All write already year o.., p.1
All Write Already: Year Of Your Book, page 1

All Write Already
Year of Your Book
Gena Showalter
Jill Monroe
Copyright © 2020 by Author Talk Media LLC
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Created with Vellum
From Gena and Jill:
Thank you to the wonderful authors who donated quotes and inspired us with their words. Also, this book would not have been possible without the hard work of our editor, Lauren Floyd, and proofreader, Naomi Lane. THANK YOU!!!
Gena: I would also like to thank the wind beneath my wings, the person who always has my back and the best friend a girl could have - Jill Monroe.
Jill: I would like to thank my dog for putting up with my nonsense.
Gena: Oh sorry, my hand slipped. That should have read “I would like to thank…myself.”
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Author Acknowledgements
Book Resources
Television Shows and Movies Mentioned
Final Resources
About Gena Showalter
About Jill Monroe
Also by Gena Showalter
Also by Jill Monroe
Do you dream of being a published author, but don’t know where to start? Maybe you have a packed schedule and can’t find the time to write. Or you’ve tried to write a story but didn’t know how to edit it—or even finish it. Good news! This book can help you tackle these problems and work on your goals.
Welcome to All Write Already: Year of Your Book, a handy how-to guide to help you write and edit an entire novel within a twelve month period.
Crafted by two bestselling authors with over 90 published books, All Write Already is a daily plan for anyone in need of help with their writing.
They take you through a step-by-step program, with short daily assignments meant to teach you how to 1) streamline your idea 2) create a solid foundation for your story and 3) draft and revise the entire novel, whether you’re writing 50k or 100k words. No matter what genre of fiction you’re drawn to, All Write Already has something to help you make your dream a reality.
If you’ve tried workbooks and writing challenges in the past but found them too vague, too dry, or just plain daunting, don’t worry. We guide you through every stage, each assignment contributing to the overall arc of your story. We help you focus, magnify, accomplish and triumph!
Day one doesn’t have to be the start of the month or the beginning of a new year. Our program includes exercises designed to encourage you to write a little bit each day. We begin with 16 days of pre-writing assignments to help you get to know your story and characters better. From day 17 on, we ask you to write or edit 6 days a week, leaving the seventh day for catch up and story reflection.
We tackle your book one thought, one page, one day at a time.
These short, daily assignments begin with fun activities meant to get you into the habit of writing. From there, we’ll delve into the actual writing and editing of the book, and also share publishing information along the way. It helps to know where to take this story after you’ve written it, right? We even offer advice from other amazing authors who’ve been where you are now.
Following our method, you can have a completed, self-edited book ready for the next stage of the publishing process. Even better, you’ll have the much-needed assurance that you did it once, so you can do it again. Here’s to making this the Year of Your Book!
Day 1
Getting Started!
Dear Author,
Yep. That’s you! If you bought this guide, there’s a very good chance you’ve played with the idea of writing a book for years. Or maybe you dreamed of writing a novel, you just haven’t sat down to put words to paper, but now you’re ready to begin. We could not be prouder of you!
A lot of people who enjoy writing as a hobby only put pen to paper when inspiration hits. But here’s the thing: You will get better at writing when you write without inspiration. That is when writing becomes a habit.
Sometimes you’ll feel incredibly inspired, yes. Other times—let’s face it, most times—you’ll wish you were doing anything else. You might even reach a point in your writing that you want to give up because the words aren’t flowing easily, or you’ve lost your passion for the story. All Write Already has ways to help!