The silent thaw, p.1
The Silent Thaw, page 1

Special thanks to Kate Cary
LEADER BRAMBLESTAR—dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
DEPUTY SQUIRRELFLIGHT—dark ginger she-cat with green eyes and one white paw
MEDICINE CATS JAYFEATHER—gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes
ALDERHEART—dark ginger tom with amber eyes
WARRIORS (toms and she-cats without kits)
THORNCLAW—golden-brown tabby tom
WHITEWING—white she-cat with green eyes
BIRCHFALL—light brown tabby tom
BERRYNOSE—cream-colored tom with a stump for a tail
MOUSEWHISKER—gray-and-white tom
APPRENTICE, BAYPAW (golden tabby tom)
POPPYFROST—pale tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
LIONBLAZE—golden tabby tom with amber eyes
ROSEPETAL—dark cream she-cat
BRISTLEFROST—pale gray she-cat
STEMLEAF—white-and-orange tom
LILYHEART—small, dark tabby she-cat with white patches and blue eyes
BUMBLESTRIPE—very pale gray tom with black stripes
CHERRYFALL—ginger she-cat
MOLEWHISKER—brown-and-cream tom
CINDERHEART—gray tabby she-cat
APPRENTICE, FINCHPAW (tortoiseshell she-cat)
BLOSSOMFALL—tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with petal-shaped white patches
IVYPOOL—silver-and-white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes
EAGLEWING—ginger she-cat
APPRENTICE, MYRTLEPAW (pale brown she-cat)
DEWNOSE—gray-and-white tom
THRIFTEAR—dark gray she-cat
STORMCLOUD—gray tabby tom
HOLLYTUFT—black she-cat
FLIPCLAW—tabby tom
FERNSONG—yellow tabby tom
HONEYFUR—white she-cat with yellow splotches
SPARKPELT—orange tabby she-cat
SORRELSTRIPE—dark brown she-cat
TWIGBRANCH—gray she-cat with green eyes
FINLEAP—brown tom
SHELLFUR—tortoiseshell tom
PLUMSTONE—black-and-ginger she-cat
LEAFSHADE—tortoiseshell she-cat
SPOTFUR—spotted tabby she-cat
FLYWHISKER—striped gray tabby she-cat
SNAPTOOTH—golden tabby tom
QUEENS (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)
DAISY—cream long-furred cat from the horseplace
ELDERS (former warriors and queens, now retired)
GRAYSTRIPE—long-haired gray tom
CLOUDTAIL—long-haired white tom with blue eyes
BRIGHTHEART—white she-cat with ginger patches
BRACKENFUR—golden-brown tabby tom
LEADER TIGERSTAR—dark brown tabby tom
DEPUTY CLOVERFOOT—gray tabby she-cat
MEDICINE CAT PUDDLESHINE—brown tom with white splotches
APPRENTICE, SHADOWPAW (gray tabby tom)
WARRIORS TAWNYPELT—tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
DOVEWING—pale gray she-cat with green eyes
STRIKESTONE—brown tabby tom
STONEWING—white tom
SCORCHFUR—dark gray tom with slashed ears
FLAXFOOT—brown tabby tom
SPARROWTAIL—large brown tabby tom
SNOWBIRD—pure white she-cat with green eyes
YARROWLEAF—ginger she-cat with yellow eyes
BERRYHEART—black-and-white she-cat
GRASSHEART—pale brown tabby she-cat
WHORLPELT—gray-and-white tom
HOPWHISKER—calico she-cat
ANTFUR—tom with a brown-and-black splotched pelt
BLAZEFIRE—white-and-ginger tom
CINNAMONTAIL—brown tabby she-cat with white paws
FLOWERSTEM—silver she-cat
SNAKETOOTH—honey-colored tabby she-cat
SLATEFUR—sleek gray tom
POUNCESTEP—gray tabby she-cat
LIGHTLEAP—brown tabby she-cat
CONEFOOT—white-and-gray tom
FRONDWHISKER—gray tabby she-cat
GULLSWOOP—white she-cat
SPIRECLAW—black-and-white tom
SUNBEAM—brown-and-white tabby she-cat
ELDERS OAKFUR—small brown tom
LEADER LEAFSTAR—brown-and-cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes
DEPUTY HAWKWING—dark gray tom with yellow eyes
MEDICINE CATS FRECKLEWISH—mottled light brown tabby she-cat with spotted legs
