Big girls rock hard rock.., p.1
Big Girls Rock: Hard Rock Love (#2) (BBW Erotic Romance), page 1

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Big Girls Rock!
Part II: Hard Rock Love
* An Erotic BBW Romance*
Danielle Houston
©Copyright 2013 by Danielle Houston
Amazon Kindle Select Edition (Revised)
All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.
This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.
This is a work of fiction intended for Adults (18+) only.
(The material found in this e-book contains sexual explicit situations and is intended for mature audiences only)
All persons portrayed in this e-book are 18 years of age or older.
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The flickering light from the television cast blue shadows. It was time for another Thursday night's episode of “Harmony”. My eyes were glued to the screen. In this scene super star Nick Ortiz sang a romantic song to the female lead. Even on my tiny and dusty television he was beautiful. I chewed my lower lip, while he danced with a slender blonde. A moment of pure envy swept through me. Why couldn’t that be me? Our brief affair had ended just months ago. Nick returned to glamorous Hollywood. I went back to tending bar. Now I ogled him every Thursday night, long distance.
“Snap out of it,” Jen screamed at me more than once.
Why had I let the world's most eligible man slip through my fingertips? Now I was forced to watch him wooing skinny women on television. A warm ache throbbed between my legs. Nick excited me in a way no other man had before. I closed my eyes. Memories of Nick's expert lovemaking overwhelmed me. A finger slowly sunk in between my swollen lips. Then I found my sensitive nub and massaged it. Pleasure radiated into me. Nick, how I wish you were here. I forced my hand back and forth. With each stroke I applied more pressure. Nick’s face hovered at the edge of my consciousness. His expert tongue always hit the right spot. Our last time together had been electric.
My hips gyrated as I hit a crescendo of desire. I imagined Nick's hands touching me in my most sensitive spot. His thick cock had felt so wonderful inside of me. Why did I let him go? I increased my pace. My hand now pumped faster and faster. A prickling heat engulfed me. Then a tremor shook my body. The ending theme song for Harmony filtered into my consciousness. My orgasm subsided and a faint whimper escaped my lips. I missed Nick so much. Then my eyes closed and I drifted off.
Part 1
“You need a new hobby,” Jen’s eyes bored into me. “All you've done for the past month is watch Harmony reruns.”
I stirred my breakfast cereal. "I'm not in the mood.”
“It’s time to get a social life.”
“I know that.” I replied.
Jen shrugged and left. I stared into my cereal bowl. I went to my room and rummaged through my closet. Rumpled clothing lay in piles around the room. My bed hadn't been made in days. I ran a finger along my dresser disturbing a fine layer of dust. My cat Midnight hissed and jumped off the bed. The black tabby rubbed himself against my leg and hissed again. I scratched behind his ears and asked.
"Are you hungry sweetie?" I asked him.
He meowed and it almost sounded like “Yes”.
It's funny how cats have more personality than most people. I went to the kitchen and filled his bowl, and gave him fresh water. Then I made my way back to my room and sat on the bed. What a dump! Why did I let things get so untidy? With a new found energy I set about straightening up. Soon the bed was made, the floor swept, and clothing folded. I felt so much better! I put on a yellow blouse and a tight fitting miniskirt. I admired my round backside in the mirror.
Dammit I looked good. There was still a little sadness in my heart. However, it was time to try and get back to normal. I grabbed my keys and headed out. It was eight o’clock and my bar shift started soon. My car inched through the traffic. I prayed silently that I’d make it on time. When I got to the bar, I found Frank sitting at a table. Stacks of receipts were neatly lined up around him. He was scribbling away in a notebook. Without looking up he spoke.
“You got here on time today?”
“What's that supposed to mean?” I slid out of my coat.
“You've been late for the past week or so.”
“I've been going through some things.” I said.
“I knew that Nick what's-his-name was no good,” he grumbled.
“I don't want talk about this.” I went behind the bar.
“Singing tonight?”
“People have been asking for you.” Frank scratched his bald spot and then retreated to his office laptop in hand. I busied myself with minor chores. I missed the crowd as much as they missed me. Truth was nothing felt as good as being on stage. I wiped the counter down with a towel. Like stacking glasses, wiping down counters, even lining up liquor bottles. Keeping active prevented me from thinking about Nick. Before long the crowd streamed in. A few of the regulars showed up early.
“You going to get up there Candi?” A lanky blonde woman leaned over the bar.
“I'm playing it by ear. Want anything to drink?” I told her.
She hid her disappointment, “Guess I’ll have a gin and tonic.”
I mixed her drink and handed it to her. She paid me and left a generous tip. Before long I was swamped with patrons. It seemed to be a good night for social drinking. I’d put myself in a trance. Like a robot, I served up the drinks, hardly talking to anyone. I just needed to keep busy.
“Snap out of it.” Jen threw a damp rag at me. I hadn’t even noticed her she’d hopped behind the bar. The towel landed on top of my head. I yanked it off
“Cut it out! I tossed it back at her.
