Kissing haley oaklun uni.., p.1
Kissing Haley (Oaklun University Secrets Book 1), page 1

Kissing Haley
Oaklun University Secrets Book 1
Eden Witt
All text © 2018 by Eden Witt
All rights reserved.
Cover artwork includes stock photography used under license.
1. Haley
2. Haley
3. Cam
4. Haley
5. Cam
6. Haley
7. Cam
8. Haley
9. Haley
10. Cam
11. Haley
12. Cam
13. Haley
14. Cam
15. Haley
16. Haley
17. Cam
18. Haley
19. Cam
20. Haley
21. Cam
22. Haley
23. Cam
24. Haley
25. Haley
26. Cam
27. Haley
28. Haley
29. Cam
30. Haley
31. Haley
32. Cam
33. Haley
34. Cam
35. Haley
36. Cam
37. Haley
38. Haley
Thanks for reading!
Also by Eden Witt
About the Author
A moan floats through the air, interrupting my reading assignment yet again. One of the Walton twins is having sex about ten feet away from me on the other side of the wall. My money is on Allison, since she gets laid a hundred times more often than her twin Amber. At least it seems that way. Who the hell knows since they’re identical twins. Amber wears glasses and Allie wears contacts, but they could always switch things up just to screw with me.
It’s late on a Sunday night, and Dr. Riggs is enough of a prick to spring a quiz on Monday. A big fat middle finger to everyone struggling with their hangovers and lack of sleep. I can’t even take comfort in knowing I had an amazing weekend, and that the hit to my grades is all worth it. I didn’t do a damn thing. Nothing fun anyway. I’m ending my weekend reading the most boring textbook ever written. Trying to. I need to get these chapters finished.
The word is shouted out in a strangled cry. Allie clearly agrees with me. I need to pass this course. There’s no doubt it’s Allie now. On the off-chance Amber is getting lucky, there’s no way she’d be so obvious about it. She’s a shy girl. Allie, on the other hand, doesn’t care who hears or knows. That’s just as well, since she’s had sex with most of the male student population by now, and there’s nothing left to hide.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Allie to death. She’s my best friend. She just really likes sex, and isn’t shy about getting it. She’s an absolute bombshell and guys are always circling her. Chasing her long, dark red hair, her porcelain white skin, blue eyes so bright they take over the room, and a set of rosebud lips built for sin. Hell, I’m one hundred percent straight, and even I catch myself staring at her sometimes.
A long, tortured moan answers my thoughts. Allie's having an orgasm. I’ve heard it enough times to know. It’s her first one tonight, so I doubt they’ll be done anytime soon. If I’m lucky, she’ll just blow him and kick him out. She never lets them stay the night.
That’s what I plan to do anyway. The sleep part, not the blowing a random guy part. No chance I’m getting any reading done tonight. I reach out and flip off the light next to my bed. It stays quiet over there for several minutes, and I’ve nearly dropped off to sleep. Maybe Allie's dead. The sounds of her having an orgasm and the sounds of her being stabbed to death are probably close to the same.
Something hits the wall we share with enough force to shake my bed. It settles into a steady rhythm of thumps. Allie loves it from behind and hangs on to her headboard while she’s taking it. The headboard hits the wall. No, I haven’t watched her, but she’s given enough graphic details for me to know that’s exactly what’s happening. I can picture what’s happening. I said she was hot, didn’t I?
I close my eyes and imagine the scene a few feet away, only a thin sheet of plaster separating us. Her mystery man wraps his thick arms around her tiny waist. One hand rubs against her swollen clit, taking her higher as he fills her channel to bursting. He kneels behind her on muscular legs, his ass rippling from the effort of each hard thrust. A drop of sweat runs down his face, sliding over ripped pecs and hardened abs before reaching his massive cock, mixing with his girl’s wetness. His body looms over hers, dwarfing her as he pushes deeper and deeper inside her.
Allie’s thin fingers grip the headboard so tightly the tendons in her wrists flex. A cascade of straight red hair hangs over her left shoulder, slightly mussed, stray strands clinging to her sweat-dampened back. She’s biting her lower lip, eyes squeezed closed, face twisted in sweet anguish. Her back arches, moans slipping through her lipstick-stained lips matching every hard thrust. Her shapely ass sways in the air as her guy buries his cock in her hot, dripping core.
Oh shit.
My hand moves of its own free will. Fingers grasp the fabric of the tiny white thong under my long nightshirt. The fingers drag it from my hips and down to my knees, letting it rest there. The juices that have already soaked it through leave a warm, wet trail down my inner thighs. My other hand raises my shirt up and over the bulge of my breasts, leaving it bunched up around my neck. I massage my aching nipples, running a hot tongue over the sensitive skin just above them. I’m blessed with large, beautiful breasts, and the ability to suck on my own nipples is a gift I take full advantage of. I ravage the hard peaks with my tongue as the tightness builds between my legs.
