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Ring of Fire III
Eric Flint
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Collection #3 of rollicking and idea-packed alternate history tales written by today’s hottest science fiction writers and edited by New York Times best-seller Eric Flint. After a cosmic accident sets the modern-day West Virginia town of Grantville down in war-torn seventeenth century Europe, these everyday, resourceful Americans must adapt – or be trod into the dust of the past.
Let’s do the “Time Warp” again! Another rollicking, thought-provoking collection of tales by a star-studded array of top writers such as bestseller Mercedes Lackey and Eric Flint himself – all set in Eric Flint’s phenomenal Ring of Fire series.
Rock on, Renaissance! A cosmic accident sets the modern West Virginia town of Grantville down in war-torn seventeenth century Europe. It will take all the gumption of the resourceful, freedom-loving up-timers to find a way to flourish in mad and bloody end of medieval times. Are they up for it? You bet they are. The third rollicking and idea-packed collection of Grantville tales edited by Eric Flint, and inspired by his now-legendary 1632.
About Eric Flint’s “Ring of Fire” series:
“[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.” -Booklist
“[Eric Flint] can entertain and edify in equal, and major, measure.” -Publishers Weekly

Ring of Fire
Eric Flint
Science Fiction & Fantasy
The battle between democracy and tyranny is joined, and the American Revolution has begun over a century ahead of schedule. A cosmic accident has shifted a modern West Virginia town back through time and space to land it and its twentieth century technology in Germany in the middle of the Thirty Years War. History must take a new course as American freedom and democracy battle against the squabbling despots of seventeenth-century Europe. Continuing the story begun in the hit novels 1632 and 1633, the New York Times best-selling creator of Honor Harrington, David Weber, the best-selling fantasy star Mercedes Lackey, best-selling SF and fantasy author Jane Lindskold, space adventure author K. D. Wentworth, Dave Freer, co-author of the hit novels Rats, Bats & Vats and Pyramid Scheme (both Baen), and Eric Flint himself combine their considerable talents in a shared-universe volume that will be a "must-have" for every reader of 1632 and 1633.

Ring of Fire II
Eric Flint
Science Fiction & Fantasy
A mysterious cosmic force—the “Ring of Fire”—has hurled the town of Grantville from 20th century West Virginia back to 17th century Europe, and into the heart of the Thirty Years War. With their seemingly magical technology, and their radical ideas of freedom and justice, the time-lost West Virginians have allied with Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, to form the Confederated Principalities of Europe, changing the course of history—in ways both small and large.

A Land of Fire
Part #12 of "The Sorcerer's Ring" series by Morgan Rice
Young Adult / Fantasy / Science Fiction & Fantasy
In A LAND OF FIRE (BOOK #12 IN THE SORCERER S RING), Gwendolyn and her people find themselves surrounded on the Upper Isles, besieged by Romulus dragons and his million man army. All seems lost when salvation comes from an unlikely source.
Gwendolyn is determined to find her baby, lost at sea, and to lead her nation-in-exile to a new home. She travels across foreign and exotic seas, encountering unthinkable dangers, rebellion and starvation, as they sail for dream of a safe harbor.
Thorgrin s finally meets his mother in the Land of the Druids, and their meeting will change his life forever, make him stronger than he has ever been. With a new quest, he embarks, determined to rescue Gwendolyn, to find his baby, and to fulfill his destiny. In an epic battle of dragons and of men, Thor will be tested in every way; as he battles monsters and lays down his life for his brothers, he will dig deeper to become the great warrior he was meant to be.
In the Southern Isles, Erec lies dying, and Alistair, accused of his murder, must do what she can to both save Erec and absolve herself of guilt. A civil war erupts in a power struggle for the throne, and Alistair finds herself caught in the middle, with her fate, and Erec s, hanging in the balance.
Romulus remains intent on destroying Gwendolyn, Thorgrin, and what remains of the Ring; but his moon cycle is coming to an end, and his power will be severely tested.
Meanwhile, in the Northern province of the Empire, a new hero is rising: Darius, a 15 year old warrior, who is determined to break off the chains of slavery and rise up amongst his people. But the Northern Capitol is run by Volusia, a 18 year old girl, famed for her beauty and famed also her barbaric cruelty.
Will Gwen and her people survive? Will Guwayne be found? Will Romulus crush the Ring? Will Erec live? Will Thorgrin return in time?

