Dragon prince, p.1
Dragon Prince, page 1
part #6 of Bride Hunt Series

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Dragon Prince
The Bride Hunt: Book 6
Charlene Hartnady
Copyright © October 2017, Charlene Hartnady
Cover Art by Melody Simmons
Copy Edited by KR
Website and VA: Simplicity
Proofread by brigittebillings@gmail.com
Produced in South Africa
Dragon Prince is a work of fiction and characters, events and dialogue found within are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental.
With the exception of quotes used in reviews no part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without prior consent in writing from the author.
Created with Vellum
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
About the Author
Also by Charlene Hartnady
Chapter 1
Shifters were highly competitive. Tide was a prince for scale’s sake, so that made him more competitive than most. He accepted that, thrived off of it even. Pushing down harder on the accelerator, he smiled at the sound of the purr of the engine. At this rate, he’d make it to the bar in no time. It was the speed of the car aided by the fact that he had taken an alternate route. By his careful calculations, he’d get there well ahead of the rest. Call it a mini hunt because he was most definitely on the prowl for a female. A human female. Soft, tasty and so fucking feminine that his mouth watered just thinking about the night ahead.
It had been months since he’d been with one. Far too fucking long. It was one of the hardships that came with being a dragon shifter. Tide could feel his beast, restless beneath his skin. Scales rubbing. A growl lodged deep in his throat, and he had to suppress the urge to push the accelerator down further. All the way to the floor. Thing was, he was on human territory and therefore had to obey their rules.
Fuck it!
He increased the pressure on the pedal, and the sleek SUV obeyed instantly. Tide turned up the radio. Some pop song was playing. Mexican with an English chorus. It was catchy, so he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Just a few more minutes and he’d turn off towards town.
What the …? Tide eased off of the gas. His night vision kicked in. Further up the road, he could see a vehicle on the shoulder. Its hazards were flashing. Someone was on their haunches next to the back wheel. As he neared, he eased off the gas. Fuck! It was a female, and she looked like she was struggling to loosen the lug nuts. She was putting every ounce of strength she had into the task and … nothing. Double fuck!
The female wiped a hand across her forehead, turning to look in his direction. She must have heard his engine as he approached. Her eyes widened as they caught sight of his headlights. They were beautiful, which was rare for a human. Their eyes were usually pretty dull compared to dragon shifters'. His own baby blues had gotten him laid more times than his physique, which was saying something since females loved all the shifters' muscles.
Her green orbs widened, and a look of hope took residence on her face. She pulled in a deep breath, which she held … again, in hope. Hope that he would stop, hope that he would help her.
No! No! No!
This was the last thing he wanted. He planned to rut a damsel, not to rescue one. He wasn't the knight in shining armor, he was the dragon. Destroyed plans or not, there was no way he could leave her stranded. Forget that idea, because he could tell by the black smears on her face that she'd been at it for a while. This particular road didn't get much traffic. It wasn't called an alternate route for nothing. It was late and already dark. No place for a human female.
Tide groaned as he pulled in behind her car. So much for making it to the bar before the others. So much for having the first pick of the humans. He'd quickly change her tire and head back out. Even if the female he wanted was already on the arm of another male, he'd win her over, for sure. It wasn't a big-ass ego talking either.
He hopped out of his vehicle and headed over to her.
The human stood up, a big smile on her face. "Thank you so much for stopping." Then her eyes widened, and she swallowed thickly.
"I'm Tide, and it's my pleasure." He hooked his thumbs in his jeans and hunched his shoulders, giving her his best half-smile. This baby had been known to melt the panties right off of the humans. Since it didn’t seem to be working on this particular female at the moment, he'd settle for her calming the fuck down. Her heart raced, and he could scent adrenaline. "Can I help change your tire?" He pointed towards the rear of her vehicle. He was a huge motherfucker. Bigger than most dragon shifters, which was saying something. It wasn’t a surprise she was intimidated by him. Definitely a little afraid. They were on the outskirts of town on a quiet, dark road so he couldn’t blame her.
"Um … sure." She held onto the wrench as if her life depended on it.
The scent of her fear was peppery in his nostrils. Tide averted his gaze, focusing on the flat. He walked over to where she was standing at the rear of the vehicle and the female moved out of his way. Moved as far away as she seemed to think she could get without giving away the fact that she was terrified of him. He had to give her kudos, although her heart galloped, she looked pretty darned calm on the outside.