FIDGETFLAKE—black-and-white tom
MEDIATOR TREE—yellow tom with amber eyes
WARRIORS SPARROWPELT—dark brown tabby tom
MACGYVER—black-and-white tom
DEWSPRING—sturdy gray tom
PLUMWILLOW—dark gray she-cat
SAGENOSE—pale gray tom
KITESCRATCH—reddish-brown tom
BLOSSOMHEART—ginger-and-white she-cat
TURTLECRAWL—tortoiseshell she-cat
SANDYNOSE—stocky light brown tom with ginger legs
RABBITLEAP—brown tom
APPRENTICE, WRENPAW (golden tabby she-cat)
REEDCLAW—small pale tabby she-cat
APPRENTICE, NEEDLEPAW (black-and-white she-cat)
MINTFUR—gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
NETTLESPLASH—pale brown tom
TINYCLOUD—small white she-cat
PALESKY—black-and-white she-cat
VIOLETSHINE—black-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes
BELLALEAF—pale orange she-cat with green eyes
NECTARSONG—brown she-cat
QUAILFEATHER—white tom with crow-black ears
PIGEONFOOT—gray-and-white she-cat
FRINGEWHISKER—white she-cat with brown splotches
SUNNYPELT—ginger she-cat
ELDERS FALLOWFERN—pale brown she-cat who has lost her hearing
LEADER HARESTAR—brown-and-white tom
MEDICINE CAT KESTRELFLIGHT—mottled gray tom with white splotches like kestrel feathers
BRINDLEWING—mottled brown she-cat
APPRENTICE, APPLEPAW (yellow tabby she-cat)
LEAFTAIL—dark tabby tom with amber eyes
EMBERFOOT—gray tom with two dark paws
SMOKEHAZE—gray she-cat
APPRENTICE, WOODPAW (brown she-cat)
BREEZEPELT—black tom with amber eyes
HEATHERTAIL—light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes
CROUCHFOOT—ginger tom
APPRENTICE, SONGPAW (tortoiseshell she-cat)
LARKWING—pale brown tabby she-cat
SEDGEWHISKER—light brown tabby she-cat
APPRENTICE, FLUTTERPAW (brown-and-white tom)
SLIGHTFOOT—black tom with white flash on his chest
OATCLAW—pale brown tabby tom
HOOTWHISKER—dark gray tom
APPRENTICE, WHISTLEPAW (gray tabby she-cat)
FERNSTRIPE—gray tabby she-cat
FEATHERPELT—gray tabby she-cat
ELDERS WHISKERNOSE—light brown tom
GORSETAIL—very pale gray-and-white she-cat with blue eyes
LEADER MISTYSTAR—gray she-cat with blue eyes
MEDICINE CATS MOTHWING—dappled golden she-cat
WILLOWSHINE—gray tabby she-cat
WARRIORS DUSKFUR—brown tabby she-cat
MINNOWTAIL—dark gray-and-white she-cat
MALLOWNOSE—light brown tabby tom
PODLIGHT—gray-and-white tom
SHIMMERPELT—silver she-cat
LIZARDTAIL—light brown tom
APPRENTICE, FOGPAW (gray-and-white she-cat)
SNEEZECLOUD—gray-and-white tom
BRACKENPELT—tortoiseshell she-cat
JAYCLAW—gray tom
OWLNOSE—brown tabby tom
ICEWING—white she-cat with blue eyes
SOFTPELT—gray she-cat
APPRENTICE, SPLASHPAW (brown tabby tom)
GORSECLAW—white tom with gray ears
NIGHTSKY—dark gray she-cat with blue eyes
HARELIGHT—white tom
BREEZEHEART—brown-and-white she-cat
DAPPLETUFT—gray-and-white tom
HAVENPELT—black-and-white she-cat
QUEENS CURLFEATHER—pale brown she-cat (mother to Frostkit, a she-kit; Mistkit, a she-kit; and Graykit, a tom)
ELDERS MOSSPELT—tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
About the Author
Books by Erin Hunter
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Bramblestar shivered as wind whipped snow from the frozen moor and stung his muzzle. He was as cold as the air around him, but he hardly noticed. His gaze was fixed on the body lying in the shelter of a cave carved from the snow. That’s me. The thought seemed no more than a distant yowl. He was numb with shock. I died. The fever that had ravaged his body for days and days had finally claimed one of the nine lives he, as ThunderClan’s leader, had been granted by StarClan.
