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When Alex Was Bad
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When Alex Was Bad

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



















  About the Author

  More Praise for Trial by Fire

  “[A] very riveting, sensual story.”—Barbara Vey, Publishers Weekly

  “Jo Davis turns up the heat full-blast with Trial by Fire. Romantic suspense that has it all: a sizzling firefighter hero, a heroine you’ll love, and a story that crackles and pops with sensuality and action. All I can say is keep the fire extinguisher handy or risk spontaneous combustion!”

  —Linda Castillo, National Bestselling Author of Overkill

  “Jo Davis set the trap, baited the hook, and completely reeled me in with Trial by Fire. Heady sexual tension, heartwarming romance, and combustible love.”—Joyfully Reviewed


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  First Printing, August 2009

  Copyright © Jo Davis, 2009

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  Davis, Jo.

  When Alex was bad/Jo Davis.

  p. cm.

  eISBN : 978-1-101-10194-0

  1. Married people—Fiction. 2. Adultery—Fiction. 3. Triangles (Interpersonal relations)—

  Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3604.A963W47 2009

  813’.6—dc22 2009004599


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  My heartfelt thanks to:

  Roberta Brown, my awesome agent and a fabulous lady. From e-press to major movie deals . . . wow, we’ve come a long way together. I can’t wait to see what surprises hide beyond the next bend in the road.

  Tracy Bernstein, my terrific editor, always an anchor in the face of my uncertainties. I’m grateful that you saw the diamond in Alex, and encouraged me, as always, to just get the work done and quit obsessing over everything I can’t control.

  Joel Gotler, my tenacious book-to-film agent and all-around cool guy. Your support of my work humbles me, and I’m one lucky author to have you on my side. A big wave as well to Thomas DeTrinis, for taking care of the details behind the scenes, and for being such a sweetheart.

  Cathy Schulman, Academy Award-winning producer and president of Mandalay Pictures, for believing in Alex’s story and taking it to a level I never dreamed possible. Every author fantasizes about that call, and the reality still rocks my world. Should Cinderella get to attend the ball, you may have to revive me first.

  I dedicate this book to all of you. Who knew a bad boy like Alex would spark such a grand adventure?


  Olivia Quinn knew she was losing her husband when she discovered his knockout junior partner caressing his crotch by the azalea bush.

  Until that moment, the party had been rather uneventful.

  One of those fabled life-altering moments that seizes a woman by the throat, squeezes the air from her lungs. Blows her to dust. Refuses to allow her to cower one second longer behind a safe cocoon of denial.

  Groaning, Alexander made a halfhearted attempt to peel the vixen off him. “Jenna, no.”

  The flame-haired beauty only laughed, a soft tinkle in the darkness as she pressed her breasts to his bare chest. Fondled the bulge in his swim trunks. “Why not? The others are by the pool. No one will see, darling.”

  “My wife—”

  “Doesn’t take care of you, baby,” she crooned. “She doesn’t give you what you need. I can make you feel all better.”

  Damn, that hurt like a bastard. Even if Olivia could speak, she couldn’t deny the charge.

  Her husband dipped his head, brought his mouth down hard on Jenna’s. Cupped her firm breasts through the skimpy bikini top, brushed her nipples with his thumbs. A blond god in the moonlight, seduced by a fiery goddess.

  Alex, why?

  But she knew the answer. They’d shared an explosive sex life once. Had fucked like rabbits, whispering their wildest fantasies. Some included wicked things they’d do to one another, and a few they’d actually tried and perfected. Light bondage, spanking and such.

  But she’d loved nothing more than fucking Alex while spinning a tale of him sinking his cock into another beautiful woman. Or a handsome man, young and vulnerable. Her erotic stories sent him over the edge every single time.

  Fifteen years and two busy careers later, they shared a home in an exclusive gated community, a Jag, a Mercedes and a healthy 401(k). Mutual respect and love. Yes, despite the gut-wrenching scene before her, she had no doubt her husband still loved her. The proof was in the small, everyday things money—and great sex—couldn’t buy.

  The way Alex’s green eyes lit when she walked through the door at the end of a late evening at the restaurant. His fussing when she tried to lift something too heavy, his serious consideration of her opinion in all matters. A true partnership between soul mates.

  But the fantasies and the scorching heat were gone.

  Or were they?

  Watching them kiss, Olivia’s nipples tightened to eraser points. A warm tingling had begun between her thighs that she hadn’t noticed a few moments ago. She shifted, making sure to keep well hidden behind the shrubs. Her pussy was hot, soaking wet, as confusion assailed her.

