Bubble in the Bathtub

Bubble in the Bathtub

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

The Fart Powder was such a successful invention that Doctor Proctor, Nilly, and Lisa couldn't stop there. Next up: a time-travelling bathtub. You just hop in, lather up the Time Soap, and wish for where you'd like to go. Doctor Proctor has plans for this new invention. You see, he lost his true love years ago, when Juliette Margarine married an evil count. The good Doctor has never quite gotten over this, and he's going back to change it. But when things go wrong, it's up to Nilly and Lisa to travel back in time to right all wrongs and reunite the two lovebirds. Nothing is quite so simple in a Jo Nesbo book. Enter a herd of hippos, a scheming assistant, and Time Soap that keeps going awry, sending Nilly and Lisa to the storming of the Bastille! Fortunately, as in every Jo Nesbo book, the Fart Powder solves everything.
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Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder: Time-Travel Bath Bomb

Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder: Time-Travel Bath Bomb

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

Doktor Proktor har dratt til Paris for å finne igjen sin ungdomskjæreste, Juliette Margarin. En dag dumper et underlig postkort ned i postkassa til Lise Pedersen i Kanonveien. Det er fra doktor Proktor, og etter mye tyding forstår Lise og Bulle at doktor Proktor er fanget i fortiden og at de må hjelpe ham tilbake. Men hvorfor er kortet skrevet i koder, er det noen som er ute etter ham?
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Who Cut the Cheese?

Who Cut the Cheese?

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

"Large helpings of whimsy, humorous black-and-white illustrations, and the occasional fart joke provide plenty of silliness" (Booklist) in the third Doctor Proctor adventure from New York Times bestselling author Jo Nesbø.Nilly, Lisa, and Doctor Proctor are too busy inventing things to watch TV, and everyone says they're missing out on the hot singing competition. But then Nilly and Lisa notice that their friends and family are acting really weird. And the only people acting weird...are the ones watching TV.What's going on is WAY bigger than a singing competition. It could mean the end of the world.Or a silent but deadly could save everything!Let 'er rip.
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The Bat

The Bat

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

Inspector Harry Hole of the Oslo Crime Squad is dispatched to Sydney to observe a murder case. Harry is free to offer assistance, but he has firm instructions to stay out of trouble. The victim is a twenty-three year old Norwegian woman who is a minor celebrity back home. Never one to sit on the sidelines, Harry befriends one of the lead detectives, and one of the witnesses, as he is drawn deeper into the case. Together, they discover that this is only the latest in a string of unsolved murders, and the pattern points toward a psychopath working his way across the country. As they circle closer and closer to the killer, Harry begins to fear that no one is safe, least of all those investigating the case.
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Silent (but Deadly) Night

Silent (but Deadly) Night

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

Doctor Proctor, Nilly, and Lisa try to save the holidays in this fart-tastically funny adventure from New York Times bestselling author Jo Nesbø.When the king of Norway sells the rights to Christmas to Mr. Thrane, it looks like the holidays aren't going to be very merry. Mr. Thrane says that the only people who can celebrate are those who buy 10,000 crowns worth of presents from his department store. For anyone who doesn't—or can't—spend that much, it's no tree, no presents, no carols, and no Christmas pudding. Dr. Proctor, Nilly, and Lisa aren't going to take this sitting down! They're going to find Santa and save Christmas. All they need is a sleigh, flying reindeer, some time travel soap, and, of course, some fart powder!
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Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder: The Great Gold Robbery

Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder: The Great Gold Robbery

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

Самое надежное в мире хранилище золота находится в одном лондонском банке... И ты, конечно, уже начинаешь понимать, о чем пойдет речь в этой книге. Правильно: о величайшем в мире ограблении банка. Может быть, ты знаешь кого-то, кому под силу совершить столь дерзкое преступление? Ну разумеется, это все та же бесстрашная троица: один тощий, высокий и почти безумный профессор, одна замечательная девочка с кларнетом и один крохотный мальчик с огненно-рыжими волосами. Но почему из всех людей на свете именно доктору Проктору, Булле и Лисе поручено сделать это? Да потому, что совсем недавно они уже спасли мир от неминуемого конца, вступив в схватку с лунными хамелеонами. А на этот раз все обстоит гораздо хуже. Намного хуже. Настолько хуже, что тебе, скорее всего, уже никогда, никогда не захочется съесть ни кусочка сыра пармезан! Ты спросишь: а какая тут связь с финалом Кубка Англии по футболу? Прочитаешь эту книгу — тогда узнаешь.
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Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder: The End of the World. Maybe.

Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder: The End of the World. Maybe.