Outside the cave, Jayfeather was glancing nervously at Puddleshine while Alderheart stared hollow-eyed at Bramblestar’s body. He saw me die. Bramblestar watched his son tremble and wished he could comfort him. Shadowpaw and Tigerstar shifted anxiously beside Dovewing. They’re waiting for me to wake up. Bramblestar glanced across the bleak, white moor, remembering vaguely that his Clanmates had brought him here while he’d still been alive in the hope that the bitter cold would cure his fever. How long would it take for him to begin his next life? He looked back expectantly at his body, then lifted his gaze to the sky, waiting for stars to pierce the snow-laden clouds. Will StarClan welcome me soon? Will I share with them before I return to my body?
The wind hardened as the moments passed. Bramblestar’s tail twitched. Anxiety sparked in his fur. He’d never died before. What happened now?
Dovewing padded closer, her ears twitching. “How long does it take?” Her mew faded in the roar of the wind as snow swirled around her. When it cleared, the cats had moved. Jayfeather crouched near Bramblestar’s body. Tigerstar stood beside Shadowpaw, eyeing the other cats. Bramblestar looked again at the sky. The clouds had shifted. How long had it been? Why hadn’t he woken up yet? Where’s StarClan? Was he supposed to face death alone? Had his ancestors deserted him?
“Bramblestar is dead. For good.” Jayfeather’s mew cut through the storm. Bramblestar stared at him. No! I’m here! I’m ready to come back. He strained to speak, but no words came, and Jayfeather went on. “StarClan has forgotten us.”
The snowstorm engulfed him. Bramblestar struggled as wind tore at his fur and snow blinded him. It filled his nose and stung his ears. The ground seemed to give way. He snatched at it with his claws, his heart lurching as the blizzard swept him away. Is this death?
A moment later he was in the ThunderClan camp, staring at his body laid out for his vigil. The camp was dark. How much time had passed since he was on the moor? They’re going to bury me. Panic flared like fire through his flesh. I’m not dead! I’m here!
Squirrelflight was speaking. Grief stole Bramblestar’s breath as sorrow choked her mew. Something was very wrong. How could he be watching his own vigil? Had StarClan taken away all his lives? Have I offended them? He padded around his body as his Clanmates watched Squirrelflight, their eyes hollow with grief. Would StarClan take him soon? Above the camp he could see stars between the branches, cold and distant.
“May StarClan light your path, Bramblestar.” Jayfeather dipped his head to Bramblestar’s body. “May you find good hunting, swift running, and shelter when you sleep.” As he spoke, Bramblestar saw a ripple run through his own corpse. He pricked his ears, eagerly. He was going to have another life after all. He braced himself, preparing to be swept into his old, familiar pelt, his heart melting with relief. He saw the corpse’s legs twitch, then move. Then it opened its eyes.
That’s not me. His body was moving without him. How could that be? He watched it roll onto its side, then push itself to its paws. It padded toward Squirrelflight and dipped its head. “Greetings,” it meowed. “It’s good to be with you again.”
Bramblestar felt sick as Squirrelflight pressed herself against it.
“He’s alive!” Bristlefrost’s mew rang out among the gasps of his Clanmates. “StarClan hasn’t forsaken us!”
Bramblestar backed away, unable to believe his eyes as he watched his body moving among his Clanmates. Something had gone terribly wrong. That’s not me! He had to let some cat know. His mind raced. Tree can speak to the dead! The idea struck him like lightning. Perhaps he can speak to me. Pelt spiking with fear, Bramblestar fled into the forest. I have to fix this!
Chapter 1
Keep running! Rootpaw didn’t dare look over his shoulder.
“Wait! You have to help me! Please!” Bramblestar’s plaintive wail echoed through the trees.
