Making Life Worth While
Christopher Archuleta
Christopher Archuleta
Travis Hilton realizes how his life seems to be dictated by those who despise him. Eventually, he is practically driven out of town by the people who conflict with him. The torture doesn't end there as the worst of the people from the town attempts to destroy all of Travis' hopes. However, once Travis thinks about his capabilities, his life begins to shift from one influence to the exact opposite.After a decade of lonesome days, Travis Hilton finally gets hit with what he was trying to avoid as the evil people living in his small town begin to display their hatred toward him. Travis, cynical in the mind and forgiving in the heart, departs town to start a new life in the city. Despite the fact that his enemies follow him to his new life to enlighten him on a fact he was avoiding the whole time, Travis fights within himself to determine the reason why his enemies would bother to do make such irrational decisions. Throughout the months, his attention shifts from others to himself. With his attention shift comes a life shift.
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