Intergalactic love, p.1
Intergalactic Love, page 1

Intergalactic Love : Alien Abduction Romance
Evelyn Marks
Published by Evelyn Marks, 2019.
This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.
First edition. February 24, 2019.
Copyright © 2019 Evelyn Marks.
ISBN: 978-1386680819
Written by Evelyn Marks.
Intergalactic Love
Alien Abduction Romance
By: Evelyn Marks
© Copyright 2019 by Evelyn Marks –
All rights reserved.
In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved. Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Table of Contents
Intergalactic Love
Book 1: Heat on Mars
Book 2: Stolen Away
Book 3: Tested Love
Book 4: Enduring
Intergalactic Love
Book 1: Heat on Mars
Rea is appointed to welcome Chief Darion on his vacation to the Mars Colony from his planet Radon. She isn’t looking forward to showing around a visitor who’d no doubt be another entitled planetary ruler – her job description did not include tour guide! Soon after his arrival Rea realizes that she was wrong in how she pegged him. The gorgeous Darion was sweet, observant, and intense. Not to mention they shared a heavy and explosive attraction. Though she tries, for the sake of keeping her job, she can’t distance herself from Darion. When the time comes for Darion to return to Radon, his attraction for Rea causes him to behave in radical ways.
Chapter 1
“REA HAVE YOU HAMMERED out an itinerary for the Chief of Radon yet?” my boss, Sherry, asked as she poked her head into my office. As the consul’s assistant, she usually gave me jobs she would rather not do. Like act as a personal concierge and guide for the incoming planetary leader, Chief Darion. It was only because she was trying to get herself a job in the embassy over in Pod One. It was Mars’ first city, one of its many subsequent domes. Pod One was Mars’ capital and housed all the embassies of the races who resided and visited the colony. Sherry wasn’t human, though she looked it. She was Radonian. She ran their consulate in Pod Nine, or as it’s popularly known, ‘Las Vegas Clone’.
“Yeah I just faxed it over to you,” I said, trying to hide my reluctance in having to see to the ruler of Radon. In my experience those who governed an entire planet tended to be conceited assholes. But of course, we at the consul and embassies had to be as welcoming and accommodating as possible. We needed to keep diplomatic relations smooth, and stress free. Intergalactic affairs were fragile at times, depending on who we were dealing with.
“Okay great, you have fun with him. I should be back from Pod One in about a week,” she said. She flashed me a grin before disappearing.
I sighed heavily and then printed myself another copy of Chief Darion’s recommended itinerary. Hopefully I’d be able to dump him on a tour guide or something and make a quick getaway after he got settled in his hotel suite. I double checked the time his spacecraft would be landing in the Transportation Pod. I had about half an hour to get there to welcome him.
As I was double checking my bun and arranging a vehicle to take me to the Transportation Pod, my good friend Mia called me.
“Please tell me you caught some horrible virus and I have to rush over to the hospital to see you?” I asked when I answered.
“I’m guessing you’re having a great day at work huh?” she asked, laughing.
“Just the best day ever. I have to go pick up the leader of Radon from the spaceport and basically act as his personal concierge. I’m trying to figure out how to get myself out of it though,” I sighed.
“Rea, if you hate the stuff Sherry gives you to do, ask for different responsibilities. You do work in a consulate,” she said annoyingly.
“Blah...I can’t wait to just move up already and start working at the embassy. Where I belong! Anyway, what’s up?” I sighed.
“Oh I was wondering if you were free for lunch, but...”
“Yeah I can’t. Rain check for tomorrow or maybe dinner though,” I said and we soon ended the call. By that time, I was securing my atmosphere collar to head out to the waiting vehicle. It was a sleek black SUV, specially adapted to Martian conditions.
The Mars Colony was really beautiful. There were a lot of mountain ranges. The natural red surroundings were always showcased well from the glassed-in Dome cities. Many of the buildings inside the domes were either a reflective chrome or white.
I’d only been on the colony for five years, after finishing grad school. It had been a dream of mine to live on Mars since I was in elementary school. The colony wasn’t just populated by humans. Beings from across the galaxy liked to live in the diverse colonies in Earth’s solar system. Since we’d figured out a clean and efficient way to reproduce Earth’s atmospheric conditions, there were colonies on several of the planets and moons in the solar system.
The Transport Pod was separate from all others. It was some distance away. I was cutting it close as far as getting to the spaceport in time. I managed to get there in time, but I literally ran to the spaceport just as one large craft was landing. It had Radon’s crest on the hull. I didn’t step out of the Transport Center until the gate, really it was a large dome, closed. Darion was quick to emerge from the craft as soon as it landed.
He was a tall guy, broad shouldered. He had amazing posture. It made him seem regal as he walked. I almost snorted, of course he must have had practice strutting around Radon. He was wearing dark blue slacks and a Radon official vest of the same color. It had the crest on the left side of his chest. He was followed by two other men, both big. They looked like Radonian military, or government. They had similar uniforms, the only difference being theirs were grey instead of blue.
