Instant Karma

Instant Karma

David Michie

David Michie

"Why doesn't everyone believe in karma?" Lama Tashi repeated the question with a mischievous twinkle. "The answer is very simple." He gazed at where his students relaxed on their meditation cushions in the candle-lit room. "It's because karma isn't instant. If cause was followed immediately by effect, there would be no question, no doubt." A wave of recognition passed, palpably through the room. And along with it, a surge of possibilities."Imagine if karma went instant?" said Anton. "How crazy would that be?" What if we all woke one day to discover that every act of generosity was followed, soon after, by an unexpected windfall? If theft or betrayal led to rapid calamity? Within minutes, the effects of instant karma would be felt by each one of us. Within hours it wouldn't just be ordinary folks trying to figure out the new order—it would be everyone from the President down. Instant Karma is the story of that...
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The Magician of Lhasa

The Magician of Lhasa

David Michie

David Michie

When novice monk Tenzin Dorje is told by his lama that the Red Army is invading Tibet, his country's darkest moment paradoxically gives him a sense of purpose like no other. He accepts a mission to carry two ancient, secret texts across the Himalayas to safety.   Half a century later, in a paradox of similarly troubling circumstances, Matt Lester is called upon to convey his own particular wisdom as a scientist, when Matt's nanotech project is mysteriously moved from London to a research incubator in Los Angeles.   Tenzin and Matt embark on parallel adventures which have spine-chilling connections. Tenzin's perilous journey through the Himalayas, amid increasing physical hardship and the ever-present horror of Red Army capture, is mirrored by Matt's contemporary, but no less traumatic challenges, as his passionate relationship with his fiancée, Isabella, and his high flying career undergo escalating crises.  
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The Dalai Lama's Cat and the Claw of Attraction

The Dalai Lama's Cat and the Claw of Attraction

David Michie

David Michie

The Dalai Lama regarded their flushed, animated faces, his forehead wrinkling. "The materialist approach," he nodded. "Seeking to change what you believe to be entirely outside you. It has many problems. For example, why must you constantly postpone your happiness?" India's Top Ten Social Influencers Under 30 were taken aback by this question. Staring at him, their eyes filled with consternation. Postponing happiness was something they most definitely wanted no part of. "For example, if our happiness depends on having the new diamante sunglasses," he chuckled. "Or the perfect boyfriend," he beamed from the girl dressed in crimson to the one in emerald green. "Or having ten million followers," he nodded at the woman in the yellow sari. "What do we do until then? If we are constantly yearning for material things that we don't have yet, then our happiness is always around the corner. Or at the top of the next mountain. Why do you not wish to be happy here and now?...
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The Dalai Lama's Cat and the Four Paws of Spiritual Success

The Dalai Lama's Cat and the Four Paws of Spiritual Success

David Michie

David Michie

The Dalai Lama's Cat is back: irreverent, vain—and as delightfully insightful as ever! "If you're wondering how being in the presence of an enlightened person may be communicated on the pages of book written by a flawed and complex—if extremely beautiful—cat, let me confess that my only job here is to offer you a mirror. A looking glass of a particular kind. One that reflects back not the contours of your nose or the arch of your brow, but which provides a much deeper reflection of who and what you are. Look closely, dear reader, there's no need to be afraid. For what you will discover, if you ever doubted it, is that your own true nature is quite different from whatever flecks and imperfections may temporarily obscure it. At heart you are a being whose pristine nature is nothing other than pure, great love and pure, great compassion.Mine too!"When the Dalai Lama's inner circle is set the task of providing...
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The Dalai Lama's Cat Awaken the Kitten Within

