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Sacrifice: Laid Bare: Volume 4, page 1


Sacrifice: Laid Bare: Volume 4
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Sacrifice: Laid Bare: Volume 4

  Books by S.R. Grey

  Promises series

  Tomorrow’s Lies

  Judge Me Not series

  I Stand Before You

  Never Doubt Me

  Just Let Me Love You

  Inevitability duology

  Inevitable Detour

  Inevitable Circumstances

  A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy

  Harbour Falls

  Willow Point

  Wickingham Way

  Laid Bare novella series

  Exposed: Laid Bare 1

  Unveiled: Laid Bare 2

  Spellbound: Laid Bare 3

  Sacrifice: Laid Bare 4

  Lucien and Dahlia… A relationship that was never meant to be. Is that why it seems so destined to fail?

  Maybe. But Lucien doesn’t believe that’s the case.

  Still, with all the odds stacked against this unlikely couple, Lucien sees only one way out---sacrifice himself in order to save Dahlia.

  Will Lucien succeed in destroying himself? Can Dahlia stop him? Or, will their love prove strong enough to save them both?

  All the answers are revealed in Sacrifice: Laid Bare, the final installment in the Laid Bare series.


  The plane ascended, and just like that we were on our way to Canada, to parts unknown…and to an uncertain future.

  The plan was to land in Toronto, and from there we’d switch modes of transportation from a private jet to a helicopter. We’d then head farther north, to a cold and harsh wilderness in the middle of nowhere.

  The final leg of our trip would have to be traveled via all-terrain vehicle. Still, I knew I’d need to utilize some of my magic to get us where we needed to go. Dunne’s place of residence was not readily accessible to mere mortals.

  In some ways, I couldn’t believe what I was about to do. It went against every fiber of my being to sacrifice myself, especially for another. If not for the human part of me being guided by my love for Dahlia, and thusly spurring me forward, I would have turned around by now.

  Poor Dahlia, she knew not what was coming.

  I permitted myself a single brief glance inside her head, shortly before we reached cruising altitude. She mistakenly believed we had years and years to better understand one another, decades with which to live together and learn to reconcile our differences.

  Little did she know, if all went according to plan, in less than twenty-four hours I would be dead, nothing but a memory.

  A chill made me shudder as one side of me fought against the other.

  Turn around, you fool, my non-human side demanded.

  Shut up and do something right for a change, my human side countered.

  The human side won, for the moment.

  I had to chuckle. Dahlia was slowly turning me into a compassionate being. Who would have thought such a thing was possible? This was precisely what my mother hated. She preferred me cold and vicious, so I’d remain compliant to my destiny.

  We’ll just see about that…

  Dahlia snatched up my hand, tempering my rising anger.

  “Lucien,” she said worriedly, “is something wrong? You shuddered and the most terrible feeling came over me. Is there something about this trip you’re not telling me?”

  If only she knew the truth. Dahlia fully believed we were meeting with Dunne so he could help me figure out a way to not be obligated to fulfill my destiny—a process that would involve transferring enough power to my mother and father so they could rule the world through nefarious means.

  My mother insisted that if I refused my destiny, both Dahlia and I would meet with horrific ends. Of what sort, she hadn’t elaborated, but I sensed she’d been speaking the truth.

  I glanced over at Dahlia and her eyes held mine. Her questioning emerald gaze betrayed her deep concern. “Please, Lucien,” she said. “Tell me what’s going on. I thought we were done keeping secrets from one another?”

  I brought our still-clasped hands to my lips and kissed her porcelain skin. I had to take control of this situation quickly.

  “We are done with keeping secrets, darling,” I assured her. “Everything is fine.”

  Dahlia tore her gaze from mine and drew her lips down in a frown, like some realization was dawning.

  Squaring up her shoulders, she yanked her hand from my grasp.

