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The Destroyer 035 - Last Call
Part #35 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
During a CIA budget war, a group of assassins mistakenly triggers an ingenious CIA plot originally planned in the 1950s--and a world-wide killing spree of top-level Russian officials begins....
Only The Destroyer, with the all-wise Chiun and the ever-wild Ruby, can stop them from reaching their primary target--the Russian premier!
However, in the midst of all this carnage, Chiun still wants Remo and Ruby to create a super baby as the heir to Sinanju, before the fovernment budget cuts wipe out welfare funds!
How will The Destroyer cope with life and death, love and procreation, all at once?

The Destroyer 055 - Master's Challenge
Part #55 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
An ancient legend comes to life when assassins from three great tribes of warriors set up shop in the village of Sinanju, with the wholesale destruction of Remo Williams on their minds. For a guy like Remo, a little mortal combat's no big deal, but this time, a day's work only buys him trouble. A powerful old enemy is back in business, determined to close out Remo's account, and even with all the skills of Sinanju, Remo keeps coming up short.
To make matters worse, Harold W. Smith, director of CURE, is sitting on the deadliest threat to U.S. Security he's ever encountered, and no one's minding the store. If Remo and Chiun don't turn up soon, the free enterprise system will be out of business, and Smith will have hell to pay--with his life and the future of his country.

The Destroyer 024 - king's Curse
Part #24 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Civilizations fell when Cortez and his conquistadors landed in the New World. The Mayans, Aztecs, and the Toltec all vanished into the mists of history. But one tribe survived: the Actatl, and what survived with them was their huge stone idol, Uctut--the sacred rock which demanded blood as sacrifice...human blood.
When the stone is despoiled in a New York museum by a young graffiti freak, the Actatl leaders demand revenge on the despoiler and on the country which gave rise to him.
Their method of extracting vengeance? Simple--extract the victim's heart.
One of their first victims is a U.S. Congressman! Washington's top secret organization--CURE--decides the Actatl are cutting a little too close for comfort and Remo Williams, the Destroyer, and Chiun enter the picture.
Their job: Eliminate the eliminators before they're eliminated themselves.
Remo and Chiun learn that finding the correct answers is not a job for the fainthearted. Especially when it's their hearts which are up for cutting.

The Destroyer 091 - Cold Warrior
Part #91 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Things begin to get really out of hand when Castro, thinking the U.S. has launched an attack on Cuba, sends a MIG fighter to destroy a nuclear power plant in Florida. And Remo and Chiun prepare to face a countdown to chaos in a funland for fiends.

The Destroyer 004 - Mafia Fix
Part #4 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
That's what it was. The horse was from Turkey. Big horse. Very valuable. Coming into the U.S. from Marseilles. The word had leaded out, a lot of devotees were awaiting the arrival of this splendid white beast.
What kind of horse was this? A beast worth more than its weight in gold? Experts recognized it as diacetylmorphine. Aficionados of the sport called it heroin.
In "nickel" glassine bags the diluted stuff went for $5. Once in a while a few slices would slip into the country--at about $15,000 per slice. Very profitable, very beastly.
But that's small stuff. The race was the big one. Biggest ever. Imagine fifty tons of heroine--four trailer trucks full!
New Jersey was interested. The White House was interested. So was the United Nations. And, of course, the Mafia.
OK, the Destroyer was interested, too. Gonna be one helluva horse race!

The Destroyer 037 - Bottom Line
Part #37 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The President was calling. Dr. Harold W. Smith, head of the secret agency known as CURE, took the phone from the bottom left drawer of his desk and ansered with a sigh, "Yes, sir."
The president of the United States could not directly assign CURE to do anything, he could only suggest. The one and only order any president could give CURE would be for its immediate dissolvement. And five presidents now hadn't quite done that. Though all five were ofter tempted.
"What do you know about the Lippincott case?" the Southern voice asked. Smith regurgitated a two-page, single-spaced capsule of hard information.
"Uh, huh. Well, I hear there's a plot to kill all the Lippincotts, and it has something to do with animals. Weird experiments, like."
"I see," gagged Smith.
"Yeah, and I think it involves my having the Lippincotts use their clout to open up new trading markets in China."
The hint was clear. The White House would like the Destroyer to take a look at the situation.
"You'll be using those two, I suppose?"
Smith rolled his eyes upward, "I imagine so."
"Whatever you say, he drawled, "just, er, um, tell them to keep the deaths down."
It would be a tricky assignment, mused Smith. Keep the dollar up, the deaths down.
Better have Ruby Gonzales join 'em on this one....

The Destroyer 064 - The Last Alchemist
Part #64 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The Philosopher's Stone. The key to turning base metals into gold. Everyone knew it didn't exist. Except it did. And now the last of the alchemists, Harrison Caldwell, had his hands on it and was reaching out to grab the nuclear power that would fuel his dream for bottomless wealth-and create a golden age of hell on earth.
Only Remo and Chiun could stop him...if they could get past the army of the highest-paid killers on the globe...if they could survive the attacks of Fancisco Braun, the golden-haired murderer, whose reputation for being the #1 assassin in his deadly trade was well earned...and if they could break the power of the magic metal that reduced governments to servants and turned even Remo Williams into its slave....

The Destroyer 023 - Child's Play
Part #23 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
When people associated with the mob decide to testify against their former bosses the government has a policy of providing them with new identities and a new home, safe from discovery by vengeful thugs.
But someone has been systematically murdering them one by one. Nobody sees the killers or hears them. The most ingenious covers are broken, the most carefully hidden witnesses are found. Dead.
The killers are not only efficient, they are creative. Robert Calder discovered this when he flipped a Frisbee for the last time. Who'd think of booby-trapping a Frisbee?
Official Washington seems helpless. The FBI has no explanations. So somebody pushes all the panic buttons. Even the one that summons Remo and Chiun. A U.S. Army team is also thrown into it.
The major general in charge loses no time in solving the's Remo and Chiun! America's premier assassins.
The race is on, three groups of professional killers all out to do their job.
Will the killers kill the killers before they get killed themselves?

