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Wet for Christmas: A Rockstar Romance
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Wet for Christmas: A Rockstar Romance

  Wet for Christmas

  A Rockstar Romance

  Mia Ford

  Copyright © 2018 by Mia Ford

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  40. Sneak Peak: That Christmas Eve

  About the Author

  Also by Mia Ford


  “Stay away from David Foster.”

  Yeah, right.

  The minute I saw him on stage, the heartbreaking fears my ex-fiancé left me with went right out of my head. David’s hips shimmied and my heart stammered.

  How could anyone say no to that rock star god with a voice like an angel and moves like the devil?

  I didn’t even try.

  Anyway, it was just one night. One crazy, skin-tingling, earth-shattering night.

  At least that’s what I thought. Then David showed up. Again.

  He says he wants me, but I think he just wants to shed his bad boy image. His leather clad looks go with the billionaire lifestyle, and I don’t think he’s about to change.

  Not for me.

  But it’s not just us now. There's a family growing inside me, and I’m starting to think David deserves a chance.

  I’ve never been lucky in love, but this time it looks like luck found me.

  Chapter One


  “I can’t believe it. He’s been sleeping with her for months!” I rested my face in my hands as I revealed the ugly truth to my sister. Cammie hugged me and described the many ways that we were going to get revenge on my now ex-fiancé. She was vicious when someone wronged her or someone that she loved. Her big blue eyes and soft blonde curls were deceptive.

  “It’s going to be okay. He’s a dick and never deserved you to begin with.” Cammie told me as she poured us each a glass of wine from the big bottle on the table.

  “I have to cancel the wedding…everything. It was all set-up!” I raged as she leaned against me to stroke my hair, telling me to drink the wine. I was the type to hold things in and Cammie knew it. “At least I have the apartment.” I’d told Kyle to pack his shit and go live with the woman I saw him kissing on the Seattle street corner earlier today. Try as he might, I knew better than to believe that lie that they barely knew each other. That kiss was more intimate than anything else I’d seen in a long time.

  That included our kisses based on my recollection of the past few months. I thought that we were settling in and just tired from working so much at our jobs and planning the wedding that had initially been scheduled for six months from now. It was over now, and I knew deep down that he wasn’t even working when he lied about his overtime.


  “Can you keep it on your own?” Cammie asked me as I raised my bloodshot cinnamon-colored eyes to gaze at her sadly.

  “Yes. We just paid this month rent and I do fine at work. I can always get some more work if I need to.” I glanced around the living room with the scattered windows and cozy feeling even though it was tarnished with the memory of sharing it with Kyle. I still loved it here.

  “I can move in if need be. Taryn has dropped a million hints about moving in with her new boyfriend anyway, so I might need a place. I’m sure they’ll want the apartment.” She laughed lightly, used to the way her roommate jumped into new relationships all too quickly. “Maybe I should just make her own up to it this time.” She had a gorgeous two-bedroom apartment on the other side of town that was bigger than my own, but we could make it work here.

  “She’s been doing that for the last year. Tell her she’s stupid and that it’s smarter to stay single. I think I’ll be alone forever now,” I grumbled as I brought the glass to my lips. I took a long sip of the wine and wiped away the tears that were sliding down my face. I wondered if I would ever stop crying.

  We were watching one of the late-night talk shows hours later and I was half asleep on the couch when I heard Cammie squeal. I blinked and turned my head to look at her.

  “Aub!! We can get tickets to see Seven Lean Friday night!”

  “What?” I asked, trying to focus on her words through my headache and heartache. Seven Lean was a popular band that was starting to take off and I rubbed my swollen eyes. I knew that I looked like a hot mess.

  “We’ve set up their food before in the past a few times. Cory got to know one of the guys and they offered tickets to anyone in the company that isn’t working on Friday!” Cammie kept rambling and as much as I enjoyed their music, nothing was getting through the fog my head was in.

  “You don’t work?” I asked in confusion as she shot me a curious look.

  “Yeah, that’s right. You’re staying with me.”

  She’d called her boss when I told her what happened, taking the next week off to help me out.

  “And we’re going to go to this show and lose ourselves. It will make you feel better.” She gave me an assuring smile, and I murmured something before my head dropped to the cushion behind my head.

  I wanted to protest the idea because I knew there was no possible way that I’d be ready for that, falling asleep instead.