He crouched next to the vehicle and held his hand out. When she didn’t react, he glanced her way. Those beautiful green eyes of hers were still really wide. Tide cleared his throat and smiled again. “I’m going to need that wrench.” He narrowed his eyes on the tool in her hands.
She didn't react for a few seconds and then she smiled back, nodding her head. "Oh, of course you do. Apologies." She handed the tool to him, holding onto the thing for a second or two after his own fingers closed over it, before reluctantly letting go. “I followed all of the steps.” She pointed to an open book on the ground next to him.
"That's great." Tide nodded and went to work on the lugs.
“I found a safe location by pulling over onto the shoulder." She gestured around them, a nervous giggle escaped her. "I turned on my hazards, as you can see. In case you were wondering, the parking brake has been applied, so you’re safe.”
He stifled a grin. Safe. Of course, he was safe. "Good to know." He handed the wrench back to her since she seemed to feel better holding it. And … yep … her heart-rate slowed within seconds of grabbing hold of the tool. "Where's your jack?"
“It’s here.” She hurried to the rear of the vehicle and dug in the trunk, then returned with the jack. “I didn’t have wheel wedges, so I used some rocks instead. I hope that’s not going to be a problem?”
Tide shook his head. “I think we’ll be okay.”
She huffed out a breath as he placed the jack beneath the vehicle and began to pump. Nothing. What? He pumped harder. Fuck! It wasn’t working. Her jack was stuck or something. The car stayed just where it was. He groaned.
“What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” the female leaned in next to him.
"I'll try one more time." He pumped on the handle and low and be-fucking-hold, up went the car. He'd been about to go and fetch the one from his vehicle even though he could hold a car up using his pinkie finger. Thing was, he didn't want her to know he was a non-human, they were here in town on the low-down, pretending to be MMA fighters at a convention. Since dragon shifters only went into one of the small towns every six months, they could get away with whatever story they made up. Sometimes they were football players and other times it was bodybuilders or even wrestlers. No one knew dragon shifters existed and they were more than happy with the situation. If the rest of the shifters and the vampires ‒ don't forget the elves
“It looks like the jack is working fine now.” He glanced her way.
“Oh good.” There was relief in her voice. “Can I help with anything?”
"Hold out your hand." She did as he said. He noticed that her nails were color-free and cut short. Very different to the females who frequented the bar. His back had been ripped open by nails of every color of the rainbow. This was new. Then he realized that she was waiting for him. He removed the lugs and put them in her hand, carefully pulling the wheel free of the hub and placing it on the ground next to him.
"Wait a sec," the female said, he could hear that she was moving to the rear of the vehicle where she dug around in the trunk again.
“Do you need help?” He frowned. What was she doing?
“I’m good.” There was strain in her voice.
“You sure?”
“Absolutely.” She glanced around the open trunk, smiling at him.
At least she’d started to relax. Tide smiled back. Those black smears on her face were pretty bad, she’d really done a number on herself. The streaks only served to highlight her eyes and the smattering of freckles across her nose. The freckles spilled over onto her cheekbones.
Tide stood up and walked around the vehicle. “Let me do that.”
“Oh, thank you,” she said as he took the tire from her. “I’m Meghan, by the way.” She smiled and held out her hand.
Tide maneuvered the tire into one hand and gripped her much smaller one. "Good to meet you." Despite the smell of grease, she had a delicious scent. Berries and vanilla ice-cream. Her hand was really soft, her handshake firm. She let go almost immediately and turned back to the vehicle. There was no swooning or blushing. No giggling to speak of.
He put the spare tire onto the hub. “I’m going to need those lugs.”
Meghan nodded. "Of course." She walked over, placing them in his outstretched hand. Her shoes were flat, black leather with very little detail. She wore plain black pants and a white blouse. All very functional. Tide had to suppress a smile when he caught sight of a big black smear of grease on the side of her top. Her outfit was ruined. He suspected a female like this would hate being so dirty.
He lined up the rim with the lug nuts, tightening each one by hand. He had just started on the third when the jack gave out. There was a popping sound, and the vehicle dropped. On reflex, he grabbed the car ‒ and only with one hand. The remaining lugs were in his other hand. It took him a second or two to realize his mistake. Tide half-dropped half-lowered the vehicle. He turned to the human, hoping she hadn't noticed.