It was an attractive group. The two Radonians following Darion were smiling as if excited for their vacation. One had shoulder length golden curls and the brightest blue eye’s I’d ever seen. The other had short black hair and dark, onyx colored eyes. Darion had longer, copper colored hair. It fell past his shoulder blades and was braided on the sides and pulled back into a ponytail. He had chiseled features, cheekbones any male model would kill for, a dimpled chin, and striking amber eyes. He was gorgeous. There was no doubt he’d have a lot of female admirers while he was in Pod Nine.
I took a deep breath and stepped forward to greet them, putting a welcoming smile on my face.
Chapter 2
DARION PAUSED WITH his small posse at the bottom of the spacecraft steps when his eyes landed on me.
“Good afternoon and welcome to Mars Colony. I’m Rea Norwood, Human Representative from Radon’s Pod Nine Consulate. I’m here to greet you all and ensure you have a pleasant time on Mars,” I said, making sure to keep my smile. Even though Darion was staring at me pretty hard, his amber eyes were definitely striking. Then the two men behind him had taken to studying me too.
“Hello Rea Norwood, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” said the one with the curly hair. “I hope you’ve lined up all sorts of debauchery for our dear leader?”
The dark-haired one elbowed him in the side and Curly Hair let out a small chuckle. He still looked at me expectantly. I shifted my gaze back to Darion and made sure to keep my smile in place. I could already tell it would be a long night with the Radon equivalent of two ‘dude-bros’ backing Darion through the Las Vegas Clone Pod.
“Excuse my general’s behavior Miss Norwood. They are quite excited for this endeavor,” Darion spoke for the first time in a smooth deep voice. Strangely enough, he struck me as a person who could sing.
“It isn’t an ‘endeavor’ Darion. This is vacation!” said the dark haired one. Yep, I’d pegged them right, dude-bro one and two. Only with vaguely Baltic sounding accents. Darion shook his head and sighed.
“So what do you have planned for us Miss Norwood?” Darion asked politely.
“Well first we’ll want to get you all cleared here and then I’ll take you to the resort you’ll be staying at. The Firdaxo has two critically acclaimed restaurants within the resort if you’d like to have lunch there. Otherwise, I’ve listed out a few popular destinations within Pod Nine that has great food.” I handed them a copy of the itinerary while turning around to lead them into the Transport Center. Once they were cleared we were on the way back to Pod Nine.
Thankfully they were in the SUV behind mine and I didn’t have to ride with them. They’d be staying two weeks in Mars, but only four days in Pod Nine, which was okay with me. When we got to The Firdaxo Resort I went in with the mostly excited group. Darion was quiet unless directly addressed by his aides (who in fact were more like his buddies than aides).
“So after we get you checked in will you be dining in the resort and following the itinerary on your own?” I asked. I was obligated to give them the option to go around Pod Nine without me.
“We will need a guide who knows the city Miss Norwood, and who better than yourself?” Darion said with a quirked brow.
“Alright then, it’d be my pleasure,” I said politely.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your names,” I said. It probably wouldn’t be right to refer to them as dude-bro one and two or by their hair for the rest of the day.
“I’m General Moody and this is General Tars. But you can simply call us Moody and Tars,” the one with the curly hair was Moody. Interesting name for him.
“Now that we’re all acquainted let’s go in. I’m starved,” Tars said expectantly.
“So we’ll eat here then,” I said. I didn’t want to deviate from the itinerary. I thought that maybe if they saw I was sticking to the printed plan, they’d eventually ditch me and I could head home. We were escorted into the hotel part of the resort by a greeter who led us to the check-in desk. Funnily enough, Darion and his friends had to sign conduct documents.
“Do you get a lot of foreign dignitaries acting up here?” I asked the escort in a low voice. He chuckled and lifted his eyebrows briefly as to say ‘you wouldn’t believe’. I chuckled and then glanced over at the guys. Their luggage was just being rolled in on dollies.
“We’re all set,” Moody said in a raised voice, Tars laughed at him and Darion rolled his eyes.
“Do you all want to go up to your rooms to refresh from the trip at all? Or would you like to eat first?” I asked, stepping closer to them.
“Let’s eat first,” Darion said, smiling at me.
“Okay then, follow me. One of the restaurants here is known for Radonian cuisine as well as various fusions with human dishes,” I said, sounding everything like a tour guide.
“You will eat with us, correct?” Moody asked.
“Well I haven’t had lunch yet...” I said, briefly off-put by his question.
“Good, then she will drink with us as well,” Tars said, almost as if he was anticipating it.
“Relax,” Darion said with a subtle command in his voice. The two quieted after that and spoke between themselves about the clubs they’ve heard about. Earth and Mars to Radonians was like Florida was to Canadians in the winter. Many of their kind traveled to the colony and Earth to vacation frequently.
“This fusion food...I’ve heard much about it on Radon. What exactly does it entail?” Darion asked me. He seemed truly curious.
