The Waiter
Ginger Voight
Romance / Humor / Mystery & Thrillers
An old, dying woman makes one last visit to her favorite restaurant, a place once used as a refuge for a painful period in her life. Awash with memories of a time long past, she gets the surprise of a lifetime when she catches a glimpse of a familiar face that, unlike her own image, had not been marred by time.Apollo is an orphan in the walled farming community of Alcazar. Everyone else his age is eagerly awaiting their apprenticeships that proceed the ritual that will determine their place in society, the Ceremony of Ascension. Without a heritage, Apollo knows it's something he can never have. But then the last week of school is canceled and Apollo's dread is turned into surprise when he's summoned by the leader of their community. The boy soon learns of the unique bond they both share, that's also littered with a long trail of deceit and genetic manipulations.
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