Corviticus university re.., p.1
Corviticus University: Revelations, page 1

© 2019 J.E. Cluney
All Rights Reserved
First I’d like to thank you for purchasing this book. I hope you enjoy the story. I’d love if you could drop me a review if you do, it’d mean the world to me and it’d help me reach more readers.
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Arvo - afternoon
Bogan - is Australian and New Zealand slang for a person whose speech, clothing, attitude and behavior are considered unrefined or unsophisticated.
Bottle-o - Liquor store
Chippy - Carpenter
Esky - cooler
Fortnight - two weeks
Gumtree - either a tree or the Australian Craigslist
IGA - Grocery store
Morning tea - Mid-morning meal time
Op Shop - Second-hand store that donates money raised to causes
Singlets - tank tops
Skippy - Australian Kangaroo show (popular and known)
Stubbies - bottles of beer
Trackies - Tracksuit pants
Tradie - Tradesman
Thongs - flip-flops
Ute - Pick-up truck
Verandah - Porch
Woolies/Woolworths - Grocery store
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
I played with my charm bracelet as I sat at the dining table, my Nutri-grain untouched.
I kept replaying the scene over in my head with Skip.
How he’d said I was a prize.
He’d left me needy and wanting after that, chuckling as he headed back into his room.
Now I was alone downstairs. Thankfully.
Marcus had been wonderful, but even he knew I was drawn to the other guys. How he felt about that, I wasn’t sure. I couldn’t gauge him as well today.
But what was really bothering me was my new ability. I had connected with Marcus last night, seen into his mind and somehow experienced everything he had. I knew him inside and out now, and it was extremely weird.
That wasn’t what was bothering me right now.
It was what had happened with Skip.
When he’d said I was the prize, I’d seen it. Seen how he wanted me, felt how badly he wanted me.
It was like, for that brief snap in time, I’d had that same connection with him, not enough to see everything about him, just enough to see his thoughts in that moment.
Things were getting really weird now. Was this like Emma’s ability maybe?
And Lucas was nowhere to be seen. He was the most knowledgeable of them all.
Maybe Emma would know something. She’d become my newest friend, and she’d given me an interesting tarot card reading that had made me uneasy for a while. And she was psychic, a pixie psychic, who could read minds. This was right up her alley.
She knew a fair bit, was studying sorcery and magic, and delving into history and lore just for the fun of it, so maybe there was something psychic in my werewolf side?
I could also try the supernatural web, which I’d gotten my account set up for on Thursday night.
I sighed as I shoved a mouthful of cereal into my mouth before sending off a text to Emma to meet me on my lunch break at one-thirty. Working at a cafe, my lunches had to be a little later to deal with the lunchtime rush.
Speaking of, I glanced at the clock on the microwave. I had to be at work in forty minutes. Maybe Skip could drive me.
Nope, too risky, especially after our encounter. I needed to get to work, and he’d surely have other plans. Dirtier plans. Fun plans.
Ugh, stop.
I jammed more cereal into my mouth, grateful when Emma messaged back that she would meet me for lunch. I know I’d only just met her really, but we’d become close over my first week at uni.
And she was always ready to help me out if needed.
I hurriedly ate the rest of my breakfast, making sure not to spill milk on my new work uniform. I’d thankfully had a pair of black shorts to match the shirt, as was requested.
I rinsed my bowl and shoved it into the dishwasher before jogging up the stairs to brush my teeth and add a little eyeliner and lipstick. My skin had always been clear and smooth thanks to my pixie side, but it couldn’t hurt to add a little pop. I wanted to make a good impression today.
I threw on my joggers, snatched up my handbag, and headed back out. I heard Skip moving in his room, but I didn’t want to run into him again. I needed to find some answers first.
I hurried down the stairs and out the door, only relaxing once I was halfway down the street. My new place of work wasn’t too far, just a five to ten-minute walk.
Even at eight-thirty in the morning, the air was warm and the sun was beating down on me, reminding me that summer was still here. A part of me couldn’t wait for autumn, but I also knew it got quite cold up here on the mountain range. And despite having wolf in me, I wasn’t a fan of the cold.
I shoved my earphones into my ears and found a song on my iPod. Music always made things better.
Shawn Mendez was playing, his stitches song giving me a bit more bounce in my step.
I sung softly along as I spied the main street in the distance. It was a little busy, cars driving through on their way to work, but it was still relatively quiet. Not many places opened before nine, except the little cafe on the corner. Sweat beaded across my forehead, and I kept my arms raised so my armpits didn’t get too sweaty. I had my hair up in a bun today to keep it from plastering to my neck. God, it was already muggy and warm. Summer really needed to fuck off.
