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Corviticus University: Family Ties, page 1


Corviticus University: Family Ties
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Corviticus University: Family Ties

  © 2020 J.E. Cluney

  All Rights Reserved

  First I’d like to thank you for purchasing this book. I hope you enjoy the story. I’d love if you could drop me a review if you do, it’d mean the world to me and it’d help me reach more readers.

  You can find a link to my facebook page and group at the end where I will have all upcoming and current books.

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  Arvo - afternoon

  Big W - store like walmart

  Bogan - is Australian and New Zealand slang for a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour are considered unrefined or unsophisticated.

  Bottle-o - Liquor store

  Chippy - Carpenter

  Esky - hard-cased cooler for drinks

  IGA - Grocery store

  Fortnight - two weeks

  Grog - Alcohol/booze

  Grog bog - alcohol induced defecation day after

  Grouched- get pretend cranky with

  Lounge - couch/sofa

  Nappy - diaper

  Op Shop - Second-hand store that donates money raised to causes

  Singlets - tank tops

  Skippy - Australian Kangaroo show (popular and known)

  Stubbies - bottles of beer

  Thongs - flip-flops

  Trackies - Tracksuit pants

  Verandah - Porch

  Woolies/Woolworths - Grocery store

  Ute - trayback truck



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  I awoke in the grassy field, feeling the power flowing through my soul and coursing through my body to my fingertips.

  I drew in the cool night air, gasping as my lungs were filled with oxygen, something I hadn’t done for over a century. Oh, how good it was to finally breathe once more.

  It tasted like freedom and power, both sweet and bitter, but it filled me with a sense of joy and anticipation.

  I blinked, the mere movement a struggle for my still reforming body. It was slowly rebuilding itself, having been freed from its confines with a great moment of power. I knew this, and yet, my memories were muddled.

  Yes, this was part of my plan, I knew that much. Things had come to be, just how I’d foretold them.

  I tried to move, but my weakened body struggled to obey. I focused on a smaller task to begin with instead.

  Wiggling my toes.

  It was a grand effort, but after a few moments, I was able to move them.

  Next, I focused on my fingers, splaying them in the grass that I lay on.

  The earth was cool beneath my back, and I could feel the dampness of the night time dew as I closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of wildlife around me.

  And somewhere in the distance, I heard a strange sound. Mechanical, like a machine, but it was moving.

  I was curious, but now was not the time to investigate.

  No. I needed to rest. To recover.

  I needed to replenish my magic.

  I continued working on getting my body to move.

  First, I’d need clothing. Because the chill of the air was starting to get to me, and my magic was nowhere near restored enough to even warm me up.

  But as I reopened my eyes and stared at the stars overhead, I found myself managing a weak smile.

  I was back. And I had work to do.

  Chapter 1

  I had to hand it to Ollie’s mother, she sure knew how to put on a good charity event.

  Music filled the air with a live band playing on a stage that was set up on the town oval. I hadn’t even known they had an oval. Shows how much I knew about the town I now called home.

  There were magic shows underway, assorted stalls and food vendors, and everyone was enjoying themselves.

  “How you feeling?” Marcus asked, squeezing my hand gently as we walked.

  I glanced over at him, at the way his pale skin shone in the afternoon sunlight, and his icy blue eyes glittered as he took in the crowd.

  “I’m okay,” I murmured, glancing down at my free hand, spying the intricate blue skull on my hand. I’d spent the past week recovering after killing the wendigo. The amount of power I’d used to do such a thing had knocked me on my arse, and I’d been bed-bound for the first day afterwards, then sluggish the following days.

  The boys had been skeptical and argumentative about my desire to come to the charity event too. But I needed to get out of the house. They’d been looking after me like I was on my deathbed.

  I was feeling much better now. I wanted everything to go back to normal, and I even had work tomorrow, despite Gina constantly checking that I was definitely up for it.

  People cast strange looks our way, disbelieving their eyes when they saw Marcus. The Uni had been informed of what had happened with him, how he was a special kind of vampire now.

  Something more advanced.

  And we’d learned he still needed blood, just not as regularly, thanks to Mr Brady running some magical tests on him. Normal food maintained him fairly well.

  And he’d been going crazy with it.

  The amount of takeout that I’d seen around the house, and the roasts being cooked this past week, it only made me smile. I was glad he was happy and enjoying himself.

  And he spent most of the day outside, painting and drawing, or just sitting in the sunlight.

  I’d spent a few days out there with him while recovering, soaking up the sun and feeling rejuvenated.

  I felt Ollie and the others before I saw them, their joy and cheerfulness washing over me as they drew near, appearing through the crowd ahead.

  “They tried to kick me out,” Lucas sighed, clearly displeased as he ran a hand through his golden blond hair, his diamond earring glinting in the sunlight.

  “My mom’s going to be pissed,” Ollie sighed, but a playful smile tugged at his lips at the thought.

