Love comes prancing holl.., p.1
Love Comes Prancing (Holliday Islands Resort Book 3), page 1
part #3 of Holliday Islands Resort Series

Love Comes Prancing
Danni Roan
Copyright © 2019 by Danni Roan All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotations in a book review. FIRST EDITION
Also By Danni Roan
Holliday Islands Resort Series
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Also By Danni Roan
From the Cattleman’s Daughters
Katie Isabella
Meg Mae
Cattleman’s Daughters Companions
The Redemption of Rachel
Sean’s Secret Heart
Sweet Annie
Tales from Biders Clump
Christmas Kringle
Quil’s Careful Cowboy
Bruno’s Belligerent Beauty
A Teaching Touch
Prissy’s Predicament
Lucinda’s Luck
Ferd’s Fair Favor
The Travels of Titus
Winter’s Worth
Strong Hearts: Open Spirits
Maggie’s ValleySadina’s Stocking
Celestre’s Song Beloved Beulah
Whispers in Wyoming
Love Letters & Home
Counting Kadence
Mercy’s Light
Falling Forward
Racing Destiny
Baby be Mine
The Ornamental Match Maker
Carousel Horse Christmas
Loose Goose Christmas
Pineapple Persuasion
July’s Jubilant Christmas Jumble
Shutter Shock Christmas in July
Brides of Needful Texas
Holliday Islands Resort Series
After growing his Alaskan resort empire into the “honeymooner’s paradise of the world,” Gordon Holliday is ready to retire. But there’s no way he can cruise the globe in his luxury yacht until his sons are groomed and polished into proper executives to take his place. There’s just one catch: he’s convinced their biggest current job requirement is marriage!
To help find the perfect matches for his nine billionaire playboy sons, he secretly enlists the help of a high-end matchmaker, Evelyn Reese of True Love Connection, Inc. ( She visits the islands under the auspices of becoming a future investor and begins to work her magic. What ensues is a delightful romp of sizzling new business “partnerships” and dates, laugh-out-loud mayhem, and sweet holiday attractions. You won’t want to miss a single one!
Join us at the Chat, Sip, and Read group on Facebook for parties, live chats, giveaways, and other festivities surrounding the launch of this sweet holiday romantic comedy series:
Book 1: The Dashing Groom — Jo Grafford
Book 2: Dancing to the Alter — Christi Bortner
Book 3: Love Came Prancing — Danni Roan
Book 4: His Christmas Vixen — Ginny Sterling
Book 5: Comet’s Blazing Love — Jenna Brandt
Book 6: Cupid Takes a Wife — Marie Higgins
Book 7: Donner Let Her Go — Amelia Adams
Book 8: Blitzen the CEO — Lisa Prysock
Book 9: Rudolph’s Runaway Bride — George McVey
Book 10: Mommy’s Kissing Santa — Kit Morgan
The third son of billionaire Gordon Holliday, Collin has prided himself on excellence his entire life. Organized, efficient, and always in control, his dedication and hard work have led him to the highest award in The World Equestrian Games as a Dressage rider, but can he hold the reins of his heart in check when he meets a laid back cowgirl with ideas of her own? Ashley Bowlings comes from a long line of ranchers from Needful Texas. She has not only been in the saddle since she was a child, she lives to ride. Believing her horse is a partner she leaves a loose rein and flows with the rhythm of each new ride. When she meets the uptight, upright, and always in control Collin, sparks will fly as she shows him what letting go can really achieve. Can two people from vastly different worlds find common ground or will their differences separate them forever?
“You really think it will work?” billionaire, extraordinaire and holiday resort mogul, Gordon Holliday asked as he followed one Miss Evelyn Reese toward his office. He had contacted the former model and matchmaker concerning his nine sons some time ago, hoping the founder of True Love Connections would be able to get the jet setting boys to the altar.
“I’ve looked very closely at Ashley Bowlings,” Evelyn smiled brushing a strand of blonde hair from her shoulder and smiling. “She’s exactly the kind of woman Collin needs. She’s smart, funny, and loving. She’s twenty-nine and still lives with her parents because she’s more dedicated to work and horses than she is her own heart.”
Gordon nodded opening the door to his office space and ushering the beautiful matchmaker toward his desk. When he’d first met Miss Reese, he was struck not only by her confidence in her ability to get the job done but by her just off the runway good looks. “I’m afraid she’ll have her hands full with Prancer,” Gordon said. “He can be as stubborn as the proverbial mule.” Gordon’s dark eyes sparkled thinking of his third son.