“You look like a Zombie. Liven up a bit,” she snapped back.
While I hated to admit it, she was right. The time had come to forget about Nick. I had my own life he had his. I had a good life and wonderful friends. Somehow I had to manage to pull it together. I took in a deep breath and tried to take in some of the positive feelings around me. People were laughing and talking. Everyone was having a good time but me. Come on Candi, snap out of it! With a little more vigor, I forced myself to cut it up more. Hell, I even managed to make a wise crack or two. The evening was starting to pick up and my mood improved. Maybe things really were changing for the better!
“Hey there gorgeous.” A deep bass voice startled me.
I turned around and discovered six feet of gorgeous trouble. Dylan Perry was Frank's no good nephew. He was also my ex. Funny how your past has a way of showing up when you least expect it, isn’t it? That man was the kind of bad boy your mama warned you about. In my younger days I found him sexy as sin, and totally irresistible. His innocent brown eyes and boy-next-door good lucks allowed him to smooth talk his way out of anything. But one day he got himself in the kind of trouble even he couldn’t charm his way out of. I figured that I’d never see him again.
“When did you get out?” I crossed my arms and leaned against the counter.
“A while ago,” he scratched his chin and winked.
“What are you doing here?” I locked defiant eyes with him.
“Just figured it'd be nice to hear you sing,” he raised an eyebrow.
“I might sing tonight.”
“I’d like that.” Then he flashed me his near-perfect smile.
Okay I'm on the rebound and I know it. The wisest choice was to steer clear of my tempting ex-boyfriend. But my spine had turned to Jell-O and my heart raced. I longed for the warmth and comfort of a man. My shoulders trembled as I recalled how good it felt to be in his arms. Come on Candi, keep it together. Don’t fall to pieces over the first good-looking guy to smile at you tonight. Now more than ever, I needed an outlet for my pent-up frustrations. If I wasn’t going to get laid, performing was the next best thing. I had to get up on stage, and sing my heart out. Tonight, I was going to knock their socks off. Skinny kid and his band were up there. They'd been playing at The Dirty regularly for months now. The band leader was fiddling with his bass, when I tapped him on the shoulder.
“You guys have a name yet?” I asked him.
Skinny Kid shook his head, “Nope. We're waiting for the right one.”
“You really need a name soon. I can't keep introducing you as the ba
He didn’t say a word instead he winked. Oh well, it was time to get this party started.
So, I grabbed the mic and shouted into it, “Welcome to the Dirty Thirty”
Everyone screamed in response.
“Are you ready to rock?” I asked them.
“Yeah!” They yelled back.
“I can't hear you. Are y'all ready to rock?” I screamed again,
“Yeah!” The roof nearly shook off the building. I nodded towards Skinny Kid and screamed “Twisted Sister I Want to Rock!”
The kid gestured to his band and they started to play. It felt electric. The crowd was charged as soon as the intro fired up. And when I open my mouth the vocals just poured out. I felt more alive than I had in weeks. It was about time that rock-n-roll Candi was back in business. I let it all hang out. I jumped, screamed, hollered and pushed my voice to the limit. That little bar transformed into a concert hall and the crowd loved every minute. When I finished my back was sweat-damp and I was out of breath. But goddamn did it feel good. The band continued to play and I jumped off the stage and headed back to the bar.
“You were on fire!” Dylan grinned his compliment.
“Thanks.” I gulped down a glass of water. I hadn’t worked that hard in a long time.
“Damn Candi, I missed you.” His eyes smoldered and I was hooked.
“I missed you too.” What the hell, there was no harm in admitting how I felt.
“You want to grab something later?” He asked.
“As long as you’re buying.” I poked a teasing finger into his chest.
“Of course!” he smiled again.
What could one little meal with my ex hurt? Everyone told me that I needed to get out more. Besides, there wasn’t a better distraction from my troubles than Dylan Perry. He seemed different somehow. Anyways, we were just hanging out like old friends. Nothing was going to happen… was it? I met Dylan at the front of the bar. He was leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette. The rugged, scruffy look really worked for him. Without thinking, I licked my lips when I saw him.
“So where are we going?” I shrugged into my jacket.
“It’s a surprise.” He put his arm around my shoulder.
“I'm warning you I'm hungry tonight.”
His eyes twinkled, “Far be it from me to stand between a woman and hunger.”
He held out his arm for me to take. It was such a wonderfully old-fashioned gesture! I locked arms with him and we headed towards the parking lot. I almost fainted when I saw his red, expensive sports car. Where in the hell had he gotten that kind of money?
I whistled, “Wow, Sweet Ride.”
“Thank you.” He seemed genuinely flattered by the compliment.
Then he clicked the little remote and the doors unlocked. Next he opened the door for me. I sank into the plush leather seats. Just what kind of business had Dylan gone into? The engine revved and we took off into the night.
“So, it looks like you’re doing really well.” I asked him, my voice tinted with curiosity.
