The soul mate, p.1
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The Soul Mate, page 1

 part  #0.50 of  Worlds Apart Series


The Soul Mate
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The Soul Mate

  The Soul Mate

  Prequel to the Worlds Apart Series

  Evelyn Lederman


  Internal Title Page

  Other Titles by Evelyn Lederman

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  The Chameleon Soul Mate

  Amazon Links

  Amazon Links

  About the Author

  The Soul Mate

  A Worlds Apart Series Prequel

  By Evelyn Lederman

  Copyright @ 2018 by Evelyn Lederman

  Paperback ISBN-13: 978-1717508911

  Paperback ISBN-10: 171750891X

  e-book ISBN-13: 978-0999187333

  e-book ISBN-10: 0999187333

  All rights reserved

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  Editing by Tina’s Editing Services

  Cover by Fiona Jayde Media

  Created with Vellum

  Other Titles by Evelyn Lederman

  Worlds Apart Series

  The Soul Mate: Prequel Novella

  The Chameleon Soul Mate: Book One

  The Crystal Telepath: Book Two

  The Warrior Woman: Book Three

  The Mind Control Telepath: Book Four

  The True Ruler: Book Five

  Nightshade Saga

  Nightshade: Book One

  Feral Nightshade: Book Two

  Lethal Nightshade: Book Three

  Deadly Nightshade: Book Four

  Drake’s Nightshade: Book Five

  Shifters of Eclipse

  A Cougar’s Longing: Book One

  Zaratan Trilogy (Young Adult)

  Selected: Book One

  Chosen: Book Two

  Designated: Book Three

  Kindle World Novellas

  S.E. Smith’s Magic New Mexico

  A Touch of Patience

  A Touch of Prudence

  A Touch of Harmony

  Eliza Gayle’s Southern Shifters

  A Twist of Fate

  Stand Alone Novellas

  The Ultimate Act of Love


  Leenea Rickard had been manipulated her whole life. How could she not when her father was a mind control telepath. Throughout her existence, she was never sure if any decision she made was her own.

  Mind control telepaths, like her father, made choices for the indecisive and had the ability to detect lies. As she grew older, she became angrier at what she believed was an intrusion. How was she to learn life’s lessons if she was unclear of who was directing her thoughts?

  She lived in the Troyk universe. With the existence of infinite multiverses, it was the only known world populated by telepathic beings.

  It was useless trying to speak to her mother. Jaynee Rickard believed all telepathic powers were the gift from the Supreme Being. She felt any assistance a mind control telepath provided was God’s will. Leenea loved her mother, but had lost all respect for her over the years.

  Leenea had just turned eighteen and attended Aster Province Higher Education Institute. She had a passion for science and studied the mechanics behind inter-dimensional portals. It was her dream to travel between parallel worlds. If she could understand how crystal telepaths used their gift to control the harmonics of the gateways, anyone could travel between dimensions. Although her father tried to sway her away from this field of study, her single mindedness related to the subject negated his abilities.

  She had a break before her next class. After purchasing a beverage, she found a chair located behind a sofa in a conversational area.

  “There is an anti-government rally tonight an hour after the sun sets in the abandoned recreation center,” a female behind her whispered. She was loud enough to be overheard. “With the mind control telepaths gaining power in the Prime Council, rallies have been driven underground. My roommate’s boyfriend is an activist and told her about the meeting.”

  Leenea scooted down in her chair, not wanting to be seen in case one of the girls turned around. They were careless in conducting such a discussion in a public place.

  “We should go and checkout the cute boys,” the second girl said.

  She let out a sigh of relief when the girls got up and left. Her father was a Prime Representative and the very being the group tonight was protesting.

  She supported the changes the protesters demanded. Up until this point, she was too cowardly to attend such a rally. It was time she started promoting change not only in principle, but in her actions. Leenea decided she would attend the clandestine meeting.

  When she returned home, she changed into her oldest tunic and leggings set. She was not interested in socializing. Tonight was not the time to standout, but to blend into the shadows. Her large stature and long black hair made her stick out in a crowd as it was.

  Fortunately, her parents were at a political function at The Palace. She was able to leave the house without her father cross-examining her. None of the servants knew where she was going.

  It would spell disaster if she was caught at such a gathering. Her father would take it as a personal affront to his beliefs and cut her off. She had more to lose than her ability to make her own decisions.

  Zane Childers was surprised by the size of the crowd gathered to protest the government. It was too large to go undetected. If one person’s thoughts leaked into the communal pathways, the group would be disbanded. No one had been arrested at one of the earlier protests, but Zane believed it was just a matter of time before the government stopped looking the other way.

