Hate at first sight, p.1
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Hate At First Sight, page 1


Hate At First Sight
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Hate At First Sight

  Chapter 1:

  Chapter 2:

  Chapter 3:

  Chapter 4:

  Chapter 5:

  Chapter 6:

  Chapter 7:

  Chapter 8:

  Chapter 9:

  Chapter 10:

  Chapter 11:

  Chapter 12:

  Chapter 13:

  Chapter 14:

  Chapter 15:

  Chapter 16:

  Chapter 17:

  Chapter 18:


  Excerpt: Corrupted Hate


  Chapter One


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  Chapter 1:


  “That’s not what I said, Simone! Don’t misquote me!” Sasha banged her hand on the dining table as she stared at her sister.

  “There’re not many ways one can misquote ‘you’re as dunce as a bat and a waste of daddy’s money, Sasha!”

  “Well, you are!” Sasha smirked and crossed her eyes. Then she leaned her head to the side and let her tongue hang out as she spoke with an exaggerated lisp. “Duh. I’m Simone and I’m stupid.”

  “You take that back!” Simone’s eyes filled with tears as she jumped to her feet and flung down her napkin.

  “Dumb brat!” Sasha jumped up likewise and leaned on the table with both hands.


  “Girls, stop it!” My mother’s green eyes flashed at the offenders.

  “She started it!” Sasha screamed.

  I looked at my nineteen-year-old twin sisters as they glared at each other. My older brother and father sat withdrawn from the fray as usual, mere spectators to the drama which was unfolding between the girls. It seemed as though the girls had been fighting since the day they had come home from the hospital. The theory that twins were each other's best friends seemed to have passed over Simone and Sasha Blake. It did not help that in looks they were as different as night and day. Simone was older by three minutes and wasted no opportunity to remind Sasha of that fact. She was tall and slender with a waterfall of rich chestnut curls. Her mocha complexion was the perfect foil for her hazel eyes and cupid’s bow mouth. She was built like a model. Sasha on the other hand was on the shorter side, shorter than my own five foot seven. Her hair was jet black with thick kinks and waves. She kept it in a bun most time as it was a task to comb. But she refused to have it straightened. Whereas Simone was all angles and planes. Sasha was busty and curvy. Had it not been for the obvious nine years of difference in our ages, she could easily have been my twin. Our complexion was like coffee with a rich helping of cream, and we had gotten our mother’s green eyes. But I had long ago given up the fight with my hair and had had it straightened.

  “You must tell me where you got those earrings, Rasheeda. They are absolutely gorgeous.”

  I turned to look at my smiling sister-in-law, Tasha, as she touched my ear. She winked and rolled her eyes discreetly, cutting them in the direction of the twins as they continued to argue while my mother played referee.

  “I’ll be happy to, love. These were a limited edition but I’m sure you’ll still find something,” I smiled.

  “I’m sure I will. I have that corporate mixer in a few weeks, and I want to look my best.”

  “If all else fails, feel free to borrow them, Tasha.”

  “I’ll remember that.”

  I cut into my dessert and took a bite, watching as the twins flounced out of the room followed by my mother, perhaps to ensure there was no bloodshed.

  “What a relief! Those two need some discipline.”

  I raised my eyebrows at my brother as he swirled what was left of his drink in his glass.

  “I’m sure you were no angel at their age, Stephen,” Tasha looked at her husband with a mischievous grin.

  “I was an absolute angel. Tell her, dad,” My brother puffed his chest.

  “An angel with horns poking through his halo is more like it. I still have the scar from when you pushed me off the swing.” I plunked my elbows on the table and eyeballed him. He turned his cold glare on me, his brown eyes clashing with my green.

  “Any whooping you got was well deserved for the brat you were.”

  “The only brat was you, Stephen.”

  “You’d be a brat too if your five-year reign as an only child was suddenly upended by the ugliest baby I had ever seen.”

  “Oh! Knock it off you two.” My father’s deep voice broke into our argument.

  “He started it,” I muttered under my breath as I took another forkful of dessert.

  “Peter, I don’t know what you’re going to do with those two girls. All that’s left it for them to draw guns at each other. It was a good decision not to let them go for their firearm license after all or we would have a crime scene on our hands. I don’t know why they hate each other so much. They’re twins for heaven’s sake! That should count for something.” My mother sank into her chair once more. “I long for the day when the Blake family can sit and enjoy a family dinner without controversy.” She took a long sip of water and dabbed at her lips with her napkin. “At least you two get along.”

  “Don’t be so sure, Sheila. Had to nip them in the bud just now.” My father poured himself some more wine.

  “Really, Rasheeda? What did you do to upset your brother this time?”

  “Why is it always my fault?” I looked at my mother in disbelief.

  “You’re always egging him on, and you know it.”