  “We’re going to be in so much shit for that magic you pulled,” Skip growled, but I could tell he had secretly enjoyed it.

  A quick peek into their minds, and I was gasping in shock.

  “I didn’t know you could do that!” I said in disbelief as I locked onto Lucas’ emerald eyes that glittered with mischief.

  His five o’clock stubble added to his devilish look, along with the green suit he was sporting despite the warm day.

  “They shouldn’t have come after me,” Lucas shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Doesn’t mean you can cast a body locking spell on them,” I hissed. The two guards that had come after him, shifters apparently, had frozen from his spell, stuck in place like statues, only their eyes flicking around wildly.

  “I want to enjoy this event. I’ve paid good money for it,” Lucas said with a lopsided smile that made me grin instantly.

  “It was free entry,” Marcus stated.

  “You pay for everything else though,” Skip stated as he folded his arms, looking like the rugged tradie on his day off in his board shorts, grey singlet, and thongs.

  “Besides, my mom pays the security well,” Ollie threw in before giving me a sheepish grin.

  He was in good spirits today despite his initial protests about coming. Being banned wasn’t something his mother should have done.

  And I’d heard that Glenda had confronted him at uni on Thursday about his full shifter status being returned. I’d been funny about that, since she’d apparently been a little flirty, but he’d shot her down quick, while Skip had snorted and said some colorful words to her.

  Even his mother had texted him, asking if it was true, while he’d gotten a call from his father.

  He’d been rather emotional since talking with him, and I knew he was missing his dad. As for his mother and sister, he was torn. He’d never been close with his mother, but he missed the way he used to be with his sister.

  “You hungry?” Marcus asked, pulling me from my thoughts as Oliver took up a position on my other side while Skip and Lucas walked behind us.

  “Yeah, a bit,” I admitted. I’d had some bacon and eggs for lunch, courtesy of Oliver, who’d sat with me and helped me catch up on missed classes while sharing his notes with me.

  He still felt strange going to class, knowing there was no longer any threat of his broken curse coming back.

  Our bond had fixed him, and Mr Brady had been fascinated, having visited us a few times over the week to see just how much we’d changed and how I was doing.

  “Churros?” Oliver suggested as he spied a churro van.

  “Of course, she loves them,” Marcus snickered, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

  My eyes flicked to him, taking in his utter perfection. The way the sun bounced off his pale skin made him look like a fallen angel, and his face was upturned, reveling in the afternoon sun.

  And the smallest smile lit up his face, like heaven had granted him his one wish.

  ‘You di
d,’ he murmured into my mind, turning and catching my gaze.

  Those icy eyes were bright and full of joy, and it made me grin stupidly as he leaned over and kissed my lips ever so softly.

  “Cute,” Lucas chuckled from behind us, and I laughed softly as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as we stopped in front of the churro van.

  Ahe sweet kiss dropped on my neck send shivers coursing down my spine, drawing a chuckle from Lucas at my reaction. His warm breath teasing over my the my nape only heightened the sensation.

  “You’re drawing attention,” Skip stated as he stepped closer behind me as well.

  “Let them look, we’re not ashamed,” Lucas growled softly, nibbling on my neck as Marcus gave me a coy smile, still gripping my hand.

  People were sending us curious looks, but many didn’t care about our unique little group and the relationships we shared.

  Some supes had multiple partners, it wasn’t that uncommon.

  And Lucas was right. I felt no shame about having them all mated to me. The bond we all shared was greater than anything I could have imagined. I was powerful, I could feel my banshee side practically vibrating with energy inside me whenever I focused, and I’d even started practicing using my mischief magic once more.

  Ever since my full power came through, it was like the two forms of magic had untangled from one another, and I could wield them separately now.

  “The touch of death, I still can’t believe you have that,” Skip mused softly as Oliver turned back to me with a few churros wrapped in napkins.

  I glanced over at Skip, knowing he meant no harm in the comment. All my guys still couldn’t believe it.

  Hell, I’d had to check with Mr Brady to make sure I wasn’t at risk of hurting someone innocent.

  He believed it would only flare up in completely dire circumstances after checking me over with magic. Not something that happened at random.

  I touched my pentagram pendant gently.

  I still wore it, liking the added sense of safety I got from it. I felt like it connected Lucas and I just that little bit more. Besides, he could use it to track me too if ever needed.

  And it looked good.

  I accepted the churro that Ollie held out to me, and Marcus moaned softly as he took his as well, taking a hefty bite from the end of it and closing his eyes.

  I loved watching him eat, feeling his joy and satisfaction as he finally got to taste things once again.

  Skip took one as well, and Lucas sighed, releasing his grip on my waist and removing his head from my shoulder as he took one too.

