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Whatever Comes Our Way (Everyday Love Book 2), page 1

Whatever Comes Our Way
©2018 by Jaycee Weaver
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author.
Published by Sandia Sky Press LLC, Albuquerque, NM
Cover by Jaycee Weaver
Cover photo ©Focus and Blur, used under license from Shutterstock.com
Scriptures referenced from multiple translations via YouVersion app for iPad.
Some scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright ©2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
Some scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version® (NIV®), copyright ©1973, 1979, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Biblica, Inc.® All rights reserved worldwide.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are creations of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is purely coincidental. Some events and locations within Albuquerque, New Mexico are used with or without altering names and identities because the author loves her hometown and everything in it and intends absolutely no harm whatsoever. Any factual errors were made unintentionally or with creative liberties on my part to better further the story as necessary.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Author’s Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Spanish Word Guide
About the Author
Sneak Peek
Author’s Note
Because this story is set in Albuquerque, New Mexico, there are quite a few colloquialisms used throughout. If you’re unfamiliar with the Spanish language and/or Hispanic culture, you can easily find definitions and pronunciations with a quick search online or find my handy-dandy guide in the table of contents!
I hope you enjoy the Everyday Love series and grow an appreciation for the Land of Enchantment. I love this place with all of my heart and soul and I hope that comes through the pages loud and clear. The weather, the Rio Grande and the Bosque, the mesas and the mountains, the food, the people, the colors, the quirky ways of saying things, and most especially the ever-changing sky—this is my home.
**Warning** The following prologue contains a flash-back memory of the main character being molested as a young teen. While it is not graphic, it may be a trigger to more sensitive readers. It may be skipped, either entirely or just the italicized parts, without impacting the rest of the book. This story is intended to uplift, speak life, hope and healing into people who’ve experienced more than they should ever have had to face. The Lord is with you and you are loved.
If she just stayed hidden, she’d be okay.
If she were quiet enough and shielded herself behind other people, she’d be okay.
If she wore baggy clothes to hide her body, she’d be okay.
If she pretended she was okay, she’d be okay.
Lies. All lies. Lies she couldn’t stop telling herself, desperately hoping they would be true.
Regina huddled silently in the back of her mother’s tiny walk-in closet, tucked behind long dresses, afraid breathing might lead to discovery.
Her mother’s most recent conquest decided to “stop by” shortly after she’d gotten home from school. Luckily, she’d seen his car come roaring into the parking lot before she’d shut the door to the second-floor apartment. She couldn’t ignore the distressed warning in her gut, so she’d hidden her backpack under her bed before racing to the hiding place where she felt safe.
Who knew whether or not this latest one had bad intentions, but it wasn’t a risk she was willing to take. At fifteen, Regina knew better than a lot of girls her age just how risky it could be to find herself alone in a room with a grown man. Especially one whose mere presence gave her the creeps and whose eyes tended to follow her every move. She had been hyper-vigilant to never be alone with any of them.
Not that her mother noticed. The woman was rarely without a man in her life, and most of them were total winners.
Her sister, Tonya, was five years older and was always at work or, well, anywhere but here lately. Unless she wanted to follow Tonya around like a lost puppy, Regina was on her own. No one to protect her from situations that sent her imagination on overdrive or made the fear choke like fingers around her throat.
She knew from experience just how that felt.
Regina closed her eyes and tried to control her breathing, her hand absently touching her neck. The memories swept over like a rogue wave and threatened to close the walls of the closet in on her. The air grew heavy and thick. An elephant sat on her chest, the lack of oxygen making her arms tingle. Pressure built until she curled into a ball in the corner, behind the curtain of dresses.
“You’re becoming a pretty little thing, aren’t you, Reggie?” She cupped her hands over her ears to drown out the leering voice that accompanied the rapid slideshow of images inside her eyelids.
“Scream and I’ll kill you.” His sweaty hand gripped her mouth as he awakened her in the middle of the night. She couldn’t help the instinct and the sound came out muffled against his hand, her legs attempting to thrash. He clenched the other around her throat and slowly squeezed. She could smell the foul blend of alcohol and old cigarettes on his breath and fought the urge to gag.
His body crashed against hers, heavy and overwhelming. He released her mouth and she bit her lips together to prevent the scream demanding release. She’d seen his dead gaze. He would choke the life right from her if she dared cry out.
Through her pajamas she felt an angry hand wandering everywhere, harsh but controlled. She wanted to shout for help, but the hand around her throat kept her still. “Be a good girl, now, Reggie.”
