Only have eyes for him, p.1
Only Have Eyes for Him, page 1
part #8 of Sight Unseen Series

Book Eight: Only Have Eyes for Him
Sight Unseen-A Marriage Reality Show Short Read
By Jill Ferraro
This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and settings are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental.
Only Have Eyes for Him: Sight Unseen Book Eight
Copyright © 2020 Jill Ferraro
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval permission, without permission in writing from the author.
Thank you for purchasing Only Have Eyes for Him! This is Book Eight in the Sight Unseen Series.
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Chapter One
Brielle could hear birds chirping outside her window. The sun was just rising and she opened her eyes slowly. She stretched and then bolted upright. Today was her wedding day.
After a lot of inner gymnastics, she decided getting married was why she came here and she wouldn’t leave as a single woman. She could forgive her husband’s lies in time, being married was most important to her.
She had woken up before her alarm, a good sign that the day was going to go well. Brielle was excited, not only for her wedding but that she would be reunited with her best friend and her parents before the ceremony.
It didn’t take long for her to pack up her toiletries and get ready for the day. She wore her comfiest sweatpants and a tank top, she knew she would be in a robe most of the morning anyway. By the time she was ready, there was a knock at the door.
“Good morning to the beautiful bride!” Stacey’s face was bright as she pulled Brielle in for a hug.
“I’m so glad you’re here. I’m ready to go!”
“Perfect! The limo’s downstairs. We will head over, grab some breakfast, and get you in the chair for hair and makeup. Are you ready?”
Brielle nodded. She grabbed her bag, took one more look at the apartment, and shut the door behind her. A weight felt like it had been lifted from her chest. Regardless of how the next 12 hours went, she would be able to head home to sleep in her own bed. She was done with that wretched apartment forever.
Stacey and Brielle took the elevator down to the lobby. The furniture had been put back after yesterday’s rehearsal. Brielle hoped muscle memory would be enough to guide her through the day, she was so distracted the day before she might as well have been asleep during the rehearsal.
Once safely in the limo, Stacey popped a bottle of champagne and made Brielle a mimosa. The bubbles soothed her nerves and she made a mental note to pace herself, she didn’t want to get champagne drunk before the wedding even started.
The ride to the hotel only lasted twenty minutes and Brielle wished it was longer. She was already finding it hard to believe it was her wedding day, she wanted to remember every possible detail. She looked up at the grand hotel in disbelief. This was really where she was getting married? Maybe the hassle of the week was worth it after all.
“So we have a suite upstairs for the morning. You will be staying in the honeymoon suite with your husband later on this evening but you can leave your things here overnight if you want.” Stacey pulled out two key cards and handed them to Brielle. “Don’t lose your card. Because Mark and Abigail booked the rooms, it would be a hassle to get you a new one. And you would have to talk to Mark and Abigail.”
“I will definitely hang onto it then.”
They rode the elevator in silence, Brielle too excited to speak. Stacey knew Brielle was overwhelmed and didn’t push the matter. Brielle tried her keycard and flung the door open when the green light came on.
Inside, a small team of beauty professionals was already scattered about the room setting up. Brielle quickly met Rachel, who was doing her hair and Lizzie, who was on makeup. Her dress was hanging in the corner looking more beautiful than she remembered it.
Brielle turned in a circle, slowly taking everything in. This may not have been the wedding she’d dreamed of as a little girl, but it was shaping up to be the perfect wedding for her. In just a few hours she would be starting the rest of her life.
Stacey brought her back down to earth. “Brielle? Your mom’s on her way up!”
Stacey barely finished her sentence when there was a knock at the door. Brielle jumped up to answer it, looking first through the peephole to make sure it wasn’t Abigail or Mark. It wasn’t.
“Mom!” she cried as she whipped open the door.
Her mother pulled her into a long embrace. “Oh honey, I’m so happy to see you. It’s your wedding day.”
Theresa often made observations like that. It felt both silly and profound. It was her wedding day.
“I know mom. Come in. I was just going to get started on my hair and makeup.”
Her mother entered the room and looked around anxiously. “Where is it?”
“It’s right here, Theresa.” Stacey took Brielle’s mom’s hand and brought her to the wedding dress hanging in the corner. Brielle sat in front of the mirror and her hairstylist began setting her hair.
“Brielle, it’s perfect! Oh, your husband will be so lucky to see you in it.” Theresa pulled up a chair in front of her daughter. “You do know who your husband is now, don’t you?”
“I can’t tell you. But I can tell you everything that’s happened up until today.”
Brielle recounted the past week’s events. The men she sent home, the twists and turns, the awful situations Abigail and Mark put her in. Her mother listened quietly to the end.
“Seth? Seth-Seth?”
“Yep. He’s in this hotel getting ready right now.”
Her mother looked white as a ghost. “Brielle, tell me you’re not going to marry that terrible man. I thought we were done with him.”
