Acting for daddy brother.., p.1
Acting For Daddy : Brother's Famous Best Friend Romance, page 1

Acting For Daddy
Daddy’s Good Girl
Cassi Hart
Published by: Cheeky Publishing LLC
First Edition
Copyright © 2024 Cassi Hart– All rights Reserved.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication / use of the trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners. For any permission requests email
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
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Dedicated to my summer full of concerts, it was a fun time and left me wondering, what if? Cheers!
Trigger Warning: Public Kink, Daddy Kink.
Thank you for your support, enjoy!
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Up Next …
Other Books by Cassi
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About the Author
This is a nightmare.
The screen blurs before me, the flickering images dancing hazily before my tired eyes. I try to fight off the dull ache creeping in, but it’s a losing battle. I’ve been staring at my computer screen for a solid five hours, of course my system is threatening to shut down.
I find it hard to focus, the warmth from the crackling fireplace inviting comfort into the room and with it, sleep. It would be easy to lay my head down and get an eye shut but dammit! I can’t afford to drift off.
“No, you can’t stop,” I mutter to myself and straighten up on the couch despite my body begging for a moment of rest. I tap the screen to check just how much longer I need to be up, groaning when I realize I have three hundred more audition tapes to get through.
Fuck! Maybe I should have let my team handle this for me. That would have been the easier route to take but I am a perfectionist if nothing else and I wanted to be the one to pick the actress. I just never thought it would take me this long to get through the audition tapes.
For the past three days, I have been watching audition tapes of young beautiful women from all over the world trying out for a chance to be featured in my music video. The ladies I have seen so far are very beautiful, I’ll give them that, but none of them feel right for my song. Perhaps I was expecting to feel some kind of connection with a girl on the screen but… It’s stupid of me to expect to feel some kind of connection with a stranger from a three-minute clip. I just need to pick a girl at random and hope she’s a good enough actress for what I am looking for.
Fuck, this is hard!
I comb my fingers through my hair in frustration knowing full well that I can’t simply pick an actress at random. I’ve been through hundreds of audition tapes and now I only have a couple of hundred left. I’m not much of a believer in fate, but a part of me can’t shake off the feeling that maybe the gem I am looking for is in the remaining tapes.
With a sigh, I reach out for my glass of wine to fuel me when I realize it’s empty. I don’t remember going through the entire thing, but I must’ve been here longer than I thought. I should probably get a refill; it’s going to be a long night.
With another sigh, I force myself off my couch and start for my bar, hoping to grab something stronger this time. Whiskey or a shot of vodka to snap me into focus. Maybe I should lay off the booze if I don’t want to deal with a hangover and make myself a coffee instead. I drag my feet away from the living room and that’s when I hear it – her.
I freeze on the spot, standing rooted in place as a feminine voice washes over me. It’s gentle and sweet, soothing like a gentle breeze on a hot summer day. It’s delicate – pure. She’s talking, introducing herself the same way I’ve heard hundreds of other girls introduce themselves, but her voice enchants me.
“Hello, my name is Mina Hendricks. I’m twenty-one years old, originally from Texas but I now live in LA. A little about me, I love acting and singing, although I can’t hold a note to save my life,” she giggles, the sound light and airy. “I love cooking too but acting is my real passion. I’ve wanted to be an actress forever and I hope to be selected for your project. Thanks.”
I whip around so fast that I almost give myself a whiplash, rushing back to the couch in time to catch the girl on the screen before it can move on to the next actress. I click pause on the video as my eyes lock on the most gorgeous girl I have ever seen.
Long auburn hair fans her small face but it’s the larger-than-life hazel eyes staring right into me that send my heart thumping in my chest. I replay the video, watching the way her lips move and when she smiles, my heart races in my chest at the sight. My gaze shifts from her pouty lips and to the little starlike specks sprayed over her nose.
After looking through videos of hundreds of beautiful actresses with clear skin, I find myself drawn to this freckled angel. There is something pure and unfiltered about her and I want her in my music video.
Mina Hendricks is the one.
I press play just so I can hear more of her voice. It’s soft and pure with sultry undertones and the way she giggles… fuck! The longer I look at her and listen to her, the more I want her. I find myself replaying her video over and over again, craving more of the girl.
Ten years in LA and nothing has felt as pure as this girl, and it does more than tug at my heartstrings. My eyes cross over her light flushed cheeks and lightly golden hazel eyes, my pulse drumming louder the longer I stare into the girl. When I feel the tug in my sweatpants, I look down in horror at my stiffening cock. Shit! This is not good.
