Supernatural delights, p.1
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Supernatural Delights, page 1

 part  #1 of  Paranormal Playground Series


Supernatural Delights
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Supernatural Delights

  Supernatural Delights

  Godiva Glenn


  Copyright © 2016 by Godiva Glenn.

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations em- bodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organiza- tions, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Follow Godiva Glenn at

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Welcome to the Party

  Thin Walls and Rough Games

  Riding Red Hard

  Fairy Tail

  Forest Breeding


  About the Author

  Sign up for Godiva Glenn's Mailing List

  Welcome to the Party

  Gabe shrugged, adjusting his black leather jacket while he walked.

  "Nervous?" Aaron asked.

  "Of course not."

  "Good. You'll have plenty of tail to choose from tonight, trust me. Glad you ditched the costume idea—ladies like a free spirit."

  "I am in costume," Gabe muttered. He glanced down at his navy t-shirt and black slacks.

  "As what?"

  "The Doctor."

  Aaron scoffed and glanced over, giving Gabe a quick sweep of his eyes. "Maybe don't tell anyone that."

  They turned the corner, and Gabe saw the large house that was hosting what was supposed to be the Halloween party of the decade. He'd believe it. Already, people crowded the lawn, and music drifted from beyond the high ivy-laden fence around the backyard.

  "It's easy for you to go without a costume," he pointed out.

  Aaron simply nodded.

  Though Gabe was a run of the mill human, Aaron was a werewolf, and though he was vague about discussing it, he was an important member of his pack. Aaron looked human, like any all-American guy with brown hair and blue eyes, but he had something about him that set him apart. Some inherent vibe that made women salivate and guys feel on edge. No one would care that he didn't choose to dress up.

  "Tonight, you have no idea how true that is," Aaron smirked.

  "Ready to explain why you're so hyped about attending this party?"

  Aaron stopped in his tracks and lifted his arms as if giving the dark sky a wide hug. He sucked in a deep breath and grinned.

  "Ley lines."


  "You can't see them, but I can feel them. Mystical alignments etched deep into the earth. They exist all over the world, humming to my kind." He lowered his arms and nodded to himself. "This party is supernatural friendly. Most of the guests will be human and clueless, but there should be plenty of others as well. All drawn to the ley lines and how wonderful they feel on All Hallows Eve."

  "The host isn't human?"

  "Oh, she is. Layla's just a bit of a crazy one. She's psychic, or she was when she was younger. Now she's just... well, I already said crazy right? She likes to act as a liaison for us supernatural types. So she throws this party every so often and invites everyone. Like I said, though, the humans are mostly unaware of anything out of the ordinary. They just see it as a chance to see inside the famed Wiltmore place. This house has been in her family for years. The location is perfect for divination." He started walking towards the house, which looked like a clean, crowded version of a haunted mansion. "And tonight, it's perfect for a party."

  They made their way up the steps and into the crowd. The house was sprawling, so that even with the large number of revelers, the interior wasn't stifling. Gabe looked around, slightly anxious. Aaron had insisted he come tonight and get laid to forget about his ex. When the topic was broached two weeks ago, it sounded great. Now, Gabe wasn't so sure. People don't really just hook up like that at parties, do they?

  "Feels good already," Aaron half-growled. "I love Halloween. And the wome-" He stopped speaking and narrowed his eyes.

  Gabe traced his line of vision and saw the back of a woman in a bright red cloak that hit her knees. Her legs were miles of pale skin and she stood in shiny black spiked boots. Little Red Riding Hood. She turned and revealed a red latex minidress.

  "Damn," Gabe breathed. "I guess you found your conquest for the night. Fairytale fantasy huh?"

  As if she heard, Red Riding Hood looked their way. Her ruby lips curled into a seductive smile and she pulled back her hood so that thick strawberry-blonde curls cascaded out. She winked, and Gabe startled. Aaron growled softly, the sound barely escaping his throat.