Meghan's mouth hung open, and her eyes were wide. She pointed in his general direction. "How did you do that?"
Tide shrugged. "I'm a big guy." Hopefully, she would buy his lame excuse.
“No way!” She shook her head. “You held up,” she paused and lifted her eyes in thought, “at least a ton and a half of solid vehicle with just one hand.”
"As I said, I'm really powerful." He flexed his bicep.
Her eyes widened some more as her gaze landed on his arm. She quickly locked her eyes back with his. Meghan pursed her lips for a second. “You held it there without so much as breaking a sweat or flinching. No way.” She shook her head. "That's not normal."
“Okay.” He breathed out through his nose. “You have me.” Fuck! How the hell did he get out of this? “I’m not human, but …”
"I knew it. You're a vampire or one of those wolf shifters. You're far from home though." She raised her brows.
“A wolf shifter … yeah.” He nodded, trying to stay cool. “I’m a shifter,” he affirmed, too quickly but she didn’t seem to notice.
“You could’ve said something, you know.” She laughed in a quick burst.
“I didn’t want to scare you. You were very nervous earlier.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She smiled. “So you don’t even need a jack then?”
He lifted the vehicle using just one finger.
“Wow!” She laughed. “That’s very impressive.”
Tide grinned, letting the vehicle back down. "How's about we get this tire back on. I'm sure you want to get home and on with your plans for the night."
"Um …" She licked her lips. "No plans, but a shower would be really fantastic." Meghan looked down at her clothes, frowning. "I'm filthy."
Just as he suspected, she hated all the muck. Tide thought she looked pretty cute covered in all that grease. Then her words sunk in. "No plans? Really?" It was his turn to frown. "It's Saturday night."
"Yeah, no … not tonight, I was on my way back home from work. It's been a long day."
“Oh, I see.”
"I've got to go back tomorrow morning. I'm working on a project. You see, I’m a geneticist. My project details the genetic contributions in asthma but also in other … Oh …” She held up a hand. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to rattle on.” Her cheeks turned red, for the first time since meeting her.
“Nah, no worries! I get it. I also have to work weekends and all hours. You do what you have to in order to get the job done.”
Her smile brightened, and her eyes glinted. Beneath all the dirt and grime was a plain, understated, yet surprisingly pretty female. “I’m glad you understand. Anyway, I’m sure you have somewhere to be … you’re all dressed up.” For the first time, her eyes moved to his chest, but they quickly flitted back up to his face. “Here, let me find the …” She looked around her on the ground, her eyes landing on the wrench. She bent over to pick it up and … Holy hotness. Her ass was a thing of beauty.
“Got it.” Meghan turned back and handed it to him. Underneath those baggy, dowdy clothes was a whole lot more going on than what met the eye. He was so used to primped and preened females. Females who wore tiny little outfits, clothing that left nothing to the imagination. This was new to him. Only, she seemed to want to get rid of him even though she didn’t have any immediate plans. That was new to him too. Females wanted him. At least, they normally did. This one confused him.
Meghan watched as he lifted her car with one hand. One. Hand. His bicep bulged beneath the soft cotton of his button-down shirt. Do not stare! It’s rude!
He used the other hand to screw on the rest of the lugs. Once they were on, he picked up the wrench at his feet and began to tighten the lugs. It was so hot. Probably one of the hottest things she’d ever seen. Not just what he was doing was hot, but he was hot too, obscenely hot. Bleached blond hair, the bluest eyes she had ever seen and not to mention the size of him. Incredibly tall with muscle she never thought possible. Yet, he wasn't too big for his frame and somehow managed to carry himself with both masculinity and grace. Don’t stare!
He was being so nice by helping her, and here she was ogling him like he was a piece of prime steak. But oh was he prime. As prime as they came. More prime than she had ever seen in her life. Forget the not staring part, she had to keep herself from drooling at this point.
He tightened the last lug, eliciting a soft grunt which was just as hot as the rest of him.
“The hubcap is to your right.” Meghan pointed. “I’m sure I can manage from here though. I’ve taken up far too much of your time.”
The sex-on-legs, most alpha male she had ever laid eyes on turned to her, a panty-wetting smile on his lips, which were sinful. Meghan had read enough red-hot romance novels to be able to describe this guy, in minute detail. He held her gaze for a moment before shaking his head, slowly. "I always finish what I start."