Fallen King: A Fallen Men Short Story
Giana Darling
Giana Darling
Fallen Men #4.577 pagesWhen King Kyle Garro plunged off the cliff'a Back Bay Road and was lost
to us forever, part'a me and my club died right along with' im. He was the heir, but he was also the heart and soul'a our club and our family. Celebratin' his first birthday without 'im was gonna be damn near impossible to survive. The dream'a every parent who ever suffered the tragedy'a losin' a kid, was holdin' that baby in their arms again.I counted myself a lucky man, but I'd never hoped to dream for that. Until a man showed up at my cabin that mornin' and called me 'Dad.' *
A Fallen Men Short Story. Must be read following After the Fall (The
Fallen Men, #4) and preferably between Inked in Lies (The Fallen Men,
#5) and Dead Man Walking (The Fallen Men, #6)*
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