  Since I worked remotely from home, Cammie helped me with the little of copywriting that I had to finish. She was equally good at it and I joked that she should partner up with me all the time. She loved her job at the trendy catering company and told me not yet as I tried to laugh over coffee a few mornings after her arrival. She caught me up completely, so I wouldn’t be late on that paycheck and reminded me about the band on Friday night. “So, are you excited about tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow?” I drew a blank as she shot me a mock glare.

  “The concert that I have incredible seats for. The band you’ve loved for a few years now. Does that ring any bells?” Cammie asked as I let out a slow sigh. “I know you feel like you never want to leave this apartment ever again. I get that. But what’s better than loud music and dancing and hot lead singers?”

  “I like the music and maybe the dancing, but I don’t know about any men. Ugh.” The idea left a bad taste in my mouth. Cammie laughed and reached for her coffee cup, taking a sip as she looked me over. Having her here with me this week was everything. Otherwise, I would have just hidden in my bed left to my own devices but instead I completed my deadlines and was somewhat alive.

  “Deal. We’ll just go and forget about everything for a few hours.” She agreed, and I forced a smile to my face. I would do this for her and then try to figure out how to pick up the pieces.

  I stared at my closet the following night with a blank look on my face. I wanted to wear jeans and a plain tee shirt, but Cammie told me that we needed to make a night of it. I ran a hand through my heavy natural curls and peered at the slightly fading red color of the strands. She’d styled it to be wild and my eyes were lined with black that gave me a more exotic look than I was used to.

  “What have you decided on?” Cammie asked as she came into the room, frowning at my robe. She walked forward and started sliding hangers over, taking in everything. I had some cute clothes for the times I did have local client meetings. She pulled out a short, flowing black skirt and handed it to me as she continued to look. I stared at the tiny strip of cloth before she pulled out a clingy burgundy shirt, telling me that I could wear the heeled boots that were in the front of my closet. I blinked and walked towards the bathroom, trying to feel tonight desperately. I loved going out with my sister, but I was a wreck this week.

  I dressed and slicked my lips with the matte lipstick that matched the shirt before sliding on the boots. I told myself to enjoy this because Cammie was returning to her busy life on Sunday. It wasn’t that I wouldn’t see her, but it was different when we were both working. Cammie was wearing a mini skirt in dark denim and a strategically torn black shirt with some ballet flats, looking beautiful as always. She came to hug me and pulled me close, telling me that we were going to have a good time. I smiled and hoped so as I clung to her.

  It had been a long week.

  Chapter Two


  We left, and Cammie led the way to her car. She insisted on taking me out to dinner before the show since I’d been locked up inside my apartment f
or the week. She was the one that bought the necessities such as food and shampoo while I hid. Hell, Cammie was the one that made me eat and shower. She was always there to pick up the pieces for me.

  I slid into her passenger seat and watched as she started the engine. The radio blared loudly through the car and I winced as she reached out to turn it down. It was the new song by Seven Lean and I listened for a few minutes, acknowledging that David had an incredible voice.

  Cammie sang along as she headed to the cute little place on the corner that served the best sangria in the neighborhood. We ordered a pitcher, and she nursed a glass, telling me to drink it up. This was my night. We ordered two entrees with the intent to split them and she leaned back, smiling at me. “I’m proud of you. You made it through this week.” My older sister reached out for my hand, squeezing it over the table.

  “I did that because you were here,” I assured her as I held her hand tightly. “I don’t know what I would have done otherwise.”

  “Aubrey, you’re so strong. You’ve helped me through things as well,” she reminded me as I shrugged, trying not to think about the night out Mom suffered a sudden heart attack eight years ago. She was all we had since Dad left when I was just five and there was nobody else. While Cammie had been the one to take over caring for me since she was two weeks away from being eighteen, I kept her going for the hard time after the death and the funeral. I knew what a big change this was going to be for both of us and I blinked at the memory.

  “I can’t believe that it’s been eight years,” I murmured as I reached for my glass of dark liquid with fruit floating on the surface.

  “I know.” She reached for her water, taking a small sip before forcing a smile. “I think Kyle is lucky. She’d rip him a new one.”

  I was at the point where I could talk about him now. My heart still ached but Cammie helped me to see that he wasn’t that great for me. There were a lot of differences and wasn’t it better to know all of that before the wedding? I had to agree with her and it was a relief that we didn’t lose any money in cancelling it. The event was far enough out. I was waiting on the refunds to come through before I decided on what to do with the money. Cammie said to keep it since he was the asshole in the relationship, making me laugh. We ate, and I drank most of the pitcher, feeling buzzed when we left for the concert. It was in the biggest venue locally, but Cammie wasn’t lying when she told me that she got great tickets. We were going to be seated in the first row and would be able to see everything so clear.