“I don’t think Miss Bowlings is easily dissuaded once she sets her mind to something,” Evelyn said as the billionaire’s secretary delivered two perfect café lattes.
“I hope so,” Gordon grinned as he took his cup, waiting until his secretary left. “I love Prancer for his hard work and dedication, but when things don’t go his way, he can be rather harsh.”
Evelyn Reese looked over her mug and grinned. “It’s my understanding that Miss Bowlings is especially talented in working with difficult stock,” she teased, her bright blue eyes sparkling like diamonds. “You just get the charity thing started and keep Collin on point for that event. We’ll go from there if he turns surly,” she finished with a giggle.
Gordon smiled. So far Miss Reese had started his boys on a path toward their own best destiny. He had hopes that before the year was out, they would be ready to settled down and take their rightful places in running the Holliday Islands Resort. He had worked hard to build his empire and wanted nothing more than to enjoy the fruits of his labor and perhaps a few dozen grandchildren in the near future.
“I’m putting my faith in you,” Gordon said as he placed his mug on his desk. “It’s time my boys settle down and take over what I started. Hopefully without making the mistakes I did,” he added with a coy grin thinking of his ex-wife Mara and the trouble she had caused over the years. “In some ways Collin has been easier than the other boys,” the billionaire mused, “he came home right after college and helped to refit Prancer Island making it into a prime Equestrian resort, but he can bulk at the unexpected.”
Evelyn grinned, enjoying the sweet, smoky taste of her coffee. “Trust me,” she smiled. “As they say in some parts of this world, this is not my first rodeo.”
Chapter 1
Collin walked out of the hotel pulling his leather gloves over his hands. He’d had to deal with yet another issue surrounding the upcoming charity event here at Prancer Island Equine Resort. The exquisite resort was designed for horse lovers of every stripe and catered to their tastes exclusively. The only trouble was that his work with the hotel cut into his own time in the saddle far too often.
Collin shook his head taking the elevator from his penthouse at the top of the Esquire Hotel, one of the three hotels on his island designed specifically to meet the needs of all things horse. The Esquire catered to the English riding clientele, and reminded Collin of a fine English Lodge, with marbled halls, hand-carved doors, and a fox hunt theme.
Collin shook his head, turning his mind back to his current troubles. Ever since his father had brought Evelyn Reese, a potential investor, with ideas on how to boost the image of the Holliday Island Resort in, things had gotten weird, and Collin wondered if his father was trying to impress the woman. The Holliday Islands Resort, owned exclusively by the family, was situated on a string of islands that ringed the shore of Alaska like a pearl necklace and was the pride and joy of Gordon Holliday the founder.
Collin knew that with nine sons, Gordon Holliday had his hands full at the best of times, but when he created the resort, he seemed to have found a way to place each son in their own perfect situation, even if many of them were far more interested in jet setting around the world than settling down to business.
A family-ru
The elevator beeped and Collin stepped out into the large room below where, boots, saddles, and other tack covered the wood encased walls. Breathing deeply of the scent of leather, horse, and hay, he sighed relaxing a little as he prepared to saddle up. Today he hadn’t even called ahead to have his horse ready since he hadn’t been sure when he would get away from all of the madness in the office above.
Striding from the tack room, saddle and bridle over one arm, Collin headed along the walkway to the stables on the right-hand side of the event arena where his horse and the horses of wealthy guests were stabled.
Gathering up the lead of his most challenging event horse, Collin began to muse on his father’s recent attitude toward his sons. Gordon Holliday had recently taken several steps that had the boys scratching their heads. Not only was he demanding new activities and commitment from each of his boys he had invited a new potential investor to visit.
On top of that, Collin’s former stepmother couldn’t seem to stay away from the resort and seemed determined to cause all sorts of trouble.
It was all too crazy. Collin simply wanted to stay at the top of his game as an equestrian athlete. He had taken the championship for Dressage a few years earlier in The World Equestrian Games, but with his crazy schedule and dedication to making his island the best, he had little time to do the riding he needed and often found himself snappish at best.
Determined to stay in top form, Collin vowed to never be one of those prize-winning riders who faded into obscurity. The premise of his whole resort was founded on his prowess as an event rider, and he couldn’t let that slide.
No, Collin was determined that he and his horses stay in top form for as long as it was physically possible, which meant, no matter what his father had planned for this upcoming charity event, he needed time in the saddle to hone his skills.
Chapter 2
Collin should have known better than to choose Starbright as his mount on a day he was distracted. The tall mahogany bay mare was always a little too aggressive and wanted her way most of the time, making the ride even more work. Still, didn’t stop training until they were both performing to his standards, leaving them exhausted and dripping with sweat.
