Women of such diverse, varied interests should balance each other out, making a vacation a safe, fun experience. Yeah, not so much with these chicks. Deciding that Las Vegas is the perfect place to get their shop on, their eat on and their adventure on, the Posse heads out. No one knew quite what to expect, but burning down a chunk of the Strip's most exclusive resort wasn’t it. No one—not even their attorneys, pastors, and other off-kilter friends—could have foreseen that. While the Las Vegas Fire Department (LVFD) conducts their investigation of the blaze and the women who started it, the Posse is treated to tempting views of the gorgeous firefighters putting out the blaze. For these women, talking their way out of trouble is as easy as the yummy specimens of the LV Fire Department are hard. Someone yells “CHALLENGE!” and before you know it, these hot authors are creating fantasies inspired by the kinds of fires the hard-bodied firefighters could ignite in them.
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