The Squire's Tale

The Squire's Tale

Gerald Morris

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Young Adult

Growing up an orphan in an isolated cottage in the woods, young Terence never expected much adventure. But upon the arrival of Gawain, his life takes a surprising turn. Gawain is destined to become one of the most famous knights of the Round Table. Terence becomes Gawain's squire and leaves his secluded life for one of adventure in King Arthur's court. In no time Terence is plunged into the exciting world of kings, wizards, knights, wars, magic spells, dwarfs, damsels in distress, and enchanters. As he adjusts to his new life, he proves to be not only an able squire but also a keen observer of the absurdities around him. His duties take him on a quest with Gawain and on a journey of his own, to solve the mystery of his parentage. Filled with rapier-sharp wit, jousting jocularity, and chuckleheaded knights, this is King Arthur's court as never before experienced.
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The Adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great

The Adventures of Sir Lancelot the Great

Gerald Morris

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Young Adult

Many years ago, the storytellers say, the great King Arthur brought justice to England with the help of his gallant Knights of the Round Table. Of these worthy knights, there was never one so fearless, so chivalrous, so honorable, so...shiny as the dashing Sir Lancelot, who was quite good at defending the helpless and protecting the weak, just as long as he'd had his afternoon nap. Behold the very exciting and very funny adventures of Lancelot the Great, as only acclaimed Arthurian author Gerald Morris can tell them.
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The Adventures of Sir Gawain the True

The Adventures of Sir Gawain the True

Gerald Morris

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Young Adult

In the third installment in the Knights' Tales series, Gerald Morris tells the laugh-outloud tale of King Arthur's most celebrated knight, and nephew, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. With lively illustrations by Aaron Renier, Morris creates a captivating and comical medieval world that teems with humor and wonder.This chapter book is sure to set young readers on another rollicking and hilarious Arthurian adventure!
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Parsifal's Page

Parsifal's Page

Gerald Morris

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Young Adult

Piers is desperate to become a page to escape the dirty, tedious labor of his father's blacksmith shop. So when a knight arrives announcing that he's on “the quest," Piers begs to go along. Off on a series of adventures he never dreamed possible, Piers and the knight quickly run into difficulties. The knight is slain by Parsifal who is on a quest of his own.Parsifal is unlike anyone Piers has ever met. He doesn't behave “knightly" at all. Slowly, Piers realizes that being a knight has nothing to do with shining armor and winning jousts. And, as their journey continues, they find that to achieve their quest they must learn more than knighthood: they must learn about themselves.The tale of Parsifal has been told more than that of any other knight, but no one has ever told his story quite like Gerald Morris does in his fourth Arthurian novel, another tour de force of humor, action, magic, and, as always, true love.
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The Squire's Quest

The Squire's Quest

Gerald Morris

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Young Adult

Why is it, Terence wondered, that the things you know most surely are always the things you can't demonstrate to any one else?And why is it, after all of these years, that Terence is still just a squire, offering advice on how best to scrub the rust spots from armor? But Squire Terence has more to worry about than his place on the social scale. For all the peace and prosperity that has made England famous across Europe, Terence is uneasy. After nearly six months without contact with the World of the Faeries – not even from his old friend, the mischievous sprite Robin – Terence is sure something is rotten in King Arthur's court.
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The Legend of the King

The Legend of the King

Gerald Morris

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Young Adult

In this final installment of the Squire's Tale series, Terence and his fellow Knights of the Round Table must come together in a last stand to save Camelot. The characters Gerald Morris has brought to life throughout his series—"Terence and Gawain, Lynet and Gaheris, Luneta and Rhience, Dinadan and Palomides"—each have an important role to play in this climactic final conflict. Maintaining their faith, selflessness, and honor, Arthur's court bands together to try to defeat Morgause and Mordred and banish the dark magic from England forever.
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The Adventures of Sir Givret the Short

The Adventures of Sir Givret the Short

Gerald Morris

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Young Adult

Many years ago, the storytellers say, the great King Arthur held court with his gallant Knights of the Round Table. Poor Givret, who is easily the shortest man at court, bears the brunt of their jokes. But what he lacks in stature, Givret makes up for in brains—and before he knows it, his quick thinking has landed him a place at the famous Round Table! And so beginneth the exciting and funny adventures of Sir Givret the Short, Brilliant, and Marvelous.
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The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady

The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady

Gerald Morris

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Young Adult

Squire Terence and Sir Gawain are off questing again, but this time their journey is overshadowed by their ultimate destination: Gawain is to meet up with the Green Knight in a contest that could easily lead to Gawain's death. Along the way the two have a slew of hair-raising adventures and encounter the usual odd assortment of characters, including the plucky Lady Eileen. Sparks instantly fly between Terence and Eileen as she joins the squire and his knight on their travels. As they weave their way between the world of men and the Other World, Gawain and Terence discover much about themselves. The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady is the sequel to Gerald Morris's debut book, The Squire's Tale, about which the Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books raved, "This Arthurian road trip will have readers wondering why there aren't more books like this one and hoping that Morris will do it again." And so he has.
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The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf

The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf

Gerald Morris

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Young Adult

Her castle under siege by an evil knight who keeps beheading all her would-be rescuers, Lady Lynet realizes the only way to get help is to get it herself. So one night she slips away and strikes out for King Arthur's court where she hopes to find a gallant knight to vanquish the Knight of the Red Lands and free her castle. Gerald Morris's latest Arthurian novel is a highly comic tale of hidden identities, mysterious knights, faeries and enchantments, damsels-in-distress, and true love.
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The Adventures of Sir Balin the Ill-Fated

The Adventures of Sir Balin the Ill-Fated

Gerald Morris

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Children's Books / Young Adult

Many years ago, the storytellers say, the great King Arthur brought justice to England with the help of his gallant knights of the roundtable. While most of King Arthur's knights freely chose a life of duty, for Sir Balin the Ill-Fated, destiny was foretold in a prophecy. And seriously, "ill-fated" is right there in his title, so Balin's not surprised when things go sour. Still, no matter how dire the task, a loyal and gallant knight never refuses adventure! Will Sir Balin finally discover his true destiny? And which ill-fated path will he have to choose? Join Balin on this, the noblest quest of all.
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