Kozart a rockstar romanc.., p.1
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Kozart (A Rockstar Romance), page 1


Kozart (A Rockstar Romance)
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Kozart (A Rockstar Romance)

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not considered to be real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by J. Nathan

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Edited by Stephanie Elliot & Gem’s Precise Proofreads

  Cover Design by Tiffany at T.E. Black Designs

  Cover Photo by Eric Battershell

  Cover Model Kaz Vanderwaard

  First Edition July 2019



  I checked the clock on the nightstand of my hotel room—the biggest one in the penthouse. It was just after midnight. I glanced at the two sleeping blondes tangled up in my sheets. I’d clearly tired them out. Too bad the same hadn’t worked for me.

  What the hell was I gonna do now? I certainly didn’t want to be there when the two of them woke up—though round two might do the trick and knock my ass out for a change. If it didn’t, I was stuck making small talk with girls who wanted nothing more than to brag to their friends that they’d banged a rock star.

  I climbed out of bed, collecting my boxers and jeans that had been strewn around the room by the all-too-eager groupies in my bed. I pulled them on, then tugged my black hoodie over my head. I looked around for my ball cap, snatching it off the dresser and pulling it low on my head before venturing out into the living room.

  Music blared and bottles covered the surface of the tables. My bandmates drank with other scantily-clad groupies scattered around the massive room. The guys loved the nightly attention they received for being part of the highest grossing band in the world.

  “What’s up, Z?” my drummer Treyton called over the bass pounding through the room.

  The groupies’ attention shot to me, their eyes widening on contact. I could almost hear their strategizing thoughts. The stories they’d share with their friends. The relics they planned to steal to commemorate the night they partied with rock stars.

  No thanks.

  “I’ll be back,” I called to Treyton.

  I slipped out the door and headed for the elevator, hoping no one followed me.

  I needed to fucking breathe.

  The attention had begun to suffocate me. Probably because the reason behind the attention—the only reason these girls were there falling at our feet—was superficial. And as much as these girls thought they knew us from our music, they didn’t know us at all. And even though we might’ve acted like we wanted to know them in the heat of the moment, we didn’t. We’d be on to a whole new town and a whole new slew of girls waiting to take their places.

  Once the elevator arrived, I stood alone inside staring at my reflection in the mirrored walls. I’d aged a lot over the past five years. Traveling, partying, and lack of sleep did that to a person. I wondered if all twenty-five-year-olds felt like me. I also wondered when this lifestyle would finally take its toll on me.

  Had it already taken its toll?

  Because it was beginning to feel a hell of a lot like it had.



  I knew how I looked, face down on the cold marble bar in the ritzy hotel—in a sparkly pink bridesmaid dress no less. But I didn’t care. About that. About the pretzel pieces that had gathered in my dark curls spread out over the bar top. About anything.

  “You okay?” a deep voice asked from beside me.

  “Fine,” I grumbled.

  “You don’t look fine.”

  My head shot up, a wave of dizziness accompanying the quick movement. “The universal response to seeing someone passed out on a bar is to leave them alone,” I informed the guy in the dark hoodie who sat on the stool beside me.

  “You’re not passed out,” he pointed out.

  “Doesn’t matter. It’s how it looks,” I said, unable to discern the color of his hair or eyes since both were cloaked in the shade of the dark ball cap pulled low on his head.

  He shrugged. “Sorry. Just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  I scanned the bar, the hum of conversation suddenly returning to my frazzled brain. “Wow.” A humorless laugh escaped me. “You’re the only person in this place who even thought to check if I was okay.”

  He lifted his bottle of beer to his mouth and tipped it back.

  “I’m even more pathetic than I thought,” I mumbled.

  “I thought you just said the universal response was to leave you alone?”

  Ignoring his sarcasm, I motioned for the bartender to bring me another of whatever it was I’d been drinking.

  “You think that’s a good idea?” the guy beside me asked.

  I turned to him. “With the night I’m having? Definitely.”

  He chuckled, the soft rumble tumbling out of him as he reached toward my face and picked a piece of pretzel out of my loose waves. “You got a name?”

  “It’d be really weird if I didn’t,” I sassed.

  He chuckled again, this time showing straight white teeth. “You’re a feisty drunk.”

  “I’m not drunk. Just humiliated.”

  The bartender placed a blue drink down in front of me. I pulled it close and sipped through the skinny red straw. I wasn’t lying when I said I wasn’t drunk. But I was definitely on my way to getting there.

  “What happened?” the guy asked.

  I glanced down at my dress flowing down to my open-toed sparkly heels. “My sister just got married.”

  “Is she younger or something?” he asked.

  I glared at him. “You think I’m sulking in a bar because I’m jealous of my sister’s happiness?”

  He shrugged. “Don’t know. Don’t know you.”

  “I’ll have you know, I’m a hell of a sister, and a hell of a catch.”

  “I’m sure you are. I just wouldn’t mention ‘Passes out in bars’ on any dating site profiles. Might not be the clientele you’re looking to attract.”