The Dalai Lama's Cat Awaken the Kitten Within

David Michie

David Michie

As kittens we feel it often. All it takes is a wind-blown feather, an unexpected delicacy, or the alluring rush of water and instantly we are caught up in it: Wonderment. Enchantment. Being fully absorbed in the here and now.By the time we reach senior status, way beyond the point of being impressed by such trivia, we have become knowing and indifferent. But we have lost something, have we not? Which begs answers to some intriguing questions. Is it possible to recover the unaffected zest for life which once came to us so naturally? To become un-blasé? Can you and I, dear reader, awaken the kitten within?The Dalai Lama's Cat is confronted by a most unpleasant truth: she is getting old.A routine visit to the vet confirms this. But is a future of decrepitude and senior cat biscuits inevitably a cause for despair? As it happens, she soon finds that a startling reminder of life's transience is exactly what's needed to renew our gratitude for...
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Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest

David Michie

David Michie

<b><I>Chris Treiger would never forget the eight words that changed his life.</b></I> <I>As soon as he heard the ebullient voice at the other end of the phone, he'd wondered how to cut short the call. Bill Brewster, a high-pressure PR head-hunter, had been hounding him for weeks about a phenomenal career opportunity, paying vast sums of money, for which he was ideally suited. Chris had heard it all before. Telling Brewster he didn't have time to run all over town, Brewster told him he wouldn't have to. Before coming out with eight words to which Chris had returned many times in his head, marveling at the perverse logic of them. Eight words in the form of a question to which there was only one possible answer: "Isn't your career worth a hundred-yard walk?"</I>Chris Treiger is offered the job of a lifetime. The chance to work with charismatic sportswear billionaire Nathan Strauss comes with big money and a smart car...
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The Secret Mantra

The Secret Mantra

David Michie

David Michie

In a remote, Himalayan monastery, Matt Lester has devoted five years of spiritual preparation for this moment: it is his destiny to open an ancient, sealed scroll containing prophetic wisdom the world urgently needs. But when his time comes, violent assailants steal the scroll. Matt is caught up in a dangerous, high-stakes hunt to recover it, turning him from the pursuer to the pursued. On the other side of the world, the results of scientist Alice Weisenstein's mind-body healing research are about to be revealed. Things take a sinister turn when her supervisor goes missing - and she realizes she is being followed. Guided by the lamas, Matt's search for the scroll takes him to Alice. The pair become caught between powerful influences and escalating threats. Together they must decide who they can really trust. The Secret Mantra weaves breakthrough science and spiritual insights into a heart-stopping storyline. It won't just have you turning the pages....
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The Queen's Corgi

The Queen's Corgi

David Michie

David Michie

Rescued from unscrupulous breeders who plan to destroy him because of his floppy ear, when the Queen's littlest corgi arrives at Windsor Castle, he finds himself in a world of red carpets, gilded chambers – and not a pile of dirty laundry to be seen.Charming his way into the affections of the royal household, Nelson offers a dog's-eye view of life with the Queen. He eavesdrops on her encounters with celebrities, philanthropists and advisers, catching rare insights into the secrets of a purposeful life. Through one of Her Majesty's most mysterious advisers, he discovers how the ancient ways and powerful symbols continue to exert a transformative presence. He also becomes familiar with the Queen's most surprising quality: her gentle but firm expectation that everyone she encounters is striving to be the best that they can be.The Queen's Corgi bursts with zest, humour and adventure. Romping through the litany of Nelson's misdemeanours are a warm-heartedness and deep...
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The Dalai Lama's Cat and the Power of Meow

The Dalai Lama's Cat and the Power of Meow

David Michie

David Michie

"If you ever doubted that your feline companion has her own inner life, just watch what happens when she falls asleep, and loses conscious control of her physical being...a twitching of limbs, a quivering of the jaw, sometimes perhaps a snuffling noise or a meow...Cats may indeed be capable of great mindfulness. But we are thinking beings, too. In my own case, unfortunately, a being who thinks rather too much."In the latest installment of the Dalai Lama's Cat series, His Holiness's Cat ("HHC") is on a mission: to think less, to experience more, to live in the moment. She soon learns the proper phrase for this, being mindful, or, a concept better known to her as the power of meow. What ensues is a journey to discover her own true nature, to gain a deeper understanding of her mind, and to experience life's greatest joy, the here and now.
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