitchen window where Simeon and Galen were in full view. The warning look he gave her before she walked inside helped keep her emotionless. “I love him,” she said, trying to convince herself even more than Elsie.
Elsie didn’t say anything for a long moment, and Katharine thought she had dropped the subject. Then she frowned. “Come with me,” she said, heading out of the kitchen.
Puzzled, Katharine followed her to her bedroom. Elsie went to one of the bedside tables and opened the drawer. She fished around for a few seconds before pulling out a letter, then she gestured for Katharine to sit down on the bed next to her. “My cousin Amy in Montana sent this to me a month ago. When I read it, I thought of you. Read the third paragraph.” She handed the letter to Katharine:
Mother told me the funniest thing the other day, Elsie. There’s a small settlement in Ohio near Holmes County—I think she said the name was Birch Creek. My Aunt Clara found out from her sister Lucy, who had talked to an old friend in Shipshe who has a third cousin in Millersburg who had seen an ad in the paper advertising for brides for the bachelors in the district. Can you believe that? A town so desperate for women that they have to advertise in the paper. If I wasn’t already married, I might be tempted to go there myself. Aunt Clara tried to convince her daughter Frannie to go, only to find out Frannie had been dating her now fiancé for over three years. Aunt Clara is over the moon, of course. She was so sure Frannie would never get married . . .
Katharine continued to read the next few sentences about Frannie’s upcoming wedding, then stopped. “What does this have to do with me?”
Elsie awkwardly shifted her pregnant body on the bed and faced her. “You need to leave Hulett.”
“Simeon is nee gut. I’m afraid if you marry him . . .” Her voice sounded thick. “You’re not safe, Katharine.”
After a long pause, Katharine said, “I know.” She’d never admitted that out loud, but now that she had, a new fear kicked in. Elsie was right, she couldn’t marry Simeon. But he wouldn’t let her go that easily. The one time she expressed doubts about their relationship and told him she needed some time to think things over, he exploded. “Why are you hurting me?” he’d shouted. “How can you be so cruel?” She’d been so startled by his reaction she reassured him that she wasn’t breaking up with him. And that occurred when he was still treating her well. If she left him now, his reaction would be so much worse.
“I don’t know what to do,” she said to Elsie. “I can’t break up with him. He won’t allow that. And won’t people question my arrival in Birch Creek?”
“That’s why this is a perfect opportunity for you. There have to be plenty of women in Birch Creek by now, searching for a husband. If you went there, everyone would think you’re looking for one too.”
“But I’m not.”
“You don’t have to tell anyone the real reason you’re there.”
Katharine got up from the bed. The idea of being free from Simeon, even for a little while, gave her a tiny bit of hope. She turned around. “But what about mei parents? I can’t tell them the truth. They won’t believe me anyway. They think Simeon is perfect.” And he was when he was around them. So much so that they were more excited about her engagement than she was.
“Oh, Katharine,” Mamm had said with tears in her eyes as Simeon stood next to her. “God has blessed you with a wonderful mann!” Then she glanced at her father, who looked just as pleased. Three years ago he worked for a commercial roofing company and had fallen off one of the buildings, breaking his back. He hadn’t been able to work since. His recovery had been long and hard on both of her parents, and her marrying Simeon made them happy. How could she destroy their happiness, especially when the last three years had been so difficult?
Elsie tapped her finger against her chin. “I’ll figure something out for you to say. I can come up with a story to cover for you.”
“I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You’re not asking. I’m doing this because I refuse to stand by and watch you be abused.” She pushed herself up from the bed and went to Katharine, grabbing her hands. “When I moved to Hulett after marrying Galen, he was eager to introduce me to his best friend, telling me what a great guy he is, that he would do anything for anyone. Simeon was there for him when his father died, so I understand mei husband’s loyalty. But I knew a man like Simeon once.”
“You did?”
Elsie nodded. “Mei cousin almost married him. A friend helped her escape. She’s happily married to a gut man who treats her well. I want that for you too.”
Katharine didn’t know what to say. Could she leave Hulett and travel over a thousand miles without telling anyone? What would her parents do? What would Simeon do?
There was another, deeper thought that she couldn’t share with Elsie. What if Simeon was her only chance at marriage and a family? There were still moments when he was nice to her. Even sweet, like the time he brought her flowers when she had a cold. Her mother had been impressed by that, and so had Katharine. Perhaps he would change after the wedding, and she would have the husband she had prayed so hard for.
“Give it some thought, at least.” Elsie hugged her. “We better join Galen and Simeon before he gets suspicious.”
“Does Galen ever get suspicious?”
“Nee.” She half smiled. “He’s so sweet and trusting. I’m sure that’s why Simeon is friends with him.”
For the rest of the afternoon, Katharine kept quiet as she mulled over what Elsie said. To her friend’s credit, Elsie hadn’t given any hint to either man that they were discussing Simeon and Katharine’s relationship. In fact, she placed an extra helping of roasted potatoes, Simeon’s favorite, on his plate. When he glanced at the pile of potatoes, he looked at Katharine. “You should take cooking lessons from Elsie,” he said, his smile as genuine as she’d ever seen it.