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Deceptive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 6), page 1

K E Osborn
USA Today Bestselling Author
The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 6
K E Osborn
USA Today Bestselling Author
Copyright 2021 K E Osborn
All Rights Reserved
This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organizations, or places is entirely coincidental.
All rights are reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author. All songs, song titles, and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.
Disclaimer: The material in this book contains graphic language and sexual content and is intended for mature audiences, ages 18 and older.
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ISBN: 978-1922489197
Editing by Swish Design & Editing
Proofreading by Swish Design & Editing
Book Design by Swish Design & Editing
Cover Model by Thane
Photography by Wander Aguiar
Cover Design by Designs by Dana
Cover Image Copyright 2021
All Rights Reserved
She is a mystery.
A force of nature.
The moment Billie ran into us, seeking help from her attacker, I knew I was done for.
As a brother fresh out of prospecting for the Houston Defiance MC, it’s my job to sit back and follow the rules. Do as I’m told. Fight when I’m needed. And I do it without question—every single time.
But Billie brings something out in me that makes me want to fight for her—to break the rules for her. Protecting her from her attacker is my duty, even if my brothers are suspicious of the circumstances.
Someone, though, is being deceptive, reckless, a traitor.
Leaking information about the club.
A most heinous act.
An old enemy is rearing his ugly head, right as Billie and I are getting close.
But things are not always so black and white.
When you’re faced with rage, how can you possibly survive?
Especially when deception comes from someone you never expected…
From USA Today Bestselling Author K E Osborn comes the highly anticipated sixth book in the Houston Defiance MC Series.
To Diana.
I know this year has been rough for you, it’s been rough for everyone, but you have kept that beautiful smile on your face and that warmth in your heart. You’re always there for me whenever I call, no matter what life is throwing your way—I appreciate and love you more than you know.
A dedication isn’t much, but I hope it is a little something to show you how much I adore you.
This one is for you.
For your convenience, below is a list of terms used in this book.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the author.
1% — When a 1% patch is worn, it represents the one percent of bikers who are outlaw clubs.
Cage — Automobile, truck, van - not a motorcycle.
Cut — A vest with club colors.
Duck-walk — Navigating into parking space using your feet.
Hammer Down — Accelerate quickly.
Lid — The name of the type of helmet worn by bikers. It’s an open-face half helmet.
Road Name — A road name is earned, given, and bestowed upon a biker. They usually have a story behind them.
SAA – Sergeant at Arms.
Six — Watch your back.
The Heat — Police.
A Note to the Reader
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty- Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Connect With Me Online
About the Author — K E Osborn
I hate my life.
As I lay in bed on another meaningless Christmas Day, I wrap my arms tightly around yet another man I have no intention of getting to know. Jonas holds me, nuzzling into my chest which instantly makes me curl up my lip and wrinkle my nose in disgust.
I guess from an early age, cuddling was never my thing.
Look at me now.
Soft snoring echoes from his mouth, and I let out a long exhale.
Great, looks like I’m in for the long haul with this one.
A creak sounds from outside my door, my head snaps up, then suddenly my door slams open.
Jonas pops his head up from my cleavage, turning the instant a swarm of bikers stalks into my bedroom.
When Jonas snaps his head to me, I roll my eyes, then he shifts back to the bikers like he’s petrified of what’s coming next.
For me? This is a typical day of the week.
“Get the fuck out, you freak!” Rage grunts out to Jonas while he stands there in his damn underwear.
The poor guy visibly shakes when he turns to me for clarification.
“I’m fine, Jonas, but you should go.”
Quickly, he leans over the bed, gathering his clothes, and in a hasty retreat, heads to the door. His eyes stay on Rage and his men. “Same time next week, Billie?” Jonas weakly asks when he reaches the door.
“Yeah… see you then,” I tell him, and Jonas walks out.
Rage slams the door behind him when I sit on the edge of my bed. I can’t help letting out a loud huff before saying, “I’m working, Rage! You’re the one making me do this. So you shouldn’t come barging in here when I have a client… it’s bad for business.”
“Bad business, Billie, is you letting them get practically naked with you. You’re supposed to be a cuddler, not a fucking whore!”
Honestly, I can’t help the scoff that leaves my mouth. The noise almost sounds like I’m angry, but it couldn’t be further from the truth when I don’t give two shits about anything anymore.