  “You’re lying,” she ground out, with so much conviction I had to question whether she’d been able to peek inside my head and see what I was truly up to.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, feigning innocence. “Why would you say such a thing?”

  She twisted away from me and stared out the small plane window. “Never mind,” she murmured.

  Hmm, she absolutely knows something.

  I was aware that a tiny bit of the power I’d bestowed on her not so long ago remained. But was it enough for her to see through me? I hoped not, because if she were privy to my plan she would surely find a way to stop it.

  Sighing, I prepared to do what I’d been weaning myself away from—popping into Dahlia’s head to find out what she knew.

  Suddenly, though, when I tried to ease my way into her mind the oddest thing occurred—Dahlia blocked me!

  Some of my power did indeed remain.

  And now she was learning to use it against me.

  “Damn.” I raked my fingers through my dark hair.

  And then, like an echo in my head, I heard Dahlia whisper, “Two can play at this game, Lucien.”


  I’d done it—I’d blocked Lucien, simply by using the power he’d given me.

  What I feared was disappearing was actually growing stronger. I was becoming more like Lucien, albeit not nearly as powerful.

  True, I could see inside his mind that he was hiding something from me, something to do with this visit to Dunne, but I couldn’t ascertain the exact specifics.

  What could it be?

  Since I was certain the man I loved would never hurt me, I concluded it had to be something else, something to do with him.

  Oh no! Is Lucien intending to hurt himself?

  I once heard his kind couldn’t end their lives, not by their own hand. But death by another, that was possible.

  Good God. Was Lucien planning to have this powerful being, Dunne, end him?

  Well, that just won’t be happening. Not if I have a say. Sorry, Lucien.

  The rest of the plane trip was quiet, with Lucien and I lost in our own thoughts. I tried to sneak another peak inside his head once we embarked on the helicopter leg of our journey, but he shut me out.

  “Stop it, Dahlia,” he warned, his deep brown eyes flashing as he peered over at me in aggravation.

  One thing was certain—I was pissing him off. And that was a dangerous game to play. His patience was worn thin as it was.

  Now that I suspected he meant himself harm, though, I couldn’t back away.

  I tried again and again to enter his mind, and again and again he thwarted me.

  I watched as Lucien's agitation grew, running his large hands down his finely chiseled face and up through his raven hair.

  The power balance between us had never been more out of whack. But I reveled in my new, stronger position. I was determined to find out what Lucien was up to, simply so I could stop it. In any case, I knew this power imbalance wouldn’t last long. Lucien would correct it as soon as he got a chance, and he’d probably do so through sex. He wielded his power the fiercest when he was fucking, which meant I had to remain strong and not have sex with him.

  That was going to be difficult. Just knowing I couldn’t have Lucien made me want him all the more.

  I slid my leg away from where it was pressed to his, and when we were no longer touching, I swear I saw him smirk.

  Give me strength.

  When we arrived at the next point in our travels—the spot where we were to switch to an all-terrain SUV—the light snow that had been falling picked up significantly. Lucien and I ran hand-in-hand from the helicopter to the waiting SUV, while the icy cold cut through the heavy parkas we’d donned. It was like those extra layers were nothing.

  “It’s freezing this far north,” I yelled over the whir of the now-departing helicopter.

  Lucien laughed. “You think this is bad, wait till we arrive at our destination.”

  Despite his lighthearted tone, I could feel tension rolling off him. I knew it was due to my earlier actions, and I therefore felt terrible.

  Once inside the vehicle, I brushed snow from the parka and thought about how to right this situation without giving away too much of my lingering power. I had to do something. I’d pushed too far and too fast. I could tell from Lucien’s dark expression and tense posture that I was in for it. We were finally alone and he could be his full, true self.

  “Do you think this is a game, Dahlia?” he said tightly, surely having read my mind.

  I grew a tiny bit afraid. “No,” I squeaked out.

