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The Everlasting Curse, page 1


The Everlasting Curse
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The Everlasting Curse

  The Everlasting Curse © 2021 G. Bailey

  All Rights Reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental and formed by this author’s imagination. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is written in British English, therefore some spellings might differ.

  Cover Design by Amalia Chitulescu

  Edited by Polished Perfection

  This is a box set of The Everlasting Curse Series. It includes:

  The Broken and Sinned

  The Cursed and Desired

  The Immortal and Damned

  Exclusive Bonus Scenes

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36



  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54




  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65

  Chapter 66

  Chapter 67

  Chapter 68

  Chapter 69


  Bonus Epilogue

  About the Author

  Other Books by G. Bailey

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  70. Bonus Read


  For all the stars in the sky that inspire every word I write.

  There is no place for love in a world of vampires who own your soul.

  On Riona Dark’s twenty-second birthday, being kidnapped by strangers in the night was not the surprise party she was expecting.

  Riona is taken to the hidden world of vampires, a remote island called The Onyx, where being human means you are less than nothing. Locked up with other humans, Riona finds out that she will soon be sold at The Auction.

  When two vampire princes, with dark eyes and even darker souls, come to view her and the others, Riona knows the vampires here are just as dangerous as they are gorgeous.

  Once sold, Riona is told that her life belongs to the vampires who own her. They will own her soul, mind and body. Resisting means only death.

  Riona won’t be sold without a fight, and the only power in The Onyx is blood, desire…and death.

  Warning: This book is a dark romance, and it contains themes not for the faint of heart.



  My dream turned into a nightmare the moment I saw his dark eyes.

  The suncatcher above me spins in the light breeze, catching beams of light and reflecting them in a million different strands of colour all across my dorm room and waking me up far too early than should be allowed. That pretty but annoying thing was a gift from my brother, and he rarely gets me anything nice, so I had to keep it.

  “It’s your goddamn twenty-second birthday, and you’re still in bed!” my roommate, aka Miss Noisy and Perky First Thing in the morning, shouts across our room as I squeeze my eyes shut. I groan and pull my covers over my head, hoping that she will bugger off, but there is no such luck as I hear her footsteps coming closer. Snatching my sheet from me, she flicks on my bedside lamp to make it that much brighter in here. I peel my eyes open and glare at her as she leans over me, hands on her hips.

  “Can your birthday present to me be a lie-in? Please, Sophie?” I grumble with the best impression of puppy dog eyes I can give. Sophie Devert is one year older than I am, about four levels crazier, and overall my best friend in the world since middle school. Pushing her bright autumn red hair behind her ear, she steps back and stretches, showing off her slim and toned body. That’s what you get for being a pro swimmer. My short ass body reflects my art major all too well. I slide out of bed and make my way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. After a quick shower, I towel dry my waist-length, mousy blonde hair and then wrap myself in the towel before heading back out. On my made-up bed is a present box with a big pink bow. It must be my birthday if Sophie is cleaning anything at all.

  I chuckle as I sit down and open up the box, pulling out a short, light pink dress and matching light pink heels in my size. I might not be the girliest girl out there, but I love pink as much as I love dressing up for one night. Sophie is practically jumping on the spot in excitement, waiting for my response. She knows she did well; the girl knows me better than I know myself.

  “I love them! Thank you so much, Soph!”

  “I knew you would!” She gives me a brief hug. “Now we just have to wait for that brother of yours to call and tell you the next gift,” she replies as she picks up her bag with a cheeky grin. “See you at lunch?”

  “Same place as usual?” I question as I place the dress back in the box and the heels too.

  “As always,” she confirms with a wink before leaving the room. After she is gone, I get myself dressed in skinny jeans and a white top with criss-cross patterns cut into the shoulders. As I pull my boots on, my phone rings with the damn cat screeching noise my brother put on it as a joke and I haven’t been able to change. I jump, like I do every single damn time, and answer it without looking, popping it onto loudspeaker.

  “Happy birthday!” my mum and dad shout down the phone at the same time. Just hearing them makes me smile, the cat ringtone forgotten. “Can we FaceTime?”

