My sisters husband, p.1
My Sister's Husband, page 1

My Sister’s Husband
~A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance~
~The Forbidden Fun Series~
© 2018
By Cassandra Dee
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To all the girls who’ve craved the forbidden.
This one’s for you!
Hi! Thanks so much for reading My Sister’s Husband: A Forbidden Romance. I hope you enjoy the steam between Kelsey and her man. If you like this book, then you might enjoy my entire Forbidden Fun series.
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My Sister’s Husband: A Forbidden Romance
I caught Marcus looking at me during my sister’s funeral.
But is it wrong if he’s my sister’s husband?
We were all devastated after Jane died in a car accident. After all, she was perfect: blonde, willowy, and a genuinely kind and caring person too.
But during the funeral, things went crazy.
I caught my brother in law staring at me.
More than staring.
He was ravenous.
Oh god. The family’s supposed to be in mourning but my ex brother-in-law and I started something forbidden that very day.
And it kept going.
At the wake.
At the reception.
Hot and strong all throughout the grieving period.
Now I’m pregnant with my brother in law’s baby. But how do I tell the world that I’m expecting my sister’s husband’s child?
Hey Readers – This story hits practically every taboo you’ve ever craved. Our heroine engages in a relationship with a man who’s totally off limits, and she loves every second of it! Be sure to pack a fire extinguisher because you’ll need it :) Xoxo, Cassie
My Sister’s Husband
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter One
This outfit is ridiculous.
When I tried the cocktail dress on in the store, I thought the glossy blue looked beautiful against my creamy skin and the cut was perfect for my generous curves. But now that I’m in public, my ass looks big enough to belong in the solar system and my Double D’s are threatening to spill over the top. Every time I pull the blue silk up to cover my breasts, my butt hangs out the bottom. But when I pull it down to cover my rear end, my breasts are on view for everyone at my parents’ thirtieth anniversary party. As a result, I’ve gotten many longing looks from some male guests, most of whom are pushing sixty. Oh no. What do I do?
I take a seat at my table in the restaurant in hopes that the chair and table will cover up my stupid decision to wear this dress. I should have known better. I felt pretty in the fitting room, but now, all I feel is awkward and nervous. I catch Mr. Reeves, who’s old and spotty with a came waving at me, and with a polite smile, I wave back. What can you do, after all? I’ve known Mr. Reeves since I was a little girl, and it’d be rude to ignore him at my parents’ party. Suddenly, a hushed whisper breaks my reverie.
“Jane would look beautiful in that dress,” I hear behind me. “She’s just so beautiful, isn’t she? I always wanted my daughter to be like Jane. She’s so tall and willowy and elegant.”
I take a deep breath. Comparisons with my sister get under my skin, but I try to take it with a stride.
“Oh yes,” says her friend in a hushed whisper. “I totally agree. But Kelsey is just so … different, wouldn’t you say? I can’t put my finger on exactly how, but it’s just so unfortunate in some respects.”
I can’t let this go by. Old ladies can sometimes be so mean, and I’ve learned over the years that it does no good to pretend you didn’t hear. Sometimes, you have to tackle the problem head on, and this is a prime example of that being true.
“Oh really?” I say, turning and startling two of my parents’ female friends. The two old biddies act all surprised, but I know they’re not. “Well, it wouldn’t fit her. It’s about twenty sizes too big,” I say in an overly strident voice.
They don’t even have the grace to look ashamed at being overheard. One of the women clucks. “Well, I’m sure Jane could find it in her size. She’s very resourceful.” What she doesn’t say is, “Kelsey, you don’t belong in a dress like that.”
I sigh and turn back to my table resolutely. Conversation over. They continue to whisper, but at least now they’re keeping their voices down so that I can’t hear. I can at least pretend that I don’t care.
My mind boils, though. I don’t get why everyone has to compare me to my perfect older sister. Sure, Jane’s taller and thinner – so damn thin all the time, in fact. And she always looks happy, with a sweet smile and a kind word for everyone. She has a perfect husband, the perfect job, and the perfect body. By contrast, what do I have? Big boobs, a big butt, and a big attitude to match. My mouth has gotten me in trouble more than once, and judging from the sideways looks I’m getting from the folks at this party, this is just another instance.
Okay, so I get why people are always comparing me to Jane. It’s kind of hard not to when we’re sisters. But still, it hurts sometimes because my older sibling always comes out on top. There are so many instances of “Poor Kelsey, if only she would lose weight / find a better job / find herself a man, etc. Basically, I’m just okay on a good day. On my bad days? I’m worse than Joan Rivers on speed. Except she was whippet-thin, whereas I’m a big girl.
