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Harriet Tubman
Catherine Clinton
Who was Harriet Tubman? To John Brown, the leader of the Harpers Ferry slave uprising, she was General Tubman. For those slaves whom she led north to freedom, she was Moses. To the slavers who hunted her down, she was a thief and a trickster. To abolitionists she was a prophet. As Catherine Clinton shows in this riveting biography, Harriet Tubman was, above all, a singular and complex woman, defeating simple categories. Illiterate but deeply religious, Harriet Tubman was raised on the Eastern Shore of Maryland in the 1820s, not far from where Frederick Douglass was born. As an adolescent, she incurred a severe head injury when she stepped between a lead weight thrown by an irate master and the slave it was meant for. She recovered but suffered from visions and debilitating episodes for the rest of her life. While still in her early twenties she left her family and her husband, a free black, to make the journey north alone. Yet within a year of her arrival in Philadelphia, she found ...

The Chronicles of Harriet Tubman- Freedonia
Balogun Ojetade
Science Fiction / Fantasy / Nonfiction
p class="description"Set in Freedonia - author Milton Davis' world, brought to life in the "Steamfunk!" anthology and fully realized in the Steamfunk novel, "From Here to Timbuktu" - Harriet Tubman and her friend and rival, "Stagecoach" Mary Fields, chase agents of the vengeful Alchemist out of their world and into another, in which Frederick Douglass and a quite different Harriet Tubman govern a country of former enslaved Africans that rivals - and often bests - the United States, England and France in power and technology. Harriet must fight to stop a powerful alliance of British and American soldiers and the elite and fearsome Hwarang warriors of Joseon ("Korea") from invading Freedonia. But a wicked force from Harriet's world has come to destroy Freedonia and all it stands for. Will Harriet and her allies be able to stand against it?/p

Harriet Tubman
Rosemary Sadlier
Harriet Tubman encouraged enslaved Africans to make the break for freedom and reinforced the potential of black freedom and independence. Long-listed for the 2013 Information Book Awards Born in the United States and enslaved as a child, Harriet Tubman (circa 1820-1913) is one of the best-known figures connected to the Underground Railroad. Through her knowledge and outdoor survival skills, honed through her unpaid labour in the fields and through the later connections she made in the abolitionist community, Tubman was well poised to command her followers. By her discipline and example, she never lost a "passenger." Tubman’s exploits helped to empower those opposed to slavery and enrage those who supported it. Her success encouraged enslaved Africans to make the brave break for freedom and reinforced the belief held by abolitionists in the potential of black freedom and independence. Referred to as "General Tubman" due to her contributions to the...

The Life of Harriet Tubman
Anne Schraff
Young Adult
Sorting myth from truth in this amazing tale of courage and heroism, Anne Schraff breathes new life into the story of the most famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad. "I grew up like a neglected weed—ignorant of liberty, having no experience of it. Now I've been free, I know what a dreadful condition slavery is." Harriet Tubman ran away from slavery in 1849, walking one hundred miles to freedom in the North. For the next sixteen years, Tubman risked her newfound freedom—and her life—to help about three hundred other slaves escape. During the Civil War, Tubman worked as a nurse and a scout for the Union army, and in her later years, she joined the struggle for the education of her people and for women's rights. This book is developed from HARRIET TUBMAN: MOSES OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD to allow republication of the original text into ebook, paperback, and trade editions.

Jailbreak out of History: the re-biography of Harriet Tubman
Lee, Butch
Crucial revisionist herstory, firmly rerooting Harriet Tubman in the context of patriarchy, race, class, and armed struggle. A fascinating, and much needed examination of the woman and her times. Her juxtaposition vis a vis the pro-American patriarch John Brown in particular is a great read. At a time when violence against women of color is at the center of world politics, uncovering the censored story of one Amazon points to answers that have nothing to do with government programs, police, or patriarchal politics.