  “Sure!” I answer, finishing with my boots and switching the call to FaceTime. When the camera comes on, I can only see my reflection for a second, my big doe-like blue eyes and round face that Sophie always says makes me look like a Barbie doll. I’ve always taken offence to that...but she is right. Eventually, the camera catches up, and I get a close up of the side of my mum’s nose. “Mum, you need to hold it away. I can’t see you, remember?”

  “Oh right,” she grumps, not liking to be called out for her terrible tech skills. She pulls the camera back, and even though they are very close, it’s good enough. My mother’s grey hair is perfectly styled in curls around her wrinkled face, and she has a cream cardigan on with her pearl necklace she never takes off. My dad is in one of his classic sweater vests, and his greying brown hair is swept to the side. He smiles at me and pushes his glasses back up his nose.

  “Where is your brother? Has he not come over with his gift yet?” Mum asks, well, demands to know.

  Being the overprotective sister I am, I lie. “Of course he has. Austin just had to get to class.”

  Total lie.

  “Well, I’m glad he is looking after you there. I do worry about you,” Mum says with her usual overly worried tone. “Did our gift get to yours yet? It’s not much, but we never know what to get you.”

  “No, but I will check my post in a bit,” I reply, drifting my gaze to my dad. “How are you, dad?”

  “Happy to see my little girl,” he replies with soft eyes. Mum is the tough one, and my dad is as laid back as it comes. Together, they really do make the best parents. “I struggle to understand how you are twenty-two. It feels like yesterday that you were just a baby who slept in my arms, sucking her thumb.”

  My cheeks light up.

  “We will let you go and try calling Austin again. Honestly, that boy never answers his phone,” she huffs. Yeah, that’s because he is a dick and likely hungover once again. I don’t say that though, not wanting my parents to know the truth, and I just smile before saying my goodbyes. Deciding to find my twin brother and give him his gift is the best idea this morning, as I’m totally skipping class since it’s my birthday, so I head out of my room after grabbing my hoodie and bag. I pull my hoodie on and swing my bag over my shoulder, running down the stairs to the post boxes. Finding my key in my bag, bu
ried deep under all the very important shit I keep in there, I open up the letterbox and find three letters. I open them on my way to my brother’s dorm room, not surprised to see a birthday card from my parents with three hundred pounds inside. Awesome. I push that letter into my bag and open the second one, which is another birthday card with a red rose on the front. Inside, I quickly read the long paragraph.

  “My sweet niece, Riona,

  Ri-Ri, it’s been a long time since I’ve written to you, but as always, I ask for you to follow my advice. Do not leave your dorm tonight, it is not safe at Aberdeen University on this particular night. They are out hunting, and they will not be able to resist your blood.

  Trust me for once, and have a good birthday.

  I will come when it is safe to do so. It is time we spoke.

  As always,

  Your uncle

  Another card from my father’s particularly insane brother, who I’ve not seen since I was eight. I only remember overhearing a conversation my parents had with him, something about blood and sacrifices. Either way, I overheard enough to know he had lost his goddamn mind. I push the letter back in and find the third one isn’t addressed to me at all, it’s for Austin. Finally I get to the guys’ dorm and head around the back, knowing I can’t just walk in, thanks to their stupid rules. No girls allowed…even if there are, no doubt, quite a few girls in this place with their boyfriends. Two trees climb the side of the building, and I climb the left one, pushing myself onto a branch. Bracing myself, I jump to the next tree and keep climbing up until I’m near the top of the tree and the single branch that is close to the ledges of the windows. Ignoring the fear of falling, because damn that would hurt, I carefully crawl across the large branch and onto the ledge of the window. The cold winter wind whips around my body, and I’m thankful there is no ice on the ledge as I push the window up and climb inside, knocking off a pile of books.

  “Nice to see you as always, Ria.”

  I pause and turn my gaze to the half-naked guy in his bed, sheets pooled around his waist, the flickering sunlight from behind me kissing the skin of his chest. Arlo O’Dargan. Aka my brother’s best friend and my long-time frenemy since first school. His deep voice is annoyingly perfect, much like the rest of him. Sun-kissed blond hair, bright topaz-green eyes, and a jawline any model would be jealous of, he could be classed as the perfect guy. Just not to me. I don’t see him like that, not even as I glance at his rock-hard abs and big shoulders. Nope.