Handing the reins off to one of the young men working at the stable for the holidays, Collin gave him instructions on putting Starbright away then turned back toward his apartment.
There was still a load of work to do in the next few days, but the only thing on his mind at the moment was a hot shower and his supper.
If he could avoid any further interference with his day, he might even get a decent night’s sleep and be ready to face the next day.
Pressing the elevator button to his private accommodations, Collin leaned against the marble walls of the device letting some of the tension ooze from tight shoulders, only to be shocked when the elevator stopped on the third floor to allow entry to his father, taking Collin by surprise.
“Prance, I have a few more things to go over with you,” Gordon said with a smile, slapping his son on the back as he pushed the elevator button once more. “I’m hearing a lot of buzz among our friends about this opportunity to do something good right before the holidays. They love the idea of a charity event, and I want this to be special.”
Collin looked down at his watch then up into his father’s dark eyes. “I’m surprised to see you here so late, Dad,” he said running a hand over his tired eyes.
“I wanted to talk to you about a special event at the charity show,” Gordon grinned, leaning against the elevator wall casually. “I saw something really amazing the other day and it was a big hit, so it should bring in loads of money for the hospital wing if we do it here.” Collin blinked at his father wondering what the man could possibly add to the already packed event. “I’d like you to swap horses in the middle of a performance with another rider. This resort covers three very special aspects of horseback riding, including English, Western, and youth, so we want to include them all in this show.”
Collin raised a dark eyebrow, pushing his coffee brown hair back with both hands. “You want me to stop in the middle of a performance and get on someone else’s horse that I have never ridden?” he asked.
“Yes, exactly, you’ll ride her horse, demonstrating your equine prowess, and she’ll ride your horse.”
“Dad, I know you mean well, but these things don’t just happen. It takes months, years, to reach a place where you can get a horse to perform for you the way it should. You need practice, time, and choreography so to speak.”
“I’m sure it will be fine,” Gordon smiled giving his son that don’t argue look. “I’ve already spoken to our guest rider, Miss Bowlings, and she said it would be fine.” You just get on her horse and trot around or whatever it is you do, people will love it.”
“But,” Collin began his brown eyes wide, “It doesn’t work that way.”
“It will this time,” Gordon said looking up and shocking his son with a hard light of determination in his eyes. “Hollidays don’t do things small, we go big or go home. Besides, you wouldn’t want to let the new Children’s Hospital wing down now would you?” he added as they reached the top floor.
“Uhm,” but before he could say anything more his father pushed the down button, and Collin had to spring through the closing doors into the corridor outside his home.
Collin gaped at the shiny etched doors with the picture of two matched hunters jumping a hedge on the front, stunned by his father’s command. As one of the few sons who had come home to take over his island after college, Collin was used to having complete control over what he did. His father’s sudden, determined, decisions made Collin shake his head.
Didn’t his father understand that the whole hare-brained idea could end up being a complete disaster, but he already knew he would have to go along. One way or another he would climb into someone else’s western saddle which would be far harder than walking a mile in their shoes, or in this case boots.
Shoulders slumped Collin walked into his comfortable, yet beautifully appointed apartment, unbuttoning his coat and stripping his knee-high riding boots on the boot puller. This whole event had gotten out of hand, but he knew if his father had his heart set on it, he would find a way to pull it off.
Stripping the rest of his riding gear, Collin turned on the shower stepping under the large square waterfall head, then turning on the rest of the jets that ran down the black granite walls. Leaning one forearm against the dark walls he let the hot water pound some of the stress from his lean well-muscled form.
Chapter 3
Ashley Bowlings went through her checklist for the fifteenth time. She’d been shocked when a woman named Evelyn Reese had approached her at her last big Western Pleasure show and conference, asking if she would be willing to perform in a charity event in Alaska of all places.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” her father, Ralph Bowlings asked. “You don’t even like to fly.”
Ashley smiled, tipping her Stetson back on her head of blonde hair, her blue eyes twinkling as a dimple appeared in her right cheek.
“I’m sure it will be fine Dad,” she said. “Besides it’s for a great cause. These Holliday people are donating a new medical ward to the hospital in Dallas as well as one in Alaska. Who can say no to that?”
Ashley’s father placed a finger under her chin and looked down at her. “I’m proud of you kiddo,” he said. “We Bowlings have been here in Needful, Texas for a very long time, and now you have a chance to share a little of us with the folks in Alaska. You’re one of the most talented western pleasure riders of our day, and I know you have a heart to match your competitive nature.”