  "No. I may slum with humans but it takes a special pervert to fuck a corpse."

  Across the room, the woman laughed at something, and turned away, giving them her back once more.

  Aaron guided the two of them to a different room and muttered to himself.

  "Vam-" Gabe stopped himself and then lowered his voice before continuing, "vampire?"


  Gabe peered back at the doorway they'd passed through, not that he could see the woman anymore. "Is it going to be okay? Aren't you guys... Mortal enemies?"

  Aaron shrugged and tossed Gabe a beer he'd snagged from a nearby cooler. "Something like that. But this party is neutral, so no fights. Besides, that one... that's Elissa. For a parasite, she's actually alright. I just like to give her a hard time. Not literally, of course.”

  "Elissa," Gabe repeated to himself, recalling the vampire.

  "Don't go there. I've had dealings with her before but I still wouldn't trust her with your neck. Or your dick."

  "Sounds good to me." Gabe took a swig of his beer and surveyed the room, happy to dismiss his prospects with the undead. "You do realize I have no experience picking up women? I was with the same one through high school and college. I don't even think I could call my skills rusty. They've long degenerated."

  "It's easy." Aaron crumpled his can and tossed it aside, having downed it within seconds. "For you, I'd find one of the little geek birds. Like that one over there dressed like Tinkerbell."

  Gabe shook his head. "Tinkerbell isn't geeky, so you know." He nodded to a group by the corner. "Hmm. Lara Croft may be."

  "You aren't ready for Lara. Lara would chew you up and spit you out—and that's not a euphemism."

  Gabe shrugged. "What are you looking for, since the Red Riding Hood fantasy is a no-go?"

  "When have I ever expressed a Red Riding Hood fetish?"

  "Never, but it makes complete sense."

  Aaron grinned mischievously. "Yeah it does. Maybe another night. For tonight... I just want some plush pillows. Something I can just plow my... oh. Wonder Woman... look at that."

  Gabe watched Aaron work his way towards a group of superheroes. That was settled. Gabe chugged the rest of his beer and grabbed another one. He didn't expect Aaron to chaperone him around tonight, or even act as a wingman, so he was fine on his own. He didn't know that he'd be as lucky as Aaron...

  "Hi," a bright feminine voice said from behind him.

  He spun around and found a dream come true. She was short and wearing a filmy white dress and white flats. Her olive skin seemed to have a golden glow to it, and actually, at second glance, everything about her seemed radiant somehow. Her eyes were a gem-like green, her lips full and pouty. And her hair. He'd never seen a girl with soft lavender hair before, and hers fell about her shoulders in gentle waves. A plush silver horn was nestled in the middle of it.

  "Unicorn," he said, dumbfounded.

  "Yes! You get it then? I wasn't sure if I did it right," she chirped. Her voice was high and musical. "And you... you're what? Some sort of bad boy?"

  Gabe blinked while she examined him head to toe. "I'm... the Doctor."

  "A doctor?"

  "Yeah... just forget it. I'm Gabe."

  She held out her hand, though he hadn't extended his. He took it and they awkwardly shook.

  "And you are?" he asked.

  "Oh! Oh. Sorry. I'm Vella." Her cheeks flushed a deep plum color and she bowed her head.

  "It's... I mean, nothing to apologize for." She nodded quickly but kept her head down. "So, your costume is really clever. You look nice. Pretty, I mean."

  Her face lifted to search his. Whatever she was looking for, she seemed pleased, because she smiled again. "I like your clothing as well. You look dangerous. Serious." Her smile changed from sweet to something he couldn't define. "Like someone who would be nice to have for a night."

  He nodded because he wasn't sure how to respond. Is she talking about what I think she’s talking about? She moved close to him, breaching what would be appropriate for polite conversation. Tiny hands pressed to his chest and she peered up at him, licking her lips.

  "Would you like to spend time with me tonight? We could-" she furrowed her brow and pursed her lips, "umm, get to know each other?"