I can no longer keep my other hand off myself, and a single finger glides through the slick wet folds below. My clit strains, poking out in a shameless call for attention. I pinch it between my fingers, sending a shudder rolling through my body. I ease my index finger inside first, then the middle. My sex seizes on the fingers, welcoming them inside. In and out they work, and I’m so wet I can hear the squishing sound as I penetrate myself. The fingers hook upward and massage that wonderful spot inside me, washing away the last of my restraint. My thumb presses down on my clit and I stifle a wail.
The thumps against my bedroom wall pick up speed. Allie's releasing a short, whimpering cry with each thrust she receives. I imagine he’s gripping her mane of red hair in his fist, pulling her head back as she arches in sweet ecstasy. She’s not biting her lower lip anymore, she’s running her velvet tongue along it. Her pale, lightly freckled skin is flushed pink as he plunges deep into her body, over and over again.
I imagine it’s my sheath he’s filling up. He needs my legs open wider to bury himself to the hilt. A frantic hand pushes the thong the rest of the way down my legs and off onto the floor. I spread myself open, a foot hanging over each side of my mattress, and now four fingers are inside of me, the thumb outside rubbing furious circles on my swollen clit. The lusty sounds of my fingers sliding in and out of me grow so loud I worry it can be heard through the wall, but I can’t stop now.
A wanton moan rises in volume a few feet away on the other side of the wall. Allie is about to come, and I’m tagging along with her. My core tightens around the invading fingers, warmth blooming between my legs. The approaching orgasm is a powerful one, and I pull a pillow over my face to muffle my cries. The rhythm of the thuds against the wall goes irregular and her signature moan erupts. I imagine her thin frame spasming as the climax washes over her. I imagine her mouth rounded in a surprised O, the pleasure familiar but shocking at the same time.
Then I no longer have to imagine anything, because I’m coming as hard as she is. Maybe harder. My body convulses against the mattress as my inner walls squeeze my fingers tight. My free hand crushes the pillow against my face, trying to cover the sounds of sharing an orgasm with my friend and roommate. I slide my fingers out and drag them slowly up my stomach, over the mounds of my breasts, marking myself with my wetness. Two of the fingers slip into my mouth, and my own taste covers my tongue. Not something I usually do, but I’ve never come so hard before either.
Allie had to have heard me. She won’t mind, hell, she’ll get off on it. But I’m not like her. It would embarrass me like I can’t describe. At the moment I don’t care. I’m riding the waves of my orgasm as they fade into a comfortable sleepiness. Maybe she heard me, maybe she didn’t. It will matter tomorrow, but for now I let myself drift into sleep, body warm over the experience I shared with my gorgeous friend.
I head across the quad toward Logan Hall, the building I work in as a student office assistant. It’s just before nine in the morning. I made it to my eight o’clock class earlier than I ever have before. My leaving home before seven this morning might have something to do with not wanting to face Allie after what happened last night. I don’t know if she heard, but I’ll be in for some serious teasing if she did, and I’d like to put that off for a bit.
My next class isn’t until two, the very same class that my promiscuous best friend made reading for impossible. Up until then, I’m supposed to be working at Logan. Hopefully it’s a slow morning, and I can sit at my desk and get this reading done.
I push open the glass door and trudge up the nearest stairway. It’s nice and quiet in here. The constant commotion of students is largely absent since Logan is strictly an office building. It
The history department occupies most of the second floor, and that’s my department. Not my major, I don’t especially enjoy the subject, but history had the job opening, so here I am. No one is visible in the long hallway, so I duck through the door to the main office and sneak into my cubicle. I load something important-looking on my computer’s screen and pull out my heavy textbook. I only need an hour or so to get through it, I can do this.
Or not. I’ve just turned the first page when a voice calls out from the door.
“Hey, anyone in here?”
I know the voice. It’s Cameron Little, a lecturer of American History, and one of the youngest people in the department at twenty-eight years old. He’s dating one of the secretaries in the building, one Erica Downing, whom I happen to dislike intensely. Cam is friendly, tall, and gorgeous, and I might have a small crush on him. If someone’s got to interrupt me, it may as well be him.
“Back here,” I call out, and his footsteps come toward me.
“Hey Haley, good morning.”
I’d like to hear that after waking up in your bed.
Saying that out loud seems like a bad call, so I shoot him something generic in return.
“Hi Dr. Little, how are you?”
“I’m doing well. And I’m not a doctor. I’m Cam. You know this.”
“Too hard to keep track of all that,” I tell him. “Anyone who teaches a college class is a doctor to me. That way I don’t offend anyone snooty enough to care about their stupid title.”
A deep chuckle rumbles out of him. He runs a hand through his short brown hair and focuses a pair of chocolate brown eyes down at me. Way down. He’s well over six feet tall, while I barely break the five-foot mark. I am sitting down while he stands, but it wouldn’t make a whole lot of difference. I stand anyway, figuring it’s the polite thing to do, since there’s no other chair around for him to sit on.