  As it was, the roar of individual conversations threatened to bring unwanted attention to the gathering. He regretted his impulsive decision to attend this rally. This was not the way to bring about change.

  Individual rights were gradually declining as power shifted in the Prime Council. He never believed the mind control telepaths would manipulate the free elections as they had.

  His family’s wealth grew with the increasing power of the mind control telepathic government. After Zane completed business school, he joined the family business. He saw firsthand how his father worked to hike up prices for their goods which would line the pockets of certain Prime Representatives and the Childers’s business. With mind control interference, customers would pay the exorbitant prices.

  Zane found the practice obscene. He would rather have their business grow because of the quality of their goods, not out of manipulation. When he stumbled into information about tonight’s rally, he knew he had to attend.

  The first speaker approached the makeshift podium and addressed the crowd. Zane telepathically communicated through the communal pathways some insignificant information about the art exhibit he was supposedly attending. If his parents were monitoring the pathways, they would assume he was at the gallery.

  He had his own apartment, but his father still wanted to control his life. The more his dad pushed, the farther Zane distanced himself.

  He surveyed the crowd as the speaker droned on about the same anti-government garbage Zane had heard a thousand times. The movement needed a charismatic leader who would inspire, not bore the audience. Until such an inspirational figurehead came forward, Zane would remain in the shadows.

  On his second scan of the crowd he saw her. A chill ran down his spine. He had never been impacted by anyone at first sight. His body warmed as his eyes devoured her. The raven-haired beauty was statuesque. Zane was a large man and most women were dwarfed by his bulk. This girl would look perfect beside him.

  He made his way through the crowd, never lifting his gaze from her face. Now that he found her, he did not want to lose her.

  When her eyes met his, he noted she was as affected as he was. As he drew closer, her face reddened with a charming blush. The girl’s tongue ran along the space between her two plump, kissable lips. His body stirred at the simple action.

  Zane was within several yards of her when the communal pathways became overloaded with chatter. He unconsciously rubbed his temple, reacting to the headache the overcapacity channels created. People panicked and disbursed as news palace guards would soon arrive and planned to arrest dissidents.

  The girl was swept away by the crowd around her. He was helpless to get to her as a second wave of concerned students flowed in his direction.

  Under normal circumstances, he would have reached out to her through the communal channels, but under the fear of being arrested, that avenue was closed to him. He knew he was meant to be with her. It was now his mission in life to find the girl and make her his.


  The outfit was too revealing. Leenea shifted the transparent material to better cover her exposed breasts. There was no way she was going to wear this obscene tunic to the party her parents were hosting tonight.

  “Stop fussing.” Her mother slapped her hands away from the delicate fabric and adjusted the tunic. “It is time you attract a young man and consider starting your own family. There will be a number of eligible men present tonight. It is nature’s way for the female to attract her mate.”

  Leenea grunted at the statement. “Then why do male birds have the colorful plumage?”

  Jaynee Rickard gave her daughter a blank stare. Her mother ha
d barely made it through primary school. Her only ambition had been to marry a rich and powerful man. She had the looks to do exactly that.

  Leenea felt guilty about the smart remark and pulled her mother into her embrace. The older woman could not comprehend Leenea’s desire to have a career. Her mom’s focus had been capitalizing on her daughter’s looks as she had done herself.

  “You look beautiful, Leenea,” her mother said. “Now, let us see what we can do to make you more comfortable.”

  Her mother reached for the package she brought with her and had placed on the vanity before adjusting the tunic. Leenea opened the box with apprehension. Mother and daughter had always been a little out of sync, which only broadened as Leenea aged.

  She was surprised to see a silver glittering camisole. It would look beautiful under the transparent midnight blue tunic. Tears of joy, partially guilt-driven, ran down her cheeks.

  “Thanks, Mom.” She hugged her mother with genuine affection.

  Leenea removed the tunic with care and pulled the undergarment over her head. After her mother adjusted the heavier material, Leenea slipped on the sheer top.

  She looked in the mirror and was shocked by what she saw. The silk undergarment brought out the flecks of silver in her eyes while the transparent garment made her irises appear a deeper blue. With luck, men would focus on her eyes, not the twenty pounds she had been unable to lose.

  Her mind flashed on the man who captivated her last night. The dispersing crowd divided them before they could introduce themselves. How she wished he could see her in this outfit.

  “We should do something with your hair.” Her mother’s voice released her from the thoughts of the dark stranger. “I think a couple of silver clips to keep the hair out of your face will be perfect.”

  The silver beaded combs were a wonderful complement to the outfit and managed to keep wisps of her ebony tresses from flying across her face. Satisfied with how she looked, her mother left the room to prepare herself for the party.