The Trouble With Huguenots
Part #6 of "Ring of Fire: 1632" series by Virginia DeMarce
Ever since the assassination of King Louis XIII and the overthrow of his chief minister, Cardinal Richelieu, France has been in political and military turmoil. The possibility—even the likelihood—of revolution hovers in the background.The new king Gaston, whom many consider an usurper, is no friend of France’s Protestants, known as the Huguenots. The fears and hostility of the Huguenots toward the French crown have only been heightened by the knowledge brought back in time by the Americans of the town of Grantville. Half a century in the future, the French king of the time would revoke the Edict of Nantes of 1598, which proclaimed that the rights of Huguenots would be respected.At the center of all this turmoil is the universally recognized leader of the Huguenots: Duke Henri de Rohan. He knows from the same up-time history books that he is “scheduled” to die less than two years in the future and he has pressing problem on his hands. His estranged wife and brother are siding with the usurper Gaston and plotting against him. Still worse, his sole child and heir is his nineteen-year-old daughter Marguerite. He believes he has less than two years to find a suitable husband for her—but acceptable Calvinist noblemen, French or foreign, are sparse at the moment.What’s a father to do? **

The Chrysanthemum, the Cross, and the Dragon
Part #18 of "Ring of Fire: 1632" series by Iver P. Cooper
In Iver P. Cooper's latest alternate history novel, a new contribution to Eric Flint's 1632 Universe, the romance between Juan Cardona, an officer in Spain's Manila garrison, and Huang Mingyu, a young, beautiful Chinese woman, is threatened when a Dutch-Japanese force launches a surprise attack on 17th century Manila. Manila falls and Juan is rescued by Huang Mingyu, who proves to have hidden talents and connections. It is then up to Juan to warn the incoming Manila galleon of the Dutch-Japanese threat before it blunders into Manila Bay, and to prove his worth to Mingyu's family. Who have interests of their own in the region....
Will true love prevail when Japan (the chrysanthemum), Spain (the cross) and China (the dragon) come into conflict?
For readers unfamiliar with the 1632 universe, it posits a cosmic catastrophe -- the RIng of Fire -- that throws the West Virginia town of Grantville into 17th century Germany. By 1633, the ripples caused by this event have reached East Asia, and the Japanese are determined to forestall the missionary-instigated Shimabara Rebellion of 1637.

1636- the China Venture
Part #27 of "Ring of Fire" series by Eric Flint
Science Fiction & Fantasy
The Ring of Fire Series Continues! The United States of Europe finds itself embroiled in international intrigue, as the uptimers attempt to establish an embassy in Ming Dynasty era China.
The newly formed United States of Europe, created by an alliance between the time-displaced Americans from the town of Grantville and the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus, decides to send an embassy to the Chinese empire. One of the main purposes of the embassy is to establish trade in order to gain access to critical resources. The mission is a gamble—some might say, a long shot. The Ming dynasty is on the verge of collapse and China’s rulers are suspicious of foreigners.
The mission experiences one setback after another, but presses on. And they gain an important ally along the way: Zheng Zhilong, a former pirate now an admiral for the Ming navy and the head of an extremely wealthy Fujian province trading family. He knows through his Jesuit missionary connections that according to Grantville's history books, the Ming dynasty is in danger, from famines, bandit armies and barbarian invaders. And he is determined that, one way or another, he and his family will survive and even prosper.
The embassy is joined as well by a young scholar, who helps them make inroads into China’s complex and often dangerous society. Can the up-timers and their friends persuade the imperial dynasty and its mandarins to establish trade and diplomatic relations with the USE? They have one great asset: their knowledge may be the key to saving China from decades of mass suffering and civil war.
About 1636: Seas of Fortune by Iver Cooper:
". . . expand[s] the Ring of Fire universe into new or previously limited geography and culture. 'Stretching Out' includes seven excellent entries mostly in South America and the Caribbean built on real events but with a nice Grantville twist. 'Rising Sun' contains five terrific tales ... also built on real events enhanced by historical speculation but with a nice Grantville twist."— Alternate Worlds
About 1635: A Parcel of Rogues :
"The 20th volume in this popular, fast-paced alternative history series follows close on the heels of the events in The Baltic War , picking up with the protagonists in London, including sharpshooter Julie Sims. This time the 20th-century transplants are determined to prevent the rise of Oliver Cromwell and even have the support of King Charles."— Library Journal
About 1634: The Galileo Affair :
"A rich, complex alternate history with great characters and vivid action. A great read and an excellent book."— David Drake
"Gripping . . . depicted with power!"— Publishers Weekly
About Eric Flint's Ring of Fire series:
“This alternate history series is . . . a landmark…”— Booklist
“[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.”— Booklist
“ . . . reads like a technothriller set in the age of the Medicis . . . ”— Publishers Weekly