The Destroyer 095 - High Priestess
Part #95 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
When an American national ascends the throne in China and begins a territorial war, Remo Williams and his martial arts master, Chiun, rush in to restore peace. Original.

The Destroyer 053 - Time Trial
Part #53 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Strange goings-on in the Guatemalan jungles threaten to explode into an international incident when a team of American archaeologists disappears--after spotting secret weapons in the hands of barefoot natives.
Remo and Chiun are sent in to dig for the truth, aided by a beautiful blonde archaeologist. But in the depths of the jungle they make a startling discovery--just as the ground rips apart and swallows them whole.
When the trio sees the light again, it's a light that shined centuries before. And an ancient tribal war is threatening to switch it--and all that came after it--off forever. Our heroes have prevented wars before, but even if they escape from this fix alive, they;re still at least a thousand years away from home....

The Destroyer 046 - Next of Kin
Part #46 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Remo and Chiun arrive at the vacation paradise of St. Maarten, only to find they're deep in Dutch. The beautiful island has been the scene of some very ugly goings-on. A lot of corpses have been showing up, each one bearing the unmistakable stamp of Sinanju, the ancient Korean martial art known only to the two men.
The trail of bodies leads to a strange castle...and a young Dutchman--a man, it turns out, who's taken a blood vow to send both disciple and mentor to their deaths. A man who knows all their secrets...and has a few of his own. It's up to Remo and Chiun to stop him, but this time they;re skating on thin ice. And if the slip, the whole world may go under....

The Destroyer 028 - Ship Of Death
Part #28 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
When the United Nations finally decides to leave New York, a Greek shipping magnate, one of the world's wealthiest men, makes them an offer they can't refuse: their new headquarters will be the largest ship in the world, a floating pleasure palace where the diplomats of the world can work--and play--far away from the prying eyes of the world and the free press.
Even before the ship goes to sea, however, something goes wrong...corpses are being discovered on it. America is worried for the safety of the UN, and Remo and Chiun are ordered to go on the ship's maiden voyage and make sure no more lives are lost.
But Remo and Chiun have had enough assignments for two lifetimes and decide to seek employment elsewhere. That leaves it up to Dr. Harold W. Smith, head of the supersecret agency, CURE, to find out who is trying to doom the ship's maiden voyage and why.
Smith stumbles on to a plot so bizarre and Byzantine that he can hardly believe it. Bombs start exploding, and suddenly Remo and Chiun are on the scene,

The Destroyer 072 - Sole Survivor
Part #72 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The Russians who invented it called it the Sword of Damocles--a device that silently sterilized men and women alike. And now the Sword was in the worst possible hands--the out-of-whack android named Mr. Gordons that had returned from outer space to wreak revenge on those who'd sent it there. Remo. Chiun. And the entire U.S. population. America was heading for a fate worse than death unless Remo, Chiun and an untrustworthy, supersexy Soviet superspy could defeat this cybernaut chameleon that could destroy and attack with ease....

The Destroyer 096 - Infernal Revenue
Part #96 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Remo and Chiun join forces with Harold Smith and his crime-fighting organization in their battle against an artificial intelligence computer chip called Friend that hijacks CURE's computer system and holds the world hostage to technoterrorism. Original.

The Destroyer 033 - Voodoo Die
Part #33 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
When Reverend Prescott Plumber goes to the island of Baqia in the Caribbean to save souls and bodies, he discovers a fantastic happy drug the natives call "mung." However, when it's shot with radiation, it turns people into puddle. It's deadly. And so is pro-Communist Generalissimo Sacrist Corazon--President for Life of the island--when he gets his hands on the Mung Machine and aims it at innocent Reverend Plumber.
Suddenly, the world is beating a path to Corazon's palace door. They've heard about the mung device and everyone wants to have it--the Chinese, the Russinals, the CIA.
That's where Remo Williams, the Destroyer, and his teacher, Chiun come in. But even they are stumped when Comrade Corazon not only manipulates Russia and China into building competing missile bases on Baqia--he also starts casting spells, as chief priest of voodoo, their way.
As a last-ditch equal opportunity gesture, the CIA sends in lovely and black Ruby Gonzalez, quite capable of casting her own spells. But even her black magic may not be able to save Remo and Chiun from Corazon's deadly tar pits and the United STates from total nuclear !

The Destroyer 054 - Last Drop
Part #54 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
It's enough to give a drug pusher nightmares: thousands upon thousands of sober citizens are suddenly turning on and dropping out--for free--and the illicit narcotics business has ground to a halt.
Under other circumstances, the pushers' plight would be cause for official celebration. But this time Washington's good and worried. And when the rock-ribbed Harold W. Smith, head of the supersecret agency CURE, knuckles under to the first buzz of his life, it's clearly time for Remo and Chiun to take matters into their own hands. Trouble is, Remo's suffering from a midlife career crisis, and he's flirting with retirement....
With the backbone of America melting into Silly Putty, will the land of the free be transformed into the land of the Lotus-Easters? It;s a loaded question, and the answer lies with an 80-year-old Korean assassin and his rebellious pupil....

The Destroyer 058 - Total Recall
Part #58 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
It's an ungodly crime. Someone's been leading a stream of kids to their final reward, and the police haven't got a prayer of catching the culprit. Remo and Chiun move in to collar the angel of death, but their revelations are straight out of hell. Someone;s running a drug scam, using juveniles as the principals, then sending them to the Pearly Gates when things get too hot.
All paths lead to an oddball church and the quirky clergyman who leads the flock. Is the strange preacher a saintly man or a holy terror? Remo and Chiun are just acting on faith, but this much is certain: The CURE for multiple murders is bound to be a religious experience.