  Leenea’s parents had thrown many politically motivated functions over the years. This was the first time she had been invited to attend. “Invited” was too weak of a word. She had been ordered to attend. Tonight was Leenea’s official launch into Troyk society. It was also the beginning of her father’s attempt to make an advantageous marriage that would advance his agenda and ruin her life.

  Zane Childers begrudgingly agreed to attend this evening’s event at Prime Rickard’s home. He would rather search for the girl from last night. However, his father had been adamant he joined them at this soiree. The political ties his father forged required constant attention. As heir apparent, Zane had to be visible at such events.

  They entered the Prime’s mansion and Zane was surprised by the opulence around him. This home was designed to impress, not to make a family comfortable. Zane knew when he married and had his own home, it would be inviting and warm. It would be a place his children were comfortable bringing over their friends and his wife would add her own special touches.

  The girl from last night entered his mind. Was she roaming bars looking for him? His body warmed at the thought. He would make some small talk and then leave.

  His parents immediately sought out their hosts. Zane imagined his father would be glued to Prime Rickard’s side all evening like some type of parasite. A stiff drink was required if he was going to make it through the limited time he remained.

  Parties of this magnitude were catered, including a fully equipped bar. Several glasses of white and red wine sat on the bartender’s table. He needed something stronger.

  “I will take a double stoak over ice.” Zane ordered the alcohol distilled from keen, a grain only found in the Troyk universe.

  Crystal Telepath Gatherers brought goods back from other dimensions. He preferred items produced in his own realm.

  The bartender took one look at Zane and pulled a tall tumbler from behind the bar. He threw ice into the glass and poured the light brown liquid over the cubes.

  “Looks like you need this,” the bartender commented.

  Zane pulled a bill from his wallet and tipped the man. He took a generous swallow from the glass and headed for a group of young men he recognized from school. Maybe tonight was not going to be a total waste of time.

  He continued to nurse his drink and listened to the benign discussions that took place around him. Everyone was trying to out do the other in what they had accomplished in the six months since graduation. If he had played their game, he would have won the pissing contest.

  Bored with the conversation, Zane had his drink refreshed and headed toward the entryway to tell his parents he was leaving. He glanced at the top of the impressive staircase and stopped dead in his tracks. The girl from last night was making her way down the stairs.


  Leenea grabbed ahold of the staircase’s banister when her eyes fell onto the dark brownish-green irises belonging to the man from last night. He was dressed all in black, complementing his shoulder length wavy, black hair. For some reason, her knees were no longer functioning and threatened to collapse. One man should not have this type of impact on her.

  It was obvious he had spotted her and positioned himself at the foot of the stairs. His unusual colored eyes seemed to warm as he continued to stare at her. She gave her mother a silent thanks for making her stare-worthy tonight.

  He held out his hand to offer her assistance in taking the last step. His hand was large, free of callouses which indicated he did not perform menial work. She wondered what he was doing at the party.

  An electrical charge traveled up her arm after she took his hand. The pain had been so unexpected, she lost her footing and tumbled into his arms.

  The tall, dark stranger quickly righted her and guided them through a closed door to the left of the staircase. As soon as they were alone, he asked, “Are you all right?”

  He had led them into her father’s private study. She was rarely allowed in this room. Her father’s dictates seemed insignificant after what just occurred between her and this man.

  She needed a moment to gather her thoughts. The electrical shock was minor compared to the reaction the rest of her body experienced. There was an inferno building inside of her. She needed to be with this man physically. For whatever reason, she knew only he would be able to stop the uncomfortable burning from within her core.

  “Take whatever time you require,” her savior said. “In the meantime, I should introduce myself. I am Zane Childers.”

  Leenea had not communicated through the communal channels. How could he possibly know what she had been thinking?

  He gave her an expectant look. Her confused mind realized she had not told him her name. “I am Leenea Rickard.”

  She extended her hand in greeting, but withdrew it, afraid the electrical current would return.

  If Zane was taken aback by her actions, he did not show it. “That was quite a first meeting we had.” He reached for her hand and placed a light kiss on it.

  There was no static shock associated with the kiss. She drew in a small breath of air caused by the butterflies now fluttering in her stomach. He still held her hand and she made no attempt to retrieve it. The fire from within continued to burn. She rubbed her thighs together, hoping to lessen her discomfort.

  “There were so many people at the rally, it was amazing no one was trampled to death,” she commented.

  A smile lit up his face. “Actually, I was referring to the electrical contact. It felt like every cell in my body was fried. That was the most memorable moment of my life.”

  “You felt it too?” She was amazed they shared the same experience. “It was not my imagination? That was not static electricity.”

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