A Holmes for the Czar
Part #12 of "Ring of Fire: 1632" series by Paula Goodlett
Ufa is going crazy. The new capital of the legitimate government of Russia, once a trading post in the far east, is now a fast-growing boom town. Into this maelstrom come peddlers and exotic dancers, criminals and craftsmen, nobles and assassins. Crime is running rampant and the city guards that passes for policemen don't have a clue how to handle it—and wouldn’t know a clue if they stumbled right over it. They can manage to walk a beat, at least in broad daylight. But solve a crime?
Not a chance. And Czar Michael Romanov and his officials aren’t any help, since they’re pre-occupied with building a nation out of spit and bailing wire.
But the bargirl who was murdered had friends who cared. And thosefriends call in Vasilii Lyapuno, an engineer working at the newly-founded Dacha in Ufa and loves up-timer murder mysteries.
Can Vasilii track down the killer? Luckily for him, he has the assistance of another bargirl named Miroslava, who has a unique way of seeing the world. Together they might figure out who did what to whom and who was responsible for the crime.
Crimes, rather. Murder starts adding up.

Designed to Fail
Part #20 of "Ring of Fire: 1632" series by Virginia DeMarce
Frederik of Denmark, the son of King Christian IV, is the new governor of the new province of Westphalia, and harbors the dark suspicion that the Swedes who now dominate central Europe deliberately designed the province so that he would not succeed in his assignment, thus undermining his father’s position.Problems are everywhere! Religious fragmentation, cities demanding imperial status, jurisdictional disputes among the nobility and between the nobility and the common folk—there’s no end to it. And then matters get still more complicated. Annalise Richter, a student at the famous Abbey of Quedlinburg, wants Frederik to correct an injustice. Her mentor, the Abbess of Quedlinburg, is being prevented from running for a seat in the House of Commons because she is, well, not a commoner.Surely Frederik can do something to fix this wrong!The prince is of two minds. On the one hand—being very much his father’s son—he has developed a great passion for the marvelous young woman. He is determined to marry her. On the other hand…She’s Catholic. A bit of a problem, that, for a Lutheran prince.But there’s worse. She’s also the younger sister of Gretchen Richter.Yes, that Gretchen Richter.