  We continued walking, Ollie and Marcus on either side of me, with Marcus still clutching my hand. He’d become so much more affectionate too since I’d become bed-bound. Hell, they’d all worried over me, and I’d never gotten any time on my own as I recovered. Not that I complained, having them checking on me, feeding me and simply needing to be near me, was quite sweet and welcome.

  They took turns spending the nights with me, just holding me as I regained my strength and magic.

  I felt a little strange sometimes when I thought about the wendigo.

  Who was he? Mr Brady thought he may have been a warlock, but he hadn’t told us any more than that.

  I couldn’t shake the odd feeling that washed over me whenever I thought about it.

  “It’s all over, don’t stress,” Ollie reassured me as he gave me an adorable, boyish smile. His hazel eyes glinted in the sunlight with the faintest amber hue, and I smiled as I caught a glimpse of the color that was his alone. It felt so long since I’d awoken to the naked man on the end of my bed.

  Ollie groaned as he lolled his head back and grimaced.

  “Yeah, and you let him watch you shower,” Marcus snickered.

  “I did not watch!” Ollie retorted instantly.

  “You definitely watched,” Lucas chuckled behind us.

  Poor Ollie’s face was heating up, and I grinned at him as I took a bite from my churro. I knew he hadn’t. He’d been a gentleman and averted his eyes, I could feel the honesty from him.

  “Thank you,” he sighed, the edge of his lips tugging up in a half smile.

  “So what are they raising money for?” Skip asked as we continued moving through the crowd, peering into the odd stalls as music surrounded us.

  “Some witch charity, the Wholesome Witches. They help provide support to young witches who find themselves developing magic without knowing it. It happens, where some witch bloodlines skip a few generations. They keep tabs on all the witch families that are known to skip generations, and check in on the children on their sixteenth birthdays, when their powers normally awaken fully. They provide support and knowledge,” Ollie explained.

  I’d read about charities specific for supes, and I was grateful they were a thing.

  “That’s nice of them,” I murmured. “Your mom does charity events often, right?”

  “Yeah, throws these festivals and sometimes home parties and balls. It’s more to maintain her social status though,” Ollie sighed as he took a bite of his churro.

  We slowed at an area where a few witches were putting on a show. Small magical fireworks were going off in the air over the heads of a bunch of children, and unique wooden and metal creatures were launching through the air.

  “The Bray family. One of the witch lines that specialize in woodwork and metalwork puppeteering. I don’t think I’ve ever not seen them at a magical show, they go to all of them,” Skip remarked from behind me as I stopped to watch.

  A rather small metal dragon was swirling and soaring through the air quickly, its sleek silver body rippling with its movements as a fiery glow seeped between the many parts that made up its form.

  It spewed flames into the air, which quickly turned into sparkles as it rained down on the laughing children.

  There were wooden birds that rained rainbow sparkles as they dodged and weaved, and I watched the incredible magic display like one of the children, completely fascinated. The movements of the creations were so fluid, and I could see the witches, male and female, dancing and twirling as they controlled their creations with invisible strings of pure magic.

  “Blue is the color of their magic in that family,” Ollie remarked, and I followed his gaze to the eyes of the various Bray family members. They all shone blue as they manipulated their incredible mechanical pieces.

  We finally moved on once the dragon exploded into flames, its entire body engulfed in them before bursting into magical sparkles and littering the children in animated chocolate animals that they had to frantically catch and consume.

  Magic. It would always take my breath away.

  There were shows of strength, shifters taking on their animal forms and engaging in competitions. We watched a dingo shifter race as we walked through the grounds, and crocodile shifters crushing a number of watermelons as quickly as they could in their jaws in a strength race.

  “We should take Bee Sting to the circus down at Brisbane,” Skip mentioned as I paused to watch one stall where a witch was using special hair gels and sprays to give children hair that looked alive. Some took on crazy colors and moved on top of their heads like they were truly alive, others grew into afros that sparkled and shimmered between different colors.

  ‘They only last an hour or two. Can you imagine going to bed with hair like that?’ Ollie murmured when he noted me staring.

  “Good idea, Red,” Marcus said as he gave my hand a soft squeeze.

  “My cousin mentioned a circus once,” I said, remembering my cousin, all those years ago, talking about a circus that had blown her away. A special supe circus at the city, only accessible by supes.

  “It’s incredible, we should definitely take you when it’s back in town, they travel around the major cities,” Lucas said.

  “What are the shows?” I asked as I spied some children playing what looked to be a form of paintball for supes in a designated zone. The ammunition shooting out of the guns looked like little blobs of jelly that made the children light up upon impact, and there didn’t seem to be any pain involved. A scoreboard would automatically tally up with each hit.

  “There’s plenty of shows, even rare supes who have signed up to the circus business for the money. It’s run by a powerful warlock, so all his staff remain safe since there are some who’d be interested in rare supes for their powers or abilities. We’ll take you,” Lucas promised.

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