“Don’t worry; I’m strictly legit these days.” He adjusted the stick shift.
“I’m not worried.” I crossed my legs and my skirt inched up my plump thigh.
Dylan glanced at my legs and then back at the road. “I own a motorcycle shop.”
My jaw dropped. “You run a business?”
What happened to the irresponsible guy I used to know?
“My mom died and there was an inheritance”
“I heard about that,” I said.
“It was unexpected." There was sadness in his voice.
"So you're a mechanic now?" It seemed like a good idea to change the subject.
“Yep, and not a bad one either.” He grinned. “If I say so myself.”
So Dylan had gone straight. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to give him another chance. He shifted gears. The car jerked in response and we sped up. Buildings moved past us in a blur. This little sporty-model really had some engine power. I couldn’t help but be impressed.
“I’m sorry about how things ended.” I placed my hand on his knee and squeezed.
“You did what you had to. I was a jerk.” He tapped the steering wheel nervously.
“You were just the kind of trouble I didn't need.” I took a deep breath.
“You're wasting your talent in that little bar.” He said.
“I love The Dirty.” I leaned back and stretched. “It’s the best job ever.”
“So why didn't you go?” he asked me.
“Go where?” What in the hell was he talking about?
“Hollywood… with that Nick guy.”
“You heard about that?” Man word travelled fast in our little circle.
“Uncle Frank told me… I’m surprised you stayed”
I smiled. “Then I wouldn’t be here with you.”
Nick turned off the engine. “Well lucky for me then.”
“Where are we? This doesn’t look like a restaurant.” We’d pulled into a dark parking lot.
“I want to show you my shop.” The doors unlocked Dylan got out. Then he opened and held the door for me. I stepped out and took in my surroundings. We were in front of a large cinder block building. A well painted sign hung over the door: Dylan’s Choppers. There were a variety of new motorcycles visible through the large windows.
“Wow this is nice.” So Dylan had really gone onto the straight narrow! I breathed silent thanks. He fumbled with the keys, and then opened the front door. I followed him inside.
“I’m going to deactivate the alarm system,” he then went towards the back. I stayed put and surveyed my surroundings. The shop was tidy and well organized. All sorts of motorcycle accessories were displayed for sale. The air was scented with motor oil. This was definitely the real deal. Before long Dylan re-appeared and took my hand.
“Let me show you around.” He led me towards the back to a small office. I stepped inside. The little room was comfortably furnished and clean. Dylan went behind a large metal desk and rummaged through some papers.
“I'm really happy for you.” I sat down on the small sofa.
“It’s been a lot of hard work.”
“So tell me, why did it take you so long to look me up?” I asked.
“I wanted to show you that I’d made something of myself.” He scratched his chin again.
There was a boyish quality about him that really got my juices flowing. God help me. I wanted him now more than any man on earth. I needed to get my mind off of Nick and I couldn't think of a better distraction than Dylan. While I'm bigger than your average woman, I knew that I turned Dylan on. I crossed my legs and licked my lips.
“There's nothing sexier than a man who has it all together.” I said.
He folded his arms. “You're hurting right now over that other guy.”
I walked over to him until we were uncomfortably close.
I whispered into his ear, “I know exactly what I'm doing.”
Then I ran my hand across his face. Stubble tickled my fingers.
“I didn’t bring you here to score...” he stammered.
Had I actually caught him off guard?
“Then what did you bring me here for?” I purred in his ear.
“What do you mean?”
“We're alone in your office. No one else is around.” The full heat of my desire came over me. I wanted Dylan and I wanted him now. His hardness bulged through his jeans. There was no denying that he wanted me to. The truth was Nick had awakened a fire in me and I needed a man to help me tame it. I couldn't think of anyone better than Dylan.
“Candi, we should take it slow.” His voice faltered.
“I'm not the girl you used to know.” I undid his fly and slipped my hand inside.
“I'm not playing games.” He grabbed my wrist forcefully.
“Neither am I...” I leaned forward and placed my hand on his chest. Our lips met and his tongue snaked into my mouth. A deep masculine and earthy scent surrounded him. I inhaled and became even more aroused. Dylan fondled my breasts roughly and bit my neck. This sent tremors through my entire body. Without thinking I kissed my way down his chest. I moved slowly and deliberately, until my face was inches from his zipper.
“You don't have to do this.” Dylan moaned.
“I know what I want.” I told him.
My fumbling hands managed to unzip his fly. Hungry with desire, I kissed and licked his hardness through his undies. Dylan leaned back and his mouth opened slightly. His eyes were closed, and his hands came to rest on the back of my head. I yanked his pants down to his knees and freed his hardness from the underwear. His fat and thick manhood snapped to full salute. He was simply enormous! I wrapped my wet lips around the throbbing head, while I fondled his dangling testicles. Then, I took his hard tool in my mouth and sucked. His cock was salty and slick with precum. Almost instantly, his hips bucked hard and fast into my mouth. After a while, I stopped and licked his sweet sack. I nibbled the tender skin.