Captured collection book.., p.1
Captured Collection: Books 1, 2 & 3 (Monster erotica bundle), page 1

Books 1, 2 & 3
© Copyright 2014 Jayme Knight
All rights reserved.
This story contains sexually explicit material, and themes. All characters depicted in sexual situations are over 18 years of age and not of blood relation. The characters and situations depicted within are fictitious and do not represent any person alive or dead.
CAPTURED by the Lizard King
CAPTURED 2: The Queen and the Concubine
Captured 3: The Capture of the Queen
More exciting Novels by Jayme Knight
Captured by the Lizard King
© Copyright 2013 Jayme Knight
All rights reserved.
This story contains sexually explicit material, and themes. All characters depicted in sexual situations are over 18 years of age and not of blood relation. The characters and situations depicted within are fictitious and do not represent any person alive or dead.
This day began like any other for young Moira, she had risen with the sun, ate her breakfast, and gathered her woven baskets to go foraging for food. On her way out of the cabin she grabbed several pieces of hard cheese, about a quarter a loaf of soda bread, and a handful of jerky strips. Some for her lunch and some she would drop off for her father who has been out since before dawn on the farm.
The morning sun washed over her face as she stepped out of the cabin. The days have been getting cooler and cooler as they headed into the fall months. Moira looked around the farm yard and immediately her mother came into view and she could feel a smile creep across her face. She was a beautiful woman well-tanned, hair the color of spun gold, eyes as blue as a mountain lake, no wrinkles or blemishes on her skin. Her father always said she was the spitting image of her mother but she had a hard time seeing it. Her face looked like her mother’s, her eyes and hair were very similar and that was the extent of how they looked alike.
Her mother was tall and curvy in all the right places, with ample breasts like a woman should have. Moira was the opposite she was lean, and short even for a girl, her breasts barely filled her little hand and her hips were shapely but narrow. Her mother kept telling her she will fill in one day and that some girls just take longer to flower. Each year she waited patiently and this year she celebrated her eighteenth name day and still she has not blossomed like her mother. She attended all the community events, dances, and gatherings and only the younger boys seemed to notice her. She wanted a man to notice her, one that could take care of her like her father took care of her mother. Her mother’s voice startled her out of her thoughts.
“What you up to Moira?” Her mother asked as she hung the morning wash to dry.
“I am off to find some fresh herbs, maybe some fall berries” She answered, “maybe take a bath in the pond before it gets too cold for the year.”
“Mind the time,” Her mother warned, “it gets dark sooner and sooner each day, and you have a tendency to lose track.”
“I will mother.” Moira said back and smiled, “I have taken some food for father, and I’ll drop it to him on my way.”
“Bless you child.” Her mother commented, “I love you Moira, be safe.”
Moira turned and began walking quickly toward the potato fields, “I will Mother. I love you too.”
As Moira headed toward the field where her father would be working her thoughts turned to how the last few days have been unfruitful in her foraging. She had picked clean most of the area immediately around the farm over the last few weeks, and this had been a dry year leaving less overall to forage. The only place she had not yet gone searching for food was in the forest bordering the swamplands. Her father did not like her going there, so she only went there when all other areas had been scavenged and this seemed to leave him less distraught.
It was only a short time before she came upon her father hard at work in the field south of their cabin; he was hitching their ox to a plow and waving to her as she came down the path.
“I brought you some food father.” She stated reaching in to one of her baskets and producing a bundle containing about two thirds of the food she packed earlier.
“That’s my girl,” he said in a deep gravelly voice, as he hugged her tight to him and kissed the top of her head, “you always think of ol’ dad”
Moira blushed and hugged him back then they stepped apart. She felt nervous because she knew her father would not be happy she was going to the forest by the swamps today. It was earlier in the season than she normally would go there and she probably would have to explore that area until the snows started to fall. She could see her father was watching her suspiciously as he opened his food bundle, and this made her more nervous. She tried to act normal, but the more she tried to act normal the weirder she looked
“What are you hiding Moira?” he asked her.
“The grounds around the farm are stripped father,” she said and fidgeted as she came to the next part, “I will be going to the forest bordering the swamp today, and probably until the snow starts to fall.”
She watched him back away a step and looked her up and down with solemn features, “Moira, you know I don’t like you ever having to go there, it’s too dangerous.”
“Father, the larder is only half full,” she said with pleading eyes, “we need more if we’re to make it through the winter.”
“I know,” he responded and paused for a good long time thinking about how lean the harvest was. He knew there would be little left after they supply their quota to the king. He knew they had little choice so he gave in, “Moira, promise me to keep your head about you, promise me you will not go past the wall.”
Moira’s eyes brightened and a smile came over her face “I promise father, I will not go past the wall and I will keep my head about me.”
