Build-in Book Search

The second collection of 3 great novels by Mary Burchell
Burchell, Mary
Take me with you -- Choose which you will -- Meant for each other

Just a Nice Girl
Mary Burchell
Nicola had grown accustomed to being the 'poor relation' of the Round family. They had adopted her when she was orphaned, and been casually kind to her ever since - then dismissed her, equally kindly, as a nobody. Still, her cousins were exceptionally pretty and talented, while Nicola herself had nothing to commend her but a plain face and a nice nature. It would, of course, be nice to be noticed and admired, but where was the man who was likely to do that? Then she met Piers Mason, who certainly was interested in her - until he turned out to be not quite what he seemed. And what about his stern but attractive cousin Leigh? Would Nicola have any better luck with him?

Harlequin Omnibus: Take Me with You, Choose What You Will, Meant for Each Other
Mary Burchell
Take Me with You Harlequin Romance #956, originally published 1944 Leoni had left the orphanage to live with the Dagram family while working in London. It was a warm and wonderful place. But Leoni wanted a home of her own - with Lucas Morrion. Only Lucas wasn't free to marry her. Choose Which You Will Harlequin Romance #1029, originally published 1949 As companion to old Mrs. Mayhew, Harriet Denby expected a quiet country life. Instead she became involved in a dramatic family tangle. Her future happiness was threatened by blackmail and a plot to deceive the man she secretly loved. Meant for Each Other Harlequin Romance #1052, originally published 1966 Unwanted by her glamorous actress-cousin Geraldine, Thea accepted help from her producer, Lindsay Varlon. Was he really the scoundrel his reputation implied, or Thea's best friend? Only when likable, ordinary Stephen Dorley came on the scene, did Thea find the answer.

Unbidden Melody
Mary Burchell
Mary loved music more than anything else in the world, so she was thrilled to land a job as secretary to a famous musical impresario. Through her job she found herself meeting all sorts of interesting people-Oscar and Anthea Warrender, the composer Marc Bannister-and travelling to glamorous places like Paris and Amsterdam. But it was another matter when she found herself becoming involved with one of her boss's clients, the celebrated opera singer Nicholas Brenner. Mary had always adored him from afar, and soon found him just as adorable in person. But where would that get her? She was in his world, it was true, but not really of it. How could she hope to compete with the sort of woman who really was a part of Nicholas's life-like the beautiful and determined Suzanne Thomas?

Warrender 13: On Wings of Song
Mary Burchell
"It's the girl who interest me." Those fateful words spoken by the great conductor Oscar Warrender changed Carolin'es life. She'd never considered herself a potential opera singer, but with Warrender's encouragement and an unknown benefactor who'd offered to pay for her training, she knew she could develop her talent. She had second thoughts, though, when that mysterious patron turned out to be a man she knew all too well, and didn't even like!

Ward of Lucifer
Mary Burchell
Justin Yorke's unexpected welcome for his new ward made Norma discount all the harsh criticisms of him she had heard. It was only after their first clash that Norma remembered the housekeeper's words, "Justin Yorke likes his own way. He'll be kind to you over most things. But, in return, he won't expect you to oppose him in anything". Norma knew exactly what she wanted, but Justin used her to further his own interests. He found, almost too late, that her happiness meant more to him than his own.

Safe Passage
Mary Burchell
Gala opera evenings. Sudden wealth and fame. Dangerous undercover missions into the heart of Nazi Germany. No one would have predicted such glamorous and daring lives for Ida and Louise Cook two decidedly ordinary women who lived quiet lives in the London suburbs. But throughout the 1930s, the remarkable sisters rescued dozens of Jews facing persecution and death. Ida's memoir of the adventures she and Louise shared remains as fresh, vital, and entertaining as the woman who wrote it. Even when Ida began to earn thousands as a successful romance novelist, the sisters directed every spare resource, as well as their considerable courage and ingenuity, towards saving as many as they could from Hitler's death camps. Safe Passage is a moving testimony showing us what can happen when conscience and compassion are applied to a collapsing world. [The Cook sisters]] defy the generalisation of social history: they were extraordinary. Telegraph

Nobody Asked Me
Mary Burchell
Julian's words haunted Alison "your're only a schoolgirl," he'd saidl, and Alison knew he still considered her a child. Could she really mean so little to him? Somewhere under all the planning and preparations Alison had cherished a faint hope that her business-arrangement marriage with Julian would turn into the kind of relationship she'd always dreamed of. But now, with sickening certainty, she realized that Julian had never loved ehr. And Rosalie was free again, deternimed to win Julian back. Alison felt suddenly that there was no use fighting anymore.