Knee deep in dough, p.1
Knee Deep in Dough, page 1

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a Cookies & Chance mystery
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Smashwords Edition
Copyright © 2021 by Catherine Bruns
Gemma Halliday Publishing
Design & background art by Janet Holmes using images under license from
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.
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Thank you to retired police Captain Terrance Buchanan who always has the answers to my never-ending questions. Constance Atwater and Kathy Kennedy, I so appreciate you beta reading on short notice and always giving it to me straight. Kim Davis, thank you for sharing your amazing s'mores cookie recipe with me. Your talent is amazing, and your recipes never fail!
A very special thank you to publisher Gemma Halliday for her support and making the Cookies & Chance books possible. Back in 2015 when this series started, I never dreamed that Sally's adventures would reach 10 books (okay, maybe I hoped!) I'll always be grateful to you for taking a chance on an unpublished and impatient writer.
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"I'd like to propose a toast." Josie raised a glass of Chardonnay in the air. "To my favorite couple in the whole world, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Donovan, on their third wedding anniversary. May you have many more wonderful years together."
"Aww, that's so sweet." I raised my glass to hers.
"I'll drink to that." Mike clinked his beer against my soda glass and smiled at me with those midnight blue eyes of his that I adored. He pressed his lips against mine.
Josie nudged her husband Rob. "Look at those two. Forever newlyweds."
Mike wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Thanks for inviting us out tonight, guys. Sal's been needing an evening away, but she always feels guilty when she leaves the baby."
"See, it's just the opposite with us. We're always looking for an excuse to leave our kids." Rob winked.
We all broke out into laughter. Rob was kidding but only to a certain degree. The Sullivans had been married for fourteen years and had four sons whose ages ranged between four and fourteen. They needed a night out more than anyone.
Josie set her glass down on the table. "Sal, you know that your family always takes good care of Cookie, especially your grandmother. In a year or two, when you guys have another baby, that feeling of guilt will wear off. Trust me. Then you'll spend your nights trying to hide from your kids like I do."
Mike nudged me under the table, and I knew what it meant. We had babysat Josie and Rob's kids before. When Mike was being kind, he referred to them as spawn from hell. I'd finally realized why Josie was so skinny. She never had a moment to call her own.
Mike drew my hand to his lips. "Seems longer than three years, doesn't it?"
"It does. I feel like I've known you my entire life." I had celebrated my 32nd birthday a few weeks earlier. Mike and I had met when we were sixteen. "Or at least half my life," I joked.
Josie raised her glass again. "May the newness of your marriage never wear off."
"Then they'd better not have any more kids," Rob chuckled.
It was wonderful to be out with our friends, celebrating this special day. We'd all been so busy this summer that it was hard to find time to get together socially. Josie and I worked six days a week at my bakery, Sally's Samples. Although it was a novelty cookie shop, Josie was also baking cakes for weddings, and bridal and baby showers. She was a creative artist, and her talent did wonders for our profit margin. Mike's construction company had more work than he could handle by himself, and he'd had to hire on some seasonal help.
On top of everything else, Cookie, our eight-month-old baby daughter, was teething, and it was true, I didn't like to be away from her long. At the moment, she was being spoiled by my parents and my grandmother. Cookie's real name was Corinne, also my Grandma Rosa's middle name.
The waiter brought the check, and Rob immediately reached for it. "I've got this," Mike said.
"Don't argue with him, Mike," Josie warned. "He's almost as stubborn as I am."
Rob placed an arm around her shoulders. "No one comes close to you in that department, Mrs. Sullivan."
It did my heart good to see Josie and Rob so happy. Their marriage had not always been an easy one, and they'd been through their share of ups and downs. Rob was five years older than Josie, and her parents weren't thrilled when she started dating him in high school. They were even less excited when Josie became pregnant months later and she and Rob had married shortly before the baby was born. Josie quit culinary school before the semester ended, but it certainly hadn't hurt her talent. I honestly didn't know what I'd do without her.
Mike finished his beer and winked. "We could benefit from the wisdom of a longtime happily married couple. Tell us what's your secret."
Rob snorted back a laugh. "Piece of cake. Let your wife be the boss. It works wonders." He grinned at Josie, who was glancing anxiously at her watch.
I finished my soda. "I thought your mother-in-law took the kids overnight."
Josie shook her head. "It's not that. I have to meet Felicia Sherman. One of her bridesmaids called the bakery when you went to pick up Cookie today and said Felicia wanted two hundred fortune cookies for her wedding tomorrow. I said I'd meet them by ten o'clock, and it's already nine thirty. Sorry, I forgot to tell you earlier."