  "Yeah, that sounds great," he said as calmly as he could manage.

  A squeal of delight left her throat and she took his answer as an invitation to get even closer. She pressed her body against him, small breasts flattening against his chest and making him aware—really aware—of his needs. Years in a predictable relationship with infrequent sex had left him a bit of a eunuch. But the feel of Vella's breasts stirred him now, and he allowed his hands to hold her gently about the wa
ist, since she seemed set on invading his personal space. She reached up and touched his hair with a mannerism of curiosity.

  "I like this," she said aloud, but almost to herself. "You're an attractive male."

  "Thanks? I mean, I'm rather plain."

  "No. Not plain."

  "Brown hair, brown eyes, boring face. I've seen me. You don't have to flatter me."

  She chuckled softly. "Hmm. Your hair is colored like... mousey, I think they say, but it's so soft. I like how it feels against my palm. And your face isn't boring. It's yours." She withdrew slightly and squinted at him, then relaxed and moved close enough that they could almost kiss. "Your eyes have golden flecks, and the left one has a tiny patch of green. They aren't bad. I could stare into them happily."

  "I don't think anyone's ever looked that close at them."

  "Hmm. Are both of your parents human?"

  "Huh? Yeah. I mean, aren't yours?" What was she talking about?

  "We should find some place quiet. To talk."

  "I guess. I don't know if that's actually possible though. I would think only the woods aren't overrun with people at this point," he said, looking around at the growing party.

  "I know places." She took his hand and shivered. "You feel very good, Gabe."

  While Vella dragged him by the hand through several rooms, Gabe quickly checked for Aaron, but he was nowhere to be found.

  Thin Walls and Rough Games

  The Wonder Woman in Aaron's arms was soft and inviting, moaning delicately as they made out in the laundry room. It had taken all of his charms to get her away from her friends, but clearly, she wasn't missing them now. Pulling away from their kiss, he leaned down to lick the caramel skin of her collar bone. That elicited another moan.

  He massaged his hand over one of her full breasts, lifting and squeezing it reverently. The arched hem of the costume barely covered them, but unveiling them was a moment he wanted to savor. Her heavy breathing caused the full mounds to rise and fall in a welcoming gesture.

  Gently, he lifted her and placed her atop a small table.

  "I can't be gone long," she pouted.

  "I like to take my time."

  "I'm serious. I'm already breaking all sorts of rules, abandoning my friends like that."

  He rolled his eyes. Silly rules if he'd ever heard them. For a moment, though, he wondered if he was supposed to stick with Gabe. It was probably rude to drag someone to a party and abandon them.

  But then again—breasts. Lovely, lovely breasts.

  Aaron dipped down and teased his lips over the inviting curves that perched over the top gold band of the costume. He tucked his thumbs into it and tugged downward, kissing every new inch of exposed skin.

  When her nipples came into view, he nibbled each dark bud until she was whimpering. He continued to worship her breasts until the costume was rolled around her midsection. Then he cupped them in his hands and marveled how supple they were. The weight of them. How well they fit in his large hands.

  A fingertip on his chin turned his face upwards.

  "I think I know what you want," she said, sliding down from the table.

  She unzipped his pants easily and pushed them down to his thighs along with his boxers. His erection sprang up, ready for whatever she had in mind.

  "Oh," she whispered.

  He glanced down and saw how she ran eager hands over his length, and then looked up at him with a wicked smile.

  "You're big and... wow." Her throat gave a happy purr while she squeezed his shaft and slid the foreskin up and over the head of his straining cock. "This will make things even easier."

  Warm lips engulfed him, beckoning him to close his eyes and take delight in the moment. Wet kisses coated him, bringing a growl from low in his chest. He opened his eyes again and watched her lave the head of his cock, taking the precum gathered there and mixing it with her spit. He swore under his breath. He loved messy blowjobs.

