Ravished by the prince, p.1
Ravished by the Prince, page 1

Copyright © 2022, 2023 by Cassandra Dee
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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About This Book
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Sneak Peek: Just The Tip
Sneak Peek: The Sweetest Revenge
About the Author
For all the girls who want their own prince.
Here’s to finding (and landing) him!
Dear Prince Eric,
I know you don’t know me. I’m the lowly maid who comes into your chamber every morning with my bucket and mop in tow. You’re busy, and I’m well … invisible.
But this morning was different.
I saw you naked.
That hard, bronzed body.
The thick chest made of impenetrable marble.
And your tool … the one swinging between your thighs, hanging all the way to your knee!
But you weren’t embarrassed at all. In fact, you crooked one finger at me and purred, “Here, kitty, kitty.”
Now what’s a girl to do when she’s summoned like that?
But now, your throne is in jeopardy and it’s time for me to make my exit.
The question is … am I just a playmate to you? Or could I be someone more?
Kitty (the girl with the mop)
Hey Readers – Have you ever had an infatuation so fierce that it consumes you from the inside out? Well, that’s how our heroine finds herself after tangling with Prince Eric because he’s no regular playboy. Eric is a member of the royal family and he ravishes women before discarding them once he’s done. But will Kitty be able to change his ways? Read and find out! You’ll love the story, I promise. Xoxo, Cassie
Oh my God, there he is again. My heart throbs as I watch Prince Eric race down the palace driveway in a black sports car. I’m not usually impressed by wealth, but something about the way he handles that vehicle makes my body go insane.
I bite my lip as naughty thoughts run through my mind: fantasies of his hands stroking me like he does the soft leather of the steering wheel. Then a visualization of our bodies colliding on a fluffy feather bed as he pushes me down. My cry of surprise rising in the air as he takes his shaft out, making my eyes pop open with shock, hunger, and …
Oh my god, what am I doing? I flap my hand in front of my face, trying to create a breeze before my sweaty visage. I know I shouldn’t be fantasizing about our prince’s toolbox, but I can’t help myself because Eric’s the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on. He’s known as the Playboy Prince around town, and the first time I saw him in person proved those words right.
It's embarrassing, really. I’d been cleaning one of the bathrooms on the second level of the castle when I heard a big splash from outside. Out of curiosity, I moved the delicate satin curtain to the side and peered out of the window. Sure enough, it was Eric washing his Maserati. Of course, there are a million servants to do the task for him, but he likes taking care of his baby himself.
But as usual, the prince looked like an Olympic athlete. His bronzed, muscular body glistened in the sunlight as rivulets of sweat trickled down that carved chest. His thighs were heavy and broad, and the tight breeches couldn’t disguise the enormous package within. My heart raced as I stared at that bulge, wondering what it would be like for a woman to take it. Would I be able to stretch? Would he have to work it in slow? Maybe even pin me down in order to ease that massive size inside?
My thoughts were so naughty, and yet I couldn’t stop them. My thighs clenched together with need even as my panties soaked themselves. I gazed at the handsome prince, wishing he would run up the palace stairs to find me where I stood, before pinning me against the wall and thrusting his massive rod into my willing form.
But who am I kidding? I’m a lowly maid at the palace, and no one ever notices me. Even the head housekeeper barely recognizes me some days, and I’ve worked here a while now. Mary will stare at me with a squint sometimes, as if trying to place me in her mind. Then, the middle-aged woman rolls her eyes and says, “Oh yes. You again.”
That about sums up my importance in this place. But what am I going to do? I’m a lowly chambermaid, and we’re taught to stay out of sight. We scuttle like mice through the nooks and crannies of the castle, always with a mop, a bucket, or serving plate in hand.
As you can see, my chances of interacting with the handsome prince are about zero to nil. In fact, as I stared out of the window, footsteps approached and of course, it wasn’t the heir to the Chromian throne coming to fulfill my fantasies. Instead, it was Mary herself with a new task at hand. I’m sure I looked flushed and restless, but she barely noticed. The older woman merely announced that there’d been an “accident” in one of the bottom floor privies, and I was to clean it up. Eeew. Gross. That put me back in my place in a flash.
But ever since that day (or really, ever since I came to work at the palace), I just can’t stop thinking about Prince Eric. He’s on my mind even when I’m not mopping, dusting, or scouring. Every time I catch a glimpse of him is like a little slice of Heaven, although I’ve only ever seen him from a distance, of course. Obviously, the handsome man’s never noticed me, and why would he? I’m just one of the hundreds of maids who serve in the Chromian palace. We probably look all the same to him.