"Two hundred fortune cookies? That's a lot to handle on such short notice. I would have come back to help."
Josie pushed her wineglass aside. "It was fine. I knew you hadn't gotten much sleep last night with Cookie teething, and I had Dodie to help—or should I say hinder—me."
Dodie Albert was an elderly woman whom I employed part-time. She was a top-notch baker and pleasant with the customers but also one hundred percent accident prone. She tried Josie's patience on a daily basis.
"Besides," Josie continued. "I charged Felicia for a last-minute rush fee, so it was well worth the trouble. She's using the cookies to compliment her wedding favors."
"I didn't know Felicia was getting married." Then again, I hadn't seen her in years. "How come I'm always the last to know everything?"
Mike tried again to steal the check from Rob, who was having none of it. "Who's Felicia Sherman? A friend of yours?" he asked.
"No. I worked with her sister Kelsey at Sunny's Ice Cream Parlor the summer after graduation. Didn't I ever tell you about her?" When I noticed Mike's blank face, I realized my mistake. Mike and I had broken up at our high school prom due to a misunderstanding and we hadn't gotten back together until ten years later. In the meantime, I'd gone on the rebound and started dating Colin Brown, my now deceased ex-husband. It was the worse decision I'd ever made in my life.
Mike's eyes twinkled at me. "I was out of the loop that summer, remember? Damn. What I wouldn't have given to see you making hot fudge sundaes on a hundred-degree day."
"You really are awful," Josie scolded while Rob laughed.
"You must have heard of her father," I said. "Barry Sherman is one of the top financial investors in the US."
Mike ran a hand over his curly dark hair. It had reached below the nape of his neck and needed a trim, but he always looked sexy to me. "Hmm. Aren't they the ones who have the mansion over on Brentwood Drive? If so, I installed their deck a few years ago."
"That's the house." While Kelsey and I had been good friends at work, she'd never been to my house, and I'd only been to hers on a couple of occasions. Her parents had been strict and didn't allow her to socialize much. I suspected this is what led to her leaving the area a few years ago. "I met Felicia back then and know they never had a close sibling relationship. Felicia always seemed rude and stuck up to me."
"Well, that hasn't changed," Josie remarked. "She walked into the bakery today like she owned the place. But she almost went crazy when she saw the fortune cookies. They're having Chinese food at the wedding reception. She said it's her favorite."
"Do you guys want to come along to Ralph's while Josie makes her delivery?" Rob asked. "We could always grab a drink and maybe shoot a game of pool."
"It's a sign!" I said to Mike excitedly. "We have to go."
It had been over a year since we'd been to Ralph's. Ralph's was a small neighborhood bar only about a half a mile from our house. Every time I went inside I was reminded of that special night many years ago when Mike and I started dating. Even though we were underaged, Ralph had served us each a soda, and we'd sat on the front porch and talked for a couple of hours. It had been our first date and ended with a sweet kiss. I'd fallen in love with him that evening.
Rob looked from me to Mike with a puzzled expression. "What am I missing?"
A smile formed at the corner of Josie's mouth. "Don't you know that Ralph's is where Sal and Mike had their first kiss sixteen years ago?"
"It explains the lovestruck look between them," Rob teased.
Mike pressed his lips against my hand. "Count us in. Who knows? Maybe we'll recreate the same kiss from sixteen years ago," he teased.
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Ralph's never changed much, which was one of the things I liked about the tavern. It was a staple in the Colwestern community of Western New York where Josie and I had grown up. The major league ballcaps were still suspended from wooden beams above the bar where people gathered to watch their favorite sporting event. Tonight, a Red Sox and Yankees baseball game was playing on the flatscreen television.
Josie found us a table for four in the corner, and Ralph lumbered over to say hello. He was in his mid to late sixties, near my father's age, with snow white hair and a belly that always shook when he laughed. In some ways, he reminded me of Santa Claus. He clamped a hand on our shoulders.
"My favorite couple." He beamed. "It's been a while. How have you two been?"
"Actually," Josie interrupted. "It's their third wedding anniversary today. We're out celebrating."
"No kidding?" Ralph looked pleased. "Well, that calls for a round of drinks on the house."
"You don't have to do that," Mike protested.
Ralph waved his hand in the air. "Don't argue with me, young fellow. I feel like I'm partially responsible for this union." He turned to Josie. "Did you know that these two used to sneak in here after school for a soda? They were always holding hands and looking at each other with lovestruck eyes—"
The heat rose in my face. "Ralph! Stop it!"