  “Thank you, mother. You’ve always been a woman of good reasoning.” Stephen smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. I felt my cheeks burn as I finished the sumptuous chocolate cake which now tasted like cardboard. My mother had never made any bones about who her favourite child was. And I had been a distant second, being demoted to fourth when the twins arrived. My father tolerated me, and maybe that was just because I had inherited his sharp business-oriented mind. Stephen was a bit of a dreamer and schemer, and the twins could care less. But I had no doubt that if Stephen had shown even a whisper of potential for the family cash cow, he would have been the head of Blake’s and not me. Instead, with my 4.0 GPA and a Master’s degree in hospitality and tourism management under my belt, my father had shocked the industry by handing over the reins of the family business to his then twenty-two-year-old daughter. It had taken some gymnastics and hard work to condense a combined six years of study into four. But the pre-university courses I had taken as a high school senior had put me on the fast track.

  It had been at a dinner like this six years ago that he had announced that he intended to give me the hotels while Stephen would get one of the supermarket branches. I had been ecstatic and he had been pissed. Ever since then, I had worked my ass off to lift the family brand which had resulted in our chain being named in the top ten hotel chains nationwide for the past three years. My next goal was to make it to the top five, then the top, I would set my sights on being the best in the world.

  “Earth to Rasheeda,” Tasha nudged me.

  “Hmmm?” I looked up to find four pairs of eyes of varying colors staring at me. I felt my cheeks flood with color at being caught daydreaming.

  “I was asking if all is set for the new project.” My father glared down the table at me.

  “Oh! Yes! Yes, it is. I signed all the final papers this week and we break ground next Friday. If all goes as planned, we have a new baby in our family.” I smiled brightly, ignoring Stephen’s thunderous expression.

  “Maybe you need a real baby to take care of so you can stop playing hotel.” His eyes were cold, and I felt my temper flare. Tasha’s foot touched mine under the table and I took a deep breath. When Stephen married her five years ago, for the first time in my life I felt as though I had an older sibling to whom I could relate. She always came to my defense.

  I took a sip of water and allowed it to further cool my temper. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him that I was not the only one who needed to get a real baby in my life. But respect and love for Tasha kept me silent, especially as she had confided in me that they were trying but had not been successful and the next phase was to check to ensure that they were both healthy.

  I smiled at my father. “I’m thinking that with this one we could step up our game a bit. This is our twentieth anniversary, after all. So maybe a new colour scheme, a new logo, a new style of furniture maybe-”

  “Whoa! Slow down, Rasheeda. You’ve been doing a fantastic job over the last six years. But you still need to take baby steps. Okay?”

  “I know, dad. But I’m just saying we could make the best use of it being our anniversary and all. Maybe even find a way to give back to the community or something since this one is going to be in the heart of the city.” I explained.

  “My supermarket is already doing a charity. Stay in your monopoly lane and stay out of adult games.”

  I was livid as I stared Stephen down. “You’re a fine one to talk about monopoly games, brother. Just make sure your little doggy doesn’t land on Boardwalk or Park Place. You can’t afford the rent.”

  He laughed. But I could hear the embarrassment in his voice. It was no se
cret that dad had had to bail the supermarket out financially on more than one occasion. It was no wonder he had been given the one which could afford to lose revenue now and then. When I thought about how loosely he handled money I could not understand how some of Tasha’s financial prudence as a banker had not rubbed off on him.

  “That’s enough, Rasheeda. Stop taunting your brother.”

  I did not even look at my mother as she spoke. My brain had already logged out of any further conversation. I made a show of checking my watch and gasping. “Wow! I didn’t know it was this late. Gotta go. I have something in the car for you Tasha.”

  I stood and flipped my ponytail over my shoulder. I looked up and down the table. “Next month? Same time? Same place? Tell the girls bye for me please.”

  Without a backward glance, I squared my shoulders and walked out of the dining room. I heard Tasha’s heels on the tile as she followed me. I stopped in the foyer long enough to grab my purse before stepping into the cool summer evening.

  “Good girl. You held out longer this time. Usually, you scram before dessert.” Tasha patted my shoulder comfortingly.

  “I could barely taste the cake.” I spun on my heel to face her. “What is it with them? I can’t understand! It’s like I’m an outcast in this family. And no matter what I do, I’m never right. Ugh! It’s so frustrating!”

  I stalked over to my car and opened the door. I flung myself into the driver’s seat and reached for a box on the dashboard. “When I saw this, it had your name on it. There was no way I was leaving it in the store.”

  I handed her the box, smiling at her excited squeal. Even in the fast-fading light, I could see her eyes shining. Her red hair glinted in the light from the front porch.

  “Rasheeda! You spoil me too much.”

  “Who else am I going to spoil in this family? Not the brats and certainly not the bully.”

  “But still. I’m just your sister-in-law.”

  “You’ve been more of a sister to me in the last five years than my family has been a family to me in the last twenty-eight. Open it!”

  I watched as she took out the slender gold bracelet.

  “Rasheeda! It’s gorgeous! Oh, sweetheart! I love it! Thank you!”

  “Anything for you, Tasha.”

  “It’s a pity you’re leaving.”