But I’ve learned to love my curves over the years, and not dwell on what’s too big or too small. I turn my head and place my hands in my lap in a ladylike manner. I won’t let those old ladies get to me, even if right now, they’re whispering again while shooting me sneaky looks. Speaking of Jane. Where is that girl? Our parents’ thirtieth anniversary party is in full swing and she hasn’t bothered to make an appearance yet. Maybe perfect Jane is finally going to make a mistake.
The bell over the restaurant door chimes and I turn my head. Jane’s husband Marcus strolls into the room with a confident stride and a winning smile on his face. He looks like the incredible lawyer that he is. His tall, commanding stature demands attention and respect. Marcus’s raven hair is always cut military short, faded on the sides and just slightly longer on the top. His piercing blue eyes could win him a case without a single word being uttered.
Silly, isn’t it? But my palms start sweating, and I feel warm all over. It’s no wonder someone as attractive and brilliant as Marcus would end up with my equally attractive and brilliant sister. They belong together. Like I said, perfect. It makes me sick sometimes, but that doesn’t stop my heart from beating a little too quickly whenever Marcus walks into the room. It’s wrong, but it’s a reflexive reaction that I have to my brother in law. I couldn’t stop it if I tried, and even now, my stomach’s doing backflips.
Marcus ignores the rest of the room and strolls towards me.
“Kelsey,” he says in his deep voice. “Good to see you.”
I avoid eye contact. Whenever I look into those blue eyes, I nearly lose it like a blabbering teenage girl fawning over her favorite Tiger Beat heartthrob. It would be so humiliating if he knew about my secret crush on him, so I try to smile like nothing’s wrong.
“You, too,” I say neutrally. I wait for Marcus to leave and make the rounds with the rest of the people he knows at this party. He’s always been really popular no matter where he goes, and for sure this crowd will be swayed by his charm and charisma. But instead, he takes the seat next to me.
“How have you been? I haven’t seen you around the house lately,” he says, blue eyes flashing.
“I’ve been busy,” I choke a bit. “Nothing much.”
Marcus doesn’t take the hint that I want him to leave. I finally suck it up and shift in my seat so that our eyes meet.
Big mistake.
His hard, smoldering gaze meets mine and I can’t look away. My mouth opens and closes. I can’t find any of the words I want to say to him which fall along the lines of Don’t look at me like you want to tear this dress from my skin and have your way with me right here, or Where is your wife, who also happens to be my sister?
I know I should look away, tell him where to shove it, and take what’s left of my pride and leave, but I just can’t. We keep staring at each other and my body temperature rockets. My nipples grow hard and I pray that they don’t show through the fabric of my dress. His head slowly moves towards mine and my chin tilts up. With just another inch or two, our lips would touch in an adulterous kiss.
Then my mother screams.
“Mom?” I yell, breaking eye contact and jerking my head in her direction. Oh my god, something’s really wrong. My mom is collapsed on the floor, almost like she
“This is Robert Smith. What did … what?” he asks in disbelief. “No, that’s not… It can’t be….”
“Dad? Mom? What’s going on?”
Everyone in attendance has gathered around my hysterical parents. I hadn’t noticed Marcus following me towards the ruckus, but he stands by my side.
“Give them some space,” he growls, shouldering his way forwards. Automatically, everyone falls back before my charismatic, commanding brother-in-law. “Mr. and Mrs. Smith, what’s going on? Who was on the phone?”
Dad looks at Marcus and starts to cry. I’ve never seen my father cry before. Something is horribly wrong.
“Dad? Talk to us,” I plead.
“Your sister…,” he mumbles. He covers his face with his hands. “Jane is dead.”
I gasp, and Marcus takes a step back from the chaos. “That’s not possible,” he grinds out, that handsome face deathly pale. “They’ve made a mistake.”
My dad puts his hand on Marcus’s shoulder, then pulls him in for a tight hug. I fall to the floor beside my mother and wrap my arms around her as tightly as I can. I don’t care that my behind is probably on view to everyone in the room. They can deal with seeing my giant ass right now. My sister is dead, and there are more important things.
I almost kissed my sister’s husband, and now my sister is dead.
After what feels like hours but was only a minute, Dad composes himself. “It was a car accident. A truck… a truck hit Jane’s car head on, and she died instantly.”
Marcus’s face looks dark and thunderous. I pull my mom up with me from the floor and we hold each other in tears. The guests at the party gather around to offer condolences.
“Thank you all for coming,” my dad addresses the crowd, his voice cracking. “But as you can imagine, we need to spend time together as a family right now. We will be in touch with everyone about… about funeral arrangements.” His voice cracks again as tears begin to pour from his eyes. My heart goes out to him, breaking a little at my dad’s reaction because even if I always complained about Jane, she was still my sister. We had our spats, for sure, but there’s no one who knows me better in the world. Jane was there during that period when our parents were fighting a lot, and she knows how hurt I was after Tim Morgan stood me up for senior prom. She knows my secrets, good and bad. She was someone who was related to me by blood, and her death has wrenched my soul apart.