  For God’s sake, Alex’s tongue was stuffed down another woman’s throat, a coworker who’d obviously been pursuing him for a while, and Olivia could only writhe, turned on at the idea of his long, thick cock stuffed into his would-be lover’s cunt. Giving in to his torment, letting her have what she’d been dying for.

  Alex broke the kiss and set Jenna from him, gentle but firm. “No. I can’t cheat on Olivia. I won’t.”

  Olivia’s heart stuttered. Her husband was gazing at his junior partner with wretched longing etched on his angular, handsome face.

  He looked breathtakingly beautiful . . . and completely miserable.

  Jenna ran a manicured nail down his cheek, across his lower lip, and smiled. “Oh, I think you’ll stray all right, my gorgeous stud. And when you do—”

  “You’re wrong,” he rasped.

  “Gotta run. See you Monday. Don’t forget we’re working late on the Boardman defense. I’ll wear the black skirt you like so much.” She started to leave, then snapped her fingers as though remembering something. “Oh, and Alex?”


  “I won’t be wearing anything underneath.”

  Jenna walked off and left Alex standing there, staring after her swinging hips. Swiping a hand down his face, he exhaled a world-weary sigh and headed back toward the pool and their guests.

  For several minutes, Olivia stood silent, contemplating the reality of the situation. She was losing her husband. Though Alex was putting up a brave fight, he’d soon buckle under the weight of dark, forbidden desires. The need to explore his sexuality, his untapped fantasies, with or without his wife.

  By the last guest’s departure, Olivia had formed a radical plan to save her marriage.

  One guaranteed to rock Alex’s world and put the spice back into their sex life for good.

  Or to destroy her husb
and, and their love, by using his own demons against him.

  Holy Christ, what a narrow escape.

  Alex Quinn stepped from the shower, glad to wash the stink of chlorine off his body. Along with the tantalizing aroma of Jenna Shaw’s perfume lingering on his skin, wrecking his control. Damn, what a lush mouth. Opening for him, sucking his tongue. A tall, lithe wet dream inviting him inside to take what he wanted.

  What he wouldn’t have given for her to suck his cock, too. Jesus, he’d wanted to fuck her. Almost had. Right there in the shadows mere feet from his own party. From his wife.

  The idea lifted his unsatisfied erection a notch.

  “My God,” he whispered, horrified. “What am I doing?”

  Using the towel, he swiped a spot of steam off the bathroom mirror and stared at his reflection. Hated what he saw: a forty-year-old lawyer in his physical prime yet desperate with unquenched lust. Shadows haunting his green eyes, guilt eating his soul.

  He was sick to death of working himself into the ground. All work, no play. Tired of coming home to the status quo, to the ghost of his marriage. Of being alone, invisible to the woman he’d once loved with an all-consuming passion. Loved still. Didn’t he?

  Olivia doesn’t see me anymore, doesn’t know me.

  No matter how late he worked at the office, hoping she’d be here when he got home, she was always busy with her upscale restaurant. Giancarlo’s, her family’s namesake, was the toast of fine dining in St. Louis, and rightly so. Olivia had worked damned hard to make it a success, and Alex was extremely proud of her, even if he did occasionally urge her to delegate some of the responsibility to her staff.

  I’m the owner, Alex. Isn’t my career just as important as yours?

  No way would he begrudge her independence, but . . .

  God, I’m so lonely.

  Yes, he thought the sun rose and set on his wife. Always would. But he wanted to feel alive. To experience all of the wild pleasures life had to offer, before he became too old to enjoy them. He wanted nasty, forbidden, blistering hot sex with someone who appreciated him. Couldn’t get enough of him. If not now, when?

  No easy answers.

  And Monday would arrive all too soon.

  Pulling a pair of silk boxers over his deflating penis, he walked into the bedroom. To his surprise, Olivia wasn’t asleep. For a moment, he allowed himself to drink her in.

  She was propped up on a couple of pillows, reading a romance novel. Olivia, reading? Searching his memory, he couldn’t recall the last time he’d seen her pick up a book. Truth be told, she usually came home from the restaurant a couple of hours after he went to bed. Alone. So he really had no idea what her other interests were anymore.

  Dim light from the lamp on her side of the bed cut the gloom. Caught at the raven hair tumbling past her slim shoulders and framing a delicate oval face graced by full, sensual lips, a blade of a nose, and wide blue eyes. Her classic beauty struck him like a fist in the stomach, as always.

  Too bad they never made time for one another anymore.