I was beyond relieved when I stepped into the cool air-conditioning of the Dingo Diner, sighing as I pulled out my earphones and wound them around my scratched up, old iPod. I shoved it into my handbag, smiling brightly as Gina appeared at the counter.
“Allison! So good to see you, come, we’ll pop your bag in the office,” she said with a bright smile as she waved me over. Henry greeted me from behind the stainless steel high-backed bench that walled off the area with the fryers and stove.
There were only three patrons inside the small booths enjoying some breakfast and coffee.
“All right, it’s a little quiet right now, more people start to show up by nine, but I’m glad you came early today. I’d like to run you through your duties,” Gina smiled brightly, her blonde pixie cut bob bouncing on her shoulders as she spoke.
She was a slender woman with an average bust, but those hazel eyes were warm and welcoming.
She led me to the office where I tucked my handbag into the bottom drawer of her desk, and then we were heading out.
“So, your main duties are waitressing and making the coffee. So if customers come in and wish to sit while they look at the menu, then you check in on them after a few minutes and take their order. Our breakfast and lunch menu are the same, we do the breakfast all day, and if someone really wants a lunch meal earlier on, then we’ll accommodate. Why don’t you familiarize yourself with the menu?” she suggested as she plucked a laminated copy of the double-sided menu off the counter.
“Then, just the usual cleaning of tables, assisting with any other jobs we need help with. Oh, and counter work too if I’m not here,” she added as she turned to wave her hand over the till. It was an older style till than I was used to, but it looked simple enough.
“Pretty self-explanatory, all the buttons are labeled for easy use,” she said. I could see that most buttons were preset with an item off the menu, making my life easier.
“If they want an extra, it’ll be one of these orange buttons down the bottom. If they want something removed, just write it down when you take their order. You’ll need to write all orders down and just slot them along the top around here,” Gina said as she led me around the high-back bench.
On the other side was another bench, but it had a small shelf running along the top. The edge of it was done in a way that you could tuck the orders into it.
“Make sure you put them in order too,” she reminded me. “We go right to left here, as it’s easier for you to come around the left side of the bench to add new ones onto the line.”
“Got it,” I nodded.
“Morning, Allison.” Henry turned to me, his rounded belly hidden well today under his dark uniform. We all wore the small white aprons around our waists though.
“Good morning,” I nodded, noting that he was making a bacon and egg muffin for someone. “Will you need me to cook at all? I’ve done so in the past.”
“For now, Henry will manage most of it, but once we get busier, then we may need more hands. Maple Grove is starting to take notice of us, we’re getting good feedback on our service and food,” Gina said, obviously delighted as her eyes twi
“That’s wonderful to hear,” I grinned.
“We really want to help get this town on its way, there’s quite the supe population here, but the main street is… well,” Gina pursed her lips as she thought for the right word.
“Pretty pathetic?” I suggested.
“Yeah,” she chuckled.
“Well, you’re doing well,” I said. “I’ve popped in a few times already, and the food is amazing,” I said. Emma had shouted me a burger one afternoon, and I’d loved it.
“Thanks, it’s been great seeing you. And seeing Emma too, it’s good she’s finally making friends,” Gina said sweetly. “She’s had it tough.”
“Yeah, I know, but aren’t we all a little different? I mean, we’re a town of supes,” I said with an eye roll.
“Exactly! I never did understand why people could be so stupid, we’re all unique beings,” she sighed.
“Because she’s more unique, and like humans, even we can be scared of what we don’t quite understand. Psychic pixies are rare, so not a whole lot is known about them. Once people realize she’s got some telepathic abilities, they’re freaked,” Henry spoke up as he adjusted his hair net over his brown, silver streaked curls. He hadn’t had one on the other day, but Gina also hadn’t been wearing the proper uniform, she’d been wearing a navy colored shirt that was similar. Guess they were getting right into it now.
“Poor thing though, all well. So, do you have any questions?” Gina’s bright hazel eyes flicked back to me, crinkling at the edges with her warm smile.
“You’ve covered pretty much everything,” I answered.
“Great, well, looks like you’re on. Let’s see how you go with the till,” Gina winked as the door chimed with new patrons.
I spun back to the counter and plastered on a bright grin. Time to throw on that customer service voice and attitude.
“Good morning, how can I help you today?” I smiled brightly at the older, grey-haired lady with whom I could only assume was her adult daughter.
She seemed annoyed at first, but upon looking at me, she relaxed, and gave me a soft smile back.
She ordered a flat white coffee and a bacon and egg wrap, along with a coffee for her daughter with a toasted ham and cheese sandwich.
I took down their order while Gina watched over me, not hovering or crowding me, just quietly from the far end of the bench behind me.
I punched the order up on the till and glanced back at Gina for confirmation, who nodded, looking pleased with my work. Good, that was always good.