“Am I naked? No, it was just him. Remember, what the client wants, they get. They pay more for a service you want me to provide. If they want to cuddle me in their underwear, then I am gonna let them because the charge is triple. Fuck! I thought that would make you happy, brother?”
“You do what I tell you to do. You would do well to remember that, Billie. I fucking own you.”
“You don’t own shit!” My lip curls up in disdain.
Rage races forward, grabbing my arm, yanking me up from the bed with such force it almost jerks my shoulder out of its socket. Pain makes me yelp, and I know his grip on my arm will bruise me while he pulls me through my apartment. My feet stumble to keep up with his fast steps. His biker brothers walking beside us like the devoted disciples they are.
As I try to pull and struggle in his grip, he shoves me onto the sofa so hard it almost topples backward with the force of my weight as he launches me into it so hard, I feel the pain rip through my back. At the same time as he stands in front of me with his arms folded over his chest in contempt, I let out a long, steadying breath. Trying to pull myself back into the here and now—although Rage is my brother, he is one unholy bastard—I can’t for the life of me get out from under his clutches.
“This war with Houston Defiance is about to explode. It’s hit a tipping point. We’ve thought long and hard about what’s the best way to come at them…” he takes a step back and runs his hand through his hair, “… full assault or to slide in unsuspected and target them.”
“What the fuck does that have to do with me?”
Rage eyes me up and down like I’m some worthless slut. “You’re young, pretty, you have charm, and can use your wits. I want you to infiltrate. Get into that club… become part of them. Then, we’re gonna hit them where it hurts. Find out everything you can while you’re there. Their access points, where their data room is located, security cameras, where they store their weapons… I need every goddamn piece of information you’re able to give me. So when we come for vengeance, we can hit them hard, and they will never see it coming.” His upturned smile says everything sinister, but it’s the sparkle in his eyes that I can’t stomach.
Everything inside me swirls with apprehension.
“Then fake it. Word has it, the VP’s Old Lady is in the hospital, and they’re all there right now. You’re going to make contact. I don’t care how you do it, but you find an in. Make yourself vulnerable to them. They’re a sucker for a good sob story, the weak bastards.”
“They’ll run a background check on me.”
“I already have that shit organized. Tell them your name is Billie Bradshaw, you’re from Houston, and you’re all on your own. That will return a good hit for them.”
“And if they don’t fall for it?”
His hard eyes glare at me intensely. “Make. Them.”
“I can’t do this, Rage. I’m not good at this shit!”
He rushes forward, grabbing me by my hair, pulling a huge hunk out by the roots. I scream out in agony, my hands clawing at his as I fall to my knees in front of him. With fierce intensity, he drags me along the floor, my already ripped jeans burn my skin on the carpet and tear even more with the force, as he then shoves me into the side of the television cabinet. I barely have time to glance up when he lets my hair go, and his hand comes out, slamming across my face. My head snaps to the side with the blunt force, his rings tearing at my lip and it rips open, the metallic tang of blood instantly assaulting my mouth.
“There… now you look the part of a woman who needs saving.”
His Heathen brothers stand around smiling, watching me on the floor, blood dripping down my cheek and then off my chin. The same brothers who have always treated me like crap. I might be Rage’s little sister, but that means shit.
“Remember, Billie, you’re no more than a bitch who brings in extra cash for the club as a side hustle. An extra body for us to take care of. I pay for you to be a part of us. I pay for your apartment and all the fucking lavish shit inside. I pay your wage. I pay for the clothes on your fucking back…” The asshole smiles, and everything that is sinister is looking right at me. “And I can take it all away. Make you leave with nothing! Naked if need be… completely alone and bare. I won’t think twice about it if you disobey me.”
Sniffling, I swipe my bloody lip with the back of my hand and make a move to stand. Rage lets me, and I roll my shoulders, trying to ease out the sore muscles he has inflicted on me.
I know I have no choice.
There is nowhere for me to go and nothing to support me even if I did leave.
Rage is an asshole.
He always has been.
But he is all I have left in the world.
Better the devil you know. Right?
“Fine, when do you want me to go?”
Rage puffs out his chest like he knows he’s won—the problem is he has, and I have let him.
“Now. Go as you are. Make them feel sorry for you. It’s the only way they will take you in, the suckers.”
Breathing slowly, trying to regain my equilibrium, I walk over and slide on my shoes. Everything hurts and I am finding it hard to even think clearly.