The Destroyer 013 - Acid Rock
Part #13 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Not loud enough to drown out the shots directed at the gorgeous redhead on the stage. Not that anybody paid much attention, not in the screaming chaos of the world's biggest rock festival ever. The girl like to be near singers, the freakier and the more spaced-out the better. Some of them got too close and wound up permanently spaced-out.
Reason? Someone wanted to kill the beautiful girl with the long red hair. She was under contract. A large contract--one million dollars. A big bounty, even for her beautiful head. She had to be killed. And quick.
Remo and Chiun had other ideas. Their assignment from CURE said protect her at any costs--and that meant that someone was going to have to pay a very high price.
The stage was set--for music, murder, and mayhem.

The Destroyer 003 - Chinese Puzzle
Part #3 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The poisoning of an airborne Chinese diplomat
coupled with the kidnapping of the communist
Chairman's right-hand man from a crowded Bronx
thoroughfare has left the bigwigs at the State
Department with egg foo yung on their faces...and
a potentially explosive international mess on
their hands!
Remo Williams and his Korean mentor Chiun must
rescue the shanghaied Red and smash as insidious
oriental conspiracy before the U.S. and China come
to nuclear blows. But if an assassin's bullet
finds its target, the Destroyer's death could mean
the end of America!

The Destroyer 090 - Ghost in the Machine
Part #90 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Buried in his debts, billionaire Randal T. Rumpp makes a deal with a fiend who is intent on sending the Big Apple into the darkest depths of the earth, and only Remo and Chiun can stop him. Original.

The Destroyer 052 - Fool's Gold
Part #52 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
It's a routine archaeological find, on a routine archaeological dig--until the strange inscription on a buried plaque is translated. Then all at one the entire world is prospecting for gold--a whole mountain of it--hidden centuries before by an ancient Latin American people.
The U.S. is determined to stake a claim because that much gold, in the wrong hands, could destroy the free world's economy. But nothing's panning out, and the only person who can decipher the clues to the gold's location might not live long enough to complete the task. It seems everyone's trying to kill her....
There's only one CURE for gold fever--Remo and Chiun. But unless they strike it rich, this gold rush is bound to be a bust, and the free market along with it. Unfortunately, our heroes' luck is about played out....

The Destroyer 094 - Feeding Frenzy
Part #94 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The dish was cost free, fat free, and fabulously yummy. Of course, some said you had to be bugs to try it, but one taste made you a believer. The trouble was, believers began turning into corpses. That's when Remo and Chiun came in to hunt down the evil ingredients in the murderous munchies . . . only to run up against a U.S. Senator.

The Destroyer 079 - Shooting Schedule
Part #79 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Nemuro Nishitsu remembered Pearl Harbor. He also remembered the rest of World War II and Japan's humiliating defeat. Nishitsu had been a humble soldier then. He was Japan's number one industrialist now. And he had the money, the power, and the madness to script a sneak attack that made Pearl Harbor look like a childish prank...made the U.S.A. a pitiful helpless giant...and made Remo and Chiun the country's last vanishing the flag of a foreign conquest was planted in the American heartland, and the Destroyer was X-ed out of the action....

The Destroyer 041 - Firing Line
Part #41 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Ruby is too hot to handle, and Remo is ordered to play fireman. But friendship comes first, even to a Master of Sinanju, and Remo is steaming mad. Mad enough, in fact, to walk out.
It's out of the frying pan and into the fire because Chiun, deferring to tradition, refuses to quit CURE. And they both know that soon he could be hot on Remo's tail.
But the heat's really on when Remo meets up with Sparky, a walking Molotov cocktail. New York fire fighters have walked off the job, and an arson gang, with Sparky in tow, had decided to strike while the iron;s hot. Unless they receive the ransom they demand, they'll turn the city into the biggest backyard barbecue in history....

The Destroyer 051 - Shock Value
Part #51 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
It's a new wrinkle in murder: A haberdashery clerk suddenly leaves his home in Ohio, flies to Italy, and kills a Red terrorist. Everyone figures the guy's just coming apart at the seams--until it happens again...and again....
A pattern's emerging, and the international powers are getting hot under the collar. Remo and Chiun are sent to investigate before the U.S. is caught with its pants down. But then Harold W. Smith vanishes, along with the best brains in the world, and all at once CURE's less than a memory....
Remo and Chiun follow the thread of evidence to a tropical island and a man with a message--a man with trouble up his sleeve. And, they find, it's just a matter of time before he takes the entire world to the cleaner's....

The Destroyer 106 - White Water
Part #106 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
When fish begin to disappear from the coastal United States, the source of the problem is discovered in Canada and threatens relations between the neighboring countries, until the Destroyer starts trawling for answers. Original.

The Destroyer 109 - American Obsession
Part #109 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
An expensive hormone treatment that transforms body fat to muscle overnight has unexpectedly deadly side effects, and Remo and Chiun take on a greedy corporation and an army of killer clients to stop the deaths. Original.

The Destroyer 015 - Murder Ward
Part #15 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
They can be more efficient killers than a host of gunmen. They have the opportunity to commit perfect crimes and usually their colleagues will not testify against them. When their patients die, all they do is apologize to the relatives of the deceased and attribute the loss to heart failure--it is true that the heart stops when a person dies, whatever the cause.
It's a profitable occupation, until the wrong person is killed. Then Remo and Chiun are sent in, to find out how--and why--she dies. Chiun doesn't like sick people; he thinks that illness is caused by poor training and lock of moral control. What else can you expect of Westerners with their incredible eating habits? Remo's been in hospitals before--hospitals CURE put him in--and he's even more cynical about medical science.
When Remo faces the deadliest doctor of the all, who exposes him to a rare and usually fatal virus, it's up to Chiun to diagnose the disease. He treats it the only way he knows how--with murder.

The Destroyer 031 - The Head Men
Part #31 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
When an honored and respected business executive is blown up into liver pâté as a warning to the president, will the head man become the main course?
The president thinks he's safe. With the White House electronic devices, the secret service, and the most elaborate security system that money can buy, he is--isn't he?
The opinion of the men from CURE, Remo and Chiun: The president is "Dead meat."
With assassins lurking behind every corner and the secret service servicing their own secrets only Remo and Chiun stand between the killers getting their just desserts and a young president become a grisly leftover...ready to be swept into a plastic bag.