“Hello, my name is Mina Hendricks. I’m twenty-one years old, originally from Texas but I now live in LA. A little about me–”
I should probably shut off the darn thing and let my team know I’ve found the right girl for my music video. This should be the end of what would have been a long night.
“–I love acting and singing although I can’t hold a note to save my life.”
Need claws my chest the longer I stare at the angel, her pouty lips parting in a beautiful smile, seducing me through the screen. My hand drops to the painfully stiff bulge outlining my sweatpants before shamelessly slipping inside. I know deep down that this is not right. I should not allow myself to do this, but the pressure is too intense to resist.
Shut off the computer. Take a cold shower!
Jesus Christ, this is beyond perverted. In a few days, I am going to hire this girl as an actress in my music video and the last thing I need is to look at her and remember this moment.
“I love cooking too but acting is my real passion.”
Why the fuck is her voice so perfect? Forget the music video, I want to find this girl and kiss the little specks of stardust under her eyes. I want to brush my lips over the beauty mark above her lip before sweeping those lips in a kiss.
No, I want her spread eagle on my bed, legs parted for me to bury my face between. I need to see those eyes blinking and her flushed body trembling hard against mine as I lap at her sodden sex. I bet I could make her wet, leave her begging for that sweet release.
My hand is moving, up and down as I stroke my cock. It’s too late to go back now. There is so much more in my head than the beautiful face staring back at me. This time, I can almost imagine her breasts in my calloused fingers. Years of playing the guitar will do that to you.
“I’ve wanted to be an actress forever and I hope to be selected for your project–”
I want to see that mouth part in more than a smile when I run my fingers over her body. Those eyes will graze over when I slam my cock into her tightness. My name on the angel’s lips as I take her on this very couch, in front of the fireplace.
I hit replay, clutching hard on the table as I fuck my fist, eyes locked on the angel that seems to have woken something possessive inside of me. Something dark and dangerous. Her voice washes over me as I stroke my cock faster, the will to stop in tatters.
I can’t stop to save my life–
All I know is her name and hobbies… and the way she makes me feel. I need to have her! In my music video, in my bed, I need her in this very house. I want to take her on every surface, worship her body until those pretty eyes see nothing but me.
Until her heart beats for only me.
I hit the replay button once more when the video ends. Stroking my cock violently with my eyes locked on the beauty until I feel a famili
“Hello, my name is Mina Hendricks. I’m twenty-one years old, originally from Texas but I now live in LA. A little about me, I love acting and singing although I can’t hold a note to save my life,” There’s that sound again. Light and airy when she giggles. A slight flush climbs up her cheeks which are now stained with my come. “I love cooking too but acting is my real passion. I’ve wanted to be an actress forever and I hope to be selected for your project. Thanks.”
As her voice trails over, I don’t replay her video. Instead, I turn off the computer, my mind already made up.
Mina Hendricks is who I want in my music video and in my life.
I will make her mine!
Chapter One
“He’s watching you again!”
I knit my brows in concertation as I focus on the drink I am preparing but a rough tap on my shoulder sends me spilling whiskey on the counter. My eyes widen with alarm, reaching blindly for the napkins and patting the mess before our demon of a manager spots it and decides to dock our pay. I dispose of the napkins before turning to my best friend with a scowl.
“Sheila, what the heck!”
She ignores my narrowed eyes and grabs my shoulder, spinning me around so I am staring at the lounge where customers are gathered. “Do you see him?” she whispers.
“See who?” I ask, squinting my eyes at no one in particular.
“The guy seated by the door,” she points out. “He’s dressed in all black and has been watching you all week. He’s wearing a black cap and sunglasses. You see him, right?”
I roll my eyes at her. For the past week, Sheila has been convinced that I have a stalker or something equally crazy. I work as cocktail a waitress and my best friend is a mixologist in this bar, so we receive our fair amounts of attention. In a sea of half-drunk men, we have creeps who come in here looking to hook up with the girls and weirdos who just come in to stare. The latter is more popular in this establishment. As long as they don’t touch us, we don’t bother with them.
“I don’t have a stalker, Sheila,” I assure her, gently nudging her away so I can get back to preparing the whiskey sour she was supposed to be teaching me how to make.
“I’m serious, Mina. I know we have creeps that come here to hit on you – us – but he is different. He sits in the same spot with his black cap and sunglasses. He always orders a cocktail but never actually drinks it and his eyes are always on you.”