  “Then”—he twisted in his seat to face me—“why are you trying to one-up me every chance you get? I know some of my power remains in you. Don’t think I can’t feel you using it against me. Why would you do such a thing, Dahlia, why?”

  I was aghast. I hadn’t meant to upset him this much.

  “I, uh, I didn’t mean to, Lucien. Not really,” I stammered. He harrumphed, and I added defiantly, “I don’t really see it like that, anyway.”

  I felt small as he undid his seatbelt and leaned over me menacingly. “Oh, really? Pleas
e, Dahlia, do tell me how you do see it.”

  Ooh, I had to think fast. I couldn’t tell Lucien I was on to him.

  “Uh, I just like that I can match you, that’s all. But since it upsets you so much, I promise I won’t do it again.”

  He leaned in closer.

  I pressed against the passenger door, but there was no escaping him. It was a veritable blizzard outside the comfy confines of the SUV, so running away was out. Not to mention, there was nothing but wilderness all around us and it was growing dark. I was fucked.

  Lucien smirked. “Not yet, but you’re about to be.”

  “You’re back in my head,” I accused. “But…but I can’t feel you there.”

  This was something different. It was like his power had grown stronger, same as mine. Well, the little bit I had.

  “It’s because we’re close to Dunne,” he murmured, like he was thinking the same thing.

  Lucien shrugged out of his parka and suit jacket. He then began unbuttoning his expensive dress shirt.

  “What are you doing?” I asked. “Shouldn’t we get started on our way to Dunne’s place?”

  “Not yet,” he replied distractedly as he turned up the heat.

  When I lowered my gaze to his lap, I noticed he was hardening beneath his dark pants. I always wanted Lucien, and I couldn’t deny his state of arousal turned me on now. My pushing his limits, making him mad, it was the best foreplay.

  But there was something else in the car with us, something dark. It was driving Lucien, and I could feel it trying to compel me.

  Despite the sudden urge to rip off my clothes and spread out on the front seat for Lucien, in a shaky voice, I muttered, “Maybe we should wait.”

  He continued to undress, ignoring me. He had on nothing beneath his dress slacks, so when he slid the fine material down his hips, his cock sprang free.

  I immediately grew unbearably wet, but my unease that it was more than he and I driving our actions had me clambering over the back of the passenger seat to reach the long bench seat behind me.

  “I really don't think we should do this here,” I continued as I settled in the backseat, where I thought I might be safe. “Something feels weird.”

  Lucien didn’t reply. Instead, he was over the seat and on me in an instant. So much for being safe in the back. Lucien pawed at me, wasting no time in ridding me of my clothes.

  I fought at first, but my desire took over. Once I gave in, I wanted nothing more than to be naked, like Lucien.

  Quickly, I slid what was left, which was just my panties, down my legs.

  Lucien became even more of an animal. Once I was fully exposed to him, he devoured me, starting with my breasts, where he lapped at and nipped the fleshy mounds.

  “Ow,” I cried out when he bit too hard.

  Promptly grabbing a fistful of my auburn hair, Lucien yanked my head back. Then he bit me even harder! The pain soon morphed to pleasure, though, and liquid pooled between my legs.

  “Do not defy me again,” he hissed in my ear.

  Before I could articulate a reply, he palmed my sex and squeezed. “Oh, Lucien…”

  Lucien tormented me, allowing his thumb to brush over my clit with just enough pressure to tease and ratchet up my desire.

  “Please,” I begged. “Please, please, Lucien.”

  “Please, what?” he asked, smug now that he was back in full control.

  “Make me come,” I whispered.

  He positioned me on his lap and promptly eased me down on his glorious length.

  “Ahh…” I trailed off.

  Lucien was large, but he soon swelled to the point where I felt him everywhere. He engulfed me. Though I was on top, I felt pinned by him. I couldn’t move. I could only accept him in my body.

  “Feel me,” he whispered.

  “I do,” I mouthed.

  I had no more voice; Lucien had taken it, along with my body.

