Build-in Book Search

The Protector
Jodi Ellen Malpas
People think they have Camille Logan nailed: daddy\'s girl; beautiful, spoiled young woman with her father\'s bank balance to fund her lifestyle. But Camille is determined to have a life free from his strings. Out on her own, she\'s made mistakes, including one that found her clawing her way back after a stint in rehab and plenty of bad press. Now, after fighting so hard to be independent and happy, she finds her life threatened as a result of her father\'s ruthless business dealings. Caught between resentment and fear, Camille prepares herself for the measures her father will take to protect her. But nothing could prepare her for the ex-SAS sniper who crashes into her life.Jake Sharp resides in his own personal hell. He was distracted from duty once before, and the consequences were devastating--both personally and professionally. He vowed never to let that happen again. Accepting the job of bodyguard to Camille Logan isn\'t the kind of distraction from his demons he should take. Women and Jake don\'t mix well, yet protecting the heiress seems the lesser of two evils. But Jake soon discovers that she isn\'t the woman she\'s perceived to be. She\'s warm, compassionate, her presence settling, and his duty to protect her soon goes deeper than a well-paid job, no matter how hard he fights it. He needs absolution. He comes to need Camille. But he knows he can\'t have both.

The Dark at the End
F. Paul Wilson
Science Fiction & Fantasy / Horror
Bound by his promise to Glaeken, Jack has refrained from making any direct moves against Rasalom. But things have changed so there's nothing holding Jack in check any longer. Other changes are occurring as well. Jack is healing at an accelerated rate--much like Glaeken did when he was immortal. This can only mean that Glaeken's time is almost up and when he dies, Jack takes his place. Rasalom continues to plot against the Lady. Twice she has died and returned; a third time and she will be gone, leaving a clear path for the Otherness to infiltrate this reality. But Ernst Drexler, formerly Rasalom's go-to guy for logistical support, fears he will be left out in the cold when the Change comes. He forms an uneasy alliance with Jack, who is preparing to face their old enemy. Meanwhile, Dawn Pickering is searching for her supposedly dead baby. The trail leads her to a mansion in a remote Long Island coastal town, where she discovers a truth she could have never imagined. Now the stage is set for Jack's massive assault on Rasalom. Jack knows he's got just one shot. But it's not just a matter of taking out Rasalom: he also must safely retrieve Dawn's child and minimize collateral damage. So, he comes up with a foolproof plan. But fools are always with us….

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock
Matthew Quick
Literature & Fiction / Young Adult
Not to his former best friend, whose torments have driven him to consider committing something tragic and horrific. Nor to his mum who's moved out and left him to fend form himself. But to his four friends. A Humphrey-Bogart-obsessed neighbour A teenage violin virtuoso A pastor's daughter A teacher Most of the time, Leonard believes he's weird and sad but these friends have made him think that maybe he's not. He wants to thank them, and bid them farewell.

1 To Have His Cake (and Eat It Too) ~ Mr. Darcy's Tale
P. O. Dixon
¿Y si nunca se reunió Elizabeth Darcy en Kent? ¿Qué pasa si Lidia se fue con Wickham poco después de la bola de Netherfield? ¿Qué
pasa si, en una serie terrible de los acontecimientos, Lidia, el Sr.
Bennet y el Sr. Wickham todos llegaron a una muerte terrible e
esta variación Orgullo y prejuicio única y absorbente, lectores
testigos de la gran decadencia de la desgracia y social de la familia
Bennet. Mayores
temores de la señora Bennet se dio cuenta de que ella se ve obligada a
retirar de Longbourn apenas un mes después de la muerte de su esposo e
hija. Además, Jane y Elizabeth no tienen otra alternativa que buscar los mensajes como institutrices. Jane acepta un puesto en Escocia, pero Isabel aún tiene que encontrar una situación adecuada. Hasta que el Sr. Darcy viene ...Al
enterarse de la caída de los Bennet de la sociedad y el estado, el Sr.
Darcy, sintiendo una gran culpa por no exponer a la depravación cierto
Wickham, se esfuerza por encontrar una manera de proteger y ayudar a
Elizabeth Bennet en su difícil situación. Mientras
que él está desesperadamente enamorado de Elizabeth, Darcy votos que
nunca podría casarse con ella a causa de su deber para con su familia y
Pemberley. Y
así, dando rienda suelta a su deseo egoísta de "tener su pastel y
comérselo también", Darcy se dedica a Elizabeth como compañera de
Georgiana. Compartir con ella su hogar, su vida y su corazón - pero no la cama.