I smile, biting back the urge to point out that she is doing the exact thing she’s accusing the man of. Even so, I humor her and look up, following her gaze to the man seated on the spot close to the exit. He is, in fact, dressed in all black with sunglasses that hide his eyes. The drink in front of him sits untouched and I squint my eyes, suddenly curious about him. There is little visible about the man other than his massive frame, but something about him feels… familiar.
Even with the sunglasses on, I can feel his gaze on me and it’s almost like a caress. Perhaps I have little to no self-preservation like Sheila claims, but nothing about the man’s attention feels threatening. It doesn’t make my skin crawl like other men here do. In fact, it feels like a warm embrace.
He doesn’t look away when I catch him staring. Maybe he is someone I have met before but surely calling him a stalker would be a stretch, right?
I shake my head as if to shake off the thought. Christ, Sheila’s paranoia is rubbing off on me.
“Ignore him,” I tell my friend, shaking my head at the insanity of it all.
My best friend leans on the counter and shifts her attention to me. “He’s probably staring at you because you remind him of a certain actress.”
“Sheila, stop!”
“What? Everyone says you look like a young Marilyn Monroe before she dyed her hair blonde, and I can’t say they are wrong. The red hair and freckles do throw people off a bit, but you could be her twin, I swear it!”
I hold back a sigh at her words. I’ve heard this before. Being told I look like one of the prettiest stars in Hollywood used to make me smile when I was younger and full of hopes and dreams, but something changed when I moved to Los Angeles.
Truth be told, I have loved the actress ever since I was young. I loved watching her films and in Marilyn Monroe, I saw an older version of myself. A little girl from Texas and… I wanted to be an actress. My parents – who wanted me to go to catering school and work in their restaurant – chucked my dream of moving to Hollywood as that of an immature brain. I wanted to prove them wrong by moving to LA and making it as a big-time actress.
Well, that hasn’t worked well for me.
I have been in Los Angeles for ten months. I have been to countless auditions, and sent my tapes to every job posting I could find, and… nothing. I am nowhere close to achieving the dream that I had when I left Texas.
Being constantly reminded that I resemble my idol doesn’t bring me the same thrill it used to. I may carry a few of her features but so do a hundred other girls in this city. All of whom are competing for the same roles I am.
No, I am nowhere near my dream. All the acting I get to do is when I pretend that working as a cocktail waitress doesn’t chip at my soul bit by bit every day. I question how long I will survive here before calling it quits and moving back to Texas.
No, I can’t think like that. Not yet, at least.
“Let me just focus on this drink,” I tell Sheila, turning back to preparing the whiskey sour but that is the moment my phone begins to buzz in the small pouch attached to my apron. I consider ignoring it, knowing all too well that I am not supposed to have my phone on my person during my shift, but I keep it off the chance that my agent reaches out.
“Aren’t you going to take it?” Sheila nods at the buzzing sound. I nod at the spot where our manager is standing busy flirting with another waitress, and she simply shrugs off my worry. “Take it, I’ll cover you.”
“Are you sure–”
“Go, Mina!”
“Okay,” I whisper, ducking behind the counter and into a crouch. I dig my phone out of my apron to take the call, my heart racing when I notice my agent’s name flashing on the screen. I bring the phone to my ear before covering the speaker with my palm, keeping my voice low so I don’t attract attention to my hiding spot. “Hello?”
“Mina!” My agent’s voice breaks through the speaker, and she sounds chirpier than I’ve ever heard her which sends my heart blooming with hope. “I have great news.”
“You do? Is it… please tell me it’s an acting gig!”
Christ, I’m scared to be hopeful. It’s been four months since Belinda became my agent and I haven’t landed a single role. Not even as an extra in a short film. A part of me was terrified the agency would drop me but I guess that is not happening today.
Please let this be good news.
“I got you an acting gig!” Belinda exclaims I slap my mouth to hold back a shriek. “Before you get all excited, it’s not for a movie role but it’s a music video for a famous artist. This guy is the front man of a popular rock band, you might’ve heard of them. Anyway, he’s been looking for an actress to feature in his music video, so I sent your audition tape and–”
“I got it?”
“You got it!” Belinda shrieks, sounding as excited as I feel. “They chose you. I know this is not the movie role you’ve been wanting but it’s a start. This music video will give you popularity like nothing you’ve ever dreamt of before.”
My heart is racing as she speaks. She’s right about this not being the movie break I have been hoping for, but it’s a break nonetheless.
“W-what do I need to do?” I whisper, a little too eager and afraid to miss this opportunity. I know someone who was late for a shoot once and they fired her on the spot. I can’t afford to lose this.