The Legions of Pestilence
Part #4 of "Ring of Fire: 1632" series by Virginia DeMarce
In the world the West Virginians of Grantville came from, the borderlands between France and Germany had been a source of turmoil for centuries. In the new universe created by the Ring of Fire, the situation isn’t any better. The chaotic condition of the German lands has been ended—for a time, at least. And the near-century long war between Spain and the Netherlands has finally been resolved.But now France is unstable. The defeat of Richelieu’s forces in the Ostend War has weakened the Red Cardinal’s grip on political power and emboldened his enemies, Foremost among them is King Louis XIII’s ambitious younger brother, Monsieur Gaston. An inveterate schemer and would-be usurper, Gaston’s response to the new conditions in France is to launch a military adventure. He invades the Duchy of Lorraine. Soon, others are drawn into the conflict. The Low Countries ruled by King Ferdinand and Duke Bernhard’s newly formed Burgundy, a kingdom-in-all-but-name, send their own troops into Lorraine. Chaos expands and spreads up and down the Rhine.It isn’t long before the mightiest and most deadly army enters the fray—the legions of pestilence. Bubonic plague and typhus lead the way, but others soon follow: dysentery, deadly and disfiguring smallpox, along with new diseases introduced by the time-displaced town of Grantville.The war is on. All the wars—and on all fronts. Can the medical knowledge of the up-time Americans be adapted and spread fast enough to forestall disaster? Or will their advanced military technology simply win one war in order to lose the other and much more terrible one?

Ring of Fire IV
Eric Flint
Science Fiction & Fantasy
NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLING AUTHOR. CONTAINS A STORY BY DAVID BRIN AND AN ALL-NEW STORY BY ERIC FLINT. Collection #4 of rollicking and idea-packed alternate history tales written by today’s hottest science fiction writers and edited by New York Times best-seller Eric Flint. After a cosmic accident sets the modern-day West Virginia town of Grantville down in war-torn seventeenth century Europe, these everyday, resourceful Americans must adapt – or be trod into the dust of the past.
Let’s do the “Time Warp” again! Another anthology of rollicking, thought-provoking collection of tales by a star-studded array of top writers such as bestseller Mercedes Lackey and Eric Flint himself – all set in Eric Flint’s phenomenal Ring of Fire series.
A cosmic accident sets the modern West Virginia town of Grantville down in war-torn seventeenth century Europe. It will take all the gumption of the resourceful, freedom-loving up-timers to find a way to flourish in a mad and bloody time. Are they up for it? You bet they are. The fourth rollicking and idea-packed collection of Grantville tales edited and introduced by Eric Flint, and inspired by his now-legendary 1632. Plus: contains an all-new story by Eric Flint.
Stories by Eric Flint, David Brin, David Carrico, Virginia DeMarce, Charles E. Gannon and more.
About Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire series:
“[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.” –Booklist
“[Eric Flint] can entertain and edify in equal, and major, measure.” –Publishers Weekly

Ring of Fire - 1635_ The Legions of Pestilence
Virginia DeMarce
In the world the West Virginians of Grantville came from, the borderlands between France and Germany had been a source of turmoil for centuries. In the new universe created by the Ring of Fire, the situation isn’t any better. The chaotic condition of the German lands has been ended—for a time, at least. And the near-century long war between Spain and the Netherlands has finally been resolved.But now France is unstable. The defeat of Richelieu’s forces in the Ostend War has weakened the Red Cardinal’s grip on political power and emboldened his enemies, Foremost among them is King Louis XIII’s ambitious younger brother, Monsieur Gaston. An inveterate schemer and would-be usurper, Gaston’s response to the new conditions in France is to launch a military adventure. He invades the Duchy of Lorraine. Soon, others are drawn into the conflict. The Low Countries ruled by King Ferdinand and Duke Bernhard’s newly formed Burgundy, a kingdom-in-all-but-name, send their own troops into Lorraine. Chaos expands and spreads up and down the Rhine.It isn’t long before the mightiest and most deadly army enters the fray—the legions of pestilence. Bubonic plague and typhus lead the way, but others soon follow: dysentery, deadly and disfiguring smallpox, along with new diseases introduced by the time-displaced town of Grantville.The war is on. All the wars—and on all fronts. Can the medical knowledge of the up-time Americans be adapted and spread fast enough to forestall disaster? Or will their advanced military technology simply win one war in order to lose the other and much more terrible one?

