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Filthy Rich
James Patterson
Literature & Fiction / Mystery Thriller / Young Adult
A shocking true crime tale of money, power, and sex from the world's most popular thriller writer.
Jeffrey Epstein rose from humble origins to the rarefied heights of New York City's financial elite. A college dropout with an instinct for numbers--and for people--Epstein amassed his wealth through a combination of access and skill. But even after he had it all, Epstein wanted more. And that unceasing desire--especially a taste for young girls--resulted in his stunning fall from grace. From Epstein himself, to the girls he employed as masseuses at his home, to the cops investigating the appalling charges against him, FILTHY RICH examines all sides of a case that scandalized one of America's richest communities. An explosive true story, FILTHY RICH is a riveting account of wealth, power and the influence they bring to bear on the American justice system.

Die Rich Die Happy c-2
Part #2 of "Craig" series by James Munro
Oil is a sensitive commodity for Western governments so when problems arise for a rich man who can deliver the oil rights Department K is quick to send in someone they can easily disavow. Craig already knows he can't trust anyone in the Department but soon finds he really can't trust anyone at all. When the stakes are high enough everyone acts in their own interest.

Rich and Famous
James Lincoln Collier
At thirteen, George Stable still hasn't made his mark on the world. Oh, he plays the guitar and sings a little. And he appeared on television for six whole seconds once. A couple of years ago, he even wrote a sort of book, called The Teddy Bear Habit. But nothing really exciting has happened to him. But now, it looks as if his big chance has finally come. This agent of his, Woody Woodward, who discovered him during his six-second TV career, has come up with a plan to make him a hot new guitar-playing teenage star—"George Stable, The Boy Next Door." Never mind that George has spent his entire life in Greenwich Village, which is not exactly where you'd find your typical "Boy Next Door." As Woody says, it's the image that counts. Of course, there are a few problems to be ironed out. His pop isn't too hot on the idea, and is packing George off to stay with his uncle and creepy cousin Sinclair in upstate New York, while he spends a month in Paris. And Woody's bosses at the...