He laughed good-naturedly. "You guys enjoy your evening. I'll be back with your drinks shortly."
Josie stared over at the pool table, located in a dimly lit corner of the room. "There's Felicia now."
I followed her gaze. Three women were standing next to the table, laughing and talking amongst each other. Felicia was wearing a floral sundress with a bridal veil over her hair. She was giggling at something her friend said.
"She looks smashed," Mike noted.
Grim-faced, Ralph placed a Coke in front of me. "So far, they've only had two drinks apiece. But how am I supposed to know if they've been to any other bars before coming here? The lady with the veil assured me that none of them are driving, but it's still a concern. I'm going to keep my eye on them."
Josie picked up the Sally's Samples shopping bag she'd brought with her. "Her last night of freedom—that's how Felicia put it to me." She rolled her eyes. "I'm surprised she doesn't have a stripper here. I'll only be a minute."
"I'll go with you," I volunteered.
We left Rob and Mike talking about the baseball game and made our way across the room. As soon as Felicia caught sight of Josie, she threw her arms around her neck like they were old friends. "Hi honey! I knew you wouldn't disappoint!"
Felicia Sherman had Kelsey's shoulder length, honey colored hair and sky-blue eyes, but that's where the similarities ended. Her features were too small for her face, with the exception of her nose. It was wide and flat, and she had several blemishes on her cheeks. She was thin and shapeless, while Kelsey had been slender with curves in all the right places that made men go wild.
"Girls, my fortune cookies are here!" Felicia shrieked.
Josie wasn't much of a hugger, especially in public places. She was affectionate with me, but we'd been best friends since the age of eight. Her face turned as red as her hair as she tried to untangle herself from Felicia's grasp. "There's two hundred, like you asked for."
"Perfect." Felicia set her beer down on the pool table and began to rummage through her purse. "How much do I owe you?"
When Josie gave her the amount, I almost gasped out loud. She shot me a knowing look that said What did I tell you? It was well worth the trouble.
"Sally?" A timid voice spoke from behind me.
I turned to see Kelsey standing there. A smile of delight spread across her face as she hugged me. "Oh my gosh! I thought it was you. You haven't changed a bit."
"Neither have you." I hugged her back, catching the scent of her violet perfume. I stood back to study her. I hadn't seen Kelsey in about eight or nine years, before I'd moved to Florida with my ex-husband, Colin. We'd exchanged Christmas cards, and the last one I'd received mentioned how she was enjoying her job in Georgia. She had peaches and cream skin with a heart-shaped face. The red, sleeveless minidress she wore showed off her tanned legs and figure to a striking advantage. Several men at the bar were shamelessly checking her out.
Kelsey and I had started Sunny's on the same day. I had been smarting over my recent breakup with Mike, and the realization that I'd have to work side by side with a knockout like her hadn't done much for my self-esteem. Whenever a guy our age—or older—came to the window, they would ignore me and flirt with Kelsey. But I hadn't been able to dislike Kelsey for long. She was sweet, friendly, and personable. By the end of our first week of employment, we were exchanging stories about boyfriends, parents, and siblings.
Kelsey had sympathized with me when I'd told her about my breakup with Mike. "At least you had a boyfriend," she'd sighed. "My parents don't even allow me to date."
"You're late," Felicia growled at her sister in a tone so sharp that it startled me. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't show."
Kelsey pressed her perfect pink glossed lips together and seemed confused by the comment. "But I told you I'd be here. I'm meeting an old friend too."
"Old friend," Felicia repeated, as she tapped her nails against her empty beer bottle. "That must mean old boyfriend, knowing your trampy record."
"Maybe we should go back to our table," I suggested to Josie.
Josie was in full agreement. "Yes. Thanks for the—"
Kelsey grabbed me by the arm. "Sally, please don't leave! I want to know all about your marriage and the baby! And I'd really like you to meet my friend. He's such a nice guy."
Felicia shook her head in disgust. "You'll never change. Tomorrow is my wedding, but as usual, you have to be the center of attention." She shook a finger in her sister's bewildered face. "Do not screw up my day, or you'll regret it. I didn't even want you in my wedding, but of course Mother insisted on it. She's all about appearances." She turned her back on Kelsey and spoke to one of her girlfriends, a woman with caramel colored hair pulled back into a ponytail. "I need another drink. Come on."
The woman obediently followed Felicia to the bar but not before casting a dirty look at Kelsey and me. Felicia's other companion, who wore her blonde hair in a pixie cut, didn't wait for an invitation. She followed the two women after narrowing her eyes at us. She caught up to them and draped an arm protectively around Felicia's shoulders.