The Destroyer 043 - Midnight Man
Part #43 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Law-enforcement officials think they've seen everything until they bump into Elmo Wimples, the inventor of a substance that can make anything invisible. Wimpler's found his niche in life by dropping out of sight--literally--and killing with a device that crushes skulls.
His victims are multiplying, there are no clues in sight, and authorities are groping in the dark. Under suspicion themselves, Remo and Chiun set out to play blindman's buff with the killer no one can see, but they, too, draw a black.
As they stalk their quarry sight unseen, the assassin's ultimate target materializes: a deposed Middle Eastern sovereign with a $25 million price tag on his head. The United states has granted him asylum, and it's up to Remo and Chiun to bring the curtain down on Wimpler's organization before he sends the monarch to Kingdom Come....

The Destroyer 042 - Timber Line
Part #42 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Tulsa Torrent, America's biggest limber company, is stumped when a couple of its key scientists are axed. Seems the deceased were part of a team developing an oil-producing tree, and a lot of interested parties have been looking to grease their palms.
Before anyone else is pulped, Remo and Chiun are planted to see the project out of the woods. But danger sprouts at every turn, and when the environmentalist High Sierra Society enters the picture, determined to make Tulsa Torrent take a hike, the project rests on pines and needles.
Somebody's barking up the wrong tree, and Remo and Chiun must get to the root of the matter before the unknown hatchet man mulches America's energy future into one big compost heap....

The Destroyer 078 - Blue Smoke and Mirrors
Part #78 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Someone--or something--is walking right through the walls of America's top nuclear missile facility, and walking off with some of the world's deadliest secrets.
Someone has mastered an unholy power that makes Chiun believe in ghosts.
Someone has perfected a mind-defying magic that beats anything in Remo's bag of tricks.
Unless Remo can take his eyes of the chest of a buxom beauty with a chip on her shoulder...unless Chiun can come down to earth from the sphere of the supernatural...America's nuclear safety and her two supreme defenders will be victims of a devilish disappearing act....

The Destroyer 012 - Slave Safari
Part #12 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
A bevy of Baltimore society debs have been kidnapped, only to mysteriously reappear in the African nation of Busati doing hard labor in an exclusive, government-supported cathouse. It looks as if Busati's top banana, President General Dada "Big Daddy" Obode, has been sticking his fingers where they don't belong, and Washington is fit to be tied!
Remo Williams is no fan of the forced flesh trade. And--if he can pry his mentor, the master Sinanju assassin Chiun, away from his beloved soap operas--the Destroyer is ready to fly straight to the Heart of Darkness for a winner-take-all rumble in the jungle!

The Destroyer 045 - Spoils of War
Part #45 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The entire U.S. Army is being forced to wage war on its own people by a pontificating tent-preacher and the blonde Venus travelling as his wife. But, saints be praised, Remo and Chiun are of a different persuasion, and their unorthodox tactics leave many a zombie-eyed Christian soldier prostrate on the ground.
Chaplains are dying left and army base appears out of nowhere that answers to a higher authority than even the Pentagon. Agents of CURE postulate that a Mideast power may have created these apocalyptic events, but the facts are cloistered in secrecy. When Remo and Chiun look for answers, there's no room for sacred cows--and that's the gospel truth!

The Destroyer 074 - Walking Wounded
Part #74 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
It didn't matter to Remo that his mentor Chiun told him he was acting like a child to want to go back to Vietnam on a mission of rescue and revenge.
It didn't matter to Remo that his superior Smith ordered him to abandon a plan that could upset the delicate balance of world peace.
Remo was out of his skull with remembered rage, and out of control of anyone who wanted to stop him from trying to spring a wartime buddy from a jungle hell. And the Destroyer plunged back into the past to fight a one-man war against an old enemy that would not die but could still kill without mercy and vanish like a ghoulish ghost....

The Destroyer 032 - Killer Chromosomes
Part #32 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
What happens when a lady scientist discovers a "key" to the manipulation of genetic patterns that keep different species from intermingling?
The lady becomes a tiger--of the man-eating variety. She is wild, beautiful, and deadly. And she soon decides that she must share her sinister secret with other women. The lovely killer genes multiply geometrically...and so does the fatality rate. The country becomes littered with chewed-up bodiues. All men.
Enter Remo and Chiun--The Destroyer--the only weapon against this carniverous cutie. Handsome Remo, fast on the chase becomes her prisoner--her love slave. Conspiracy and criminality fall into Remo's usual area of operation. Genetic warfare and animalistic passions are something else again. Especially when the enemy looks like a Playboy centerfold!
So, as REmo is about to choose between going down in flames or up in smoke, Chiun sees a way to preserve the integrity of man's chromosomes, and stay alive...something to do with an ancient Korean proverb about knowing which tale of the tiger to take!

The Destroyer 047 - Dying Space
Part #47 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
When a garbageman in California is found skinned alive, Remo and Chiun figure it's dirty business. When the same man starts showing up in the company of a tipsy lady scientist, they know something's really rotten. But when they find out that the new face belongs to an old foe--a deadly enemy they killed themselves--they know trouble's heading right for their laps, and they've got to move fast to keep from landing down in the dumps...for good.
Hot on a trail littered with peril, Remo and Chiun head for Moscow, where the KGB, the scientist, and the once-dead enemy of Sinanju teach them just who's going to bury whom. As they waster away in a Soviet prison, America's future is coming to a head--a warhead. And with Remo and Chiun incarcerated, the U.S. is doomed to be incinerated...unless, somehow, the odds shift to give the good guys a fighting chance....