I busied myself for the rest of the morning with coffee making, serving, checking in on the customers, and cleaning. It was good to get my mind off the whole thing with Marcus and Skip. I wasn’t going to find my answers here.
Gina eventually called me aside to ask if I would like to help with making the brownies and such for the cabinet display. They had only the one oven, but she had two recipes that she could put in at the same time. Some cupcakes and brownies.
The cafe had quietened after the morning rush, and it wouldn’t be too long before the lunchtime one started, so we needed to take advantage of the break.
She set us up behind the high-backed bench so we were out of sight of the patrons, while Henry would keep an eye on the counter.
“I’m hoping to expand to treats infused with magic,” she said as she got the ingredients prepared.
“Will you have a separate cabinet?” I asked, curious about this treats with magic idea. I’d not heard of such a thing before.
“Yep, definitely. I have a friend who has struggled to get her potion business off the ground. Most witches get into potion making as it’s the most common affinity around, but it also makes it very competitive. It’s a flooded market now, and if you don’t already have a following or a presence, it’s hard to break in. She started experimenting with new, fresh ideas, and found she could tangle her potion making skills with treats, giving them better tastes and some cool little effects. She makes these cupcakes that warm you up and actually taste like they’re melting and flooding your mouth with the sweetest caramel,” Gina sighed as she closed her eyes, as if imagining it. Hell, she’d probably had one of these delicious sounding cupcakes.
“That sounds amazing, I’ve never heard of such a thing,” I said, awed at the thought. I’d love to get my hands on one, especially now since my Freddo stash had been depleted. Oliver had helped with that, despite having my name plastered on the packet.
“It’s been done before, but not in a commercial way,” Gina said as she moved around the kitchen with a bounce in her step. She was so cheery and bright, it made the thought of working here long term a welcome one. Good colleagues were always a bonus, more-so if they were your boss.
“So, what other things can she make?” I asked as Gina pulled out a recipe book.
“There are brownies that can wake you right up, so if you’re tired or something, they’ll work ten times better than coffee. There’s some caramel tarts that make you have more vivid dreams, muffins that improve your memory. She can make almost anything,” Gina said, shaking her head in disbelief. “I’d love to stock them, help support her new business endeavor.”
“What’s the legalities of it?” I asked.
“As long as everything is labeled correctly and we don’t falsely advertise, there shouldn’t be too many dramas in regards to stocking them. Heather will just have to make sure she either comes here to cook outside work hours as they need to be created in a commercial kitchen, or she finds a commercial kitchen,” Gina explained as she slid the recipe book over to me. “That’s the one I’d like you to make, the brownies. I’ll do the cupcakes.”
“Got it,” I nodded as I read through the ingredients and got to work adding them all into a mixing bowl.
We chatted some more about these magical treats, which she was hoping to start stocking in the next few weeks. It was sure to bring in new customers, they’d advertise it on the local Facebook groups, and even the University group admins had given her permission to post, so long as there were deals for students. She was still trying to decide if she would do a student discount or just offer deals.
Working alongside her was quite fun, and to my surprise, I found I wasn’t even thinking of her as my boss, more as a good work colleague who loved to laugh and joke around.
I told her about my troubles with mischief magic, but how I was learning to control it. Emma had even given me some more guidance on it one afternoon after uni. I also told her she’d be coming in to see me for lunch. Gina said that my lunch was on the house, I could order any lunch item off the menu for myself, free of charge. I just had to order it before my lunch break.
The lunch rush came in while our cupcakes and brownies were cooking, and Gina told me she’d keep an eye on them.
It was hectic, and Gina helped take orders as more people spilled in. Many students from Corviticus were streaming in that I’d seen during the week, and since the campus had some odd classes over the weekend and had all their facilities still open, it didn’t surprise me to see them. I did get a little anxious that I might see that little pink demonic powderpuff, or even Derek. The thought of running into him made my stomach twist and churn.
I was happy for the Melvins though, having such a good lunchtime rush. Hopefully it would grow and be enough to keep them open.
I made what seemed like a hundred coffees over the lunch period, and heated up the various muffins and pastries that were ordered from the cabinet. Gina even gave me a rundown on making the milkshakes and smoothies, and I started helping with those too.
By the time my lunch break came around, I was starving and surprisingly tired.
I grinned at the familiar voice, and turned to see Emma pushing through the door, right on time.
“Just started my break,” I said as I slid into a free booth with my muffin as she followed after me.
“How was your first day?” she asked, flicking her silver ponytail over her shoulder and beaming at me. Those grey eyes were bright and focused, and I wondered if she’d been at the campus today.
“Not over yet,” I reminded her as I dug into my heated up muffin.
“I know,” she said as she rolled her eyes.
“Hey, I wanted to ask you something actually,” I said with an apologetic look. I did want to just hang with her, but I really needed to see if she had any answers for me.