Prism academy shadowfal.., p.34
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Prism Academy- Shadowfall, page 34


Prism Academy- Shadowfall
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  As Inferna and Prism continued their assault, Valkyrie and Silk swooped in behind them. Their combined efforts rained down a hailstorm of light on the monsters below, their powerful energy beams obliterating the shadow-infected beings. The women swooped down in pairs, their attacks synchronized as if they had practiced this maneuver a thousand times.

  Eve, ever vigilant, kept a watchful eye on the situation from above, ready to intervene if any of my team found themselves in trouble. The sight of her, so poised and serene, hovering above the chaos, was a reminder of the unwavering resolve that had brought us to this moment.

  The mutated monsters were no match for the combined might of my team. As each beast was struck by the powerful light energy, the shadow infection within them dissipated, leaving behind only a lifeless husk. The air filled with the pungent scent of burnt flesh and the crackle of energy as the creatures were purged of the darkness that had consumed them. It still took time, though, because there were millions of shadow infected.

  From my vantage point, I watched as my team systematically reduced the horde of millions. The city, once a bustling metropolis, now served as a battleground for a conflict that would shape the fate of our world. The twisted spires of ruined buildings reached for the sky like the grasping hands of the fallen, a testament to the destructive power of the shadow.

  As my team pressed forward, cutting a swath of light through the darkness, I sensed the gathering energy of the shadow council just miles away. The knowledge that our true enemy lay just beyond this horde only strengthened my resolve. We had come so far and sacrificed so much, but the time had come to bring this war to an end—and we would not be denied our victory.

  Their power was impressive. Even the shadow that had possessed humans for their hosts couldn’t stand up to their fury. It was almost like a spray of light washed over the land, dispelling the shadow that infested it. My brilliant pairs of angels cut their way further and further inland. Nearly all of the shadow beneath us was destroyed. I wasn’t silly enough to believe, however, that there wouldn’t be some remnants that survived.

  Hunting down those last fragments of shadow might take years, but it would be a task I could throw myself into.

  Finally, with a pathway opened up, I called out, “Hold back and cover me. I don’t know what they’re doing up there, but I’m sensing some strange energy fluctuations.”

  Chapter 37 - Shadow vs Light

  Demis and Aqueous started to rush forward, but I sent out a telepathic message, “Assemble on me.”

  I was grateful for their training and impeccable discipline. No one argued and soon I was surrounded by my team. Their faces displayed their determination, and I knew that they were ready for whatever came next. I only hoped there weren’t any surprises we hadn’t considered.

  Precision raised the obvious question. “What I don’t get, is why they’ve gathered like this. They lost millions of infected monsters trying to assemble here. If they had remained spread out across the globe, it would have taken us years to root them all out.”

  Before I could answer, I saw Twinkle and Wraith exchange glances. Something seemed to pass between them, which wasn’t surprising considering how they shared my orange bond. Those two might as well have been twins, for how they could finish each other’s thoughts sometimes.

  “Something to add girls?” I asked, arching an eyebrow at them.

  Twinkle gave me a dazzling smile. It was great to see her being more confident. Knowing she had found her place and had a family to support her had really changed her. “Uh… nothing definitive, but we are both feeling some kind of a disturbance.”

  Inferna frowned. “A ‘disturbance’ is rather vague. Can you explain what you mean by that?”

  Wraith nodded. “We’ll try. All I can say is that I feel ripples coming from that cluster of shadow creatures.”

  We all looked where she pointed. Gone were the hundreds of thousands of shadow infected beasts. They had never been our real threat. Energy sense told me that the concentration of shadow energy in this group Wraith pointed to was denser than all of the combined energy in the masses of infected we’d already slain. There were less than twenty of them, but they were each powerhouses.

  I smiled at that thought… powerhouses. Fortunately, I’d brought my own powerhouses to deal with them.

  Wraith continued, “It feels almost like what phasing through dimensions is like. Twinkle thought it felt familiar, though not quite the same as teleporting. If I had to guess, I’d say they were getting ready to travel somewhere far, far away—probably to another dimension.”

  I nodded and paid a minimal amount of attention to the girls as they discussed what that might mean. The majority of my focus, however, was on using Energy Sense to determine if I could feel the same thing.

  Precision said, “What concerns me, is why they haven’t attacked us.”

  Eve spoke up. “Logic would dictate that they are either afraid of us or are preparing an attack.”

  Inferna shook her head. “Maybe it’s as simple as what Twinkle and Wraith felt. Maybe they really are rushing to flee elsewhere. That is the only reason that makes sense for them to gather lie this. Their strength has never been in head on battles—supers have always won those. Historically, it has been their ambushes, hit-and-run tactics, and the difficulty we have in finding large groups of them that has kept them going.”

  I let the rest of their discussion fade to a soft buzz in the background as I focused on the evolutions I had gained from them and the way they each worked. Then, I searched for anything similar emanating from the cluster of creatures who were clearly working together on something.

