Silver Tongue

Silver Tongue

Gabrielle R Herd

Gabrielle R Herd

DEATH PLAGUES THE MIND AND FEAR FESTERS IN THE HEART OF THE CITY.For the last five years, as a Sister of Amara, Ceridwen has dedicated her life to the purpose of her order. The life of a healer is demanding, requiring discipline, commitment and sacrifice; virtues she once lived by for a different, darker purpose.Unlike then, Ceridwen has found meaning and peace with the Sisters of Amara. Considering herself to be undeserving of her new life, she lives in the hope that she might earn redemption for the sins of her past. Eventually. Maybe.When she is asked to investigate a murder - a vicious end to six decades of peace - long dormant instincts are slowly rekindled. Ceridwen can't shake her suspicion about the cause of death. Was it mere coincidence that she would be the Sister to assist? Caught between her vows to peacefully serve and what she believes is her duty to protect the people of...
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