  Dammit, I got the wrong room again.

  I glare at him. “I wish I could say the same, Arlo. I’m surprised you’re even in your own bed and not in some poor girl’s.”

  “None of the girls’ beds I join are poor or unhappy, Ria-banana-llama,” he teases and stands up, not giving one shit that he only has boxers on. I sharply turn away and blindly stumble to his door, grabbing the handle.

  “And don’t call me that!” I shout back.

  “Make me stop then!” he hollers to my back as I slip out of his door and slam it hard behind me, hearing his laugh in the corridor. Taking a few steps, I find the right door and bang on it a few times before opening it up. I flick the light on as I walk in and see my brother snoring in bed. The shower is on, so he isn’t alone (unlucky girl), and I walk right up to him, stepping over messy clothes and empty beer bottles.

  “Asshole, wake up!” I shout, kicking his leg that’s hanging out of the bed. He jolts up, brushing a hand through his dark blond hair and relaxing when he sees it is me. For twins, we are pretty different. For one, my brother is well over six foot, and he has brown eyes. He looks like he got all the good genes and I was cut short at some point with my height. And generally, I’m not as popular as he is, mostly because Austin could charm his way out of a lion’s den even if he was a gazelle. I’d definitely be eaten by the lion in under three seconds flat.

  “Happy birthday, twin sis!” he holds his hand up for a high five.

  “Happy birthday right back to you. Did you forget our plans for breakfast today?” I ask, and his sheepish grin says it all as I high-five him. “Oh, and answer your phone. Mum and dad have been calling and then nagging me because you didn’t answer.”

  “Of course,” he replies with a wave of his hand like it isn’t an issue. “Wanna get breakfast now?”

  I glance at the bathroom door and back to Austin, arching an eyebrow. “What about your guest?”

  “I don’t even know her name, to be honest with you, sis,” he answers, and I pull a face at him as he shoves his shoes on. He writes a quick note for shower girl before hooking his arm around my shoulder and guiding me out of his stinky room. After a short walk to the cafeteria, we both sit down with our coffees and relax.

  “The party is at eight. I did remember it’s my year to host,” he states, crossing his arms. One good thing about being a twin? Sharing the responsibility of hosting the party. Last year, I spent months planning a massive rave in an abandoned castle. I damn well hope Austin has come up with something good, or I’m having our next party next year in a farm with pigs. “It’s going to be the most epic party.”

  I grin. “Where is it then?”

  “On the beach, the left side, you know where there is that cavern?” he questions, and I nod, feeling excited. “Well, be there at eight, sis, and I’ll give you a gift then.”

  “I will be there,” I reply, knowing the lazy ass hasn’t been shopping yet and plans to the second he leaves the cafe. I reach into my bag and hand him the small box and the letter that came to me. He pops open the box and pulls out the silver and black bead bracelet I made for him in class. The beads are all made from quartz, our birthstone, and the middle one has his initials carved into it.

  “This is seriously fucking awesome,” he tells me, sliding it on his wrist and doing it up. “Did you make it?”

  “Yup. Now go and buy me something pink and expensive,” I say, climbing to my feet. “Oh, and make sure there is wine at the party. White wine, I don’t like red.”

  “You got it,” he replies, and I chuckle as I leave and head for class. Tonight is going to be epic, that’s for sure.



  For some weird ass reason, my uncle’s warning comes into my mind as I look at myself in the mirror. My pink dress fits my body like a glove, emphasizing all my curves, and my heels make me seem taller than I am at just five foot five. I’ve taken a ridiculous amount of time curling all my hair, only to brush the curls out to make it seem like my hair is naturally wavy. Girl Problems 101. As soon as someone invents a quicker way to get this effect, the better. Still, my uncle’s warning makes me halt and actually almost want to stay in. I mean, he is old and literally insane, but his warning has still creeped me the hell out. I wonder if Austin got one of those cards. I really should have asked him today.

  “Are you finally going to live out all the brother’s best friend romance novels I’ve read, and hook up with Arlo?” Soph asks with a small grin, coming out of the bathroom, looking ready to kill in a short leather skirt and a yellow crop top that hides pretty much none of her. Her bright hair is up in a ponytail, and her makeup, although light, is bang on. I can never get my makeup that perfect.

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