  Sure enough, I felt… uh… well, for lack of a better term I dubbed it dimensional ripples. It was almost like the barrier between here and somewhere else was being worn away. It hit me then why this could only be a bad thing.

  The best-case scenario was that they were trying to escape the Earth, and we’d have a sworn enemy roaming somewhere out there in the universe. Worst-case scenario was that they were going to rip open a barrier to somewhere that would unleash hell on Earth. I had no doubt that the shadow had no qualms when it came to how their actions affected others.

  “Twinkle and Wraith are right,” I said, interrupting their discussion. “I can feel it now and whatever it is, it’s building to a crescendo. We should never give our enemy time to get their attack ready.”

  Precision nodded before asking, “Mind if I take over?”

  “Not at all. With the hordes of infected earlier, it was just an extermination effort, but now we’ll need tactics. Sybil and ANOP will ensure we have open lines of communication, but beyond that, please tell us how you want us to do this.”

  I started to step back, but then thought of something. Raising my hand, I added, “Oh, and my regeneration rate has continued to grow since I realized I could pull progenitor energy into me and not just wait for my own reserves to fill. So I’m topped off. If anyone else needs a boost, I can share some.”

  A few of my bonds indicated they were at fifty percent or less, so I poured energy into each of them. I found that our enhanced bond from bonded exchange—even the pseudo-bonds—made it easy, and there was very little energy lost. Equally, there seemed to be a resonance between us. The more I fed power into them, the more I seemed to draw into myself.

  Even after bringing them all back to full, I was still at just over eighty percent capacity, which seemed impossible, but there it was. I was liking this new ability to recharge. It would mean I wouldn’t need to hold back like I usually did.

  Precision started rattling off orders. “Everyone, check your nanite armor. Eve, if possible, please ensure they’re all optimal. And thanks again, Eve, this is so much better than the X-gen suit.”

  The android nodded her head. “Will do, tactical leader, err… sister-bond, uh… I’m not sure how I am supposed to address you. Sorry…” Eve ducked her head. “I’m still learning.”

  Precision smiled. “We all are. You’re a bit outside our norm, but you care about Aden, and that’s enough for me. Probably best just to call me Precision when we’re in public and Willow in private. The rest we can work out over time.”

  “Very good, Precision.” Eve nodded. “I shall do as you have instructed. Aden has the equivalent of several crates of extra nanites in his bracer, so repairs to any damaged armor can be made quickly.”

  Once Eve finished talking, Precision continued. “I will stay back and provide command and control over the telepathic network Sybilla set up. I’ll be using my drones for support as needed and for scouting. The rest of you will fight in pairs. I expect you to protect your partner. I’m assigning teams based upon your power distributions.”

  Inferna chimed in. “Remember that Angel of Light gives you an advantage, but expect that these shadows will be at least somewhat resistant to it. You can fight them the old-fashioned way, if necessary.”

  “Exactly right, now your team assignments will be as follows.”

  A graphic popped up projected by one of her drones.

  Inferna - Valkyrie

  Aqueous - Silk

  Demis - Sybilla

  Titana - Twinkle

  Eve - Wraith

  “It isn’t perfect, but one of you should be better able to take a blow and the other should be able to support them. Know your limits and support your team.”

  Silk said, “Doesn’t that leave Aden on his own?”

  Aqueous nodded. “Yeah, what CB said.”

  Silk mumbled, “It’s Silk now.”

  Precision gave me a meaningful look. “I’ll allocate any help to him that he needs, but let’s face it. He’s stronger than any two of us combined, so we’ve gotta trust our man. I don’t want him getting hurt, but he has displayed a remarkable lack of concern for his own safety in the past. Let’s hope he’s learned from that.”

  Rather than let them focus on me, I said, “Let’s do this.”

  The girls paired off. Precisions drones flew overhead, and it was time for battle to be joined. Despite our potential for speed, our approach was slow and cautious. I used every sense and ability I had to look for traps. I expected the girls were each doing the same, and I knew that Precision was on it. Her Omni-sense gave her great situational awareness on just about anything happening around us.

  Suddenly, my Precognition lit up like a Christmas tree in that old movie about shooting your eye out. I noted movement now from the cluster of shadow creatures as they spread out to meet us.

  Then I felt it. A massive dome of shadow sprang up behind them. Inside, a lone shadowy figure remained. I fired off a blast of Light’s Judgment, but the dome seemed to absorb it.

  Precision’s voice came through our coms. “Forget the dome. Focus on your opponents. Try to save Light’s Judgment and Angel of Light for that sphere. The reading on it is off. We may need a lot of power to punch through.”

  A cacophony of guttural growls echoed through the air. Eyes glinted like burning embers amongst the shadowy figures. One stretched upwards until it loomed over us, its elongated limbs twisted like gnarled branches with grotesquely elongated fingers ending in razor-sharp talons. Another crawled across the ground, its limbs bent and broken and its body swarming with a writhing mass of serpentine tendrils.

