

Gene Denham

Gene Denham

A young artist uses the memories of the dead to create wonderful paintings. But not all of the memories are pleasant.Every night Kevin would dream the same dream. Each time Kevin dreamt the same dream it seem to become more and more vivid. It was as though the dream was drawing him closer and closer until he could reach out and touch it. The dream would start out with Kevin driving down a road on a stormy night. As his car would approach the destination Kevin would see a gate at a cemetery and some devilish looking man in a cape with blazing red eyes waving him to come in but Kevin was too scared to enter the gates. As Kevin would push on the gas pedal to speed off his car would stall and the devilish man in the black cape would approach Kevin's car then Kevin would wake up screaming in horror and sweating profusely. Kevin tried his best before he went to sleep not to read or watch any scary movies on the television so his mind wouldn't be fixated on that horrible dream. Kevin was so scared of his dream that he would leave the light on in his room all night in hopes he could sleep soundly but that wasn't the case.Kevin's dream was about to become a reality that would open the gates of hell with no way out but into the fiery pit of hell.
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Gene Denham

Gene Denham

The crew of the Cousteau is collecting samples on Europa when there is an accident.Six-year-old Olympia Octavia Penelope Smith hates her name - all three of them. Of course, finding something else would require an okay by her mom and dad, and that's not something they are likely to support. But nothing can stop her from finding a nickname. So one morning, Olivia sets out to find one. Something short, easy-to-remember, and just right for her. Join Olympia as she visits neighborhood friends in her search for the perfect nickname. This is an "Anytime" story for children because it isn't just for reading at bedtime, but it's great for any time.
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Red Wolf

Red Wolf

Gene Denham

Gene Denham

Wyatt is on the run from the law, his family, and the dark secret inside of him.Amr is happy. He looks at Gadija and her brothers. They're clothes look expensive. Those patterns in Gadija's dress are hand woven, those don't come cheap. Her scarf is heavy and yet fine in texture. Those turbans that the brothers are wearing don't come cheap either. Amr sighs. He looks at his son, Malik. Excited face. His everyday, white shirt and white pants, that reaches to his ankles. Those sandals. Always clean and neat. Amr sighs again. He thinks disappointment
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Gene Denham

Gene Denham

Phillip Boyd is a loser who's life changes around when he starts playing blackjack with a mysterious woman named Luci.Ian Evans gave his heart to the girl he had loved since high school, but she broke it when she threw his ring in his face and walked away. Three years later, when Kat reappears engaged to a powerful politician, Ian feels the burn of betrayal all over again. Kathleen Woods never stopped loving Ian, not even when he glared at her with hatred in his eyes. Her father, a man who stops at nothing to get what he wants, made it clear Ian was unacceptable and forced her to give him up in order to save his life. However, neither Kat nor Ian knows that fate has unfinished business with them. For while Kat hides the truth, he is covertly investigating her powerful father. Their secrets collide when John Woods’ cruelty, threats and crimes are exposed, and Ian must protect Kat at the risk of his life. Can Ian trust her long enough to take down the drug and smuggling ring he has long been trying to bring to justice? Will he and Zach be able to solve the case and bring peace to a grieving widow when Kat’s distracting him at every turn? As ghosts are finally laid to rest, more secrets are revealed. Good will triumph over evil, law enforcement will have their revenge but can Ian Evans forgive the past and accept that true love is forever?
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