“The food is as natural as it comes. It’s only the flavors and methods in which it’s cooked that is fused,” I said, holding back a chuckle. I wondered if he’d imagined a Radonian cow fused with a chicken or something.
“Ah...that seems much more appetizing,” he said thoughtfully. I smirked and continued leading them towards the restaurants. It was a bit of a walk. The Firdaxo was similar to Caesar’s Palace in layout. It didn’t have a casino, just the shops and restaurants. When we arrived there, I let the hostess know the party included the leader of Radon. We were seated immediately, she being a Radonian herself. The only difference between humans and their race was that their eye color was often brighter or more striking than ours. Then their skin was also generally paler than human skin. At times, I’ve been confused for a Radonian because I had my dad’s very moss-green eyes.
When our server came to our table both Moody and Tars had regrouped from their mild chastisement. They ordered the strongest bourbon on the menu right off the bat. I took a deep breath, I really hoped they were able to hold their liquor.
Chapter 3
SPENDING THE EVENING with the three was beyond interesting. It turned out that Radonians were very capable of holding their liquor. After having lunch, I took them to a casino in a resort nearby. There they, including Darion eventually, proceeded to have a drinking contest. ‘Who could consume the most alcohol throughout the night without dying’, apparently. Any human male would have been ten feet under from alcohol poisoning after spending the night with them. But they didn’t get too egregious when it came to me. Mostly that was due to Darion fielding any advances of Moody and Tars for me. He’d definitely been protecting me from them. I’d lost track of time after eight though and didn’t get home until one in the morning.
Only eight hours later I was up again to take them to breakfast. I’d opened my big mouth last night about a great place they could have hangover breakfast at. So, I’d essentially roped myself in for another day spent with them. Since it was Saturday I went for wearing something a little more casual before heading out to The Firdaxo.
As I walked into the hotel, someone from the front desk waved me down, “Miss Norwood, good you’re here. Chief Darion has asked us to relay his invitation to you to go up to his suite,” the desk manager said.
“His suite?” I asked, my eyebrows already raised.
“Would you like for me to call up and let them know of your arrival instead?” he asked, almost as if he were hoping I’d say no.
“Yes please. Then he and his two aides can come meet me down here,” I said, sternly.
“Of course...” he said. He slowly dialed Darion’s suite number. “H-hello, this is Jared calling from the front desk.... Yes, I have Miss Norwood here for you Chief Darion. She is waiting for you in the lobby.” Jared listened apprehensively for a moment then hung up.
“You still have all your toes,” I said, not unkindly. Jared chuckled and then ran a hand through his hair.
“I’ve just had to deal with my fair share of dicey leaders before and they’d acted up overnight apparently. Well his two aides did anyhow,” Jared chuckled. I was just about to ask for the scoop when I heard Darion’s warm voice behind me.
“Miss Norwood...” he said in a welcoming tone. He was wearing normal clothes for hanging out on the town. A simple blue button up shirt and new style denims, jeans with various stitched designs on the sides. His had three raised edges going around the left pant leg.
“How’d you get here so fast?” I asked with a chuckle. Then remembered myself and gave him a formal greeting, “I mean, good morning Chief Darion. How are you today?”
Darion laughed and then shook his head. His hair was even loose and hung around his shoulders and down his back. He looked as regal as a Native American chief. “You do not have to be so formal with me Miss Norwood, after all you are on a first name basis with me, correct? To answer your question, I was just leaving the suite when I received the call. Also, I’m fine, much better than my comrades upstairs,” he said and added a charming smile. I tried to think back, wondering if he had been so nice and normal the night before. I did remember how he protected me from the brunt of Tars and Moody’s inebriation most of the night.
“I’m actually surprised you’re doing so well,” I smiled.
“I cheated last night, to be completely honest. Around drink seven I switched to ‘Vodka’, but it was actually only water. I couldn’t have you being around three drunken idiots,” he said and grinned.
“Well that’s actually very thoughtful of you, thank you.”
“It is my pleasure. So, where is it we’re going again? You mentioned such a magical place last night,” he said.
“I feel bad that Moody and Tars are down for the count, they would have really benefited from this place,” I said.
“We can have some foods from there brought to them,” he waved his hand dismissively.
“Alright then, it’s just us...” I said and glanced at Jared, who was then busy on the phone. Darion chuckled and I glanced back at him.
“You will be quite safe with me Miss Norwood,” he assured me.
I studied him for a beat and then shrugged. “You can call me Rea,” I said. After that we left the hotel. As soon as we stepped outside, Darion stopped.
“No transportation?” he asked curiously.
“Well, just some good old fashioned walking. Come on, the place is actually just a few blocks away. If we wait too long it’ll get really packed and we won’t have a prayer of getting in,” I said. We walked through the moderately busy streets until we reached Scrambled. It was tucked between a dry cleaner and a liquor store. But the place was far from hole in the wall. Inside the whitewashed brick building was warm décor with a tavern feel. As far as we could see from walking inside, all the tables were full.