“You’re not a little girl anymore Moira.” He said as he reached down and unbuckled his broad belt that held his long dagger in place at his side and held it out to her, “Take this and use it if you need to, trust no one in the forest Moira.”
He had given her his long dagger before but this time it was different, he had look about him that worried her. She took the belt gladly and buckled it in place. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a peck on the cheek, and turned toward the edge of the forest. Moira stopped and took one last look back at her father who had sat down beside the plow using it as a back rest and began to eat his lunch. She had an uneasy feeling, but soon dismissed it and began walking again.
Moira spent the rest of the morning gathering herbs, wild onions, wild garlic, and mounds of tubers enough that she would have to bring the hand cart back to carry it all back to the cabin. The morning was long and dirty with all her gathering. Moira felt dirty and wanted to relax in her favorite pond. Moira quickly made her way through the forest and came to the wall that divided the forest from the swamp lands. Her father told her he helped build the wall when he was still just a young man before he and mother were married.
Moira climbed the wall and pulled her slender form on the top of it peering over into the swamp lands beyond. There were several ponds throughout the forest on her side of the wall but none were like her favorite and that one was on the far side of the wall. She found this place when she was gathering one year, and had wandered mindlessly into the swamplands through one of the spots where the wall could not be built. It was only a short walk from the wall through a thickly forested area, the ground was less spongy here and the forest opens into a clearing with a large circular pond surrounded with large flat topped boulders.
Moira broke into a run toward the edge of the pond where one of two streams flowed into the pond, she kneeled and drank deeply from the place where the water was flowing fastest. The water was so clean and clear here, it cooled her all the way down as she drank. She let out a great sigh of relief and began to loosen the draw strings on her skirt and blouse, shedding the garments and laying them in a heap on a log close to the edge of the pond. Moira stood in her undergarments and looked around quickly scanning the area to make sure no one else was there, and felt silly, she was in the middle of nowhere. She shed her undergarments exposing her small breasts to the cool afternoon air. The feel of being exposed made her nipples harden and caused a familiar ache between her legs. She knew that ache it begged her to touch there and rub there to make the ache stop.
She had touched there before, and her mind wandered back to when she felt the moist hotness of her inner thighs. She thought of how she touched her swollen clit and massaged her own breasts until she felt she would burst and then the release like a dam bursting, warmth flooding all over her body like a waves caressing the beach. Her hands moved to her breasts cupping them, squeezing them as her thumbs and fore fingers came together on her little hardened nipples. She squeezed her nipples and jolts of pleasure shot down from her breasts to her stomach and lower yet ending between her thighs. She was touching herself and it felt good, even though she was taught it was so wrong to take pleasure of the flesh.
Moira quickly dove into the cool waters of the pond and it shocked the heated feeling away from her loins. She swam only a short time in the pond, it was cool over her naked form and visions of men she had fancied in the past were filling her head. She could not figure out why of all days today she had such thoughts and it disturbed her, maybe it was because sh
She pulled herself up onto one of the flat boulders that encircled the pond. The surface was hard and smooth from years of wind and water and the suns heat soothed her tired muscles. Once again the cool breeze perked up her nipples, and once again the fire between her thighs was being stoked by her thoughts of the day she touched down there. Her hands crept down between her thighs and her fingers found the magic spot. A small gasp escaped her lips as a tingle shocked her to the core, she spread her legs wide and her fingers rubbed up and down her moist slit brushing her clit ever so gently. Over and over she rubbed feeling the pressure building within her, and her mind wandered to what it would feel like to have a man in her. Her moans came to her ears louder and louder with every rub, and her clit started to swell shooting jolts of pleasure through her with every rub of her fingers. Moira let out a low moan and arched her back pushing her tiny breasts together between her arms as both hands worked magic on her young virgin body. Each rub pushed her closer and closer to the edge more and more pressure built driving her crazy inside with lust, until finally all that pressure came to a peak. The next rub of her fingers on her swollen clit sent spasms of pure pleasure through her causing her hips to buck onto her fingers and in turn sending more and more spasms through her washing her young body in waves of pleasure. Each set of spasms became less and less intense, calming to ripples of heat rushing through her.
Moira laid there for some time, lost in her pleasure until a sound of movement nearby shocked her back to reality. Her eyes jolted open and fear gripped her heart as she sat bolt upright on the rock scanning her surroundings and gaining her feet. She was acutely aware she was naked for all to see but did not fear how she looked as she was more concerned that some wild animal had come upon her. She started moving off the rock onto shore, step by step closer to her clothing and the long dagger her father entrusted to her for safety. Her breathing was coming fast and her heart felt like it would burst from her chest. A hollow twanging sound came to her ears followed by a sharp pain in her right buttock. Her hand instinctively moved to it and she felt something there a thin hard object had pierced her skin. She pulled it out causing more pain to shoot through her, and tried to bring the object around to look at it. Before she could see what it was, her knees turned to jelly and gave out, laying her out flat on her back. Moira tried to scream but no words came from her, she tried to get up but her body would not obey.