The Destroyer 027 - The Last Temple
Part #27 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
World headlines scream the news: two Israelis have been sadistically and methodically killed--their bodies dismembered and the pieces arranged in the form of a bloody swastika!
Enter Remo Williams, the Destroyer, and his teacher, Chiun, Korean master assassin. They are sent to Tel Aviv where they meet the leaders of Zeher Lahurban, an Israeli doomsday group. Their purpose: in the event that Israel begins to lose their war with the Arabs, secretly stored A-Bombs will be detonated over Arab territory.
But the ex-Nazis have discovered the plan--and believe they can use the atomic devices to finally destroy the Jewish nation once and for all--without any help from the Arabs. Remo and Chiun are up against fanatics who have kept Hitler's extermination plan alive in their twisted minds for more than thirty years!
If Remo and Chiun don't want to end up as human swastikas they'll have to unload the most brutal weaponry they possess--themselves!

The Destroyer 030 - Mugger Blood
Part #30 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
She started the whole damn thing. By dying. Like many other elderly people trying to exist on meager allowance in old neighborhoods that have turned into ghettos, she was the victim of a mugging. Certainly nothing new in the daily events of a run-down, doped-up slum.
That her brutal beating caused her death added but little significance to the crime statistics that week. Just another old lady mugged. Happens all the time.
Except that this time Remo Williams was in a terribly mood when he read the news of her death. Which meant that he and Chiun were on their way to New York to wipe out a few murderous muggers.
Very simple. Very noble.
Civilization, Truth, and Justice take a break while two men go to work in the streets of New York. But, like most adventures of the Destroyer, complications set in...
You wouldn't believe the complications...until now, in this, the thirtieth episode of the master assassins of Sinanju.

The Destroyer 008 - Summit Chase
Part #8 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
If the two men in the lobby had worn neon sandwich boards, they could not have been more obvious. They sat facing each other, their head leaned forward, talking. Each time the elevator door opened, the looking up, and then finding nothing of interest, put their heads back together. When Remo came out of the elevator, their eyes locked on him and they nodded at each other, imperceptibly.
He was not going to be grabbed by them outside. If they wanted to talk to him, they could use the lobby. He hadn't long to wait. The two men sidled up to him and Remo decided they were not policemen; they moved too well.
Both were tall. One was Italian-looking and lean. The other was burly, and his skin tended toward yellow, some kind of Oriental. Both men had the same kind of eyes, though, humorless and somehow connected with the profession of crime--either solving it or committing it.
Remo know the eyes well. He saw them every morning when he shaved. Yes, it looked like he'd have to get real nasty with these two goons, Maybe arrange a sudden end to stupid careers.

The Destroyer 070 - The Eleventh Hour
Part #70 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Things weren't exactly looking bright for Remo and Chiun. Not to mention for the entire world. From an evil inferno the ancient almight god of destruction had risen to possess the Destroyer body and soul. Menawhile, Remo's Oriental master, Chiun, had been betrayed by the U.S. president himself, and was now a weapon of the U.S.S.R. Smith, their unflappable superior in CURE, planned to take the easy way out--commit suicide. But for Remo and Chiun, the solution was going to be quite to simple and not nearly as painless....

The Destroyer 009 - Murder's Shield
Part #9 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Because of bureaucratic red tape, political pressure and legalistic loopholes, there are many criminals the police are unable to arrest. Out of frustration, they have formed a small, secret army. This clandestine police force, with the aid of a nationwide computer hookup, is methodically killing those people the law can't reach. It;s scaring hell out of the underworld. And everyone else, right up to the White House!
CURE is called in to eliminate this group before it becomes too powerful; but almost immediately there are problems. Psychological problems. Because Remo Williams, CURE's superweapon, is a former cop. He doesn't like his assignment--he refuses to kill cops. Especially cops doing the same thing he almost the same way.
So it seems to be up to Chiun, the ancient Korean who is his mentor and companion. Can he make the Destroyer destroy the cops? Or will the killer-cop and Remo kill each other? Will Chiun have to do it himself?
The only thing that's sure is that this, the ninth chapter in the amazing annals of the Destroyer, is one of the most exciting and unusual ones yet.

The Destroyer 057 - Date with Death
Part #57 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The heat's on. Bodies are strewn across the Sunbelt. Who they are and where they came from is shrouded in mystery. The casualties are still mounting when Remo and Chiun come to cool things off--unprepared for the discoveries that await them there, like the impregnable mountain fortress where 242 beautiful señoritas are being imprisoned as gifts for America's most powerful men. And the blackmail that's sure to follow...
Rescue operations being at once, with Remo's job--and life--on the line, as he and his mentor tackle a new Old West that;s wilder than the shootout at the O.K. Corral!

The Destroyer 098 - Target of Opportunity
Part #98 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Investigating a series of incidents involving actor impersonations of famous celebrities, Remo discovers that the First Lady has been kidnapped and replaced by a Hollywood double who seems to be targeting the president. Original.

The Destroyer 005 - Dr. Quake
Part #5 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
It isn't going to be Remo Williams'--no matter what Dr. Quake or Mother Nature have in store!
Out in California there's a crack in the crust of the earth's skin known as the San Andreas Fault. Every once in a while this crack lets loose with a phenomenon we call an earthquake--and about twice every hundred years it is a giant earth-shaker causing millions of dollars in damage and great loss of life. But that's Mother Nature! Enter one geological genius named Forben. He's called "Dr. Quake." Seems he's developed an incredible machine capable of minimizing or stopping tremors and quakes! And, conversely, he and his mad device can accelerate or start earthquakes!
Another of Mother Nature's gifts, Remo Williams, is assigned to see to it that the latter doesn't occur.
It's the quake-makers vs. The Destroyer--a most shattering meeting of force

The Destroyer 022 - Brain Drain
Part #22 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Someone or something is killing artists, poets, composers, and authors. They are being horribly murdered and mutilated. The police are totally baffled.
A maniac is on the loose, and he has some warped reason for preying on these unsuspecting artists. The demented killer, in his gruesome pattern, not only murders his victims, but opens their skulls to remove their brains!
Remo and Chiun get into the act when CURE's director, Dr. Smith, is nearly killed when a piece of contemporary artwork explodes in a public park. Smith's injuries lead to a wild confrontation with a madman who is convinced he can control creativity and discover the very secrets of creative thought. By collecting brains.
The trail quickly leads to Hollywood, a center of creativity and communication. And, as they say, all you need is a good agent.
This agent turns out to be the sexiest and most powerful agent in town...and with brains yet.
Not even Hollywood's most brilliant storytellers could imagine what happens next. But Remo does. And Chiun figures it's a way to straighten out daytime television, too.