  “Yeah. But let’s do lunch this week. I’m pretty busy with closing things off before I go on vacation, but I’ll always make time for you.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow. Drive safely and let me know when you’re home.”

  “Will do.” I backed out of the driveway, waving as I left. I took a last deep breath as I drove through the massive gates, glad that another obligatory family dinner was behind me. As always, I was plagued with thoughts of what my life could be like had I not been a part of the Blake clan. For starters, I would maybe be much happier. But then the lifestyle and wealth I had would be significantly reduced. It was a catch twenty-two. But not for long. I had a plan and Tasha was my ally. If everything went as I predicted, I would be able to both be happy without having my family around, and wealthy. With that in mind, I felt my spirits rise as I continued my journey home.


  The week seemed to fly by on wings, and, before I knew it, I was heading downtown to the site of the newest Blake hotel. It felt surreal to think that this was the third hotel I had been responsible for producing. The industry was starting to sit up and take notice of me, and that notice would work in my favour when I was ready to step up to the next level.

  “Miss Blake, if you could just stand over here, and we’ll have Mr. Collins over here-”

  “I’m not Mr. Collins. He’s away on business currently,” The not Mr. Collins corrected.

  “Who fucking cares. You represent Collins Construction, right?”

  “There’s no need to be rude to him.” I frowned at the photographer as he directed us.

  “Do you want this picture in the papers tomorrow or not? Now everyone, big, beautiful smiles like you’ve just had the best orgasm of your lives.”

  I gritted my teeth and showed the camera the best smile I could while holding a pickaxe in one hand. After a few minutes and what felt like hundreds of flashbulbs going off in my face from various photographers, I gave a few brief interviews, highlighting that this was our twelfth hotel in our twenty-year existence and that the public would have much to anticipate with the chain this year.

  I avoided any more questions and photo ops as I headed to my car. In another hour, my driver was heading to the airport and I was soon relaxing in the first-class lounge waiting for my flight. A few years ago, I stopped using the family jet for anything other than business. This way, they could not trace me when I disappeared. I did not want a repeat of my vacation being bombed by the twins showing up to travel with me to Mexico for their sixteenth birthday while my parents went on a cruise. My twenty-fifth birthday had been ruined and my lesson was learned. My vacations were top secret thereafter.

  I took a deep breath of the salty air later that night as I stepped out onto the balcony of my suite. The service agent at the front desk had done a doubletake when I checked in earlier. It was not every day that a hotel CEO walked into a nondescript chain. I took a sip of my vodka and cranberry juice which I had mixed at the bar in my room as I listened to the sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks below. I closed my eyes and leaned back in the chair, allowing the light breeze to lull me into a doze.

  Chapter 2:


  I wiped my greasy hands on my dirty jeans before rummaging through the toolbox for a flathead screwdriver. With just a few turns, the remaining screws were tightened. I straddled the smooth leather seat and turned the key. The engine purred underneath me with light vibrations, and not until I revved it did it even sound as though it was running. It had taken me all morning to install the new muffler but it was well worth it to have my baby purring the way she was. I lifted the kickstand and took off down the driveway for a quick test ride. Within a few seconds, I was back at the garage door. I nodded in satisfaction. Now all I needed to do was grab a quick shower and take advantage of the fine late spring weather. A ride was just what I needed as well to unwind from the long flight I had had back from Japan the day before. It felt as though I had been away for two months rather than two weeks. But the wealth of knowledge I had gained at the tradeshow and conference on innovations in the construction industry was going to put Collins Construction on an even faster track. We were already one of the leading companies and had snagged a few of the most lucrative contracts in the city of Henderson in the past two years alone.

  I cleaned my hands as well as I could before using an unsoiled corner of my t-shirt to open the door leading from the garage to the kitchen. It would not do to have Anna chewing me out for leaving grease marks all over her clean door handles. She had seen to it that the house had been cleaned from top to bottom and that I had several days of meals waiting in the freezer. She knew me like a book when it came to my habits after a long trip. It would be a few days at least before I would resume my normal workflow. I kicked off my boots at the door and walked upstairs to my bedroom. A few minutes later I was under the hot needles of the shower, washing away the grease with an avalanche of lather. I ran my hand through my wet hair, giving my scalp a good scrub. I needed a haircut but that could wait for at least another week.

  I wrapped a towel around my waist and stepped out of the cubicle. Through the steamed-up mirror, I could just make out the thick mane of wet black hair plastered to my scalp and neck. A quick rub with another towel sucked up the water and left the damp strands sticking out at various angles. I rubbed my hand over the bristles on my cheek and grabbed my shaving cream and razor. I was half done when I heard my phone ringing in the bedroom. I wiped a foamy hand on the towel and retrieved it.

  “Hello?” I swiped the razor across another section of foam and rinsed it under the pipe.

  “Sheldon! I’m so sorry to bother you. But it’s an emergency.”

  “Technically I’m still in Japan, Ronald. And you’re still in charge,” I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  “And I would observe that if I were in a position to address it. But remember the Higgins project needed some attention? I flew out last night.”

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