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

Everyone is hooked on the hottest singing competition on TV, The NoroVision Choral Throwdown! Everyone, that is, except for Doctor Proctor, Nilly and Lisa, who are far too busy having fun to watch TV. But when people start acting oddly, the three friends begin to suspect that there's more to the show than meets the eye… Can it really be hypnotising everyone in Norway? With crazy inventions, disappearing socks, half-men half-frogs, a moon chameleon invasion and, of course, plenty of super-sonic bottom burps, this is going to be the gang's most explosive adventure yet! Can they stop an alien invasion in its tracks, or is this actually the end of the world?
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Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

THE NEW GLOBAL PHENOMENON Roger Brown has it all: clever and wealthy, he's at the very top of his game. And if his job as a headhunter ever gets dull, he has his sideline as an art thief to keep him busy. At a gallery opening, his wife introduces him to Clas Greve. Not only is Greve the perfect candidate for a position that Brown is recruiting for; he is also in possession of one of the most sought-after paintings in modern art history. Roger sees his chance to become rich beyond his wildest dreams, and starts planning his biggest theft ever. But soon, he runs into trouble - and it's not long before the hunter becomes the hunted...
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Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder

Doctor Proctor's Fart Powder

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

When eleven-year-old Nilly moves to his new neighborhood in Oslo, Norway, he meets his neighbor, Doctor Proctor, an eccentric professor who invents wacky potions and powders--including an industrial strength fart powder that can send people to outer space. Doctor Proctor, Nilly, and his new friend Lisa must go to great lengths to protect the invention and keep it out of the hands of their neighbors, who try to use the powder for evil purposes. This witty, magical book captures the spirit of Roald Dahl--and a sprinkling of clever humor and zany antics will keep kids laughing until the end.
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Harry Hole 02 - Cockroaches

Harry Hole 02 - Cockroaches

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

Harry is on a special missionDetective Harry Hole arrives in a steaming hot Bangkok. The Norwegian ambassador has been found dead in a seedy motel room, and Harry has been sent to investigate. It's clear that the Ambassador's family are hiding some secrets of their own, but few people are willing to talk.He needs to solve a crime and avoid a scandalWhen Harry lays hands on some incriminating CCTV footage, things only get more complicated. The man who gave him the tape goes missing, and Harry realises that failing to solve a murder case is by no means the only danger that faces the unwary.But in an unfamiliar city, who can you trust?ReviewPraise for Jo Nesbø “Nesbø writes like an angel. As in Lucifer.” —The Philadelphia Inquirer “Harry Hole is fast becoming cone of the planet’s favorite detectives. And his demons are almost as legendary as his observational and analytical skills.” —The Mirror (UK)“Nesbø explores the darkest criminal minds with grim delight and puts his killer where you least expect to find them. . . . His novels are maddeningly addictive.” —Vanity FairAbout the AuthorJo Nesbø’s books have been translated into forty-seven languages. He is the author of the Harry Hole series, the latest of which is Police, as well as Headhunters and several children’s books. He has received the Glass Key Award for best Nordic crime novel. He is also a musician, songwriter, and economist and lives in Oslo.
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The Jealousy Man and Other Stories

The Jealousy Man and Other Stories

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

A veritable crime lover’s delight from a true master of mystery and suspense. Experience the #1 New York Times best-selling author as never before in this dark and thrilling short story collection that takes us on a journey of twisted minds and vengeful hearts. Jo Nesbø is known the world over as a consummate mystery/thriller writer. Famed for his deft characterization, hair-raising suspense and shocking twists, Nesbø’s dexterity with the dark corners of the human heart is on full display in these inventive and enthralling stories. A detective with a nose for jealousy is on the trail of a man suspected of murdering his twin; a bereaved father must decide whether vengeance has a place in the new world order after a pandemic brings about the collapse of society; a garbage man fresh off a bender tries to piece together what happened the night before; a hired assassin...
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Harry Hole Mysteries 3-Book Bundle

Harry Hole Mysteries 3-Book Bundle

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo

With more than seven million copies sold worldwide, and translated into over forty languages, Jo Nesbo’s Harry Hole series is an international phenomenon. Detective Harry Hole is a genuine anti-hero: a handsome loner, an alcoholic and workaholic who is tormented in his personal life even as he is revered by his colleagues for his unwavering sense of justice and proven police instincts. Harry’s self-governing, anti-authoritarian style has driven his superior officer at the crime squad in Oslo to call him “the best investigator in the department and the worst public servant.” First-class thrillers with high voltage suspense and complex plotting, The Snowman, The Leopard and Phantom are fascinating journeys into the world of this singular character and the dark criminal minds he pursues to the very limits of his sanity, in Oslo and beyond. “Jo Nesbo is my favorite thriller writer and Harry Hole my new hero.” —Michael Connelly “Exuberantly, ingeniously gruesome.” —The Telegraph
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