She prayed to Abuela’s God for help.
The edges of her vision dimmed, tiny pinpricks of stars edging through the black. Again, she tried to thrash free, clawing at his hand so she could take in just one breath. The man was a heavy, smelly octopus. Every way she tried to move or wriggle free, he was there, keeping her hostage.
“What do you think you’re doing, you sick pig?!”
Regina nearly wept with joy at the sound of her sister’s voice as the bright lights blinded her. The disgusting man leapt from the thin, ancient twin bed and loomed over Tonya, his foul, heaving breath moving the tiny hairs around her face. Her face was iron. He grabbed Tonya’s breast hard and seethed menacingly just inches from her face. “Don’t bother telling. No one will believe a tramp like you. But in case you get any ideas, think of your mother. She could have an ‘accident.’”
Regina fought against the rising panic the memories triggered. Short gasps were all she could take, her throat closed from the memory of his painful squeeze. She made herself remember the rest of that awful night, just to regain some sense of hope and control.
After his threat, he’d slithered from the room. Tonya had raced to then thirteen-year-old Regina and put her arms around her. Her sister had saved her! Through her sobs, Tonya’s usually hard voice whispered softly, “Shh, Reggie, shh. It’s okay. He won’t hurt you again.” Tonya had held her, rocking her like a baby and smoothing her hair. For the first time in years, she’d felt like she had an ally in her sister.
The apartment door slammed, jerking her back into the present. She heard the most recent loser call out in a smooth voice that was like slime to her ears. “Reggie? You home?” His heavy footfalls moved through the rooms. She held her breath when they reached her mother’s doorway. Frozen, she waited until she heard the apartment door slam shut and the locks turn after him.
Mom gave him a key? She shook her head.
Anger flowed through Regina’s body, warming her from the inside out and releasing the panic that had overtaken her earlier. She crawled out of her hiding place and into the light of her mother’s cluttered bedroom.
She looked around at the dust laden bottles of chea
A rush of loathing flowed through her as she paused in each room, making sure the creep was really gone. She blew out a forced breath and slowly, a plan began to take shape in the back of her mind. A plan and a resolution.
Never again would she be afraid of the losers her mother brought home. Never again would she need saving, by anyone. No more scared, pretending, quiet Reggie.
She was going to get out of there and make a new life for herself. She didn’t know when or how, but she resolved this—no more lying to herself and hiding in the shadows. She would be in control. The panic attacks would stop. She would be someone new and better. She would be strong.
Gina Hernandez would be a force to be reckoned with.
Chapter 1
A few more minutes of mingling wouldn’t kill her. Standing here while Josh Davis’s self-important boss droned on and on about the thrilling work they were doing just might, though. How did he stand working for this guy?
Gina looked desperately around the room for an out. Anyone who might catch her eye and come to her rescue. Nope, as usual, everyone was either engrossed in their own conversations or making gooey eyes at their significant other.
Which was exactly what Gina’s best friend, Brynn, and her fiancé Josh were doing, holding hands and exchanging sappy looks every time they introduced one another. Of course, this was their engagement party. She supposed a little gooey-ness was expected with those two.
Her beautiful, blonde, bestie Brynn (the only B-words that could ever describe her, since she was about the sweetest and most deserving person in the world) had gotten engaged this past Christmas to her boyfriend of over a year, who also happened to be the father of one of the kids in their before & after school care program. They were such an adorable almost-family it was disgusting. Gina was only a little envious.
Okay, maybe a lot envious. Not that she wanted Josh for herself; that guy was definitely not her type. But he was perfect for Brynn. Much better than that vanilla gringo she’d been dating before Josh. That one was sweet, but Brynn didn’t need a blander version of herself.
Speaking of the guy, Caleb was over in the corner deep in animated conversation with Josh’s sister Jenna. Interesting. It wasn’t surprising that Caleb was there, considering he and Brynn had really been more like friends than a couple. But Caleb and Jenna? She could see that. Maybe.
Gina continued her search of the room, trying to keep a plastic smile on her face while hoping she’d spot an excuse to extricate herself from the monotonous bore still yapping in her ear. She only had about fifteen minutes before she had to leave for work, but the thought of wasting those minutes listening to this guy just might send her over the edge straight into insanity.
The doorbell clanged and Brynn’s mother Marla hurried to answer it like the happy hostess she was. It had taken a little while for Brynn’s parents to adjust to the idea of Brynn dating a single father a few years older than her, but once they’d met Josh and his son, Brendan, Marla had gleefully embraced the role of step-grandma. Gina loved Brynn’s parents and was so glad they’d come around. Josh and Brynn belonged together.