Ugh. I feel so silly for wanting someone who doesn’t even know I exist, but when Prince Eric around, it’s like time slows down. My pounding heart drowns out every sound around me, and I lose control over all of my senses. I’d give anything to be held in his strong arms as our lips touch in a passionate kiss, but I know that will never happen. It’s just a pipe dream, and I need to stay real.
“How are you making out over there?” Aunt Nellie calls out to me. My aunt is the one who got me this job, and she’s busy dusting a bookshelf on the far end of the sitting room. Luckily, her back is turned, so she didn’t notice me daydreaming. After all, she’d die if she knew what I was thinking. Don’t get me wrong: my aunt’s a kindly and sweet older lady, but I think even she would chastise me for making eyes at the Prince of Chromia. After all, we’re just commoners. Even worse, I’m literally a maid who scrubs toilets. I’d be lucky to marry a blacksmith, or maybe a middle-class merchant if I get super-fortunate.
“I’m almost done on this side,” I reply in a chirpy voice, trying to appear alert.
“Good,” Aunt Nellie hums as she continues to dust.
I step back and take a look at my side of the room to make sure I haven’t missed a spot. It looks good because even if my work is humble, I take pride in doing a good job, and my area sparkles. I smile with satisfaction, and glance back at Aunt Nellie. She still isn’t finished yet, and she looks like she could use some assistance.
“Do you need any help, Aunt Nellie?” I call out as I walk to the opposite side of the royal sitting room.
“Oh, could you, dear?” she asks as she glances back at me.
“Of course,” I reply. After all, if it weren’t for my loving aunt, I wouldn’t even have this job. Nellie’s been working here at the castle for over twenty years now, and I’ve never once heard her complain about this place. She’s always in a chipper mood, even on the gloomiest of days.
“Thank you, Kitty,” she says, flashing a grin.
“No. Thank you, Aunt Nellie. You did me a huge favor by getting me a job here.”
My elderly relative nods and pats her graying bun.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart, but even though I got you the job, you’re the one who puts in the hard work to keep it. I’ve heard some of the other staff talking about how well you’ve been doing. They’re saying that there’s a possibility you could be getting a promotion soon! You have a bright future here, Kitty,” she hums.
It’s great to be acknowledged for all of my hard work, but at the same time, my feelings are mixed. I mean, I don’t really see myself having a future here. Who would? I’m a chambermaid and aspire to greater things in life! What those are exactly, I’m not sure yet, but there’s the great wide world to explore at the very least.
Then again, I hate to burst Nellie’s bubble because she’s been here for twenty years, so I’m basically criticizing her choices. But still. I can’t picture myself still scrubbing the royal latrines two decades from now. That would be so sad, right? As a result, I manage a wobbly smile.
“I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to serve the royal family. These last three months have been a pleasure, but I still hope to go to college one day,” I reply in a tentative voice. Nellie smiles warmly at me as she takes ahold of my hand.
“Of course, dear. And you will. I’m sure no college will deny a hard-working young woman with the royal palace on her resume,” she says. “You’re one in a million!”
I hold back a snort because sometimes, it feels like there are a million chambermaids rushing around the palace. But I nod politely.
“Didn’t you want to go to college when you were my age, Aunt Nellie?” I ask. “Didn’t you dream of, I don’t know … reading world literature, and learning French? Or how about Russian or Greek? It sounds amazing, right?”
Nellie laughs gently as her kindly blue eyes stare into mine.
“When I was your age, women didn’t go to college – our husbands did. Some women didn’t work either because a woman’s place was seen as the home in order to take care of their husband and children. You know I only got this job after your uncle passed away because I had to; I had two children to take care of,” she says in a gentle tone.
I nod.
“Of course. I still miss Uncle Boris,” I say in a small voice. It’s a sad story, really. My Uncle Boris died when I was a small child, so I never really knew him, but my parents told me that he and Aunt Nellie fell madly in love at first sight. But he got really sick after a few years passed, and they couldn't afford the medical treatments he needed to get better. As a result, Uncle Boris passed away in his sleep after a mere few months of illness, which shattered Aunt Nellie’s heart. I don’t think she has ever fully healed from it.
“I miss him too,” Nellie says, a sad look coming into her eyes. “But life is what it is. I wish I’d had the chance to go to college like you do now, but I’m fine with how things turned out. I have your cousins, who are so dear to me, and of course, your mother, father, and you, too. Never lose sight of your dreams, pumpkin; hold on to them for dear life. You can have anything that you want in this world, as long as you’re willing to work hard for it,” she expresses with sincerity in her eyes as she wraps her arms around me tightly. “I love you, Kitty.” She means it; I can feel it.
I rest my head on her shoulder and wrap my limbs around her stooped form. We break from our embrace just as we hear the sound of a footsteps against the marble floor. Quickly, my aunt and I disengage before scattering in opposite directions to dust.