“What can I do for you, Dr. Little?” I ask, emphasizing the title.
I could do so many things for this man. Or to him. Dammit. My mind’s been in the gutter ever since my voyeuristic orgasm in bed last night. Allie's moans and whimpers still reverberate in my head.
Cam shakes his head with a smile. He accepts he’s not going to win the doctor-no doctor debate with me. He doesn’t seem to realize that his panty-melting smile has weakened my knees. The man needs to be more careful with that thing. It ought to be a registered weapon.
I jump at his voice. He raises a sexy eyebrow and holds a fat manila folder up in his hand. I wonder how long I was staring at him.
“I need twenty copies of this entire thing,” he says, tilting it toward me. A few sheets of paper slip out and fall to the floor. He kneels to pick them up at the same time I do. His fingers brush over mine and I gaze up into those beautiful eyes of his.
“I’d do it myself, but I need to get my lecture notes ready.”
I don’t answer him. I crush my mouth against his without a bit of warning to either one of us. He tenses in surprise, but he doesn’t pull away from me. He doesn’t kiss me back either, and after a few seconds I break off the one-sided kiss. My cheeks are burning hot and I can’t believe what I’ve just done. I snatch the fallen sheets of paper and leap to my feet, eyes fixed on a suddenly interesting spot on the floor.
“I’m um, oh damn, I’m so sorry. I’ll get this done right away.”
I dart around him and flee the office before he can say a word. My legs carry me down the hallway as fast as they can, and I veer into the copy room, slamming the door behind me. I’m distraught to find there’s no way to lock the door from the inside. Sure Cam is about to open the door and fire me, I clutch the heavy folder to my chest and try to swallow the knot in my throat. The wait stretches from seconds to minutes, and no one comes through the door.
Maybe he dismissed me as a silly nineteen-year-old girl and decided it’s best to forget the whole thing. That would be a pretty good outcome, all things considered. I drop the folder on the copy machine and open it. There’s over a hundred pages that need to be copied twenty times, organized, and bound. It’s going to take me forever. That’s a good thing. A damn good thing. The last thing I want to do right now is walk into Cam’s office and face him.
The copy machine finishes its warmup and starts to suck the pages in. I fall into the chair in the corner, knees weak. The fear starts to fade, and I become aware of my body again. Become aware of the new taste of Cam’s lips on mine. The memory of them pressed against my lips. The sensation of moist fabric against my sensitive skin strikes me, and I realize I’m wet, yet again.
What the hell is going on with me? Am I losing power over my own body? First I masturbate to the sounds of my best friend having sex, and now my control is so low that I kiss a professor out of the blue, right in the department office. I’m almost afraid of what I’m going to do next.
I know what I want to do next. Unbutton these jeans and shove my fingers into my slick and waiting center. It’s aching to be taken care of. I really must be losing it. I had an explosive orgasm all of eight hours ago. So what? Allie wouldn’t think that was excessive. She’s probably having sex right now. With a different guy.
No.That’s not a helpful thought right now.
I lock a hand onto each armrest and forbid them to move. No touching. No thoughts of the hot sex I listened to last night. I close my eyes and focus on the whirring of the copy machine, counting in my head each time it spits out another sheet. I can be calm. I can do this.
I hope.
My hands hover above the keyboard, but nothing happens. The screen still shows a concerning lack of words. My lecture starts in an hour and I have nothing prepared. It’s going to be a short class. This is the whole reason I pawned all my copying off on Haley, so that I could get this done.
Haley. I can pretend all I want, but she’s the reason I’m not getting anything done. I’ve honestly never paid her much attention. Erica always kept my hands full where women were concerned, and a student is completely off limits anyway. But I ended things with Erica last week, and Haley just boldly planted herself front and center in my mind. And in other places.
Her lips were so soft. I run my tongue over my lips and still taste her mouth, a hint of strawberries mixed with a faint mint. Haley always dresses conservatively, at least around here, so I’ve never noticed her. As she ran past me in the office, I watched the tight denim hug her sweet little ass, and wondered what that ass would feel like in my hands.
Her quick escape was cute and fortunate at the same time. Her lips only touched mine for a few seconds, but it had been more than enough to turn me rock hard. Standing up to face her right then would have been awkward. My lightweight slacks would have done nothing to conceal my arousal. No way she would have missed that.
My office door creaks open without a knock. If it’s Haley I don’t know what I’m going to do. But no, she can’t be done with those copies yet. No, it’s Erica, my very recent ex. She’s a beautiful woman, the same age as me, with long, flowing dark blonde hair and a pair of luminous blue eyes. My cock stirs for the second time in the past fifteen minutes. We had an ugly breakup, but I definitely didn’t leave her for any sort of sexual issue, and my mind replays those memories whether I want it to or not.