  I couldn’t move or speak, but I could feel. Oh, could I feel.

  My eyes then rolled back in my head when Lucien grabbed my hips and worked me up and down his full length.

  Yes, yes, yes.

  “Do you want your voice back?” he asked when I began gasping and panting.

  I nodded.

  “Your wish is my command, my love.”

  My words were given back to me then, just as Lucien was reaching down to toy with my clit.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming.” I was soon screaming.

  Lucien rubbed and pounded into me fiercely, whispering to me how much he loved feeling my pussy pulse around him.

  Once I was spent, he lifted me like a rag doll from his lap.

  He was far from done, though. Shoving my head down to his glistening cock, he ordered me to, “Finish. Suck me off, Dahlia.”

  I did as commanded, still aroused beyond belief. When he saw me wriggling, he reached down and slid two fingers into me.

  When he came, I came, my juices flowing down his hand as he filled my mouth.

  “Swallow, Dahlia.”

  I swallowed.

  “Good girl.”

  Satisfaction filled me with the way Lucien had taken me, but the uneasy feeling I’d had earlier returned, just as my orgasm-induced high faded.

  I sighed and leaned against Lucien’s shoulder. I noticed he was looking out the window, but at what, I had no clue. It was still basically blizzard conditions outside the SUV, making everything all blurry and white. Not to mention, we’d really steamed up the windows.

  Patting me on the leg, Lucien said tersely, “Put on some clothes, Dahlia.”

  Lucien was never shy about nakedness, so this was certainly unusual.

  But I gave no argument, uttering instead a compliant, “Okay.”

  I fumbled on the floor for my leggings and sweater. Meanwhile, he swiped at the inside of his window until it was clear.

  When I lifted my head, Lucien was staring out the window intently…and looking none too pleased.

  I followed his gaze and promptly jumped back when I saw what he was staring at. “What the hell!”

  There was a man outside the car, shrouded in thick layers of black.

  “Who is—” I began.

  Lucien shushed me.

  The figure stepped closer to our vehicle, allowing me to see more of him, despite the continuing downpour of snow. His face was hidden by the pulled in sides of his dark hood, but still… I could feel this man gazing at my bare body.

  I felt his hunger for me, and I knew then he’d watched everything, orchestrated it even.

  Covering my breasts with my sweater, I hissed, “Who in the hell is that?”

  There was only one person—or being, rather—who could stand out in the middle of nowhere, during a blizzard, and casually watch me and Lucien have sex.

  “Dunne,” I murmured, answering my own question before Lucien could.


  “Yes,” I confirmed as I tucked myself back inside my pants and zipped up. “That is Dunne.”

  The fucker had watched us, and I could feel his intense arousal. He wanted what I’d just had—Dahlia.

  The realization gave me pause as to the wisdom of my current plan to sacrifice myself. I hadn’t counted on Dunne being so incredibly attracted to Dahlia. I don’t know why, since our kind never really aged, but I’d imagined Dunne more of an old man, like Bailey. In reality, he was not that much older than me. And clearly, also like me, very interested in sex.

  Damn, I should have known. Our kind was always drawn to Dahlia Vaughn.

  I needed to rethink my plan. There had to be another way. My instinct to survive kicked into overdrive, as did my desire to protect Dahlia.

  Finally, I reached a decision. I was absolutely not sacrificing myself. No way, not anymore. If I allowed Dunne to destroy me, poor Dahlia would be at his mercy.

  Fuck. I never should have brought her to this place. But, then again, we’d had no other choice. It seemed we were doomed if we stayed…and doomed if we left.

  “Lucien?” Dahlia peered over at me with worried jade eyes. She was fully dressed now, which made me release a relieved breath. “What should we do?”

  Dunne was outside the SUV, but he’d backed off by a few feet. He wore all black, though his hood covered much of his face. Still, the area around his mouth was exposed, and the deep scarring around his lips and chin was clear.

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