But we have to keep it together. It takes a couple of minutes for our friends and family members to leave, but finally, they’re all gone. After showing everyone out, Marcus pulls himself together.
“We have to settle the bill,” I say woodenly. He nods. My parents sit at one of the tables, holding each other and still crying. I’m upset, of course, but if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s dealing with chaos. I swallow down the tears threatening to make another appearance and straighten my dress.
Marcus follows me towards the hostess stand. “I’m sorry for your loss,” the young woman says. “Your guests already paid the remainder of the bill. Please, take as much time as you need.”
I sigh, my eyes welling up with tears. “Thank you so much,” I manage to choke out.
Back in the private room we reserved for the party, I leave cash on one of the tables to tip the servers.
“We should get your parents home,” Marcus says. It’s the first thing he’s said since we got the news about my sister. I hate myself for thinking his voice sounds even sexier during this terrible time.
“Yeah,” I say. Neither of us moves for a few minutes. We stand next to each other, watching my parents console each other. Tears spill from my eyes once again, my steely exterior cracking at the sight of Gail and Robert, who appear broken. Marcus puts his arms around me while I cry. Once I’ve gotten the sobs out of my system again, we finally approach my parents.
“Gail? Robert?” Marcus says gently, touching each of their shoulders. “Why don’t we get the two of you home?”
My parents look at Marcus like he’s a stranger. Suddenly, they look like they’ve aged twenty years in the last twenty minutes, and my heart breaks. I just lost my sister, but they just lost their oldest daughter. Tears well in my eyes again, but I try to stay strong.
“Come on, Mom and Dad. Let’s go home.”
My mom blinks a little, still unseeing.
“Mom? Dad? Come on,” I say in a gentle voice. “Let’s take my car.”
Finally, the two of them stand, still leaning on one another. Again, my heart breaks because I’m seeing them in a new light. They’re two elderly folks who’ve been dealt a fatal blow, and my mom’s eyes don’t look like they’re focusing, whereas my dad looks ashen and gray. I take both their hands, and begin leading them out to the parking lot.
At the hostess stand, Marcus stops. “Excuse me, Miss?”
“Yes, sir?” she says, batting her eyelashes at him. No one is immune to Marcus’s charming good looks. Even with bloodshot eyes, he’s hot enough to make girls fall to their knees. It’s sickening that the woman would try to flirt with a man who is clearly grieving, especially since she probably knows that this is the bereaved widower. Geez. Some people would probably just blink and smile even if it was the end of the world.
“Can we leave two of our cars here?” Marcus asks in a hoarse voice. “My in-laws are in no shape to drive themselves home.”
“Of course!” she chirps. “I’ll let my manager know. He’s aware of what happened. I’m sure he won’t have any problem with it.”
“Thank you,” he says. He gives her his grim smile before returning to where he left my parents and me by the front door. My stomach churns, and I feel simultaneously nauseous and excited.
“I can drive my car,” I argue.
“I think it would be best if we all go in mine.”
The way he says it is final, so I know there’s no point in trying to argue with him. The fight has drained out of me, anyways.
Marcus leads my parents towards his luxury sedan and loads them into the backseat. I climb into the passenger’s seat and stare out the window. I’m pensive because I just lost my sister, but there are also a million other thoughts whirling through my head.
In reality, I’m thinking about the man sitting next to me, who is no longer my sister’s husband. I’m especially thinking about how we almost kissed less than an hour ago. And even worse, I’m contemplating how much I want to get rid of the ‘almost’ part … and kiss my sister’s husband for real this time.
Chapter Two
Marcus practically carries my parents up to their bedroom.
While he gets them situated upstairs, I prepare us each a drink from my dad’s liquor cabinet. Two fingers of scotch over ice is Marcus’s usual choice. I pour a vodka tonic for myself, but down it quickly and pour another as Marcus descends the stairs. The alcohol warms me from the inside out.
“Here,” I say, handing him his drink when he enters the kitchen. “We both need it.”
He drinks the scotch in two gulps and grabs the bottle for a second. I sip my tonic slowly this time. The last thing I need right now is to be drunk with my sexy brother in law just after hearing my sister has died.
We sit in silence at the kitchen table until we’ve both finished our alcohol. Neither of us pours a third.
“I can’t believe she’s gone,” Marcus finally says. “It doesn’t feel real.”
“I know,” I say. My vibrant, full of life sister is dead. The reality hasn’t set in yet.
I shift my gaze to meet his and feel the same fire between us from before we got the call that changed our lives. I don’t break the stare, but Marcus does.
“Are you hungry? We never got the chance to eat at the party…”
“Leave it to Jane to interrupt a party before the food was served.”
Marcus chuckles. “It’s almost like she planned it that way. She hated watching people eat.”