Healing hearts 3 just a.., p.1
Healing Hearts 3: Just a Little Kiss (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting), page 1

Healing Heart 3: Just a Little Kiss
Amelia is fighting for her life from the control of an abusive ex-boyfriend. He stalks her, knows her every move, and threatens her with assault and death to her friends. She doesn't know what else to do to comply. When she meets Watson, Dell, and Fogerty, the attraction is instant, and their push for her to take a chance and to just let go makes her think she can ignore the truth of her life and the danger she is in and be happy. Even if that happiness only lasts for one weekend of ecstasy. Her ex-boyfriend's wrath and plans for her are beyond the nightmare she's been living. He can watch her every move and knows that she was unfaithful, so he makes an attempt to kill Fogerty or at minimum send him a warning. Amelia has no choice, she must conceded to the rules of the man she fears or she could get her lovers killed.
She doesn't know about a bigger picture here because of the secret agents, undercover operations, hidden pasts, and of course her men's connections as mercenaries and Special Forces operatives. She's ready to die to save them from being hurt or killed, but they're ready to rescue her and no one is going to stand in their way, operation or not.
Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Romantic Suspense
Length: 36,990 words
Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Siren Publishing, Inc.
Copyright © 2018 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer
ISBN: 978-1-64243-169-8
First Publication: April 2018
Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2018 by Siren Publishing, Inc.
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
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Healing Hearts 3: Just a Little Kiss
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Healing Hearts 3: Just a Little Kiss
Copyright © 2018
Amelia Woods stood by the pier holding on to the railing. Her knuckles were white from gripping it so hard while she stared out at the ocean. Her heart was so heavy, her pain so deep, she was beginning to feel numb. The instances that fed her will to go on were becoming few and far between, the fear, the aches and pains, the words in her head becoming too much to bear. Cavanaugh was killing her slowly. He was sucking the life out of her, and she wasn’t even his girlfriend, his lover anymore. She’d thought for sure he would do more physical harm to her than just continue to threaten her, to stalk her, to appear just about everywhere she went. At first she thought she was paranoid, noticing him in the distance but then wondering if she imagined it because he disappeared when she looked away and then looked back. Was she losing her mind?
She swallowed hard. His words, his continuous threats and promises of what he would do to her, repeated in her head.
“You’re mine. I’m the only one who will ever love you, protect you, and want you for more than just your body. I know your secrets. I know your past. No other man will ever see past that dirtiness.”
Tears flowed. She had trusted him because she’d thought he was the one. That Cavanaugh was the answer to her prayers, the one man to get to her heart and make her believe his words, and his possessiveness, meant simply that he loved her so very much. But no, she had been wrong. Those touches, that control, his aggression that grew stronger, more often, and in all aspects of her life had taken over, just like when she was an innocent child.
She blinked the tears away and focused on trying to just breathe, to not succumb to a panic attack. She couldn’t even begin to think back to a time when things had been normal and she was living a life without pain, a day without tears. She was a survivor, and instead of learning from the tragedies of her youth, she wound up in the arms of another man, a person she’d thought was trustworthy but wasn’t. She was needy, and that needed to change. She thought back to her youth, to the hard times her family had been through. Her drug-addicted mother and the multitude of men that stayed night after night. She shivered at the bad memories. About being touched, then assaulted. That’s what Cavanaugh meant about knowing her secrets. Telling Amelia that no man would ever want her or love her but him because of what was done to her as a child.
She clenched her eyes closed. She’d been saved by a social worker, placed into foster care at ten years old, and her experience with corruption, predators, and evil people had only just begun. In her mind she skipped past the violent acts, the one fateful night that had changed her life once again, and she tried to think about that fight she’d found in herself that night when she had had enough and knew she was done being a victim. Obviously she’d lost it in the years to follow. She was so busy trying to act normal like her friends, like her classmates, that she’d created a past she could be proud of instead of one that was more like a horror story. She never got over it. Never healed. Cavanaugh used that and she couldn’t fight him. She couldn’t go to the police for help. Police never did anything. Accusations caused more problems, and with a man like Cavanaugh she would become the one to blame. He would make her seem mentally unstable, or worse, needy and he had been a kind soul taking her in, being a friend. He had ways of twisting things to serve his needs his purpose. She was no different than one of his criminal business deals.
She inhaled the salty air and exhaled slowly. The therapist, Kiana, had truly helped her the last few weeks. Of course Amelia didn’t confide in her that Cavanaugh was still up to his old tricks, still trying to threaten her out of fear that she would tell the police or some agents about his illegal dealings with stolen items like iPads, computers, art, and jewelry. She didn’t give a shit about any of that, except the threat that she would go down, too. He’d tricked her. He brought her along on several jobs, and she hadn’t even known they were jobs or meetings with criminals. He even had her hold on to envelopes or briefcases without even knowing what was inside.