“Leave me alone!” Heart lurching, Rootpaw pushed his paws harder against the frozen forest floor. Why was the ThunderClan leader chasing him? What was Bramblestar doing on SkyClan land? And why did he look so much like a ghost?
Rootpaw’s thoughts spiraled as his paws thrummed over the earth. Bramblestar can’t be a ghost. He’s not dead! He’d lost a life to fever. But he was a Clan leader; he had come back. He was alive. Then why had Rootpaw been able to see the forest through Bramblestar’s shimmering pelt? Why hadn’t he smelled ThunderClan scent? Why had his paws made no sound on the hard earth?
Something sinewy snagged Rootpaw’s leg. It jerked from under him and he rolled, snatching it free as he thumped onto his side. The shock of his fall jolted him from his panic. Lying still for a moment, Rootpaw let his breath steady before scrambling to his paws. Pain flashed through the paw the root had caught. He glanced back the way he’d run. Something moved in the distance. Bramblestar? He stiffened, his belly tightening, then relaxed as he realized it was just bracken trembling in the breeze. He lifted his snagged paw, moving it gingerly. The pain softened and faded and he put his weight on it, relieved to find that it was okay.
He looked again for Bramblestar. The forest was deserted. He shook out his pelt. Did I imagine it? He’d been so sure he’d seen the ghostly ThunderClan leader. His breath caught in his throat. Perhaps Bramblestar had died again. Rootpaw shivered. Perhaps the fever that had killed him once had returned and killed him again. But why would I see his ghost? Dread crawled Rootpaw’s belly. Am I like Tree? His father had always been able to see dead cats. Was it possible Rootpaw had inherited the skill?
Rootpaw shuddered. He didn’t want to be strange like Tree. It was bad enough being Tree’s son and having his Clanmates treat him like the kit of a five-legged squirrel. He just wanted to be like his denmates—a normal warrior, with normal warrior kin. He lifted his chin, irritated. He would go back to the clearing. If it had been the real Bramblestar, he might still be there. He could explain why he’d come. And if it turned out Rootpaw had imagined seeing the ThunderClan leader, he’d see that there was nothing to be scared of. The wind might have made the shadows shiver so they seemed like a tabby pelt.
Squaring his shoulders, Rootpaw marched back to the clearing. As he neared the tiny glade, he fluffed his fur against the cold, puffing out his chest as he padded down the slope and stopped in the middle. He looked around, pricking his ears, but saw no sign of Bramblestar, neither the warrior nor the ghost. There was no scent lingering in the air. Shadows rippled over the ground. Rootpaw shook his head. He had not seen Bramblestar’s ghost. He’d imagined the whole thing.
He glanced at the sky, realizing that the sun had lifted high above the trees. His heart quickened. He was late. Dewspring would be expecting him for training. Rootpaw broke into a run and hared between the trees, heading back to camp.
“I’m glad you decided to turn up.” Dewspring was waiting for him outside the fern entrance. He flicked his tail irritably as Rootpaw scrambled down the slope toward him.
“Sorry!” Rootpaw puffed.
“We’re supposed to be stalking prey.” Dewspring stared at him.
“We still can,” Rootpaw mewed apologetically.
Dewspring huffed. “A warrior arrives on time.”
“I got distracted.” Rootpaw glanced at his paws. It was a lame excuse, but how could he tell his mentor that he thought he’d seen a ghost of a cat who wasn’t even dead? Besides, he didn’t want Dewspring to think he was as strange as Tree.
Dewspring whisked his tail. “Don’t let it happen again,” he mewed. “You’ve still got a lot to learn. If you want to become a warrior before greenleaf, we don’t have time to waste.”
As Rootpaw dipped his head, the frost-browned ferns rustled and Hawkwing pushed his way out of camp. Plumwillow and Nettlesplash followed at his heels.
“Hi, Dewspring.” The SkyClan deputy paused beside the gray tom. He glanced at Rootpaw. “How’s your apprentice doing?”
“Not bad.” Dewspring eyed Rootpaw sharply. Rootpaw tensed. Was his mentor going to tell Hawkwing that he’d been late for training? “He’s a good hunter, and his battle skills are coming along well.”