It was several seconds and Moira was in sheer terror inside, but unable to express it outwardly. The only part of her body still able to move was her eyes and she frantically moved them around trying to see something, anything. Then the sound of foot falls came to her ears and something or someone came into her view. It was a creature she had never seen before. It walked like a man and looked like a man with fine scales of varying color patterns covering his entire well-muscled body from head to toe. Instead of hair he had several scaled flanges running the length of his rounded head in neat rows. His eyes were large and gold in color, with slits instead of round pupils. Moira’s vision began to slightly blur and then became hazy and darkening as unconsciousness took her.
Day 1
Moira’s eyes fluttered open and she fully expected to find herself on the rock in the forest, but she was not, instead she was in a darker place, dank and smelling of dirt and hay. Confusion set in, her head hurt, her body ached, her memory was fuzzy, and then it came back to her. The man with the golden eyes and scaled body had taken her from the forest and brought her here, where ever here was. She sat up once again feeling fear creeping into her heart and mind. She looked around seeing she was in a stone room the walls were roughly hewn and a large thick wooden door blocked the only way out. She was on a large pile of hay and there were two wooden buckets in the room, one filled with water and the other was empty. Looking closer at the door she noticed two openings in it one higher up that was too small to fit through even for her, but allowed some light to pour through her area slightly. The other opening was at the bottom of the door, a slot about three hands wide and one hand high.
Moira now noticed the distinct sound of metal on metal in the distance; it reminded her of when she went to the blacksmith with her father. She began to sit up and noticed she was still naked. Awful thoughts filled her head, what had they done to her when she was unconscious? Was she still fit to be married or had they ravaged her while she was out? Instinctively she folded her right arm across her breasts covering her nipples and the bulk of her breasts from sight and her left hand moved to cover the area between her legs as she curled into a ball on the hay.
Several hours passed before a sound came from the door that jolted her with fear so she back against the farthest wall from the door covering her woman hood with her hands. A plate of food slid through the slot at the bottom of the door, and the sounds stopped. Moira waited for a long time expecting more to happen and when nothing did happen she crawled on her hands and knees to the plate of food. She smelled each thing on the plate, wondering if they might be poisoned and then thought that if they wanted her dead she would not have woke up. She took a few small bites and then finished the food hastily. The food was all palatable but not at all what she was used to. The rest of the day went slowly and soon she felt groggy, she tried to fight it but sleep took her all the same.
Day 5
Every day went like the first day, food would come twice a day, she would fall asleep shortly after the second meal. When she woke the dirty dishes would be gone, her water bucket would be full with fresh water, and the second bucket which she started using for a chamber pot would be clean and empty. Moira was starting to lose track of the days she was totally isolated, most days the sound of metal banging on metal was the only thing she heard and the nights filled with silence until she drifted off to sleep. She was not sure what they wanted from her, her mind filled with awful scenarios of what might happen.
Every hour of every day was filled with dread, she knew great harm was coming her way, it was not a matter of if, but when it would happen. Life had changed for her along the way and this was life now at least until her captors took it from her. Her parents had no idea where she was, they would be worried sick, and eventually they will come to the conclusion she was not coming back.
That night after her evening meal she let sleep take her without a fight.
Day 30
Day in and day out Moira would lay there until her food arrived and eat very little of it, as her hopes waned so did her appetite. She had started having conversations with herself in her head, arguing back a fourth on what to do. She started to wish her captors would at least come take her, do anything to her, even something bad was better than nothing at all.
A sound of metal sliding on metal shocked Moira out of her thoughts. It was too early for her first meal and this had never happened before, they never came in when she was awake. Fear clutched her like a hand grabbing her heart inside of her chest. Her breathing became ragged with fear and sweat began to form on her skin and a wave of hotness washed over her as she watched the door begin to open.
Bright light from the outside flooded the room blinding Moira slightly and from that light emerged a tall, slender figure. The door swung shut again with a heavy thump, and slowly Moira’s eyes cleared. She looked at the figure and was shocked to see it was a woman. The woman was curvaceous, her eyes were violet in color with slits for pupils, and her skin was covered from head to toe in fine scales with different shades of blue, and green. The woman was naked like her, no clothing, no adornments at all, her head had no flanges like the man she had seen, and in fact it was smooth and shapely.
Moira backed away so fast she slammed hard into the stone wall farthest from the door.
“NO!” Moira screamed as she crouched down bringing her hands and arms up to protect her head and face, “Don’t hurt me, please don’t hurt me. I beg of you, don’t kill me.”
The woman cocked her head and looked at Moira with some confusion. The woman lifted her hand and traced a strange symbol in the air over and over again while mumbling strange words under her breath. When she was done mumbling a soft glow settled about the woman’s head.