“Kitty,” Mary calls out from behind me.
“Yes?” I turn toward her, trembling a bit. Why is the head housekeeper here to see me? Did I make a mistake in the last room I cleaned? I’m pretty sure everything was spotless because I triple-checked just like Aunt Nellie taught me.
“Can I speak with you for a second?” she asks with a frown on her plain features. The tall, stocky woman always looks like she’s just smelled something sour, and my heart drops. I’ve seen Mary berate a few of the other maids in the past, but I’ve never gotten on her bad side before –then again, there’s a time for firsts.
A lump forms in my throat, and I swallow hard as I slowly take a step toward her. My hand shakes as I hold the duster, making the feathers tremble. Mary’s got her lips pursed, and her towering stance is intimidating. Every step I take toward her feels like I’m walking toward my doom.
“Yes, Mary?” I ask, my voice shaking as I approach. Her beady blue eyes narrow as she stares at me, and I feel sweat beads forming on my forehead. What could it be? I wish she would just say it already.
“I’ve been watching you and paying extra close attention to the rooms you’ve been cleaning. You’re a hard worker, Kitty. Some of the maids who have been here for years aren’t as efficient as you. Because of your diligence, you’ll be cleaning the private quarters of the royal family from now on, starting tomorrow,” Mary announces.
“The private quarters?” I ask, completely shocked. I know Aunt Nellie just told me that a few of the palace staff were complimenting my work, but I had no idea Mary was going to transfer me to a different section of the castle because of it.
“Yes,” she says in a firm tone. “Since you will be dealing with the royal family’s personal belongings and cleaning their bedrooms, we will need a certain level of discretion from you. You are there just to clean. You are not friends, nor even aquantainces. You are furniture to them.”
I stare.
“Understood, but are you sure about this?” I ask in a low voice. “I’m still fairly new, Miss Mary. I’ve only been here for three months and I’m sure there are other girls who deserve the opportunity.”
“I’m sure,” she says firmly. “No one but you will do.”
When I glance back at Aunt Nellie, she gives me a reassuring nod.
“Um, well okay,” I say, still a bit shocked at the new assignment. After all, cleaning the royal quarters is considered a plum assignment. There are no common-use latrines to be scrubbed, nor are there the endless crumbs, garbage, and even spittle that seem to continuously appear in the public areas.
“Good,” Mary states. With that, the heavyset woman turns toward the door and lumbers to the exit, leaving me and Aunt Nellie alone again. My aunt runs over to me and places her hands on my shoulders. Her eyes are twinkling like stars in the night sky.
“Oh, Kitty, I’m so proud of you,” Nellie exclaims as she places her frail arms around my shoulders. “This is a privilege!”
“Thanks, Aunt Nellie,” I reply halfheartedly. I wish I was half as excited as she is, but the truth is, I’m a nervous wreck.
My aunt pulls away from our embrace and studies me, searching for the reason for my solemnity.
“Aren’t you excited?” she asks.
I nod.
“I am. I’m just afraid I’ll mess up somehow,” is my admission. Nellie smiles gently.
“Oh, honey, don’t be. You’ll do just fine. They know that, and that’s why they chose you,” she says. Then she leans forward and speaks in a conspiratorial whisper. “And with your new position, you’ll get a raise.”
“I will?” I ask, dumbfounded. Nellie nods smartly.
“Yes, more responsibility means more money. You’ll be away at college in no time,” she says as she pats my shoulder.
“But, wait a minute. We won’t get to work together anymore,” I say in a slow tone. The older woman chuckles warmly.
“We’ll still see each other around, sweetheart. This is a good thing for you, Kitty, trust me on this.”
Then, Nellie scurries off to finish her work as I mull over this sudden change. I guess it won’t be so bad cleaning the royal private quarters, especially if there’s more money involved. A pay raise will make it a lot easier to save up for school, and who knows? I might even get a chance to get a closer look at Prince Eric. At the thought of the handsome prince, my heart leaps, but I force myself to stay calm. After all, Eric is dashing, handsome, incredibly rich, and most of all, royal. I’ll never be a match for him … unless something utterly crazy happens.
“Can I get you anything, Your Majesty?” a slender man wearing a suit and bowtie asks as he bows. I know he’s only showing respect, but sometimes I wish I could just be treated like a regular person.
“Just a cognac -- neat,” I say.
“Right away, Your Majesty,” the waiter says as he scurries off. “Coming right up.”
With a nod, I stroll over to the balcony of Club Luxe and lean over the railing, glancing down at the crowd below. Beneath the night sky, strobe lights flash, illuminating the crowd as their bodies gyrate to the blaring music. Laughter trickles to my ears, interlaced with conversations, chitchat, and the melodious giggles of women. I sigh again.