  As if she’d heard his thoughts, Olivia glanced up from her book and pinned him with a laser blue gaze so very intense, a flicker of panic seized his gut. Had she seen him and Jenna tonight?

  But the notion was dispelled as she flashed him a small, secretive smile. Marking her place, she laid the book on the nightstand and patted the bed beside her. “Join me, handsome. I need to talk to you.”

  Talk. Woman Code for Your ass is toast.

  So she had seen. He spread his hands in appeal. “Liv, I’m sorry.”

  “What for?” Giving him a puzzled frown, she tossed back the covers. “Come to bed, Alex. Lord, you’re strung tight. What’s wrong?”

  “I-I—” He broke off, unsure of what to say. Shit, he’d nearly blown it! “I’m sorry you didn’t seem to enjoy yourself tonight. It’s never been much fun for you, making nice with my partners and employees. But they’ve come to expect the annual Quinn and Quinn spring pool party.” Shrugging, he gave Liv a weak smile and joined her in bed.

  Congratulations, asshole. Now you’re a liar as well as a cheat.

  “Oh, I don’t mind.” She dismissed his apology with a wave. “I like your associates—you know that. I need to talk to you about something else. Something important.”

  Wary, he cocked his head. “Anything, sweetheart.”

  Scooting around to face him better, she nibbled her lower lip as though weighing a heavy decision. Suddenly, her worry cleared, mind obviously made up. “Alex, do you remember the weekend we married?”

  He closed his fingers over hers. “Of course I do. We went to Puerto Vallarta. It was lovely, but not nearly as exquisite as you.” Corny, but at least it wasn’t a lie.

  Her azure eyes sparkled. “And you were the blond god of my dreams. Remember where we made love for the first time as husband and wife?”

  “We made love a lot in those days.” He laughed, the sound a little sad and wistful to his ears. He hadn’t meant for his loneliness to slip out. “But yeah, I remember. We walked down the beach, a mile or so away from the resort. We wanted each other right in the open with the ocean pounding the shore a few yards from us. No matter who might happen along.”

  “And it started to rain.”

  “But that didn’t stop us, did it?”

  Liv squeezed his hand, looked straight into his soul. “Somewhere along the way, something did,” she said quietly.

  A shaft of pain pierced his heart. “Liv—”

  “Remember the fantasies we used to share in bed?”

  He nodded, wondering where she was going with all of this, and more than a bit nervous. “We made up a ton of them. They were fun. Exciting.”

  “Ooh, yes. Our role play added sizzle, don’t you think? I mean, making love with you is always wonderful, don’t get me wrong. But when we role-played our most secret desires, we fucked. Down and dirty, delicious fucking,” she mused. “Be honest. Have you, before or since, experienced such intense orgasms as when you pretended to bury your cock in another lover?”

  His prick twitched, coming to life again. Shit! What the hell was she driving at?

  “No, I haven’t.” He stared at his calm, serene wife. “But those scenarios were safe because I was really with you. We played the game together.”

  “So why did it end, Alex?” She ran a hand down his cheek. “Why don’t we share our darkest fantasies anymore?”

  “I don’t know, baby. I guess there just wasn’t anywhere left to go with them.”

  Jesus, that hurt most of all. Even if Liv hadn’t seen him kissing his junior partner, she sensed their distance. Knew their once unbreakable bond was fading, her husband on the verge of turning from her. Had they really reached the end of the road sexually? Had they become little more than friends with benefits?

  “What if,” she said slowly, “I told you there’s one avenue left unexplored? That I know exactly how to rekindle the spark, get things back on track for us?”

  Alex blinked. “If you have an idea, I’d love to hear it.”

  “The plan is risky,” she cautioned. “We’ll both be required to let go of our taboos. Open our marriage to new experiences, ones that will either backfire or heal us as a couple. What I have in mind could transform you into a very happy, sexually satisfied man.”

  Her seductive words poured over him, quickening his pulse. “Good God, Liv. Are you suggesting . . . ”

  “That you act on your desires. That you allow yourself to indulge in the wicked pleasures you’ve only dreamed of, guilt-free.” Liv’s hand strayed to the slit of his boxers where the head of his throbbing cock peeked through. Swirling the tip with one finger, she continued. Lured him with her siren song.

  “Look how hard you are at the mere suggestion. Truth is, I get hot and wet just picturing my sexy husband entering his lover. Knowing he has my full blessing to fuck her or him into oblivion. One partner this time, perhaps a ménage à trois the next. Would you like that?”

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