Ring of Fire
David Agranoff
From the celebrated author of the socially conscious horror novels THE VEGAN REVOLUTION...WITH ZOMBIES and BOOT BOYS OF THE WOLF REICH, David Agranoff, comes a brutal tale of eco-horror in the tradition of The Sheep Look Up and The Bridge.Mother Nature is angry. Really angry.San Diego is known for being one of the most beautiful cities in America.There is trouble in paradise. Illness is rampant and people are starting to notice. A series of wild fires is popping up and threatening to surrounded the city. The air is becoming unbreathable, the water supply is contaminated, and the survivors are losing their sanity and grip on their humanity. For the millions of people stuck, the city has turned into a death trap.From the homeless on the streets, to City Hall, from the fire fighters on the front lines, to media covering the crisis, Ring of Fire is a kaleidoscopic look at ecological collapse in the first world. Humans have ravaged the planet for too long, now Mother Nature is going to get her revenge.

Up-Time Pride and Down-Time Prejudice
Part #7 of "Ring of Fire: 1632" series by Mark H. Huston
In the Year of our Lord 1633, Mary Margret Russo graduates from Grantville High School at the top of her class. The beautiful and strong willed up-timer, as the people from the future are called, is mysteriously hired by a branch of the wealthiest family in the world. Mary finds herself far from her family, living in a beautiful castle in the Inn Valley of Tyrol. There she meets Counts, Countesses, the handsome and distant Count Johann Franz, and works hard as a teacher and consultant among the one-percenters of the day.But all is not what it seems in this gilded world, where religion, undercurrents of witchcraft, and vast sums of money create high-stakes contests, and where treachery and death await the unwary or the unprepared. Can a resolute and intelligent girl find love, happiness, and purpose in this world where she is the ultimate outsider, out of her time, alone, and in dangers she cannot comprehend? Using archetypes, occasional dialog, and story beats from Jane Austen, Up-time Pride and Down-time Prejudice tells the story of Mary Russo, Count Johann Franz Fugger, and Mary's journey of maturation, knowledge, and love in this 1632 adventure.

1635- the Wars for the Rhine (ARC)
Part #24 of "Ring of Fire" series by Anette Pedersen
An exciting addition to the multiple New York Times best-selling Ring of Fire alternate history series created by Eric Flint. Time travelers from our modern age are thrown into the deadly straits of the Thirty Years War in Europe of the 1600s.
In the year 1635, the Rhineland is in turmoil. The impact of the Ring of Fire, the cosmic accident which transported the small modern West Virginia town of Grantville to Europe in the early seventeenth century, has only aggravated a situation that was already chaotic. Perhaps nowhere in central Europe did the Thirty Years War produce so much upheaval as it did in the borderlands between France and Germany.
Archbishop Ferdinand of Cologne shares the religious fanaticism of his older brother, Duke Maximilian of Bavaria. He is determined to restore the power of the Catholic Church over the middle Rhine, the so-called “Bishop’s Alley,” and has unleashed a plot for that purpose. But that same middle Rhine is territory which Landgrave William V of Hesse-Kassel is determined to seize for himself, under the guise of expanding the influence of the United States of Europe.
Add to the witch's brew the deaths in battle of Duke Wolfgang of Jülich-Berg and his son, which leaves his young widow Katharina Charlotte as the heir to those much-prized territories. She is now on the run, in disguise—and pregnant. Add the unexpected arrival of Austria’s most capable general, Melchior von Hatzfeldt, along with the most ruthless spy and torturer in the Rhineland, Felix Gruyard.
The wars for the Rhine have erupted, and only the devil knows how they will end.
About Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire series:
“This alternate history series is . . . a landmark . . .”—Booklist
“[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.”—Booklist
“. . . reads like a technothriller set in the age of the Medicis . . .”—Publishers Weekly
**About the Author
Anette Pedersen was born and raised in Denmark where she currently resides. She grew up reading science fiction in English and Danish due to her father’s love for the genre. She has written multiple stories for anthologies edited by Eric Flint set in his Ring of Fire alternate history universe. Anette is a retired geologist and micropaleontologist. She is a church accountant and deacon, as well as a keen gardener and cook. She paints botanical illustrations to professional standards but, she claims, with far from professional speed.