The Destroyer 034 - Chained Reaction
Part #34 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Black is not only beautiful, it's Ruby Gonzalex...the wild CIA lady with a sure cure for what ails Remo and Chiun.
And White
Remo Williams just can't seem to forget he was once a Newark cop. But when you're the Destroyer you do need a little humility.
And Yellow
The worth of gold, the texture of parchment, the color of the sun source itself...and, in the inscruatble, insuperable Chiun, a veritable galaxy of wisdom and power. And fun at a riot.
...And All Over!
Which is what it is when Southern idiots with whips and chains and Northern madmen with money attempt to reduce business costs by raising slavery to new levels of efficiency. The Destroyer, with a little help from his two friends, proves that billions of dollars and armies of thugs just aren;t enough. Ten bucks and Ruby will do....

The Destroyer 007 - Union Bust
Part #7 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The secret birth of a giant transportation super-union controlling all air, train, and truck traffic is about to give the U.S. serious labor pains. A meglomaniacal Local leader plans to take charge and use his awesome new-found might to cripple the country--unless Remo Williams strikes first!
It's the Destroyer's fight, though he didn't pick it. And Deathmaster Chiun's destructive disciple figures the lives of a power-hungry labor boss and his slimeball union goons for the continued preservation of the American way seems a more-than-fair trade!

The Destroyer 020 - Assassins Play-Off
Part #20 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The ancient House of Sinanju is alive and well...but it's a pity the same can't be said about an unfortunate CURE computer jockey and an ex-bunch of Jersey banking bigwigs. It's a murderous ploy to bring Remo and Chiun out in the open, orchestrated by their arch enemy and Maestro of Mayhem, the ace assassin Nuihc. But to do so, he must first k.o. his competition--Remo Williams, the Destroyer!
Racing to Chiun's hellhole of a hometown in North Korea, Remo's pumped up for a stand-up battle to the death. But he's been weakened and wounded by Nuihc's slimeball henchmen...and henchwoman. And it appears as if the Destroyer's about to take it on the chin--and lose his head...permanently!

The Destroyer 065 - Lost Yesterday
Part #65 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
POWERESSENCE--the answer to all of humanity's questions. POWERESSENCE--the cult that was sweeping the nation under the direction of the filty rich, ex-science-fiction writer Rubin Dolomo and his sex-tiger wife. POWERESSENCE--which now had put the ultimate brainwashing weapon into the hands of its army of followers and sent them forth to win the hearts and destroy the minds of the people.
Could Remo and Chiun stop this menace before it turned the President into a gibbering idiot and took over the world? How could they...when it had already turned Remo into a zonked-out zombie lost in his own vanished past...and lured Chiun to shift his allegiance from the forces of good to the poweressence of evil...?

The Destroyer 021 - Deadly Seeds
Part #21 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
James Orayo Fielding is a multimillionaire. He hates people. Considers them little more than be controlled or eradicated.
Fielding also has a new way to solve the famine that is escalating in many overpopulated countries. It is a secret grain treatment that matures seeds in just one month. News of this spectacular process sweeps across the world. Starving nations of India, Asia, Africa, and South America literally ransom their treasuries to be give the formula for this key to survival.
Ecologists and world leaders proclaim Fielding as a hero to mankind. All this adulation merely bugs the wily old man. He'll do as he pleases, when he damn well chooses to do so, and harvest all the profits himself.
Foreign agents attempt to steal the formula. Even the Mafia attempts to get into the picture. Naturally, CURE is soon involved.
Is it really possible to feed the world at discount prices? Why would a millionaire delay the chance to make billions of dollars?
Remo and Chiun discover a triple-cross so sinister they are impressed, and decide that the world is worth saving after all.
For a bowl of boiled rice with a side order of raw bean sprouts to go.

The Destroyer 038 - Bay City Blast
Part #38 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
"Yes," Smith said, "he's taken over the city. He has given an open invitation to organized crime to move its operations into Bay City. He's opening the piers so that contraband can move in and out easily, so drugs can flor freely. Mob interests are coming from all over teh country...setting up cutting rooms and jewelry factories for stolen diamonds...printing facilities for counterfeit stock certificates and securities...major counting rooms for what may become the nation's biggest illegal gambling operations. It'll be the crime capital of the U.S. within a few months!"
"Well, there's capitalism at work again. Proving that our system works best," said Remo.
"...And we want you and Chiun to keep him alive. Of course, he won't know who you are or who you work for," said Smith.
"Or why. Which includes us, as usual. But that's OK, if we can;t kill him with kindness, then we'll CURE him," said Remo.
"Let's not get into that," gasped Smith.

The Destroyer 049 - Skin Deep
Part #49 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Just as world leaders are flocking to New York to discuss world peace, someone takes off with the U.S. Navy's latest super-weapon--a top-secret, atom-armed jet bomber that can escape radar detection. Remo and Chiun launch an investigation, but they;re just winging it...until unexpected turbulence forces them to an uncharted island off the Florida Keys.
Then all at once peril is hovering over their heads, in the form of an ex-Nazi with BLITZKRIEG on his mind. His flights of fancy have the free world taxiing toward disaster, with Remo and Chiun going along for the ride. Under constant attack, our heroes are flying by the seat of their pants. And this time it looks as if even the secrets of Sinanju won't help them land on their feet!