Diamonds? Money, drugs? She didn’t know. She just knew that Cavanaugh had friends in low places and even some in high places. Which was how he always knew where she was and who she was with. It was so hard trying to act happy when you were being watched all the time.
That thought had her glancing over her shoulder and looking around her. There were several people around. The woman with the magazine sitting on the bench glanced up, and Amelia looked away. The older man with the dark sunglasses, just standing near the railing, was looking at something, but Amelia couldn’t tell what it was. Was he looking at her? She swallowed. Three people—two men and a woman—sitting on another bench. Did they work for Cavanaugh? Were they here to watch her?
That paranoid, nervous, and scared feelings began to increase and so did the anxiety she felt. The urge to leave, to head home, to hide or to go where there were more people, maybe get inside before it got dark, filled her mind. She wiped her eyes, gulped, and then turned slowly, pushed her sunglasses into place, and then started to walk back toward the parking lot.
She saw the older man with the glasses looking at her. She smoothed her hands along her hips and the slim-fitting cream-colored capri plants she wore. The gentle breeze pushed against her blouse, making the lapels pull open slightly. She smelled her perfume and inhaled, hoping the pleasant fragrance might calm her emotions. Her heeled sandals made noise as she walked, her long blonde hair bounced in the breeze, and then her cell phone rang.
She answered it, grateful for the distraction from her paranoia, until she heard the voice.
“What are you doing on the pier all alone?”
She stopped, looked around her to see if he were there, and she just caught the man with the dark sunglasses putting away his cell phone. Was it him? Had he called Cavanaugh?
“Amelia?” Cavanaugh raised his voice, and she jumped and held the phone to her ear as tears fell. She didn’t want anyone to see, to notice her crying, or her fears, and she hurried to her car.
“You’re too exposed out there. Any man, anyone, could come along and try something. You’ve learned nothing over the, years have you? Men take advantage of women like you. They can spot your fear, your vulnerability from a mile away. Can’t you se
“No,” she whispered.
He exhaled.
“I’m growing impatient. When are you going to stop this bullshit and come back?”
“Never.” Her voice cracked.
“Not the right answer.”
She hit unlock on her old Subaru.
“Be careful, Amelia, you never know if someone could mess with your car and try to hurt you to get to me.”
She froze. Her hand was shaking as she debated about touching the handle to open the door.
“If you’re with me, I can protect you,” he whispered.
She held the phone tight.
If I’m with you, I’ll feel nothing but pain as you strike me and make your demands.
She looked at the door and thought about dying. That would end all this fear, all the craziness this man was putting her through. She gripped the handle and opened it then quickly got inside. Her heart was racing, the tears flowing.
“Don’t drive home. Drive to my place. Open the door. You know the code. Undress and lie on the bed. Wait for me. Ask for forgiveness, Amelia, and I will take all the fears away. I’ll protect you from those demons.”
She clenched her eyes closed. “You’re the one who fills me with nightmares. You’re the one who has caused me more pain than anyone else ever in my life. You!” She raised her voice then began to sob. She heard his breathing.
“You need me. You’re losing your mind. You can’t live without me, Amelia. I take away that pain from the past. I cleanse you of it all.”
She ended the call and tossed the phone onto the seat next to her, hung her head against the steering wheel, and sobbed.
“I can’t take it. God help me. Please, help me.”
* * * *
Cavanaugh smirked as he watched Amelia cry and heard her words. She didn’t even know about the small camera in her car. That he could watch her, listen to her phone conversations, and know everything that was going on in her life. Nor did she know about the ones in her apartment and how he watched her undress. Watched her shower, watched her cry herself to sleep. What had started out as a little game, a way to personally check out these security and surveillance systems he was getting hot and selling off for big profit, had turned into so much more. He was going to break her down. He was going to make her come back and beg for his forgiveness.
“You’re mine, sweet, sweet Amelia, and we belong together,” he whispered, but then his cell phone rang and he had to answer it.
“Yo,” he said, leaning back in the chair, his eyes on the various screens in his surveillance room. He could watch her day and night. He loved it.
“We got word on a nice load coming through in two days. Looks like an easy hit, too, and I think Vince came through big time,” Turbin, his business partner, said to him.
“How so?”
“He knows the driver. A friend of a friend. For the right price, he’ll pull over and get jacked without a hassle. We can make it look legit.”