Ring of Fire
Lawrence Blair; Lorne Blaire
The true story behind the award-winning PBS television series Ring of Fire charts the Blair brothers' 10-year sojourn through the world's largest and least-known archipelago - the islands of Indonesia. Amid impenetrable rain forests, erupting volcanoes and startling natural beauty, the brothers have captured on film and in words one of the most captivating and intriguing explorations ever made.Their odyssey began in 1972 with a 2,500-mile voyage through the fabled Spice Islands, in search of the Greater Bird of Paradise. A decade of further exploration followed, during which the authors lived among the Asmat cannibals of Papua and the healers of Bali, and encountered man-eating dragons in Komodo and the elusive 'dream wanderers' of Borneo. With extraordinary courage, humour and passion for the unknown, the Blairs draw us into a magical land where ancient myths still flourish.

Ring of Fire
Brad Taylor
Thriller / Fiction / Mystery
Former Delta Force officer and New York Times bestselling author Brad Taylor delivers a relentlessly fast-paced, gripping thriller featuring Taskforce operators Pike Logan and Jennifer Cahill as they come face-to-face with an insidious threat to strike terror into the heart of America. Fifteen years ago, in order to win a contract in the Kingdom, a desperate defense contractor used a shell company to provide a bribe to a wealthy Saudi businessman. Now a powerful player in the defense industry, he panics when the Panama Papers burst onto the public scene. Providing insight into the illicit deeds of offshore financing, they could prove his undoing. To prevent the exposure of his illegal activities, he sets in motion a plan to interdict the next leak, but he is not the only one worried about spilled secrets. The data theft has left the Taskforce potentially vulnerable, leaving a trail that could compromise the unit. Back in the good graces of the new...

1636:The Kremlin games rof-14
Part #14 of "Ring of Fire" series by Eric Flint
Science Fiction & Fantasy

A Land Of Fire (Book 12)
Part #12 of "The Sorcerer's Ring" series by Morgan Rice
Young Adult / Fantasy / Science Fiction & Fantasy

1637 The Polish Maelstrom
Part #30 of "Ring Of Fire" series by Eric Flint
Science Fiction & Fantasy
The Ottoman Empire has captured Vienna and is now laying siege to the Austrian government-in-exile established in the city of Linz. Both the United States of Europe and the Kingdom of Bohemia have come to Austria’s assistance, but everyone knows this is going to be a long and brutal struggle.
In order to relieve the pressure on the Austrians, General Mike Stearns proposes to open a second front in the Levant. The USE’s emperor Gustavus Adolphus gives his approval to the plan, and Mike sets it in motion, with the very capable assistance of his wife Rebecca Abrabanel, now the USE’s Secretary of State.
Meanwhile, Poland is coming to a boil. Gretchen Richter, the newly elected chancellor of Saxony, has seized control of Lower Silesia. Her small army is now approached to form an alliance with the Polish revolutionaries who have seized power in the Ruthenian province of Galicia—which, in the universe the time-displaced Americans of Grantville came from, would have constituted the western Ukraine.
Now, the Bohemians send an army led by Morris Roth into Poland, ostensibly to aid the revolutionaries but also with the goal of expanding King Albrecht Wallenstein’s growing empire in eastern Europe. And—the icing on the cake—Mike Stearns sends the Hangman Regiment of his Third Division under the command of Jeff Higgins to reinforce Jeff’s wife Gretchen in Silesia.
The maelstrom in Poland grows… and grows… and grows…
Will it drag all its displaced Americans and their allies down with it?
About 1635: A Parcel of Rogues:
"The 20th volume in this popular, fast-paced alternative history series follows close on the heels of the events in The Baltic War, picking up with the protagonists in London, including sharpshooter Julie Sims. This time the 20th-century transplants are determined to prevent the rise of Oliver Cromwell and even have the support of King Charles."—Library Journal
About 1634: The Galileo Affair:
"A rich, complex alternate history with great characters and vivid action. A great read and an excellent book."—David Drake
"Gripping . . . depicted with power!"—Publishers Weekly
About Eric Flint's Ring of Fire series:
“This alternate history series is . . . a landmark…”—Booklist
“[Eric] Flint's 1632 universe seems to be inspiring a whole new crop of gifted alternate historians.”—Booklist
“ . . . reads like a technothriller set in the age of the Medicis . . . ”—Publishers Weekly