The Destroyer 001 - Created, The Destroyer
Part #1 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
When ex-New Jersey cop Remo Williams is electrocuted for the murder of a dope-dealing goon, CURE, a super-secret government agency that doesn't really exist, schemes to resurrect Remo as the ultimate killing machine that will carry out most of its dirty plans. Under the direction of expert assassin Master Chiun, Remo is transformed into the Destroyer and launches a series of secret plots to dissolve the underworld. The series has to start somewhere, and all-in-all, this is a fine place to begin. Sapir and Murphy manage to put all the elements in place (although they aren't yet sure of the mixture). This novel is a fine spy-thriller, and while not the Destroyer-to-come, still interesting and fun.

The Destroyer 048 - Profit Motive
Part #48 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
It seems like a good idea at first--a bacterium developed to consume oil spills at sea. But when the bug mutates, threatening to convert all the petroleum in the world into wax, Western civilization is suddenly up for grabs. And a lot of slimy characters are determined not to let it slip through their fingers.
Which is where Remo and Chiun come in--that is, until the Master of Sinanju cuts join the opposition. It seems that black gold generates a lot of the yellow kind, and someone's offering to send a little something extra to a certain Korean village....
Remo's left in a real bind. And with his mentor bent on wiping out all that the ex-cop stands for, now, more than ever before, it looks as if The Destroyer and C.U.R.E. have reached the end of the road....

The Destroyer 059 - The Arms of Kali
Part #59 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
All over America the airline travelers were dying, seduced by a lovely young women and strangled by silken scarves in savage hands, The security of the nation hung over an open grave--and Remo Williams, and mentor Chiun, were ordered to slay the slayers and save the free world.
Little did Remo and Chiun suspect that their enemy was an ancient goddess who had a fifteen-hundred-year-old score to settle with Chiun. She commanded an army of youthful devotees and had the power to turn even Remo into her helpless slave. Now the Destroyer was being used for evil rather than good in an ultimate struggle between light and darkness that even Chiun feared he might not win....

The Destroyer 088 - The Ultimate Death
Part #88 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
America's greatest hero is pitted against a veggie-eating vampire in the 88th installment of one of the most successful adventure series ever. Hung Wan Lo restores himself to prepare a twin assault on the two things he hates most--Remo and the meat industry. The Destroyer comic book series has returned with over 30,000 copies a month.

The Destroyer 089 - The Dark Horse
Part #89 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
An ordinary California political campaign turns into a thriller when someone begins killing off the candidates, and it is up to Remo and Chiun to stop him. Original.

The Destroyer 077 - Coin of the Realm
Part #77 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Its fat-cat master made his subjects slaves to his freed. Its beautiful princess was motivated by lust--for money or whatever. Its people were far deeper into digging their ruler's grave than his mines. And its only tourists were a dollar-demented psychic charlatan named Shane Billiken and a crew of money-mad murderers from the back pages of Soldier of Fortune.
In short, Moo was a bubbling caldron of every cardinal sin...and Remo and Chiun had to sweat blood to keep the lid Chiun ran into an evil with too many tentacles even for him...and Remo found how dangerous a royal female could be when it came to attacking his principles--or whatever....

The Destroyer 006 - Death Therapy
Part #6 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
No, not a bet at great odds. Rather, a .357 Magnum
bullet. A high-powered projectile beautifully
designed to do a specific job very efficiently.
Blam! Another shot, and Remo realized that he was
on the short end of a zeroing-in process. What a
way to spoil a guy's day off at the golf course!
He charged toward the sound of the rifle-fire.
First straight and fast, then sideways without
changing direction...and another bullet whizzed
past. Stop, slow roll to the right, leading the
marksman. From right to left, dodging, weaving,
swerving, travelling the fairway like a crazed
pin-ball; closing the distance between himself and
the sniper. Then he saw him. Them! Three face-
blackened commando-types, paratroop boots and
dull-green uniforms. Wow, just like a James Bond
Later, after messing up the greensward a bit, Remo
called his chief to report that CURE, their secret
organization, was no longer secret. And perhaps
the Destroyer was getting too popular after all.

The Destroyer 092 - The Last Dragon
Part #92 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Remo races against time to locate the huge dinosaur reportedly living in the jungles of Africa before a fast-food king can turn it into hamburger meat. Original.

The Destroyer 010 - Terror Squad
Part #10 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Bloody bombings in Britain! Vicious violence in Venezuela! One single maniacal madman is behind the ever-spreading rash of global terrorism--and the governments of the three major world powers are just itching to get their hands on him! But only the top-secret U.S. agency CURE has the cure: Remo Williams, the Destroyer!
The mysterious radical ringleader might be the only mortal capable of besting Master Chiun's human killing machine hand-to-hand. But to save the world from chaos, Remo swears to take the assassin to the carpet before you can say "Hi Jack!"

The Destroyer 018 - Funny Money
Part #18 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The ransom is a computer program developed by NASA for use in unmanned space flights. So complex that it approaches human creativity, the program is virtually useless within a million miles of earth. Who wants it? Why? A mysterious Mr. Gordon does, and he's prepared to pay for it with plates that have been counterfeiting bills so convincing that they could sink the U.S. and world economies...It's a situation that calls for the swift and deadly talents of Remo and Chiun.
Just who is this Mr. Gordon? What is the source of his mysterious powers? And what is his relationship with the brilliant scientist who heads the space research program? The scientist is not only brilliant, she's beautiful, voluptuous...and tired of being loved just for her mind.

The Destroyer 080 - Death Sentence
Part #80 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Remo still had a mind--but it was totally wasted. Someone had ripped his memory out by the roots, and had him by the short hairs. As far as Remo and everyone else was concerned, he was a cop killer locked in a cell on death row. All he could do was chill out until they strapped him into the hot seat.
Where was his boss at CURE, Dr. Harold W. Smith? Out of his job, now taken over by a man who gave rabid ruthlessness a bad name. Where was his master Chiun? Out to lunch, believing Remo was undercover and in control. And where did that leave Remo? Dead out of luck, unless he learned again to do what the Destroyer did best....