  I settled back, moving in my seat to the music that played over the speakers. The seats were filling up and Cammie was bouncing in her seat as she sent texts to her coworker. She surprised me when we arrived with the whole package. We were going to go backstage and meet the band and some of her friends.

  At that point, the alcohol and food in my stomach started to feel like it was going to come back up. I leaned back and inhaled deeply for some fresh air.

  Now that I was inside, and we were waiting for the opening band to start, I was feeling restless. I loved music. It got me through the big things like losing my mom and smaller things like a bad day at school. I started going to shows young and seeing bands live was one of the best experiences I’d ever had from day one.

  That came back to me as I waited in this massive room with fans arriving in droves. Cammie chattered on beside me and we laughed at some memories of past concerts together. When the lights dimmed, I sat forward and thanked the gods that my sister had told me to go to the bathroom before this. The room was black, but I could make out movement on the stage as I squinted. After a few moments, there was the sound of the drums and multicolored lights flashed as a woman sang. I hadn’t heard too much about the opening band, but they were amazing with a lead singer that was all over the stage. She got me pumped for Seven Lean and I sipped from my bottle of water as they left the stage, still feeling a pleasant buzz from the earlier wine.

  People were setting up as everyone chatted excitedly and music played through the room. I was in the front zone and moving with the beat as I let everything from this week go past me. This was separate, and I sang along to the song playing as Cammie laughed and moved with me.

  The lights went out again, and I froze, knowing who was coming on next. There was the same movement as before, but David Foster was going to be a mere few feet away from me soon. I’d always harbored a bit of a crush on him and Cammie hugged me in excitement.

  “Thank you!” I told her as we giggled together. My sister was my everything.

  The lights came on, offering dim light in the beginning. The band took the stage, and I watched as the singer stepped to the front under a bright, direct light. He was gorgeous with pale blue eyes, olive skin, and messy chestnut hair that always looked like he’d just gotten out of bed with some lucky woman. He leaned forward with his hands on the microphone, staring down at the stage before singing the first note to one of their popular songs. David lifted his eyes to look over the crowd as emotions from the song flashed through his eyes. I melted against the seat and stared in silence.

  Kyle who?

  He was the main writer of the band. I did my homework on them as I did with things that interested me and found that out in the beginning. Not only that, but the lyrics displayed so much of his complex mind. His face showed the pain behind them and often the job, but he was easy on the eyes regardless of that. I sang along to every song with Cammie, swaying and dancing depending on the beat. The entire crowd was doing the same thing, and I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins.

  It was a few songs in that I thought I caught his eyes locked with my gaze. I blinked and felt the attraction that rushed through me at the contact. I pushed it away the first time but then it happened again… and again. There was no way. David was a gorgeous, talented singer, and I was a hot mess. I stared at him, feeling the heat flood through my body as he sang one of their more erotic songs to me.

  “Holy shit.” Cammie said after I’d taken this in for a while. “He’s staring at you!”

  “I don’t know about that. There’s so many people here,” I protested as she stared at me. “It could be anyone or even everyone watching him. Lots of singers interact with their fans.”

  “That isn’t a little flirting. That is a hard gaze, Aub. He’s singing to you.” She fanned herself and I flushed pink as I sipped my water again. “What a rebound!! You should go for it.”

  “Oh, God. It’s nothing like that, Cam.” I protested, not being the type to do that kind of thing. I made Kyle wait for a month before sleeping with him and he was what I considered safe at the time.

  “I think a guy like that is the best one for that. He’s gorgeous and it can just be for the night. It will get you back in the game.” Cammie assured me as I laughed at her. “He’s doing it again!”

  I looked forward and caught his eyes again along with a sexy little smirk. This guy had his moves down and I raised my brow at him in disbelief. He must sleep with at least one woman at every show. I had a small list that I could count on one hand and never regretted that.

  How would I ever be enough for him? I blinked and watched as he stalked across the stage. I was thinking like I had a chance with David but that was silly. I would leave this venue and go home to normal life.

  When the concert was over, I felt drained from the energy it took to lust after him this much. I was tired from singing so much and dancing in my seat, but I felt alive. “We have backstage passes!!” Cammie reminded me.

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