The Crocodile Hunter
Gerald Seymour
Literature & Fiction
A thrilling story of the secret services, their enemies and the society they operate in, building with unrelenting suspense to a superb climax, The Crocodile Hunter is Gerald Seymour writing at the top of his powers.
In the office at MI5 where he works, they call Jonas Merrick 'the eternal flame'.
It isn't a compliment.
It's because he never goes out.
He never goes undercover, never does surveillance, never goes with the teams that kick down the doors or seize the suspects off the street.
He commutes into work and sits at his desk and then he goes home.
But Jonas has qualities the hot-shots fail to notice - a steely concentration, a ruthless ability to focus and find the enemy hiding in plain sight.
Hearing of a British Jihadi returning from Syria with murderous plans, Jonas sends out for a telling photograph - a crocodile, almost submerged, just its eyes above water as it waits for unsuspecting prey to drink at the riverbank.
Coming ashore near Dover, Cameron Jilkes is a young man from a broken home and a failed education, trained in the harshest theatre of war, driven to rage by loss and pain.
And this time, 'the eternal flame' must go out - to hunt the crocodile himself.
A novel displaying all the author's many strengths, from his John le Carré-like ability to portray the intelligence world from top to bottom, to its line up of memorable supporting characters.
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The Corporal's Wife (2013)
Gerald Seymour
Literature & Fiction
This is the moment that MI6 has been working for: an Iranian caught in a ‘honey trap’ and flown to a safe house for interrogation. He may only be a Corporal in the Revolutionary Guard, but as chauffeur to a top general, he knows the location of secret nuclear and military sites and often overhears unguarded conversations in the car. It’s a coup to put the Brits one up on the Americans and Israelis. But the Corporal won’t talk unless they bring his wife out of Iran, too. So the SAS are asked to find the woman and smuggle her out of Tehran – but they turn it down as an impossible risk. Which is how three former soldiers hired from a London agency and Zach Bennett, a university drop-out recruited for his Persian language skills, find themselves about to cross the world’s most dangerous frontier on a mission that will mean certain death if they are caught. And the Corporal’s wife is not the kind of person they were expecting. In fact, the fiery, independent, beautiful Farideh is not like anyone Zach Bennett has ever met in his life. THE CORPORAL’S WIFE is an epic, nail-biting story of courage and betrayal, a brilliant glimpse into a closed society and the way the secret services operate on both sides of the line between politics and morality.
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The Heart of Danger
Gerald Seymour
Literature & Fiction
In a wrecked Croat village, a mass grave is uncovered and the mutilated body of a young Englishwoman, Dorrie Mowat, is exhumed. Her mother, who loathed Dorrie in life, becomes obsessed by the need to find out about her death. But with civil war tearing apart the former Yugoslavia, none of the authorities there or in Britain are interested in a 'minor' war crime. So she turns to Bill Penn, private investigator, MI5 reject. For him this looks like a quick trip to safe Zagreb, the writing of a useless report and a good fee at the end of it. But once there he finds himself drawn inexorably towards the killing ground behind the lines, to find the truth of the young woman's death and, perhaps, the truth of himself. Penn's search for evidence that could, one day, convict a war criminal in a court of law becomes an epic journey into a merciless war where the odds are stacked high against him.
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Harry's Game
Gerald Seymour
Literature & Fiction
A British cabinet minister is gunned down on a London street by an IRA
assassin. In the wake of national outcry, the authorities must find the
hitman. But the trail is long cold, the killer gone to ground in
Belfast, and they must resort to more unorthodox methods to unearth him.
Ill prepared and poorly briefed, undercover agent Harry Brown is sent
into the heart of enemy territory to infiltrate the terrorists. But when
it is a race against the clock, mistakes are made and corners cut. For
Harry Brown, alone in a city of strangers, where an intruder is the
subject of immediate gossip and rumour, one false move is enough to
leave him fatally isolated...
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