  My eyes widened. “Dating sites?”

  “Yeah. Isn’t that what people are doing these days?”

  “These days? What are you, sixty?”

  He snickered, clearly not much older than me.

  “So, if you’re not doing what people are doing these days, are you married?” I asked.



  He shook his head, seemingly amused.


  He shook his head.


  Laughter burst out of him.

  I wanted to question his reaction, but the sound of his amusement made me forget for a couple seconds why I was in the bar alone in the first place.

  “You’re funny.” He lifted his bottle to his smiling lips and downed the rest of his beer.

  “I’ll add that to my profile.”

  His eyes cut to mine, and he stared at me long and hard. “What’s your name?”

  “What’s yours?”

  “My friends call me Kozart.”

  I cocked my head. “We’re not friends.”

  He mimicked my cocked head. “We could be.”

  I scrunched my nose. “Is that a line?”

  “Definitely not a line.”

  “Why? You don’t pick up funny bridesmaids passed out in bars?”

  He threw back his head and laughed again. “Tell me your name.”

  I gasped, my head dropping to the top of the bar and my forehead pressing to the sticky cold surface, nearly knocking over my drink.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Shhhhhh. Pretend I’m not here.”

  “That’s kinda difficult to do.”

  I said nothing, just stayed in that position. “Is he gone?”


  I lifted my head a couple of inches and peeked across the bar to the elevator doors beyond it. They were closed and no one stood in front of them. I lifted my head back up.

  “What was that about?” Kozart asked.

  “Just avoiding some people.”

  “I’d say.”

  I leaned forward and sipped my drink, needing the alcohol more than ever.

  “So, is the wedding still going on?” he asked.


  “You don’t want to be there?”

  I shook my head.

  “You gonna tell me why you were humiliated.”

  “I came with a date and left alone.”

  Kozart’s brows shot up. “He dumped you at your sister’s wedding?”

  “I walked in on him screwing another bridesmaid in the bridal suite.” I didn’t mean to be so blunt—okay maybe I did. My heart had been stomped on then shattered into a million little embarrassing pieces for good measure.



  A long silence passed between us as I sipped my drink.

  “You don’t need a douchebag like him anyway,” Kozart assured me.

  “You have to say that,” I said, knowing I hadn’t really given him anything else he could’ve said.

  “Babe, I don’t say anything I don’t wanna say.” He dug his hand into his jeans pocket and pulled out a fifty-dollar bill, tossing it onto the bar. “Come on,” he said, stepping off his stool. “Take me to the wedding.”

  I scoffed

  “I’m serious.”

  “The entire wedding knows what happened.”

  “Yeah. Some asshole blew his shot with you. You did nothing wrong. And now you’ve got an even better date.”

  My eyes swept over his black hoodie, faded jeans, and sneakers.

  “Not up to par?” he asked.

  “Why are you being so nice to me?”

  “Because pretty girls should not be passed out in bars when their sister’s wedding is going on.”

  “You called me pretty.”

  “I did.”

  “Can I add that to my dating profile?”

  He smirked.

  I hopped down from my stool, steadying myself on the back of it. Apparently, I drank a bit more than I realized.

  Kozart scanned the area around us. “Which way?”

  I pointed toward the ballroom. “You sure about this?”

  He linked his fingers through mine, catching me completely off guard. His fingers were soft, his grip strong. “Absolutely.”

  Dance music poured out of the ballroom as we neared. Flashing lights spilled onto the carpet outside the double doors.

  I drew a deep breath and donned a smile as he led me into the room.

  Groups and couples filled the dance floor, moving to the beat of an old-school hip-hop song I’d loved in junior high—before I became such a country music fan.

  Kozart led me out to the center of the floor, weaving us around people I knew were staring at me. Why wouldn’t they? They probably assumed I’d left. But I was tougher than that—at least Kozart was pushing me to feel like I was.

  He slipped his hand free from mine. The lack of contact left me feeling bereft and vulnerable. But the feeling disappeared once he turned to face me, grasping my hips with his hands. Instinctively, I reached up and held onto his biceps. Hello, biceps. He moved us to the music. And he could dance. Not like a drunk guy who jumped into the middle of a dance floor at a club, but like a guy who knew how to use those hips.

  As if he could read my mind, a cocky grin spread across his lips. The damn thing warmed my insides as he slipped his hands behind my back and pulled me closer to him. My back arched as I hit the wall of muscles beneath his hoodie. My hands drifted up to his shoulders, holding onto him as we moved. He had confidence that most guys my age didn’t and it was sexy. His scent wrapped itself around me, a strange mixture of cologne and perfume. Odd.

  I might’ve worried about how I looked grinding with a guy I just picked up in a bar, but the alcohol, mixed with my need to save face, urged me on. I closed my eyes and let Kozart guide my moves.

  He buried his nose in my hair, moving his mouth toward my ear.

  I pulled in a sharp breath.

  “Is he still here?” he asked.

