Beneath Long Forgotten Stars, An Ancient Vengeance Stirs. Guided by visions and with blood on her hands, Sabira Stargazer races for the mythical Shattered Gates of Heaven, hoping for a new life with her new family. Little does she know, her old life isn't done with her yet... Enraged at Sabira's betrayal, those she left behind vow to hunt her across the stars. But when both hunter and hunted are snared in an cosmic trap, they have only one way out: Unleash the mysterious power lurking in the heart of a dead world. With nowhere to run, Sabira must confront the loved ones she had forsaken. But can she fight her old family to protect her new one? If not, the forces of tyranny may acquire a weapon so great and vengeful, it will change the fate of the galaxy forever. Bryan S. Glosemeyer's Shattered Gates novels deliver fast-paced, thrilling sci-fi adventures set in the distant future, filled with...
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