Whoever it was stepped through the door and hugged Marla. Gina narrowed her eyes trying to figure out the newcomer’s identity. He turned toward the open room and her breath got stuck in her lungs. Holy moly. Though Gina had never met the guy, she knew him.
Josh had talked about his pastor friend a lot the past year. He’d mentioned how big the guy was, but dang, he hadn’t said he was hot. Well, not that Josh would have said anything about another dude’s looks. But he was, in a rugged, burly, sort of hairy, modern-Neanderthal way. This had to be Jaydon.
Kind of rude for him to show up this late to the party, but whatever. Apparently, the guy was super involved in his church and was always committed to some event or activity, which was partly why they hadn’t met in the year or so Josh and Brynn had been dating.
Brynn made a motion that caught Gina’s eye and indicated she should get over there. Thank you, Jesus. Gina smiled as sweetly as she could to Josh’s boss and excused herself. She sucked in her belly and tried to make her posture better so she’d look a little thinner. For a girl who used to be considered attractive and had been rather popular in her school days, she now struggled with a conflicting self-image brought on by an unwanted layer of chub that had steadily increased over the past decade.
Gina smiled in greeting as Josh, his arm wrapped lovingly around Brynn’s shoulders, nodded to Jaydon.
“Gina, this is Jaydon. Jaydon, Gina. It’s about time you two finally got a chance to meet,” Josh said jovially. “I know you’re both crazy busy, but I still can’t believe you haven’t met.”
Jaydon looked apologetic as he glanced from Josh to Brynn to Gina. “I know, man. And I’m sorry I’m late. Church emergency.”
She glanced at the time on her fitness watch. Five minutes max before she had to be in the car on the way to work. Darn. She’d love the chance to get to know Jaydon a little better now that they’d finally met. Too bad she didn’t have time to get a better look at him. Uh, get to talk to him.
“Sorry I have to run, guys, but I’ve got to get to work. Jaydon, it was so nice to meet you, finally.”
Brynn gave her a pouty face that was betrayed by the twinkle in her eyes. Dang it, she saw something. After the hard time she’d given Brynn about Josh early on, Gina knew her friend would just love the chance to get back at her. Well, not this time, girlfriend.
He might be caveman cute, but he was a pastor. And she and a pastor would never work.
Chapter 2
Oh, glorious sunshine. After a long winter, that blessed ball in the sky was a little piece of heaven shining down and warming her world.
Gina wiped her glistening brow with her stiff, dirt covered work glove. Her knees were stiff and her lower back was throbbing, but she couldn’t possibly feel more satisfied. She rocked back on her knees and surveyed her work. The backyard looked good. Really good. The weeds were finally cleared and the new plants looked amazing in the places she’d chosen for them.
Rising to her feet, Gina reached for the water bottle she’d tucked under the shade of an established shrub to her left. The coolness was refreshing and she contemplated a trip back inside for a refill. She set the bottle back down and raised her linked hands over her head, bending at the sides and then twisting at the waist to work out the kinks. Surveying the yard in a wide circle, she made a mental list of the work left to finish before the growing season was officially in full swing.
The sliding door scraped in the frame as it slid open. Instinctively Gina swung around, her heart pounding, muscles coiled and ready to spring into action. The air left her lungs in a giant whoosh when she realized it was just Brynn, dressed in an adorable peek-a-boo shoulder top and capris ensemble. Gina quickly masked her distress and put a tight smile on her face. Jumpy much?
“Hey, girl! What’s up?”
“Oh, you know, the usual. Wedding business.” Her friend’s happiness shone through her eyes.
“Wedding business,” Gina said in a droll tone. She eyed her friend through narrowed slits. “Don’t you have, like, midterms or something coming up?”
Brynn laughed. “I just finished those, and I’ll be on spring break in a week. Perfect time to finalize the rest of the big stuff for the wedding, since there’s less than a month after graduation before the big day. I was hoping we could nail down the bridesmaid dresses next weekend. I made a few tentative appointments, but I can reschedule if that doesn’t work?”
“That’s fine. I haven’t made plans for next weekend yet.” Gina wiped her brow with her forearm. For this point in March, it sure was getting warm. Knowing Albuquerque’s weird weather, though, April would probably have a hard freeze. Or a last-ditch effort from Old Man Winter with a few inches of late spring snowfall. Right in time to stunt the infant growth of her beloved wisteria and leave all of the new leaves on her trees browned and spotty for the rest of the season. Crazy Albuquerque weather.