  “He’s the groom’s brother, so probably.”

  “Your sister married his brother?”

  “Yup, even more tragic, huh?”

  The song ended and a slower one began. I took a step back, but Kozart pulled me closer, the small gesture meaning so much more than he—or even I—realized.

  Since he was a good head taller than me, I rested my cheek against his shoulder.

  “He’s an idiot,” Kozart said.


  He laughed and his breath tickled my bare shoulder. “What’s your name?”

  “Isn’t it so much more interesting if you don’t know?”

  “Aubrey,” my sister called from nearby.

  So much for more interesting.

  I lifted my head and twisted around to find my sister Caroline standing there in her gorgeous fitted white gown. She owned that room. And I didn’t want her worrying about me on the biggest day of her life.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, guilt plaguing her eyes.

  “What’s it look like I’m doing? I’m having an unforgettable time at my sister’s wedding.” I smiled way too wide for it to be authentic. And she knew it.

  “Let’s go talk,” she said.

  “I’m fine. Look. I’m dancing.”

  She looked to Kozart, her eyes narrowing suspiciously. She probably wondered where I found a guy on such short notice.

  “I’m taking good care of her,” he explained. “Just keep your bridesmaid and brother-in-law away.”

  “I told Jewel to leave,” Caroline explained. Though for a newly married woman, she seemed to be having difficulty tearing her eyes away from Kozart.

  “Go enjoy the rest of your night,” I said. “I’m fine.”

  Her eyes finally jumped to mine, searching for the truth behind my lie.

  “Go,” I urged. “And get them to play some country music, would ya?”

  Reluctantly, she turned and disappeared amongst the swaying bodies on the dance floor who all wanted to greet her.

  “Country music?” Kozart asked, disgust dripping from his words.

  “Is there any other genre?”

  “Yup,” he said flatly, pulling me back to him. “Aubrey.”

  “You caught that, huh?”

  “As if the name was shouted from the highest mountain and echoed throughout the room.”

  I laughed.

  “It’s fitting.”


  “Your pretty name,” he said.

  “Watch out. I may mistake your kindness as you stalking my profile.”

  His entire body shook with silent laughter as he pressed his lips to the crown of my head. “It’s nice to meet you, Aubrey.”

  The song ended and a popular dance song pumped through the speakers. “I need a drink. Do you need a drink?” I asked, suddenly feeling flustered. He’d called me pretty twice and kissed my head. What the hell was happening?

  He flashed another cocky grin. “I could go for another,” he said, amused by my flustered-ness.

  Stupid mind reader.

  I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to walk alongside him, in no rush at all. He wanted everyone to look at us. And I liked that he was taking his fake-date duties seriously.

  We stepped up to the bar and placed our order. Kozart turned and leaned against it, watching the people filling the room. “Show me.”


  “Your ex.”

  I turned, my eyes scanning the room. I didn’t have to search for long. Geoffrey’s dark eyes were on mine. A cold shiver rushed up my spine. To think his gaze once elicited butterflies in my stomach. I’d been so foolish. So blind.

  Kozart followed my gaze. “That him?”

  “Hmm,” I grunted.

  Kozart stepped in front of me, blocking my view of my ex. He grabbed his ball cap and twisted it on his head so it was backward.

  I stared into his icy blue eyes, the ones that were no longer concealed by the shade of his hat. His lips twitched in the corners, and I waited for whatever he planned to say. The seconds ticked by. My eyes never wavered from his. His hands finally lifted to my cheeks, cupping them gently. I pulled in a quick breath as he leaned down and captured my lips with his.

  His tongue probed my lips, seeking access. I was in no condition—mentally or physically—to refuse. My lips parted and my tongue greeted his in an easy dance. I didn’t care that my ex could see. I didn’t care he was a stranger. I didn’t care we were at my sister’s wedding after I’d just been singled up. All I cared about was the way he was making me feel and the need for it to continue for as long as humanly possible. Kozart could kiss. That was for damn sure.

  Much too soon, he pulled away, leaving me embarrassingly breathless.

  My entire body hummed as I stared at him, surprised and turned on beyond reason. I’d just met the freaking guy and his kiss had turned my insides giddy and my knees to jelly.

  “That’ll show him,” he said, dragging his thumb across his damp bottom lip before twisting his hat back around on his head.

  I blinked, reality hitting me hard. That’s why he’d kissed me. To help me get back at my ex. My emotions were so out of whack I’d actually believed the kiss was real. I was hopeless.

  I turned to the bar and grabbed the glass, downing my entire drink. I just needed this night to end.



  “Easy does it,” I said, gripping Aubrey’s arm as we walked down the third-floor hallway.

  Her steps were uneven and her giggle adorable. “You know when I said I wasn’t drunk? Well, I’m totally drunk right now.”

  I chuckled as I slipped the key card from her hand. “Just a few more feet.” I stopped us in front of room 304 and scanned the card. The door clicked and Aubrey pushed it open, practically falling inside. I reached out and caught her. She snort-laughed.

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