Eternal Fire - Book 3 of The Ruby Ring Saga
Chrissy Peebles
Young Adult
Eternal Vows - Book 1 in The Ruby Ring Saga is FREE! This is book 3. Sarah is living in a perfect fairytale any gal would dream of. She is a queen, lives in a beautiful castle, and adores her warrior king. Sarah couldn’t be happier and plans to live ‘happily ever after’. Suddenly, her life takes a drastic turn for the worse, and a horrible event wreaks havoc in her life.

Ring of Fire
Part #3 of "All Fired Up" series by Taylor Lee
“The eagerly awaited sequel to the Bestselling Sizzling Romantic Suspense Playing with Fire and Trial by Fire. OVERVIEW•As sexy as ever, the arrogant cop and the beautiful firefighter struggle against the odds to keep their love alive while the baddest of the bad are out to get them! •Bad ass cop Nate Stryker takes on White Supremacists and methamphetamine producers•Steamy romance as exciting as the plot

Ring of Fire
Hestand, Rita
Book Two of the McKay's, Letty has moved home as the stipulation of the will reads and spends her time doing modeling gigs and helping around the ranch. When she meets horse wrangler, Hank Silver she is instantly smitten. Only problem is, there's a hands off policy of all the McKay girls to the cowboys on the ranch. So Hank doesn't want to get tangled with Letty, even though she sets him on fire.

Vegas Is Burning
Part #1 of "Ring of Fire" series by Trinity Blacio
Romance / Science Fiction & Fantasy / Paranormal
The legend is whispered from one generation to another about the fate of two people who will save the lives of many. When the ground starts to shake and the ancient volcano god is warming below, needing to release his pressure once more, one woman and one man will come together, taking the fire and pressure into themselves, calming him once more.
But will the other six follow suit?
Bella Ozter hated her life. She always felt like an outsider, ignored to the point that even her mother and father couldn’t look her in the face and tell her what was wrong with her. Bella is ready to leave Ohio for someplace warm, to find that one special man who will love and cherish her, even though she is plump and geeky. But her plans changed when she died twice in the hospital after being hit head-on by a drunk driver.
Raul Lombardi was one of the most powerful of his kind—half-wolf and half-gargoyle—in the United States, and he loved his life in Vegas. With his family and the elders of his pack hounding him over and over again about fulfilling his destiny, whispers about his fate made him cringe. There was no way a single human female could please him and make him happy—or, for that matter, help him understand what he was. But if it meant saving his people, Raul would do anything, even sacrifice his life to the fires below. After all, gargoyles have been protecting the human race since the beginning of time.

Ring of Fire
Simon Hughes
Following the success of Simon Hughes' Red Machine and Men in White Suits, books which depicted Liverpool FC's domination during the 1980s and its subsequent fall in the 1990s, Ring of Fire focuses on the 2000s and the primary characters who propelled Liverpool to the forefront of European football once again. With a foreword by Steven Gerrard, this is the third edition in a bestselling series based on revealing interviews with former players, coaches and managers. For Liverpool FC, entry into the 21st century began with modernisation and trophies under manager Gérard Houllier and development was then underpinned by improbable Champions League glory under Rafael Benítez. Yet that is only half of the story. The decade ended with the club being on the verge of administration after the shambolic reign of American owners, Tom Hicks and George Gillett.In Ring of Fire, Hughes' interviewees – including Jamie Carragher, Xabi Alonso and...