Hash, the SAA, moves in next to me. His eyes wander up and down my body while I bend over to grab my cell. His hand slides out grabbing my ass, copping a feel. I don’t react, even when the other Heathens cackle. I simply straighten back up at the same time as his hand comes out landing a loud smack on my ass. Gritting my teeth, I turn to face him.
The asshole bites down on his bottom lip. “Mm-mm-mmm! Billie, I swear with a lil’ bit of blood on you, you’re damn near fuckable!” He moves in grinding his hard cock against my leg while his other brothers chuckle with their heinous laughter.
Fuck my life!
Using as much strength as I can, I shove him off me. Hash grunts, grips my hair, inflicting more pain while he forces me to look at him. I pant out frantic breaths while he simply glares at me.
“You’re nothing, Billie! Remember who you belong to,” Hash snaps, then his tongue darts out, licking up the side of my swollen face. Not being able to help it, I turn up my lip at the same time he shoves me off him, and I stumble forward into Rage’s arms.
He steadies me while shaking his head. “Why you gotta always act out? Just do what you’re goddamn told, and everything will run smoothly.” Rage hands me a pen, and I take it, raising my brow. “When you get in, find a way to wherever the MC talk in private. Somewhere where we’ll get a shitload of information. Click the pen down to activate it, then log into the app on your phone, and you can turn the bug on and off. Remember to turn it off, there is only so much battery life. We’ve already set the listening app up on your cell phone to record and receive the data, then you will transfer it directly to me...” Rage reaches out and grabs hold of my face on either side and bellows, “Don’t get fucking caught.”
He leans in pressing his bearded lips to my forehead roughly, then spins me toward the door. “Good luck, little sister. Time for the Heathens of Hatred to show Houston Defiance how deceptive we can really be.”
My stomach churns in apprehension.
I’ve always had to do shit for the club—their dirty work. My entire life has been to do Rage’s bidding, but I’ve never had to do something like this. Being around my brother, I have seen him lie and manipulate people, bend them to his will, and he does it so easily it’s almost graceful at times. I guess we’re about to find out how much I really learned from him because I’m going to need to do the exact same thing to get away with what he wants from me.
Without looking back over my shoulder, I walk toward the door, grab my keys from the buffet, and head out.
Rage thinks he can manipulate me, and the problem is he does it constantly.
But this time I will show him.
I will do this.
And I will do it fucking well.
Watch out, Houston Defiance, I am coming for you.
Rage said Defiance is at the hospital, so I’ve made my way here. There’s a side alley where there are no cameras, so I head in that direction, tussle my hair a little, then begin phase one of my plan.
Taking in a deep breath, I really need to sell this shit, and it’s not going to be easy.
Racing out of the alley, I make sure any other cameras that are in the vicinity on the street catch me as I rub at my bruised arm, then head straight into the hospital, ducking and weaving to avoid everyone. The last thing I want is for someone to try to get me to see a doctor.
This hospital is huge, and the problem is I have no clue where the Defiance brothers are currently located.
Rage could have given me a heads up! But of course, why would he do that?
It’s always ‘Do it, or else I will throw you out on the street, naked.’ Or the one that terrifies me, ‘I will let my brothers have at it with you.’ That shit scares the living hell out of me because his threats are not threats, they are my reality. Even though he’s a bastard, he’s the only bastard I have, and I know there is no escaping him and his Heathen assholes.
Rage’s constant beatings and intimidation terrorize the living shit out of me. My life consists of living with one eye open, wondering what’s next in his fucked-up games. I know I mean little to him, even though I am made from the same blood. What kind of fucked-up asshole does that to his sister?
My mind often wonders about leaving.
Getting up and walking away.
But how?
What would I do?
Where would I go?
I have no money, and Rage has made damn sure I have nothing of value to sell.
Dammit! I don’t have time for these thoughts right now. If I don’t get this done, who knows what Rage will do.
Making my way to the cafeteria, I dodge out of the way, hiding behind a giant Ficus in a pot, when I spot two men wearing leather cuts walking into the cafeteria before me.
For some reason, all I can think about is showing Rage I am capable of standing on my own two feet. If I do this, then maybe he will go a little easier on me and let me live the life I want.
The problem is, there’s something about this that feels so inherently fucking wrong.
This is not who I am.
This is not who I want to be.
Right now, though, I don’t have any other options if I want to keep my apartment and food on the table. Giving myself a little pep talk, I straighten my shoulders, then peep around the corner.