“Good. Give him a nice bonus. Take care of it, and let me know when it’s done.”
“You got it. Do you still want me to put a guy on Amelia for tomorrow night while we’re out of town?”
“Yeah. I want to know her every move and every guy that tries hitting on her.”
“She hangs out at Corporal’s a lot. There’s cops, agents, retired military, and others we should be staying clear of.”
“I don’t give a fuck who is there. She’s mine, and no other dick is going to try and take her from me. I’m breaking her down.”
“You’re doing a lot, and for what? She’s a risk.”
“No, she could be the icing on the cake for the deal I’m working out with Wegman.”
Turbin whistled. “The man wants her. Why the hell would you…oh shit.”
Cavanaugh snickered.
“You crazy son of a bitch. I thought you wanted her in your bed.”
“For a little while, but she could help make the deal happen. You know, the bonus to get Wegman’s agreement.”
“Damn, I didn’t see that coming.”
“Neither will she.”
They talked some more before Cavanaugh ended the call and then smiled as Amelia entered her apartment, locked all the locks on the door, and then proceeded to the bedroom. He licked his lips and glanced toward the other monitors and watched.
“You’re mine. I own you, and your destiny lies in my hands. You just don’t know it yet.”
Chapter One
“You have to come along. The three of you are back in town, and Corporal’s is a good place to hang and relax. Plus, Ice is going to be there, and he wants to see you guys,” Mike said to Watson over the phone.
Dell and Fogerty were lying back on the couches in the living room. They might need to find a new place to stay since Phantom, Mike, and Turner were moving North into their estate. Although there was plenty of room, and Watson and his brothers were in a separate house on their property, they didn’t want to seem like they were imposing.
“Not sure Fogerty and Dell are up for it. They’re lying on the couch,” Watson said into his cell phone.
“Well, they have an hour to get ready. Meet us there by eight. It will be fun.”
“Yeah, right.” Watson ended the call.
He took a deep breath and exhaled. He was still tired, and so were his brothers. This last assignment had been brutal and only a week long. Corporal’s did always feel welcoming. They barely ever got to hang out, maybe an hour here and there between assignments. Things were changing, though, so maybe they could hang out more often and do what their other friends were doing. With North now involved with Phantom, Mike, and Turner, Watson was certain the big mercenary jobs they all did together were over. In fact, he wouldn’t be surprised if Mike and the others ended their careers entirely and retired. It wasn’t as though any of them couldn’t afford to retire. Hell, even Watson and his brothers could, as well. But then what?
He looked at Fogerty and Dell.
“We leave in forty minutes. Going to meet the gang at Corporal’s,” he said, not giving them a choice.
“What? Fuck, I’m not in the mood to socialize,” Fogerty snapped at him.
“You’ll enjoy seeing North and the guys and talking to her,” Watson said.
“I spoke to her this morning. She was outside with Phantom trying to force herself to exercise, and he was pissed off.”
“That must have been a sight,” Dell added, sitting up and stretching his arms out.
“Phantom was pissed. North was wincing with every small bounce as she went from power walking to a light jog. When tears filled her eyes, I felt terrible for her. She’s trying to be so tough.”
“She’s lucky to be alive, and she needs looking after and to be catered to after the shit she went through in life.” Dell stood up.
“Well, that’s what they’re doing. I guess we should go, for a little bit anyway.” Fogerty stood up.
“Okay, we can leave there whenever you guys want to,” Watson told them.
Fogerty exhaled.
“Come on, Fogerty. Who knows? Maybe you’ll hook up. Chicks dig the seasoned, silent, brooding types,” Dell teased.
Fogerty threw a pillow at him from the couch. “You’re pretty fucking irritable yourself, Dell.”
“Me?” Dell asked, pointing at his own chest.
“Fuck yeah,” Fogerty replied.
“We could all use a couple of beers and some good times with friends. Women? Well, there’s never a shortage of them at Corporal’s from what I’ve heard,” Watson said, and they went to get ready, Fogerty and Dell still messing with one another. Watson shook his head. It was good to be home, well, out of the danger zone once again.
* * * *
“Hello?” Amelia answered her phone as she got into her car. She was heading to Corporal’s tonight only because North was going to be there, as well as April, Casey, Afina, Melina, and a few other friends of theirs. She needed the distraction. To get into a routine where she didn’t keep worrying about Cavanaugh and his threats. If she hung around Afina, Kai, and the others, then she would at least be safe and could let down that constant guard and breathe a little easier. Even if it were just for a short period of time. She was constantly on edge.