Brielle shook her head. “I can’t tell you, mom. I can’t tell anyone or all of this goes away. I know it’s complicated but I just need you to trust me.”
Her mother thought carefully. “Okay. I trust you.”
“Perfect.” Brielle blinked back tears and changed the subject. “So, how’s grandma doing?”
“Oh, I’m sure she’s already set up in front of a camera crew. She’ll tell all of your embarrassing stories for her 15 minutes of fame...”
Brielle was happy to have her mother here to distract her. She would be married in just a few short hours but she couldn’t help but wonder if she was making the right choice.
Chapter Two
Asher bent down next to the bed, checking for any odds and ends that may have made their way underneath during his time in this room. He had already checked and rechecked his bag, partially out of boredom and partially out of nervousness.
It might be his wedding day. A day he’d been looking forward to his whole life, a day he had been so close to once before. In the early hours of the morning, he wrote a letter to his late fiance to say goodbye.
He had done something similar during grief counseling after she died but this felt more real. He would very possibly be marrying his new fiance that day and he didn’t want any loose ends dangling from his heart. He wanted to be all in for Brielle.
But was she all in for him? That question had been weighing on his mind for the past 12 hours. He barely slept, knowing she was upset with him, knowing she might not go through with the wedding at all. Or worse, knowing she might marry Seth.
Asher knew she was upset with him for lying to her. But Seth lied too and his lie was much more nefarious than Asher’s. At the same time, Brielle loved Seth once, she cared for him, she had a history with him. That could be enough to inch her in his direction. It made Asher sick to think about.
“Asher?” Mark’s voice floated over the speaker in the bedroom. “Your car is here.”
He composed himself, grabbed his belongings, and made his way down the hallway to the kitchen. There was no sign of Seth. Asher assumed they’d be arriving in different vehicles to keep the peace.
There was no sign of Mark or Abigail anywhere. A black Towncar was parked outside and Asher dragged his things out the front door to the car.
“Asher Wilson?” The driver rolled down the back window.
“I’ll grab your bags.” The man hopped out of the car and put Asher’s things in the trunk. Asher slid into the back seat.
“Thank you. I’m assuming they gave you directions? I’m not quite sure where I’m going.”
The man nodded. “Yes, they did. The Houston Hotel. Fancy spot. What brings you down there?”
“Well, this might sound insane, but I’m on a reality show. And I might be getting married today.”
“You’re right, that does sound insane. But congratulations. Maybe.” The driver winked at Asher in the rearview mirror.
They rode the rest of the way in silence. Asher was shocked as they approached the hotel. He’d never seen a building this beautiful before. He was almost embarrassed for his closest friends and family to see him in such a swanky place.
The driver parked in front of the main lobby a
“Thank you. Um...I’m here with the reality show. I’m the groom. Well...maybe.”
“Of course, Mr. Wilson. Your producers told us you were on your way.” The doorman handed Asher a key. “We will take your bags up for you. Your room number is on your key.”
Asher nodded, overwhelmed by all that was happening, and walked across the grand lobby. It was ornate in a way that would almost look cheap was he not sure that every piece was authentic.
The elevator ride was quick and Asher slid the keycard into his room. He was surprised to hear voices coming from the inside.
“Mom!” He gave his mother a big hug. “What are you doing here?”
“They told us we could come wait up here for you. We figured you wouldn’t mind.”
“Of course not!”
“ she the one?”
Asher’s smile faded. “Well...I think so. There’s a whole issue with her ex-boyfriend. The producers tracked him down and got him to pretend to be someone else the entire time. She knows now and she’s upset with me for not telling her and obviously at him for a variety of things.”
His mom was shocked. “But that’s so...wrong. That they did that to the poor girl.”
Asher shook his head. “I know. I know it is. I lied too. So I don’t know what she’ll do today.” His face fell as he sat down on the bed.
“Well, we will get you ready and pray there’s a wedding for you today!” His mother’s optimism always touched him. “Do you have a suit or something?”
Asher panicked. “ actually. I mean I would imagine I would. But I don’t have it with me. I have no idea where to get it from.”
“You sit down and get comfortable. I’ll send Derek up and see what I can do about the suit.”
“Derek’s here?”
“Of course he is. He’s your best man, isn’t he?”
Asher felt relieved. He had gotten in a bit of a tiff with his best friend before leaving. Derek didn’t think going on a reality show was the best thing for a man whose previous fiance had tragically died. Asher knew he was just looking out for him and was happy his friend was still here showing his support.
“Of course. Send him up mom, I’ll be happy to see him.”
His mother left and Asher was left alone in the room. He was a bit embarrassed he hadn’t thought about his suit at all, getting ready was the last thing on his mind. All he could think about was Brielle and whether or not she would still allow him to marry her after everything that happened over the past 24 hours.
Less than five minutes after his mom left, Derek knocked on the door. He was holding a bottle of champagne in one hand and two garment bags in the other.
