Enemies (A Geo W. Proctor Western Classic Book 1)

Enemies (A Geo W. Proctor Western Classic Book 1)

Geo. w. Proctor

Geo. w. Proctor

They had sworn to kill each other—an Army scout haunted by the brutal slaughter of his wife and child, and a fierce Comanche warrior who'd suffered his own tragic losses. But when Black Hand and his Quahadi band of the People were finally driven in defeat to a government reservation, Jess Younkin figured he could at last get on with his life. Instead, life passed them both by, as a new, more civilized West took hold, with no place for rough riding cowboys or hot-blooded braves.But now Black Hand has broken free; Younkin has signed on for one last scouting mission to track him down. And it's only a matter of time before these two enemies meet, alone on the battlefield—warrior to warrior—in a bloody showdown that can end only one way ....
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Blood of My Blood

Blood of My Blood

Geo. w. Proctor

Geo. w. Proctor

Some called him a traitor to his people. Some believed he was leading the Comanche on the only path to survival in the face of the white man's relentless drive westward. He was Quanah Parker, a half-white Comanche outcast who became a warrior, then rose to lead his people in their most desperate time.The Comanche have become a people whose way of life is dying. Dependent on the buffalo for food, they face starvation in the wake of the white man's wholesale slaughter of the once-magnificent herds. As a young brave, Quanah Parker joins a band of Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Arapaho who have sworn, under the leadership of the powerful medicine man Eeshati, to ride against the bluecoats and rid the land of the white scourge.But nothing can stop the tide of expansion, and Quanah confronts a bitter choice: to resist change and the white man to the very death, or to embrace a strange new way of life for his people...and hope that it is not the road to...
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Before Honor

Before Honor

Geo. w. Proctor

Geo. w. Proctor

Life on the Texas range has always been harsh, but for Clint Wayford it's becoming impossible. Now sixty-five, the careworn widowed rancher must face the fact that he is no longer able to work his horses or the land the way he once did ... Losing ground in his struggle to survive on his own, Clint may soon be forced to sell the land ... then the chance to preserve the property turns up in the unlikely prospect of Miguel Ramos, a young Mexican boy who has crossed the Rio Bravo in search of work.
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Comes the Hunter (A Geo W. Proctor Classic Western)

Comes the Hunter (A Geo W. Proctor Classic Western)

Geo. w. Proctor

Geo. w. Proctor

Clay Thorton's world was shattered when Coyote Man, a Kiowa brave adopted by the Apache, attacked his ranch and killed his family. Turning his back on civilization, Clay struck out in solitary pursuit of the merciless slayer. The once kindhearted rancher became a hardened hunter, existing only for revenge, his sole goal to track down and kill the fearsome Coyote Man.
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