  The air hung heavy with an acrid stench that threatened to curl my nostril hair. The putrid stink of decay clung to their rotting, mutilated flesh. Shuffling footsteps scuffled across the ground, an eerie symphony of clicking joints and grinding bones. A figure, once human, staggered forward. It was fused to a second body, creating a grotesque amalgamation of limbs and faces contorted in eternal agony.

  A sickening squelch echoed the dragging of bloated, tumorous flesh, as one misshapen monstrosity lumbered forward. Its bulging, pus-filled eyes glared unblinking from deep, dark sockets. An almost-human female form, her face contorted into a sinister grin, danced gracefully between the grotesque mob of monsters. Her viper-like fangs dripped venomous saliva and her blackened, scaley skin glistened in the dim light. Whispers of fear hung in the air, an omnipresent dread that clawed at the soul.

  A gut-wrenching howl tore through the silence, a wailing lament of pure torment. The group, a horrifying menagerie of twisted humanity, reeked of despair and suffering. Each nightmare, unique in its abomination, bore the damning mark of darkness, a testament to the cruel humor of the shadow.

  Gone was any pretense of maintaining a human form. These were elders of the shadow and they had twisted their hosts’ forms to reflect their own corrupted nature. The suffering these people had endured for who knows how long must be intense, and freeing them would be the greatest mercy I could grant them.

  From more than two dozen figures, they merged into six monstrously disfigured bodies—not counting the one inside the dome. I knew he was up to no good, but Precision was right. We needed to defeat these monsters first and then we could worry about the dome and the creature inside it. These things that lurched toward us now each possessed the power of multiple mutations, being composed of more than one shadow.

  As strong as we were, this fight would test us.

  The shadow creatures surged forward. Some were faster than others, but Precision gave orders matching us up to our foes. I didn’t question her command when she ordered me to fight the slowest in the group—a juggernaut of sorts. His body was still humanoid, though stretched and twisted far beyond what any human form could withstand. It was ten feet tall but also six feet wide, with a massive hump on his back.

  I was faster, though, so when I streaked around the others, my fist made contact with where his chin would have been—if he’d had a neck. The creature staggered back, but I felt like I’d just hit a brick wall. My knuckles swelled and I think I might have broken a bone or two in my hand. He was solid.

  As my foe began climbing out of the ruined building my punch had knocked him into, I allowed my awareness to expand to check on how each pair of my bonds was faring. I would have to focus on my own fight, soon enough, but I wanted to verify they could handle their foes.

  Interlude 4 - Battle Joined

  Inferna and Valkyrie stood side by side, watching the grotesque monster lumber toward them. Its body was a horrific sight - covered in pulsating tumors that seeped a viscous, sickly green fluid. The air around the creature was heavy with a noxious, mind-altering miasma that distorted their perception, threatening to overwhelm their senses. Inferna's eyes narrowed, her delicate features set in a mask of determination and grit as she prepared herself for the upcoming battle.

  The monster let out a guttural roar, its voice reverberating through the air like a sinister symphony as it charged the two Rays. The ground trembled beneath the creature’s weight, its movements a sickening display of unnatural power. Stone and piles of brick shattered under its massive feet.

  Inferna stepped forward, her hands wreathed in flames. The fire danced around her fingers, casting a warm, orange glow upon her face. Raising her arms, she sent a torrent of fire toward the monster, the intense heat blistering the air as it streamed towards the creature. The flames collided with the creature's hide, scorching the oozing tumors and cauterizing dozens of putrid wounds. A putrid smoke filled the air, clogging their nostrils.

  Valkyrie, undeterred by the stench, commanded her mecha to spring into action. The mechanical marvel leaped into the sky, the roar of its engines echoing across the battlefield. Valkyrie guided her mecha with expert precision, avoiding the deadly acid spray it spit from its mouth.

  Her mecha fired a barrage of photon cannons and particle beam weapons, the brilliant streams of energy leaving a trail of smoke and destruction in their wake. While the mecha attacked from above, Inferna continued her fiery assault from the ground. White hot flames surged around the monster's legs, burning away cancerous growths and causing it to howl in pain. The creature retaliated, launching a volley of acid from its mouth at Inferna.

  The petite blonde dodged and weaved, her lithe form evading the lethal spray. But she did not escape unscathed; a droplet of acid splashed against her arm, burning through her nanite armor and her skin, sending a wave of distorted hallucinations coursing through her mind.

  Shadows flickered and danced at the edge of her vision, and the ground seemed to shift beneath her feet. Inferna gritted her teeth, fighting to maintain her focus as it seemed like the very world twisted and warped around her. She knew that if she succumbed to the hallucinations, the monster would gain the upper hand.

  Meanwhile, Valkyrie's mecha continued to engage the creature in a high-stakes aerial battle. The mecha danced through the sky around the shadow beast, exchanging volleys of bullets for streams of acid. The two were locked in a deadly exchange.

  While the mecha's advanced weapons did massive damage to the monster, the relentless assault also took its toll on the robotic knight. Acid corroded the mecha's outer shell, weakening its defenses and compromising its systems. Nanites shifted around furiously, trying to cover and even repair the damage done, but there were only so many of them.

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