“Let’s get you married, man!”
Asher spent the morning getting ready for a wedding he wasn’t sure would even occur.
Chapter Three
It took much longer than Brielle thought to finish her hair and makeup. She chatted with the other women in the suite, her grandmother came up and let Brielle know she’d already done a handful of confessionals in the lobby. Brielle made a note to thank James and Laura for humoring her starstruck grandma next she saw them.
Though Brielle was enjoying the time with her family and Stacey, she was anxious to see her best friend. Gabby had been her dearest friend since they met in Kindergarten and she was growing worried that she hadn’t arrived yet.
Brielle’s mom hadn’t heard from Gabby. Brielle couldn’t imagine Gabby wasn’t coming, it was more likely she was fashionably late, as always. Her dress hung in the closet and Brielle tried to calm her nerves by looking at it every now and again.
At about 10:40, less than an hour before Brielle needed to be downstairs saying her goodbyes to either Seth or Asher, Gabby burst through the suite door.
If the makeup artist wasn’t putting the finishing touches on her fake eyelashes Brielle would have flown across the room to hug her.
“Gabby! You had me so nervous!”
“Nervous? Me? I wouldn’t miss this for the world!” She turned to Brielle’s mother. “Good morning Mrs. Parker. How’s your girl?”
Theresa looked at Brielle and back at Gabby. “To be honest, I think she’s a bit insane. But she seems calm enough.”
“Perfect!” Gabby took some gummy worms out of her purse and started snacking.
“Gabby?” Stacey stuck out her hand. “I’m Stacey, the wedding planner. We really need to get your hair and makeup going.”
“Of course! Can I sit here next to Brielle?”
“Definitely.” Stacey pulled up a chair and motioned for the hairstylist to move in and begin working on Gabby. Brielle was happy Gabby didn’t put up much of a fight with the stylist, she could be pretty opinionated about her hair. She was glad Gabby realized what an important day it was and put Brielle at the center of it.
Gabby grabbed Brielle’s hand. “So...tell me about the hubby!”
Brielle hesitated. She knew Gabby would explode when she heard the news about Seth. “Well...there are two guys. I can’t tell you which one I’m choosing due to my contract.”
“Well tell me about both of them then.”
“Asher is amazing. He’s sweet and thoughtful and kind. And he’s so attractive. I’m head over heels for him.”
Gabby squeezed her hand. “That’s amazing, Bri! Who’s the other guy?”
“Don’t get upset.”
“Why would I get upset?”
“The other’s Seth, Gabby.”
She felt Gabby jump in the chair beside her. “No, Bri! No!”
“Yes. He used a pseudonym, I had no idea it was him.”
Gabby sighed sadly. “Oh, Bri. How did you find out?”
“Well, some of the guys I sent home found out and tried to warn me. So the producers had me go on a date with Asher and with “Carl”.”
“So you’re not marrying him right?” Gabby’s voice was apprehensive.
“It’s a hard call, Gab. I know he’s done terrible things but I did fall in love with him again. I’ve wondered a lot if maybe this is a sign we’re meant to be.”
“Well, I will be there for you regardless. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”
Brielle was grateful for her friend’s support. She hoped Gabby would be happy with the decisions she made, it was important to her for her best friend to get along with her husband.
“Brielle? It’s time to get your dress on.” Stacey began unzipping the garment bag.
She’d been nervous all morning but putting on her wedding dress suddenly made everything feel very real. Her hands were shaking as she stood up. She tried to steady herself. Gabby handed her some champagne as she walked by. Brielle knew it would help calm herself and took a sip.
“Ready?” Stacey pulled the dress out of the bag. Theresa held one side as Brielle stripped off her robe and stepped in.
The dress fit like a glove. She had loved it when she first tried it on and now that she was wearing it on her wedding day, all her worries washed away. Her mother zipped up the back and began to rearrange the train.
“Brielle, this is beautiful.” Theresa had tears in her eyes.
“Thanks, mom. I love it.”
“I take it this is the right dress then?” Stacey asked with a wink.
“Oh, it’s definitely the right dress.”
“Then I know which guy I’m taking you to first. Ready?”
Brielle looked at herself in the mirror. Her mother adjusted the veil on her head and gave her a quick lipstick touch up.
“Well..I’ll be back soon.”
“Good luck, Bri. Follow your heart.”
“Thanks, Gab.”
Brielle and Stacey left the suite to head downstairs for her first looks. Brielle’s nerves were fading into the background. She felt confident and determined. This was her story, she was going to write her happy ending.
The elevator came to a stop at the main level. Stacey quickly reminded her to smile. The doors opened and Brielle saw Laura and James were waiting outside the elevator for her. They followed her closely across the lobby.
Brielle felt like a princess in her gown. Hotel guests stopped to stare and give a warm smile as she made her way to the ballroom opposite the elevator. The door opened and Brielle held her breath. Unfortunately, it was just Mark.