The Floating Outfit 34

The Floating Outfit 34

J. T. Edson

J. T. Edson

When Belle Boyd, the Rebel Spy, learned of a plot to organize the Southern States in an attempt to secede from the Union, she faced a problem. During the War Between the States, she had rendered loyal service to Dixie. At its end, she had taken the oath of allegiance to the Union and was now a trusted member of the U.S. Secret Service. Any clash of loyalties was averted when the Frenchman, a leader of the Brotherhood for Southron Freedom, caused the deaths of two of Belle's friends. The Rebel Spy swore that she would avenge them...Even if it had to smash the Brotherhood to do it!
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J. T. Edson

J. T. Edson

To protect the life of a visiting European Crown Prince from threatened assassination, the Governor of Texas could have called up the Texas Rangers, or even the United States Army. Instead, Stanton Howard obtained the services of Ole Devil Hardin’s floating outfit. Dusty Fog, Mark Counter, the Ysabel Kid and Waco had handled many dangerous people in their time, but they’d never met the like of the one employed by this band of conspirators to kill the Crown Prince. Acknowledged as Europe’s premier assassin, Beguinage came and went unnoticed by all except the victims. And had never failed in an assignment. The only way Dusty saw of saving the Prince was to use himself as bait for a trap—knowing that when it was sprung, either Beguinage or he would be dead...
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The Floating Outfit 40

The Floating Outfit 40

J. T. Edson

J. T. Edson

Assigned to protect Crown Prince Rudolph of Bosgravinia while he was on a hunting expedition in Texas, Ole Devil Hardin's Floating Outfit knew that their task would be anything but easy. For one thing, they were fighting two separate groups of assassins, both made up of Rudolph's countrymen. But Dusty Fog, Mark Counter, the Ysabel Kid and Waco considered that the most serious threat had been removed. Posing as a hired killer, the small Texan had brought Beguinage, Europe's top assassin, into the open and killed him ... or so they thought. Then things started to happen which made the Floating Outfit change their ideas from Beguinage being dead to the almost unthinkable "Beguinage is very much alive!"
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The Floating Outfit 24

The Floating Outfit 24

J. T. Edson

J. T. Edson

Brent Mallick and his hired Double K gunmen had it all made. Mallick wanted all the land around Barlock, which meant buying out all the small ranchers. This was no problem, for if the ranchers were at first reluctant to sell, they soon changed their minds when they saw what would happen to them and their families if they refused.Yes, everything was going Mallick's way. It was, that is, until the day his gunmen arrived at the Lasalle ranch, intending to try out their own brand of persuasion, and found three men waiting for them.The Ysabel Kid was one of the men. Mark Counter was another. The third man was small and insignificant looking . . . His name was Dusty Fog!
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The Floating Outfit 65

The Floating Outfit 65

J. T. Edson

J. T. Edson

There were some strange goings-on in Roberts County, New Mexico, where it bordered the brooding Wapiti Hills. Men had been disappearing without trace and all attempts to find them had failed.When Mark Counter disappeared, the Rio Hondo gun wizard, Dusty Fog, and the Ysabel Kid went looking for him. Mark was their friend and they aimed to find him, even if it meant taking on the whole of Roberts County—it would be just too bad for anyone who tried to stand in their way.
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The Floating Outfit 66

The Floating Outfit 66

J. T. Edson

J. T. Edson

THE FINAL FLOATING OUTFIT BOOK. Belle Starr, lady outlaw, had been murdered, cut down from behind by a double charge of buckshot. Nobody knew who had killed her.But Dusty Fog, Mark Counter and the Ysabel Kid swore they would bring in the murderer.Getting whoever killed Belle meant a lot to the three Texans.It meant more than ever to Mark, for he had planned to ask the girl to be his wife.
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Calamity Jane 9

Calamity Jane 9

J. T. Edson

J. T. Edson

It seems when a lady's called "Calamity," chaos follows wherever she goes — even to the mostly peaceful railroad town of Mulrooney, Kansas. Martha Jane Canary's always been free as the prairie wind, tied to no place or person, so she never expected to inherit a hardscrabble ranch that other folks have been working. She might have even ignored the legal summons to claim her property–if someone hadn't tried to kill her first.Now, whether she wants the spread or not, Jane's going to fight for what's hers — taking on bushwackers, crooked lawyers — and a woman with a cold and greedy heart, and a plan to steal Jane's land with bullets and brutality. But Calamity's got an ally — a baby-faced Texas gun called the Ysabel Kid — not to mention stony courage, a strong and sure whip hand — and a mule-stubborn willingness to lay down her life for what's right.
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The Floating Outfit 62

The Floating Outfit 62

J. T. Edson

J. T. Edson

The first book in a trilogy this sets the scene. When he inherited an Arizona ranch from an uncle he barely knew, Stone Hart packed off with a rambunctious support of Texans Dusty, Mark and Lon and a thundering herd of longhorns. But in the wilds of Arizona, some of Hart's new neighbors were hell-bent on claiming the ranch as their own.
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The Floating Outfit 22

The Floating Outfit 22

J. T. Edson

J. T. Edson

To the Kiowas a white buffalo was a sign of plenty. Only a name-warrior must kill it and even then a medicine-man had to perform the sacred rites over the hide within a prescribed time or all benefits would be lost. The fact that Luke Crammer had slaughtered a white buffalo could easily launch a full-scale war between the Kiowas and the white men of North Texas.Similar trouble could come too from the Sioux, for their war-chief, Grey Bear, had been kidnapped by a bunch of hardcases and branded a thief. Grey Bear could not accept such shame and do nothing. Only one person could possibly stave off the trouble—the Ysabel Kid, the man the Pehnane Comanches called Cuchilo ... The Knife.
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