Judith of Blue Lake Ranch

Judith of Blue Lake Ranch

Jackson Gregory

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Literature & Fiction

Bud Lee, horse foreman of the Blue Lake Ranch, sat upon the gate of the home corral, builded a cigarette with slow brown fingers, and stared across the broken fields of the upper valley to the rosy glow above the pine-timbered ridge where the sun was coming up. His customary gravity was unusually pronounced. "If a man\'s got the hunch an egg is bad," he mused, "is that a real good and sufficient reason why he should go poking his finger inside the shell? I want to know!" Tommy Burkitt, the youngest wage-earner of the outfit and a profound admirer of all that taciturnity, good-humor, and quick capability which went into the make-up of Bud Lee, approached from the ranch-house on the knoll. "Hi, Bud!" he called. "Trevors wants you. On the jump."
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Jackson Gregory

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Literature & Fiction

This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
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Daughter of the Sun

Daughter of the Sun

Jackson Gregory

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Literature & Fiction

Jackson Gregory was an American teacher, journalist, and writer.Jackson Gregory authored more than 40 fiction novels and a number of short stories. Several of his tales were used as the basis of films released between 1916 and 1944. This Edition Contains 10 Works;● Under Handicap● The Short Cut● Wolf Breed● Six Feet Four● Judith of Blue Lake Ranch● The Bells of San Juan● Man to Man● Daughter of the Sun● The Desert Valley● The Everlasting WhisperThis Edition Features:● Biography of Jackson Gregory● Active Table of Contents● Well Kindle FormattingAnd if you enjoy this volume, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for "Jame-Books" to see all the other entries of Jame-Books Publishing.
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The Everlasting Whisper

The Everlasting Whisper

Jackson Gregory

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Literature & Fiction

Jackson Gregory was an American teacher, journalist, and writer.Jackson Gregory authored more than 40 fiction novels and a number of short stories. Several of his tales were used as the basis of films released between 1916 and 1944. This Edition Contains 10 Works;● Under Handicap● The Short Cut● Wolf Breed● Six Feet Four● Judith of Blue Lake Ranch● The Bells of San Juan● Man to Man● Daughter of the Sun● The Desert Valley● The Everlasting WhisperThis Edition Features:● Biography of Jackson Gregory● Active Table of Contents● Well Kindle FormattingAnd if you enjoy this volume, don\'t forget to search your favorite ebook store for "Jame-Books" to see all the other entries of Jame-Books Publishing.
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The Spinners Book of Fiction

The Spinners' Book of Fiction

Jackson Gregory

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Literature & Fiction

Wherefore this book of fiction by Californian writers? And why its appeal otherwise than that of obvious esthetic and literary qualities? They who read what follows will know. The fund, which the sale of this book is purposed to aid, was planned by The Spinners soon after the eighteenth of April, 1906, and was started with two hundred dollars from their treasury. To this, Mrs. Gertrude Atherton added another two hundred dollars. Several women\'s clubs and private individuals also generously responded, so that now there is a thousand dollars to the credit of the fund. A bond has been bought and the interest from it will be paid to Ina D. Coolbrith, the poet, and first chosen beneficiary of the fund. The Spinners feel assured that this book will meet with such a ready sale as to make possible the purchase of several bonds, and so render the accruing interest a steady source of aid to Miss. Coolbrith. All who have read and fallen under the charm of her "Songs from the Golden Gate," or felt the beauty and tenderness of the verses "When the Grass Shall Cover Me," will, without question, unite in making "assurance doubly sure" to such end. From the days of the old Overland Monthly, when she worked side by side with Bret Harte and Charles Warren Stoddard, to the present moment, Miss. Coolbrith\'s name has formed a part of the literary history of San Francisco. The eighteenth of April, 1906, and the night which followed it, left her bereft of all literary, and other, treasures; but her poem bearing the refrain, "Lost city of my love and my desire," rings with the old genius, and expresses the feeling of many made desolate by the destruction of the city which held their most cherished memories. When Miss. Coolbrith shall no longer need to be a beneficiary of the fund, it is intended that it shall serve to aid some other writer, artist or musician whose fortunes are at the ebb. To the writers, artists and publishers who have so heartily and generously made this book possible, The Spinners return unmeasured thanks. San Francisco, June 22, 1907.
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Six Feet Four

Six Feet Four

Jackson Gregory

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Literature & Fiction

Six Feet Four (1918) This book has everything a good western should have - outlaws, cowboys, a damsel in distress, a bent sheriff and a stagecoach robbery. The story revolves around a six-foot, four-inch tall cowboy who is the same height as the suspect in a hotel robbery. When a young woman is also robbed the cowboy is the chief suspect. The real criminal appears to be the sheriff and a gang who follow his orders, so the cowboy sets out to clear his good name.
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The Short Cut

The Short Cut

Jackson Gregory

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Literature & Fiction

The Short Cut, A Western Murder Mystery By Jackson Gregory (First published 1916) The woman breathed deeply as her dog, Shep, found something in the deep grass and went snarling across the water -- almost under her horse\'s legs. Not ten steps from the edge of the water her mare\'s nostrils suddenly quivered and she trembled a moment. So primitive was her urge to flee from death, she could not get closer to the spot where a man lay dead in the sunshine.
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Wolf Breed

Wolf Breed

Jackson Gregory

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Literature & Fiction

Wolf Breed (First published 1916) By Jackson Gregory It was mid June and time for Père Marquette to appear on the narrow street, tack up his message and return to the private room behind his store to kiss Mère Jeanne awake and inform her that -- with much wine and music -- their new year would begin. But because stronger drink, men\'s drink, had appeared that day too, a game of poker was running in one corner of a room. Six men were shaking dice and wagering recklessly; a little fellow with a wooden leg and scarred face was drawing shrieking rag time from an old and asthmatic accordion. It was on that evening when the door was flung open and a stranger stood, framed against the outside night. A score of eyes, going to him swiftly, studied him with curiosity.
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The Sixth Western Novel

The Sixth Western Novel

Jackson Gregory

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Literature & Fiction

Saddle the horses and round up the posse — it's time for another ride through the Old West with four more great western novels! Here are:Sudden Bill Dorn, by Jackson Gregory... They were made for fighting and loving: Bill Dorn, hard-bitten cowman facing the loss of his ranch to a friend turned outlaw, and Lorna Kent, a stranger in Nacional, wanted for murder yet claiming to be the heiress to a deserted ranch...Border Ambush, by Walker A. Tompkins... Seeking to avenge a murder and destroy an outlaw empire, Doug Redding scoured the wastelands in search of a hidden canyon where a notorious rustler holed up between raids!Killers Two (aka "Keep Off My Ranch"), by Allan K. Echols... A lone rancher pits his guts against the fast guns of two rustlers!Bullet Range, by Will Cook... "A tough, gutsy tale of a range that lived by the gun. Top flight!" — Real MagazineIf you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for "Wildside Press...
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