  Large brown eyes stared at him while she lifted her plump breasts and squeezed them around his cock. It twitched at the feel of being surrounded by the pillowy soft skin. His brain ceased functioning at the sight of himself enveloped in such a way.

  "Yes?" she asked.

  He swallowed, mouth dry, and nodded slowly. Her full lips kissed his head again, then her body rocked, allowing him to slide between the plush mounds. The tiny movement sent a jolt of ecstasy throughout his body.

  Careful not to disrupt her own rhythm, he allowed his hips to thrust slowly to aid her efforts. Each forward motion ended in a brief wet kiss. Sometimes she suckled the tip so that a soft pop could be heard on the exiting stroke.

  That sound drove him wild, as if watching and feeling it wasn't already ripping at his seams, urging him to become more demanding in his thrusts. The wolf inside him was pacing anxiously, wanting to come out and play, but Aaron knew that would be a mistake.

  The average human woman would run screaming from the sight of his werewolf form, particularly if he was naked and erect. He ignored the insistent beast and focused only on the luscious breasts and lips and tongue pleasing him.

  Soon, he was shoving into her breasts with more force. It couldn't be helped. She was perfectly fitted around him, and she made little hungry noises whenever his cock escaped her lips.

  "I want to taste you," she moaned.

  Her request made his muscles tighten and he could only nod. He had been close to the edge a few times now, but was enjoying this too much. Enjoying the wet warmth of her mouth, the gentle squeeze of her breasts. He could indulge her wants and still be able to continue. Supernatural stamina was a blessing he never forsook. Soon he was imagining how her breasts would look swinging and jiggling while he pounded her from behind.

  Her lips made a lewd sucking sound around his head and there was the barest scrape of teeth. His hips circled forward and he groaned, releasing his restraint and allowing his orgasm to rip through him. Hot and thick, he spilled onto her tongue, her neck, her breasts. Naughty thing she was, she kept her mouth open and licked her lips, allowing the cum to overflow her mouth. She watched him with hungry eyes and sucked his tip back into her mouth.

  The oversensitive sensation brought spots to his vision but he let her coax the last of his cum out. When she finally swallowed, she did it with a delightful sigh like it was all she ever wanted. He hovered over her feeling lightheaded.

  Grabbing a towel from the counter, she wiped her breasts and neck. She was talking, but his hearing was temporarily buzzed until he heard something about returning to the party. She was careful adjusting her top, wiggling her large mounds into the stretchy fabric, and he took her wrist and spun her to face him.

  "Hey, we're not done."

  "I have to get back," she smiled. Lifting on her toes, she kissed his cheek and nipped at his ear. "You taste delicious. Trust me, I don't want to go but, you need to recuperate anyhow?"

  "I'm ready." To emphasize his point, he stroked himself, already erect again.

  Her eyes fluttered and he could hear her pulse echoing in the room. The wolf was close, enhancing his senses. He could smell the heated scent of her arousal and he dipped down and inhaled deeply, pressing his nose to her neck. She swayed but shook her head, biting her lips as she squirmed away from him and towards the door. He allowed her to place a hand on the doorknob before he stopped her, placing himself before the exit.

  "Maybe I got you wrong."

  Her head tilted. "How so?"

  "You just sucked my cock and tit-fucked me like it was your job. Now you run away."

  "My choice, isn't it?" Her tone was defensive and he smirked.

  "Of course. Your choice. Either you're a slut like I thought, or you're a tease. And a good slut will stick around and get fucked." He stepped forward as he spoke, and she backed away from him, though she didn't smell like fear. She was scented of anticipation.

  Her heart beat out a staggered musical medley. "And a tease?"

  "I don't like teases. But I like to turn them into sluts."

  She'd backed herself to the counter and now she froze, eyes sliding between the door and his mouth. He caught her as she attempted to escape, and though she whimpered, he could tell she enjoyed the game. He bent her over the counter, ripping the top of her costume back down so that her breasts hung and bounced with her every frantic breath.

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