The Destroyer 002 - Death Check
Part #2 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
The big brains behind the business usually have many pots boiling on their stove, or running their think engines as the case may be. But when the business motto of the Brewster forum, "Pursuing Research Into Original Thought", leads them to some eccentric affairs that throw them far enough off track, Remo Williams enlists the help of his Master Chiun to solve a harrowing crime.

The Destroyer 102 - Unite and Conquer
Part #102 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Investigating demonic activities in South America, Remo and Chiun find themselves battling a guerrilla army of Aztec Indians and inhuman demons led by the god-figures of ancient Mexico, with only the avatar of Shiva the Destroyer to protect them. Original.

The Destroyer 029 - The Final Death
Part #29 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Death to the meat eaters of America! That's the plan of a team of Chinese terrorists who arrive in the United States to fulfill the primary prophecy of their cult. And when a hotel full of legionaries keel over from the effects of tainted meat, the government institutes an anti-toxin plan, under the guise of flu shots, so as not to panic everyone. But the Chinese learn of the cover and arrange it to look as if it's the flu shots that kill!
Enter Remo Williams, the Destroyer, and his teacher, Chiun, Korean master assassin, to take care of business and do some killing of their own.
But there's a problem. These are no ordinary terrorists. They are vegetarians. More than that, they are also members of a secret vampire society! Then Chiun discovers that the vampire creed is as old as Sinanju itself when the vampires decide to break their vegetarian tradition--with Remo as the main course!

The Destroyer 050 - Killing Time
Part #50 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
America's beautiful people are playing follow-the-leader with their latest guru, diet doctor Felix Foxx. As Foxx's disciples are dropping pounds, however, U.S. military leaders are dropping like flies. Coincidence? Maybe. But CURE's been counting casualties, and Remo and Chiun are dispatched to muscle in and settle the score.
They arrive too late at Foxx's fat farm--a fool's paradise where the wealthy go to buy time. And where, it appears, the smart set have been loosing a lot more than cellulite...
Our heroes have stumbled onto an insidious plot--one that's eating away at the very core of Western civilization. And even racing against time, they've got a slim chance of stopping it...

The Destroyer 104 - Angry White Mailman
Part #104 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
When disgruntled postal employees launch a series of federal bombings and random massacres, Remo and Chiun are sent to root out the cause and learn that a deadly master plan that targets middle America is already in the works. Original.

The Destroyer 061 - Lords of the Earth
Part #61 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
He's big. He's black. He's bad. And he ain't afraid of no DDT.
The Lord of the Killer Flies was a buggy billionaire, out to liberate oppressed vermin everywhere. He didn't include people in that catagory. The Destroyer did. Still, he thought the world was worth saving.
Feisty little species, though. Even for a two-man SWAT team like Remo and Chiun. There were computers to humiliate, bombs to beat, and terrorists to terminate. And an honest-to-God fly hotel, where the Destroyer checked in to help the other guests check out...permanently.

The Destroyer 026 - In Enemy Hands
Part #26 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
A congressional committee investigates abuses by America's spy system and winds up gutting our nation's intelligence system. Suddenly the Russians are having a field day; their special killer teams roam Europe at will. American spies turn up dead. In capitals around the world, meetings are held to plan the next anti-American escapade.
America is defenseless before the rest of the world.
Well, not quite defenseless.
Into the breach are thrown America's two secret weapons, Remo Williams, the Destroyer, and his incredible Korean teacher, Chiun, a master assassin.
They are sent overseas to start restoring some sense of safety and sanity to the world's balance of power.
But the Soviets don't give up that easily. They have a secret weapon, too, and when the unleash it, Remo and Chiun find themselves poised for a battle to the death.
With each other!

The Destroyer 093 - Terminal Transmission
Part #93 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
When Captain Audion holds America hostage by jamming all television transmission and star news anchor Cheeta Ching is kidnapped, Remo must save the country by defeating Captain Audion and rescuing Cheeta. Original.

The Destroyer 016 - Oil Slick
Part #16 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
For years America has been supplied with oil from the Middle Eastern state of Lobynia. But there's a policy change when Lobynia's king is deposed by army Colonel Baraka in a bloodless coup. Baraka decides that American oil refineries are despoiling his homeland. Besides, he sees an opportunity to put the economic squeeze on by turning the oil supply off.
To find away around this shutoff, an American scientist devises a revolutionary new process to extract oil from the ground. Suddenly the scientist is dead. After all, Baraka has plans...But instead of acquiring control of a major energy market, Baraka buys himself a double dose of trouble.
First the is Remo. His assignment from the supersecret agency CURE: get the oil flowing again before the American economy grinds to a halt. The second dose of trouble is Chiun, Remo's amazing Korean mentor, whose family has held an ages-old contract to protect the king of Lobynia and Chiun takes his responsibilities very seriously indeed.

The Destroyer 044 - Balance of Power
Part #44 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
Remo and Chiun must focus on the dizzy series of event connecting the banana republic of Hispania, the Peaches of Mecca, and a luscious blonde named Gloria X. The missing link lies in the tequila-soaked brain of Barney Daniels, an ex-CIA agent who is spirited away to a mental hospital when he tips a few wild stories to the press. Under the influence of an intoxicating woman, the groggy sot becomes a hired assassin and gets into some tight situations. Every cutthroat in New York City is plying him with drinks to find out what he knows, and Daniels is having a high time ... until someone slips him a mickey. It all comes back to his staggering memory in a dream: it's not the U.S. but the Russkies who are pouring missiles into the lush jungles of Hispania. Unless Remo and Chiun act fast, Washington, D.C. is likely to get blasted.

The Destroyer 099 - The Color of Fear
Part #99 of "The Destroyer" series by Warren Murphy
A diabolical villain gets ahold of a laser that can cause wild mood swings, forcing Remo and Chiun to do battle in the dark with only their super-sharp sensory skills to lead them to the enemy. Original.